United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

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United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

Volume 9, Issue 10 PRIDE RUNS DEEP October 2004 http://www.ussvinova.org/


“To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation towards greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.”




Base Commander: Ray Stone: (703) 913-9843, [email protected]

Vice Commander: Tom Perrault, [email protected]

Secretary: Mark Riethmeier: (703) 490-3679, [email protected]

Treasurer: Art Esposito: (703) 437-3996, [email protected]

Chaplain: Al Friedrich: (703) 370-4496

Storekeeper & Veterans Affairs Officer: Lou Maruzo: (540) 727-7610, [email protected]

Chief of the Boat (COB): Vacant, [email protected] THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

BASE COMMANDER’S LOG Greetings fellow shipmates,

We had another great turnout for our October meeting, as well as an excellent and enjoyable presentation on “Submarines and the Failure of Cold War Intelligence” from our guest speaker, Norman Polmar. Mr. Polmar is known worldwide as a highly qualified defense analyst and consultant to members of Congress and senior Navy personnel. He has authored more than thirty books on military subjects and his byline appears regularly in both Navy League Sea Power magazine, and the United States Naval Institute Proceedings. He has also appeared on numerous radio and television news shows to discuss contemporary military-naval events, and is featured regularly on documentaries and other features on the History, Discovery and A&E television channels.

Norman was also kind enough to provide copies of his latest book, Cold War Submarines which he co-authored with K. J. Moore. He stuck around long enough for a 'book signing' and to also answer questions on a 'one-on-one' basis. A fine gentleman and an outstanding speaker!

And finally, we enjoyed another telling of sea stories over our usual ‘milk and cookies’ session up in the Post lounge following our meeting. Another great time had by all.

See you at the November meeting where our 'guest speaker' will be our own Secretary & Historian, Mark Riethmeier! The topic? Well, you just need to show up to find out (and you won't be disappointed, either)!

Cheers mates, Ray

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The Base Commander, Ray Stone, called the meeting to order at 10:35 AM, 9 October, The meeting was held at the American Legion Post 176, Springfield, Virginia.

Chaplain Al Friedrich gave the invocation. The Base Commander, Ray Stone read the names of the boats lost in the month of October which were:

USS O-5 SS-66 29-October-1923

USS S-44 SS-155 07-October-1943

USS WAHOO SS-238 11-October-1943

USS DORADO SS-248 12-October-1943

USS SEAWOLF SS-197 03-October-1944

USS ESCOLAR SS-294 17-October-1944

USS SHARK SS-314 24-October-1944

USS DARTER SS-227 24-October-1944

USS TANG SS-306 25-October-1944 The Base Vice Commander, Tom Perrault, led all hands in the Pledge of Allegiance.

A brief history regarding the loss of the USS O-5 was not read at the meeting but is however, included in this month's newsletter.

The USS O-5, SS-66 was a submarine built in 1917 by Fore River Shipbuilding Co., Quincy, Mass. She was commissioned 8 June 1918, Lt. G. A. Trever in command.

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During the final months of World War I, O-5 operated along the Atlantic coast and patrolled from Cape Cod to Key West. She departed Newport, Rhode Island on 3 November with a 20-sub contingent bound for European waters; however, before the vessels had reached the Azores, the Armistice was signed. The war was over. The submarine fleet returned to the United States. The O-5 operated out of the Submarine School at New London, Conn. until 1923. O-5 then sailed to Coco Solo of the Canal Zone for a brief tour. On 28 October 1923, as O-5 entered Limon Bay, preparatory to transiting the Canal, she was rammed by United Fruit steamer SS ABANGAREZ and sank in less than a minute, with the loss of 3 men.

She was struck from the Navy Register 28 April 1924, she was sold as a hulk to R. K. Morris, Balboa on 12 December 1924. (Source: Information from the Dictionary of American Fighting Ships)

Shipmates and guests introduced themselves and provided a brief summary of the ships on which he served.

