Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church s2

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Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church s2

Ss. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church /Assumption B.V.M. Church 131 North Beech Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. 17851 Very Reverend Archpriest Michael Hutsko, Pastor Rectory 570-339-0650 Church Hall 570- 339-4333 Web Site- - E-Mail: [email protected] - Fax 570-339- 2715 Prayer Line: Louise Cuff 339-3660 – Eleanor Stebila 339-2353 – Louise Troyan 339- 1565 Please notify the rectory office if you or a loved one is hospitalized or admitted to a nursing home. Office Hours: Mon. Tues. - 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM - Wed. Thurs. 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Sunday 09-04-2016 15 th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 16 th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:15 AM – Confession Saturday 08-27-2016 9:15 AM – For the Parishioners 3:15 PM – Confession 11:00 AM – Assumption BVM - +Al 4:00 PM – For the Parishioners Mattu req. by Wife, Theresa

Sunday 08-28-2016 Daily Divine Liturgy: 15 th Sunday After Pentecost Please Note: Beginning Labor Day, 8:15 AM - Confession September 5th, daily Divine Liturgy will 9:15 AM – +Robert Bergal req. by Wife, be celebrated again at 8:00 AM. All Jeanne are encouraged to begin the day with 12:00 PM - Assumption BVM the Liturgy and receive Our Lord into -Celebrant Archbishop Stefan Soroka – your heart and mind. For a Successful Pilgrimage Day

Monday 08-29-2016 Beheading of John the Baptist (Simply Holyday) 7:30 - +Helen Kuzo req. by Rich & AUGUST 28, Patty Mychak 2016

Tuesday, August 30,2016 through Please Remember: Friday, September 2nd, 2016 - NO To pray for vocations to the Holy DIVINE LITURGY Priesthood & Religious Life Rosary Intention: Saturday– 09-03-2016 For the week of August 28, 2016 for the 8:00 AM- +Michael Merikas req. by sick & infirm of our Parishes. Wife, Anna In Your Prayers: 3:15 PM - Confession Please remember to pray for the sick & 4:00 PM – +Edward Grabowski – infirm of Birthday Rememberance req. by Wife, our Parishes Martha Welcome: We the people of Ss. Peter &Paul/Assumption Churches, are a catholic community that worships God, Help is needed in all aspects of this spreads the Good News of Christ, and project, please lend serves those in need. Come some of your time to help. into the house. Bring all you are, no Ss. Peter & Paul Replenish Fund need to check your failures at the door. Donations as of August 21, 2016 There are no perfect people here. You Total To Date: $68,694.54 are invited: come. Come in seeking, Replenish Fund: None come in wondering, come in hurting. Rebuilding Fund: Come into this house of companionship Memorial Donations Ss. Peter & and compassion. Come in. You are Paul: welcome here. $100.00 – In Memory of +Anthony Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption Churches Warsheski from International open their doors to you. Association of Bridge, Structural, Bulletin Requests: Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Worker’s Any requests or any information to be Local 404. placed in the bulletin must be in writing $25.00 – In Memory of +Anthony J. and submitted to the church office by Warsheski 