Members and guests in attendance were:

Rena Adcock (Guest), Wayne Baldwin, James Bryant, Michael Byers, James Chenvert, Art Esposito, Tom Evans (Guest), Al Friedrich, Paula Friedrich, Mickey Garverick, Maurice Goodwin (Guest), Curt Haggard, Alvin Hernandez, Christopher Herst, Michael LaMont, Lou and Susan Maruzo, Pat Morgan, Paul Nelson, Benny Parker, Frank Pasquinelli, Tom Perrault, Pete Petruy, John Prisley, Art Rosen, George Sanderson, Tim Shannon, Art Smith, George Steeg, Ray Stone, Ron and Peggy Williams, Carl Wootten, and our guest speaker, Mr. Norman Polmar.

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New Members

The September meeting minutes are contained in the One MC and available on the Base Web Site: http://www.ussvinova.org/ A motion was made to accept the September meeting minutes as provided in the One MC, the motion was seconded, and the minutes were approved.

The Base Treasurer, Art Esposito provided a summary of the current Base finances. Current amounts are:

 Savings Account: $3,402.46  Checking Account: $376.84 Total: $3,779.30

A motion was made to accept the report. The motion was seconded and the Treasurer’s report was approved.

The Executive Committee Report for the meeting held 30 September (and highlighted below) is included in the posted One MC. To minimize the meeting time in consideration of Mr. Polmar’s presentation, a motion was made and seconded to accept the Executive Committee Report published in the One MC. The following is a brief summary of the meeting:

Old Business: The Base Treasurer, Art Esposito, provided a quick summary of the major changes to National and Base Membership fees. Additional information is contained at the end of the One MC.

Lou Maruzo, the Base Storekeeper, has made available USSVI 2005 calendars at a cost of $8.00 each (Note: $2.00 is provided to the Base). The Navy Submarine League Dolphin Scholarship Calendars are also available at a cost of $6.00 each.

The NOVA Base received the First Runner-Up award for Best Newsletter of the year award; the award was presented at the 2004 National Convention in Saratoga Springs, NY. Well done to Mark Riethmeier on winning the award!

Chili –Cook-off: The date for the 2005 cook-off is yet to be determined.

Base Bylaws Re-write – Distributed to the membership for review. Revision sent to membership. Extensive discussion was held during the meeting. A motion was made to return the revised Base Bylaws to the Executive Committee for incorporation of proposed changes. A motion was made and seconded for this action. Motion was approved.

Long Term Plan – November Speaker – Mark Riethmeier, December – White House Tour (looking for volunteer to head this up). Page 5 THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

Holiday Gathering: The attendance list was passed to All Hands to indicate if they were interested in a Holiday Event to be held at JW and Friends.

New Business:

Admiral Bowman will be relieved as head of Naval Reactors by Admiral Donald. Membership needs to discuss the idea of a reception as a welcome aboard and hail and farewell event for the admirals and their wives. This would be a Saturday evening event, coat and tie, cash bar. Due to availability of the Admirals, this will probably turn out to be a “Welcome Aboard” for Admiral Donald. Ron Williams will contact the Naval Offices. Ray Stone will make arrangements for use of the American Legion Post 176. Volunteers to coordinate the event are still requested.

Nominations for base officers were at the meeting and all current officers were nominated for another year. Ballots will be forwarded to All Hands and votes will be open until closing of the November 13th meeting. The results will be released at the December meeting and base officers will be sworn in at the end of the December meeting. Ron Williams, District 3 Commander (and acting COB!) led the attendees in a moment of silence for the loss of life experienced on the Canadian submarine transiting from England home. Recovery procedures are still underway. Ron also presented an opportunity for the Base to support clean-up of LAKE ACCOTINK PARK . The park is located at 7500 Accotink Park Road in Springfield. Its 493 acres include a 55-acre lake with boating, fishing, hiking, miniature golf, a carousel, snack bar, tour boat rides, trails, picnic areas and playgrounds. More information will follow. He also reminded the Base about out School program orienting to the U.S. Navy and the Submarine Force. Discussion relating to a Base scholarship to Northern Virginia High School seniors was also brought up and passed to the Executive Committee for review. Commissioning of the VIRGINIA, SSN 774 will be on 23 October at Norfolk Naval Base. YOU MUST MAIL IN YOUR RSVP CARD TO RECEIVE TICKETS. Finally, Ron asked if any member served on the James Monroe and knew EMCM (SS) Victor Belbusti. Currently, plans are made for his internment at Arlington Nation Cemetery on 22 November. The following e-mail was sent to the Base Commander to provide specific details: Dear Ray: By way of introduction, I am a retired Navy Captain and submariner. I'm e-mailing you to notify you of the death of EMCM (SS) Victor Belbusti, USN (Ret.) on September 29 at this home in Charleston, SC.

Vic was a 30-year man-10 in surface ships and 20 in nuclear submarines. He was my chief of the boat for five patrols when I was XO James Monroe (622) and was the most outstanding Chief Petty Officer I have ever had the pleasure to serve with in my 27 years. Vic and his wife Molly were our closest friends in and out of the Navy for almost 40 years.

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Vic's body was cremated, and his ashes will be buried at Arlington on Nov. 22 at 9:00 am. I know that the Navy does funerals right (during my stint at BuPers I was BuPers Rep at several funerals), but I would hope that some submariners could be there also. Vic was not a member of SubVets- his work after retirement kept him traveling- but his outstanding service deserves a submarine sendoff. If some members of your chapter would be able to attend, his wife Molly, his shipmates, and I would be grateful.

Molly's e-mail address is [email protected], should you care to contact her.

Thanks. Skip Vellom

Executive Leadership Meeting – 30 September 2004

The EXCOM Meeting was held at 1910 at the American Legion Post 176, Attendees were: Base Commander, Ray Stone; Vice Commander, Tom Perrault; Treasurer, Art Esposito; and Secretary, Mark Riethmeier

TOPICS DISCUSSED: o Base Bylaws – A strawman was presented to the EXCOM by Jim Chenvert. Dates for Base officer elections needed to be changed and it needed to reflect new dues rates. New National dues come into effect after the convention. Life membership (National) goes up in January. The Bylaws have been through an extensive review to ensure compliance with those laws of National. o Base Officer Elections – Nomination Committee: Tom Perrault was “volunteered” to Chair. Since Tim Shannon did not attend the EXCOM, he was “volunteered” to assist. All current base officers are willing to serve if nominated. o Web Site: Looking for torpedoes to use for icons. Base Historian forwarded samples to the Base Treasurer. o Membership - Base Control Report – Updates were last forwarded to National 09/24/04. Four members are DINK in Base dues. Letters have been sent. Failure to renew will result in their names being dropped from the membership. New plastic membership cards are available from the Base Treasurer for Regular members. Those with Life membership receive their own cards from National. o Speakers – October: Norman Polmar, November: Mark Riethmeier. Need to determine if October speaker requires a projector, screen, etc. o The new Tri-Folds are available from National. There are some typos. They will be available for the next membership meeting. o National Convention at Saratoga Springs had a table reserved for NOVA Base. Attendees were Ray Stone, Ron and Peggy Williams, Lou and Susan Maruzo.

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Binnacle List: Please keep the following in your prayers. Ruri Wootten, Rod Puffer, Randy Buss, Paul Nelson and Dex Armstrong.

Birthdays For The Month of October Jill Karsten Batiza 1 October Henry Krohn 20 October Kathleen Baldwin 2 October JoAnne Kelch 22 October James Bryant 2 October David Rivera 23 October Eva Poblete 2 October John Wiles 23 October Haggard, Joni 13 October Louise Decker 28 October Margaret Hollar 19 October Lou Maruzo 28 October

The Base Chaplain read the benediction.

The 50/50 raffle was conducted. Ray Stone was the winner and he donated his portion of the winnings to the Base for use in the Scholarship Fund.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM.

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Presentation by author Norman Polmar

NORMAN POLMAR is an analyst, consultant, and author specializing in naval, strategic, and intelligence issues.