12:00 Noon on Mondays. Thank you for By Edward G. Tyson & Family. your cooperation. $20.00 – In Memory of +Anthony The Vibrant Parish: Warsheski from Joseph & Jean Allar. A place to encounter the living Christ Your Stewardship : We thank you for through the Word of God, the Holy your financial support of our parish Mysteries & Prayer, Serving One’s communities. Neighbor, Leadership, Fostering & Weekly Parish Financial Report: Serving Unity & Missionary Spirit. Ss. Peter & Paul Church Upcoming Events: Sunday, August 21, 2016 $2,214.00 Mark your calendars and plan to support the following events: Expenses $2,597.87 August 28th – Pilgrimage at Sunday, August 23, 2015 Assumption BVM Church 12:00 PM to $1,353.00 4:00 PM Assumption BVM Church August 29th – Beheading of St. John Sunday, August 21, 2016 $ the Baptist – Simple Holyday 561.57 September 5th – Labor Day Expenses- $1,451.95 * September 6th – 7:00 PM – Ukrainian Day Wrap-Up meeting at St. Michael’s, Sunday, August 23, 2015 $ Frackville 460.00 September 8th – Birth of the *August – Second Installment for lock in Theotokos – Solemn Holyday oil price of $519.65 September 11th – 15th Anniversary of New Boiler Donation: the Attack on the United States. $226.00 – New Boiler Donation In Honor September 12th – Religious Education of Anna Budraitis by Cookie Mekosh – Classes resume- 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM Crosley and Ryan Crossley September 14th – Exaltation of the “ Say What” Holy Cross – Solemn Holyday Prayer – Don’t give God instructions – September 14 & 15 – Ss.Peter & just report for duty! Paul/Assumption Pyrohy Sale Resumes. Ss. Peter & Paul Church Lector first sin was based on willful Schedule disobedience toward God and lack of Sat – August 27th trust in his mercy. When Adam and Eve Lorraine C. Palko 4:00 heard God calling to them in Eden, they PM hid in fear. They knew they had done Sun – August 28th wrong, but they didn’t trust him. The Justina Eisenhart 9:15 Catechism of the Catholic Church AM explains: Man, tempted by the devil let Sat – September 3rd his trust in his creator die in his heart Ellen Goretsky and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed 4:00 PM God’s command. Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, Sun – September 4th MIC, wrote about it this way: “Truly, sin Christine Bogner 9:15 begins with a lack of trust. Sure, pride AM was there, too. But the starting point, the origin of sin, is lack of trust in God. Assumption BVM Church Lector And this applies not only to the first sin Schedule but to all subsequent sin.” Sun – August 28th Our Prayer: Father, you call to us Bryce Fiamoncini 12:00 today as you did our first parents in the Noon Garden. Strengthen our trust in your Sun- September 4th divine mercy, so that we may never Kianna Rizzo 11:00 hide from you. AM Altar Rosary Society: Mystery (Sacrament) of Penance: Sunday, September 4th is Altar Rosary Society Sunday. All members are asked Is available before each Divine Liturgy to pray together, receive the Holy on Saturday, 3:15 PM to 4:00 PM and Eucharist as a body and attend a short on Sunday in meeting immediately after the Divine Ss. Peter & Paul Church 8:15 AM to 9:00 Liturgy. New members are always AM, and at Assumption BVM Church on welcome. Sunday before 11:00 AM Divine Liturgy in the confessionals.