Since 1980 Mr. Polmar has been a consultant to several senior officials in the Navy and Department of Defense, including three Secretaries of the Navy and two Chiefs of Naval Operations. He has directed several studies for U.S. and foreign shipbuilding and aerospace firms. From 1982 to 1986, and from December 2002 he has been a member of the Secretary of the Navy's Research Advisory Committee (NRAC). He also has been a consultant to the Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and a member of study panels of the Naval Studies Board of the National Academy of Sciences and the Defense Science Board.

Mr. Polmar had a primary role in the writing and was co-editor of From the Sea: Preparing the Naval Service for the 21st Century (1992), the U.S. Navy's initial post-Cold War strategy statement, and more recently was involved in writing the Navy's ASW master plan.

He has had 40 books published, several of them related to submarines. These include the biography Rickover: Controversy and Genius, co-authored with Thomas B. Allen, and Cold War Submarines: The Design and Construction of U.S. and Soviet Submarines, co-authored with K.J. Moore. The latter was written in collaboration with the Russian submarine design bureaus RUBIN and MALACHITE.

Mr. Polmar has visited Russia on several occasions and as well as China, and has traveled extensively in Europe, the Middle East, and the Far East.


A commentary by the Base Secretary: I have selected the following “passage” from the collected works of Dex Armstrong for a specific purpose. We recognize the devastation created by hurricanes Francis, Ivan and Jeanne, but what often becomes an afterthought are the sailors at sea in these treacherous waters! Our thoughts and prayers are equally divided between those ashore in harms way, but also to those in peril on the sea!

Mark Riethmeier Page 9 THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

Heavy Weather by Bob 'Dex' Armstrong

Did you see "Das Boot" (The Boat)? Kraut U-boat flick… Great. If you haven't seen it and you rode smoke boats, do yourself a favor and rent the video. In the movie, there is a scene where the boat closes with another U-boat in the North Atlantic. There is one helluva sea running and the lads on the bridge are wearing rain gear. I got a little nostalgic… I loved heavy weather. I loved bouncing around in a butt-buster storm. I was blessed in that I never got seasick. I loved storms… You remember the kind with flat rain? Rain that was wind carried, came in dime-size drops and came in flat? Wicked stuff. No one could invent an amusement park ride like heavy weather in the North Atlantic with 40 ft. seas running. Gray overhead, and wind drifted foam smacking hell out of you. If you could mate a roller coaster, a bucking bronco and a drunken marimba band, you might get close. As I said, God blessed me in that I never got seasick. A lot of good men did… And did their job in spite of it. They are the ones who deserve admiration. I was an idiot who loved the 'rock n' roll' on the bridge. Loved to see the bow disappear, have green water smash up against the sail, then see the bullnose come slicing up through the swell. Loved it. Like sex on a mechanical bull… Not that I ever engaged in that, but I have a wide angle imagination (Someone said that RamJet not only had done that, but did it with a mechanical paint mixer in each hip pocket). "Roll you sonuvabitch, roll!" "Pitch you sonuvabitch, pitch!" Never failed. For some reason, the damn boat took a weird roll every time I passed the air manifold, and I hit it… Or it hit me in the right rib cage… All those raw valve stems, hammer valve handles and reducer bonnets - sort of a vertical Hindu torture rack. It owned me. I don't want to enter the "National Clumsy Sonuvabitch Championships," but then again, nobody ever requested that I attend a command performance audition for the National Ballet. In heavy weather, I bounced around like a ping pong ball in a tambourine. I would start up a ladder on an uproll, then the bottom would drop out and I would fly up like I was shot out of a cannon, and played the last ten ladder rungs like a xylophone, with my kneecaps. I slept in the middle after rack next to the hull, outboard in the alley. The medic had a CRES sheet metal locker at the end of the passageway. If you bunked in the alley and were in your rack at sick call, you got treated to masterfully crafted bullshit explanations for injury, personally sensitive maladies, and hitchhiking critter populations. Over the years, I heard Pulitzer Prize contending stuff. I heard grown men tell things that only a mother and the most gullible sonuvabitch on the planet would believe. One fellow explained that a pineapple fell out of a pineapple tree and split his nose and lip. Doc explained that pineapples grow on the ground… "Oh hell Doc, Make it a watermelon tree and put some kind of Band Aid on it." Page 10 THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