Inspiring Words from Pope Francis: Holy Name Society: “Let us not forget: If we are to Sunday, September 11th is Holy Name proclaim the Gospel of Jesus, our lives Society Sunday. All members are urged must bear witness to what we preach.” to pray together, and receive the Holy Eucharist as a group. New members are August 28: A Matter of Trust always welcome. So many events in life teach us not to Ukrainian Seminary Day Wrap-Up trust. So often our trust has been Meeting: betrayed—in the political realm, in A follow-up Ukrainian Day meeting is business dealings and in personal scheduled for Tuesday, September 6th at relationships. So it’s no wonder that we St. Michael’s Hall in Frackville beginning might find it difficult to trust in God’s at 7:00 PM. The agenda for the meeting mercy. But think about this. Humanity’s includes a thorough review of the recently concluded Ukrainian Day event mountainside above the Borough of including ways in which we can make Centralia, PA. Prayers begin at NOON improvements for next year’s with the celebration of the Divine celebration. Also, a full and complete Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom lead by financial report will be distributed and a Archbishop Soroka joined by local decision made as to the deanery clergy. The homilist at that Liturgy will contribution in support of our seminary. be Very Reverend Vasyl Kharuk, an All are invited to attend and participate approved Extraordinary Minister of in the discussion. Mercy during the Jubilee Year, and Spiritual Director at St. Josaphat Vacationing for the Summer: Seminary in Washington, DC. There will If you are traveling this summer on be a “Living Rosary” recited in the vacation and do not attend liturgies, outdoor chapel beginning at 2:30 PM. At please contribute your previous weeks the conclusion of the rosary, there will envelopes that you have missed in the be a reflection given by Reverend John weekly collection basket when you Szada, a priest of the Harrisburg return from vacation. This will help with Diocese and Chaplain to the Carmelite defraying operating costs for our Sisters in Elysburg. Confessions will be churches. Thank you for your heard throughout the day by clergy of considered generosity and have a the South Anthracite Deanery. healthy, happy and safe vacation. Concluding ceremonies will begin at 4:00 PM with a Candlelight Procession A CALL TO PRAYER: from the outdoor chapel to the Church. BESEECHING GOD’S MERCY and Along the way, the procession will pause PRAYING FOR THE INTERCESSION at the Grotto for a solemn blessing of OF THE MOTHER OF GOD---During water celebrating the Jubilee Year of his visit in November 2015, Patriarch Mercy, continuing into the Church. Once and Major-Archbishop Sviatoslav in Church, Archbishop Stefan will lead Shevchuk, Primate of the Ukrainian the singing of the Moleben to the Catholic Church world-wide, marveled at Mother of God as well as delivering the the continuing presence of Assumption homily. Following the Moleben, oil will BVM Church in Centralia and the sense be blessed and prayers recited for the of true holiness which pervades the healing of body and soul. After which all entire property. His desire is for all are invited to come forward to receive people of faith to come and experience the anointing. There will be light the same holiness and sanctity he refreshments available and religious discovered during his visit. In his name, items on display for purchase. Any items Archbishop Stefan Soroka and the purchased that day will be blessed at Parishioners of Assumption Church the conclusion of the “living rosary”. invite you to pilgrimage to this holy Assumption BVM Church has been place to gather in prayer “Beseeching designated as an Archieparchial Holy God’s Mercy and Praying for the Door of Mercy. All pilgrims are Intercession of the Mother of God” on encouraged to walk through the door Sunday, August 28th. All Divine Services and obtain special blessings of the and activities will take place in the Jubilee Year of Mercy. This is a rain or Church and on the grounds of shine event. ALL ARE WELCOME! Assumption BVM Church on the resurrection upon humanity.. He is for More Pilgrimage Information: all the Savior, the resurrection and the We have no idea how many people will life, and the God of all. be attending the pilgrimage, as this is our first year. However, we are making Now and ever and forever. Amen. plans for as many contingencies as possible. While we Theotokion: have adequate parking on and around Undaunted patroness of Christians, O our property, should there be an steadfast intermediary with the Creator, overflow crowd we are making turn not away from the suppliant voices arrangements for off-site parking on of sinners, but in your kindness come to Railroad St. in help us who cry out to you in faith. Be the borough and providing van quick to intercede, make haste to plead, transportation up to the Church and for you are ever the patroness of those returning to town as needed. Please who honor you, O Mother of God. share this information with anyone you know who is planning to attend. Prokimenon: Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance. Pilgrimage Clean-Up: V. Unto You I will cry, O Lord my God, Help is needed Monday Morning at 9:00 lest You turn from me in silence. AM to clean-up after the Pilgrimage. Any and all support you give will greatly Epistle: 2 Cor 4:6-15 be appreciated. This call for help is extended to all the parishes in our Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! deanery.. He who lives in the aid of the Most High, shall dwell under the protection of the God of heaven. V. He says to the Lord: You are my 15 th Sunday After Pentecost protector and my refuge, my God, in Troparion: Whom I hope. Angelic powers were upon Your tomb Alleluia (3x) and the guards became like dead men; Mary stood before Your tomb seeking Gospel: Mt 22:35-46 Your most pure body. You captured Hades without being overcome by it. Communion Verse: You met the Virgin and granted life. O Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Lord, risen from the dead, glory be to him in the highest. You! Alleluia (3x)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: Divine Redeemer Church: Kontakion Mohegan Sun Casino, Wilkes Barre, PA With His life-giving hand Christ our Mary Mostik Memorial Bus Trip God, the Giver of life, raised all the dead Mohegan Sun Casino, Wilkes Barre, PA from the murky abyss and bestowed Mary Mostik Memorial Bus Trip Tuesday, October 4,2016 - $22.00 registration forms, we will need a copy $25.00 rebate plus $5.00 food coupon. of the student’s baptismal certificate if Payment Due: Tuesday, September 20th they were not baptized in our parish. non-refundable. Further info: 570-339- Volunteers Needed: 2579. We invite any adult who is interested, to “get involved” in our parish Religious Boyers Key Tags Education program. No experience is A new supply of Boyers key tags have necessary, except for a sincere desire to arrived and are located in the vestibule share the Faith with our young people. of the Church. Please feel free to take We will provide teacher manuals and all what you need, but be sure to use them necessary items to assist you. If you are every time you shop at any Boyers interested, please contact Fr. Michael at Supermarket. Keep in mind, our parish the rectory office. receives a 1% rebate on every dollar you spend. This has been an excellent September Pyrohy Sale: fund-raiser for our parish. Your Ss. Peter & Paul/Assumption BVM continued support is greatly Pyrohy Sale will resume on Wednesday, appreciated. September 14th, 2016 at 8:00 AM and $25.00 rebate plus $5.00 food coupon. Thursday, September 15th, 2016 starting at 8:00 AM. Cost of Pyrohy is $8.00 Bingo: per dozen. Orders must be placed by Holy Angels Church Hall/Kulpmont, Thursday, September 8th, 2016 by PA: calling the church office at 570-339- Bingo 0650 by 12:00 noon. Orders received Date: Sunday, 9/11/16 after that time will be placed on a Doors Open: 12:30 PM – Bingo Starts: waiting list and if we have extra 2:30 PM pyrohy for sale, we will notify you. We Fee: $20 in advance; $25 at the door are in need of helping hands in all Call JoAnn -570-259-9299 aspects of this project. Anyone COACH/ MICHAEL KORS/KATE interested in helping, please come to SPADE/RALPH LAUREN the church hall on the above dates. Religious Instruction: Registration and opening classes for our Sticky Bun Sale: parish Religious Education Program will September is here and it’s back to be held on Monday evening, September school! Soon the temperatures will be 12th from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM in the cooling and the leaves will be changing church social hall. Again this year, we which makes the perfect time for warm, will have classes for all youth of our gooey, sticky buns! We will be taking parish…from both Ss. Peter & Paul & orders for Assumption BVM…from Pre-K through homemade sticky buns with nuts and 8th Grade. Parents, you are reminded of without nuts. Sticky bun—plain cost is your serious obligation before the Lord $5.00 for a pan of 6, sticky buns with to bring up your children in the Faith. nuts cost is $6.00 for a pan of 6. Please be sure they are registered for Orders can be placed by completing an classes and attend faithfully each order form which have been placed in Monday evening through the school the vestibules of our parishes, or by year. In order to complete the calling the Ss. Peter & Paul Church Office at 570-339-0650, during normal office hours or by visiting our parish Memoriam: Facebook event page. Orders can be We offer our love, prayers and placed until Wednesday, September 21, sympathy to the family and friends of 2016 with pick up on Saturday, the late +Bishop Richard Seminack, September 24, 2016 from 12:00 noon Bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy until 4:00 PM, and also on Sunday. of St. Nicholas in Chicago who fell Pickups will be in the Church basement. asleep in the Lord, Tuesday afternoon, August 16th. May Our Lord and Savior Wedding Anniversary Celebration: Jesus Christ comfort Bishop Seminack’s Divine Liturgy will be celebrated Sunday, family and friends and may His Memory October 16,2016 at 11:00 AM at the be Eternal! Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Phila., PA. Vichnaya Pamyat! All Married Faithful wishing to celebrate their wedding anniversary will renew their wedding vows as they gather with other jubilarians from throughout the Archeparchy to celebrate their love, faith & commitment to each other in the presence of Almighty God & Family and friends. After the Divine Liturgy, a dinner with the Archbishop will be an opportunity for all to break bread together. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of Ss. Peter & Paul Church or the Church office.

Halupki Dinner: Sponsored by St. Nicholas Church Sunday, September 18th 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM St. Nicholas Hall, Primrose Includes – halupki, mashed potatoes Filling, green beans, roll $10.00/platter…eat-in or take-out Advance tickets only call 544-4581

Boyer’s Care & Share Program Report: Ss. Peter & Paul Church has received a check from Boyer’s Food Market in the amount of $334.59 from January through June 30, 2016 which represents 1% of Ss. Peter & Paul church purchases. Please continue to use your Boyer’s Key card as every little bit helps our parish.

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