I get off the subject easily… As I was saying, I slept in the rack next to Doc's magical medical locker. The shelves in Doc's box were held in with pop rivets… The flat side of one rivet was boogered up and had a sharp edge. Once while I was racked out, dead to the world, the boat was rolling in heavy seas… My head would roll over next to the medical locker and the jagged pop rivet would etch little scratch tracks on my face. When they woke me up to go on watch, I looked like a Zamboanga bush man. My face looked like I had been in a sword fight and everybody had a sword but me. It took two months to get over that one… And the pop rivet got smacked flat and taped over. Everyone stored junk in the overhead vent lines… Especially sea print film cases. When you started taking heavy rolls, all sorts of crap fell out of the overhead. If you want to duplicate the sensation of getting hit with a three reel 16mm. sea print film can, lay flat on the kitchen floor and have your wife stand on a kitchen stool and drop a bowling ball on your nose… That would be a close simulation. In heavy weather, the cooks made 'Pick it up and carry it with you' chow… The best were meatloaf sandwiches. You could cram a couple in the pockets of your foul weather jacket along with a banana, and pick up a lidded cup of coffee. Life was good. One night I was on the stern planes… Adrian Stukey had the bow planes. We were snorkeling at 65 ft. in heavy seas. We brought it up to 60 ft. because the head valve kept cycling, driving everyone nuts, and putting a helluva lot of water in the forward engine room (After the Cutlass passed a hundred feet once with the diving officer continuing to push the electrode bypass… We usually elected to show more snork. In heavy seas, the rising and falling swells gave enough sea returns to hide a gahdam totem pole). There we were, bouncing around in 60 ft. of surface turbulence, running the needles in the shallow gauges five and five… Adrian had the stern planes and as usual, was singing a Ray Charles song… "I'm Busted"… We were pitching around and roller coasting all over hell and half Georgia, when someone trying to make his way aft, bounced into something over near the I. C. board and everything went black. Black inside a submarine is definitely dark. I don't think it gets any darker than that. My old' man used to say, "It was darker than the inside of a well digger's wallet." It was at least that dark. Anyone who isn't a gahdam liar, will tell you he had a puckered vent. In that split second where everyone is fumbling around trying to locate the switches on the battle lanterns, Adrian yells, "MAMA, IT'S A MIRACLE!! I'VE BECOME RAY CHARLES!!!" Then we regained lighting and we were still laughing. Things never got so tough that Adrian Stuke couldn't make you smile. He has been my shipmate for 40 years… And married an absolute knockout of a gal. Janie is as lovely inside as she is outside. Why she puts up with the most untamed wildman on the planet only God and Janie know… Love 'em both. Eating was always a hoot in foul weather with heavy seas running. Officers had fiddle boards, wooden table covers with holes cut out for their dishes. As the boat rolled, the dishes stayed on the table (not the same could always be said for the contents). The animals had red rubber mats. You know, 'hot water bottle' red rubber… On a good roll, you could still wind up wearing most of your meal. I used to relieve guys who weren't that comfortable spending a couple of hours at the end of a dog chain in the shears. Loved the magnificence of that spectacle. Nobody can watch that display of natural forces and go below failing to believe in some kind of supreme power. You don't have to be real religious to know you've been close to something.

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And if you were very lucky, when you dropped into the control room sopping wet and tried to unsnap your gear with half frozen prune fingers, the old man would look up from the chart table, finger his old burnt up pipe and say, "Dex, tell Doc to break out brandy for the bridge watch." There's nothing like a cup of 'bottom of the pot' coffee, a little brandy, the pounding of Fairbanks engines, and watching the steam coming off your socks draped over the engine cover.

(For other Dex Armstrong stories, go to: http://www.olgoat.com/

The following is additional information provided to base members but not presented at the monthly meeting.

For those interested in becoming a member of the American Legion, membership dues are $24 per year at Post 176.

The Submarine Ship’s Store, 301 Whitworth Dr., Culpepper, VA 22701

Phone: (540) 727-7610 (Fax: (800) 227-3099)

Lou Maruzo, http://www.subshipstore.com, e-Mail: [email protected]

Garrison Cap W/SubVets Logo Ball Cap W/Submarine Veteran Patch & USSVI Patches & Three (3) Embroidered Lines Of Base Name (Up To Two Lines) Large $11.00, Medium $5.00, Text Sizes 7, 7-1/4, 7-3/8, 7-1/2, 7- Embroidered On The Back Mini $4.00 3/4 $30.00 $17.00

Page 12 THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

Submarine Veteran Life Member Submarine Veteran Logo License Plate Submarine Veteran Logo Flag $40.00 Patch $5.00 $8.00

Submarine Veteran Logo T- Submarine Veteran Logo Decal NOVA Base Logo Patch Shirt $2.00 $6.00 (See Base Treasurer) Medium - White $12.00 Large - Gray $12.00 XL - Gray $12.00 XXL - Gray or White $14.00 XXXL - Gray or White $16.00

Basic Lined Vest S-XL $25, XXL $30 Complete Vest with Patches will be ~ $115 depending upon accessories ordered. Provide waist size and Shoulder-to-Waist length. Page 13 THE ONE MC United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Northern Virginia Base

Submarine prints are available through Tom Denton. Tom has prints of Diesel Subs, Fast Attacks, 41 for Freedom, Trident, British Fleet, Submarine Rescue, Lihthouses and some skimmer stuff (if you’re into that sort of thing). You can view available prints at http://www.submarineart.com, write him at: Tom Denton, 8629 Discovery Blvd., Walkersville, MD 21793, or contact him at (301) 845-0049 or e-Mail: [email protected]

Dues Plans for USSVI Northern Virginia Base Current National Dues are: NATIONAL (Effective as of 20 September 2004) Annual $20 Three Years $55 Five Years $90 LIFE MEMBER (Effective until 31 December 2004) Age 65+ $ 50 Age 55-65 $100 Age 45-55 $150 Age 45 and younger $250

National has an installment plan for becoming a Life Member. Minimum payment is $25. Best deal – Take advantage of this now before the new National Life Member dues increase becomes effective.

LIFE MEMBER (Effective 1 January 2005) Age 76 and over $100 Age 66 - 75 $200 Age 56 - 65 $300 Age 46 - 55 $400 Age 45 and younger $500 National has an installment plan for becoming a Life Member. Minimum payment will be $50.

Current Northern Virginia Subase Base dues are and will remain in effect after 1 January 2005: ANNUAL $ 10 LIFE MEMBER Age 65+ $ 50 Age 55 – 65 $100 Age 45 - 55 $150 Under Age 45 $250

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Base dues are waived for Holland Club members.

Please cut on the dotted line and submit to Treasurer by mail or at the next meeting you attend. ------Name: Date: ______National Dues: Annual $20 Amount Enclosed: ______Three Years $55 Amount Enclosed: ______Five Years $90 Amount Enclosed: ______Life Age Dependent Amount Enclosed: ______Life Age Dependent Installment Plan Amount Enclosed: ______NOVA Subase Dues: $10 Amount Enclosed: ______Total Enclosed: ______

Make check to: USSVI NOVA Subase Send Payment to: Arthur Esposito 12618 Bayard Drive Reston, VA 20191-5802

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USSVI NORTHERN VIRGINIA BASE http://www.ussvinova.org/ APPLICATION FOR ALL NEW, RENEWAL, or TRANSFER MEMBERSHIPs "To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government."

I subscribe to the creed of the United States Submarine Veterans Inc., and agree to abide by all Bylaws, Regulations, and Procedures governing ANNUAL DUES: the Unites States Submarine Veterans, Inc., so long as they do not conflict $30 ($20 – National, $10 - Base) with my military or civil obligations. ANNUAL DUES COVER BOTH BASE I will furnish further proof of my eligibility for membership if required. AND NATIONAL USSVI ORGANIZATIONAL DUES Signature ______

NAME:______DATE: ______/______/______(MM/DD/YY) ADDRESS:______

CITY:______STATE: ______ZIP:______

BIOGRAPHICAL DATA (New Members / Updates)

Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY): ______/______/______E-mail Address: ______

Telephone: (h) ______; (w) ______; (c) ______

Date First Enl. /Comm. (MM/DD/YY):______/______/______Date Discharged (MM/DD/YY):______/______/______

Total Years of Service: ______Highest Rate / Rank Attained: ______Retired (Y/N)? ______

Qual Boat: ______Hull#______Yrs. (YY/YY) ______/______

Qual Rate / Rank______Qual Date: (MM/YY): ______/______

Other Boats: ______Hull# ______Yrs. (YY/YY) ______/______

Other Boats: ______Hull# ______Yrs. (YY/YY) ______/______

Other Boats: ______Hull# ______Yrs. (YY/YY) ______/______

Other Boats: ______Hull# ______Yrs. (YY/YY) ______/______

Spouse's Name: ______; Spouse's Birthday (MM/DD): ______/______

(Continue on reverse if necessary)

Applicants serving on active duty are requested to provide a permanent address through which they may be contacted. Just bring it to a meeting, or Check the website at the Top of This Page for email addresses

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OLD KEENE MILL RD Going EAST - From Burke · Past the light at Commerce St, Old Keene Mill Rd expands to 5 lanes · Continue East, stay to the Right, continue past Spring Rd · Pass Springfield Methodist Church and a Mobil station on the Right · Just before the overpass (I-95), turn Right on Springfield Blvd · Turn Right into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

I-395 Going SOUTH - From Washington DC · Pass the through the 395/495/95 interchange, move to the Right · Take exit 169B (sign 'SPRINGFIELD W 644') · Stay to the Left and Pass Brandon and Backlick · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

I-495 (Capital Beltway) - INNER LOOP - From Woodrow Wilson Bridge - OUTER LOOP - From Tyson's Corner · Take 95 SOUTH exit · Take exit 169B (sign 'SPRINGFIELD W 644') · Pass Brandon and Backlick · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

I-95 Going NORTH - From Woodbridge (Richmond) · Take Springfield exit 169 (Stay Left for exit 169B onto Old Keene Mill Rd) · After passing under I-95, immediately move to the Right lane · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

FRANCONIA RD. Going WEST - From Annandale · After passing under I-95, immediately move to the Right lane · Turn Right on Bland (by sign 'TO S 617, TO 7900') · Turn Right at the first light and cross over Veterans’ Bridge · Turn Right at the Springfield Blvd light at base of the bridge · Immediate Left into American Legion Post 176 parking lot

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All Shipmates:

Best Wishes for a Happy Halloween and a reminder to please submit your attached ballot as soon as possible.


Ray Stone Base Commander Northern Virginia Base USSVI

All Hands!

Vote for your candidates of choice for each position listed below. Write-in candidates are eligible. Voting period is from the end of the October Meeting through the end of the 13 November meeting. The Base Secretary will record all electronic and mail votes and submit to Executive Leadership Team for final verification. Voting can be conducted by e-mail, at the next Base meeting (13 November), or by receipt of a signed mailed ballot. The actual ballot must have members name affixed in the space designated and will be retained by the Base Secretary.

Note: The ballot may be completed by sending your selections via e-mail or U.S. Mail to the Base Secretary.

Northern Virginia Base Members: Place "X" in your selection, one only for each position, if vote is for "Other" type in name and place "X" in the appropriate block. Return ballot to one of the following addresses:

Electronic Mode e-mail: [email protected]

U.S. Mail

Mark Riethmeier 3244 Ridge View Ct. Woodbridge, VA 22192-1790

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Base Commander: Ray Stone Other: Base Vice Tom Perrault Commander: Other: Secretary: Mark Riethmeier Other: Treasurer: Art Esposito Other: Signed: Date

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