Notice for Empanelment of Limited Number Of
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Bank of India, Ranchi Zone invites applications from professionals such as Architects, Valuers and Contractors such as Interior Furnishers, Electrical Contractors, Civil Contractors, Signage Maker, Stationery Printers, Air-Conditioner & other cooling equipment Vendors, Destroyer of old Records, Plumber etc. for undertaking different works in Branches/Offices falling under Ranchi Zone.
The Contract works would be as under:
1. Interior furnishing works including carpentry work, electrification works, data cabling, earthing, Electrical, UPS and computer wiring works.
2. Electrical works including AC wiring, Lan cabling work, earthing, Electrical & UPS wiring etc.
3. Repairs and renovations of bank owned/leased property including civil/ electrical/plumbing/carpentry.
Professional would be in three categories :
1. Architects : Architects will visit site, take measurements, certify area and issue certificate, prepare the layout plan, evaluate load bearing capacity of cash safe and on approval submit the financial estimates with specification in accordance with guidelines issued by bank. They will prepare tenders and assist in evaluation of tenders and will supervise the work personally. The architect will clarify any doubts raised regarding tender documents/specification of the work etc. . They will verify the quantities, rates and specifications of materials used as per tender and recommend the bills for payment.
2. Valuers : Valuers will be responsible for conducting personal inspection of properties and for giving fair valuation reports with photographs after ascertaining market rates on bank’s prescribed format. The valuers should submit valuation as per market rates and distress value of the property. He will certify the accessibility of the property.
3. Industrial Valuers: They will be responsible for valuation of Plant and Machinery. They should submit valuation as per market rates and distress value with photographs. He should certify residual value/life of the machinery.
Interested Architects/Valuers/Contractors should furnish details in the prescribed forms which are available on Bank’s corporate website and Corporate Services Department of Bank of India, Ranchi Zonal Office at the cost of (non-refundable) Rs.500/- per application payable by Pay order/DD in favour of “The Zonal Manager, Bank of India, Ranchi” at the following address upto 25/04/2015 along with details of projects/contracts handled during the last 3 (Three) financial years and project/contracts on hand, indicating name of clients, value of work/order etc. Existing empanelled professionals and contractors are also required to apply afresh. ADDRESS of our Office :-
BANK OF INDIA, Corporate Services Department, Ranchi Zone 2nd Floor, Pradhan Towers, Main Road, Ranchi- 834003(Jharkhand) Last date for submission of application along with the documents is 25.04.2015 at the above office. Those applicants, who will be downloading application form from bank’s website will be required to enclose Pay Order/DD of Rs. 500/-. Application form for empanelment shall be submitted in sealed envelope superscribing “Application for empanelment as______”. The application shall be submitted strictly in the prescribed format along with the supporting documents.
The application shall be signed by the person/s on behalf of the organization having necessary Authority/Power of Attorney to do so. Each page of the application shall be signed and copy of Board Resolution / Power of Attorney/Memorandum of Association (whatever or where ever applicable) shall be furnished along with application.
The various categories of Architects/ consultants/Contractors proposed to be empanelled shall be, as per enclosed chart. The firm must have suitable experience in the field and shall have executed projects for aggregate value exceeds Rs. 1 Crore during last 3 years.
The empanelled valuers for Land/Building & Plant & Machinery and Architects will be paid as per the rates approved by the Bank from time to time. TDS & Service tax as per rates applicable. No other charges will be paid like travelling, halting etc.
The empanelment will be for area under Ranchi Zone, presently covering the branches in the District of Gumla, Simdega, Ranchi, Lohardaga, Garhwa, Latehar, Palamau & Khunti. Further, if any districts are reallocated in Ranchi Zone in future, these districts will be also covered additionally.
This advertisement is only for short listing of the Professionals & Contractors for the purpose of empanelment. The empanelment will be at the sole discretion of the competent authority of the Bank and will not give any legal rights to the Applicants for empanelment.
Bank of India reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Applications without assigning any reason thereof.
Date :07.04.2015. DY. ZONAL MANAGER Form No. 1 (For Architects/ Valuers)
Empanelment of Architects/Valuers:
S No 1. Name of the consultant/ Organisation
2. Address of the Registered Office (please mention the Telephone no. of Office/ residence, Mobile no., fax and Email address if any)
3 Particulars of administrative and Branch Office, if any (please mention the Telephone, fax and Email address if any)
4 Constitution (Indicate whether Proprietary/ Partnership firm and enclosed copies of by-laws/ memorandum and articles of association) 5 Year of establishment
6 Date of Registration/ incorporation. Registration no. with professional body.
Status of the Applicant Individual/proprietor 7 /Partnership/private or Public Ltd./Company/Co-operative society
Brief History 1. Furnish brief particulars of the organisation, indicating changes if any in the name, constitution and management 3. Name and address of Bankers 4. Category of the consultancy organisation a) Individual consultant Yes/ No b) Handless assignments with the help of Yes/ No associates or part-time professional staff. c) Consultancy firm. Yes/ No 5. Brief particulars of the activities. 6. KYC Details Aadhar No PAN number. Tel No Mob No Email id Copy of the latest income tax clearance certificate 7 Particulars of important assignments handled during last 3 years (furnish a selected list of assignments handled and other relevant details as per Annexure A 8i. Particulars of membership/ registration with national/ international institutions/ agencies (e/g Institute of Engineers, chartered/ cost accountants, valuers, NACE, IBRD, ADB, CFTC). a. Name of the professional body Type of membership b. Name of the Organisation Type of services for which registered/ enlisted ii. Particulars of Associations, if any with foreign Consultancy organisations. We certified that all the information stated above are true and that we fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Form No.1. If at any time it is found that any of the information furnished by us or we do not fulfil the eligibility criteria, the bank shall be free to depanel me/us apart from initiating action as per law.
SIGNATURE WITH SEAL DATE : PLACE: Form No. 2 (For Contractors)
Empanelment of Civil/ Electrical Contractors/ Interior Decorators/Electrical Auditors SN 1. Name of the Applicant/ Organisation 2. Address (please mention the Telephone, fax and e-mail if any)
3 Year of establishment
4 Status of the firm whether/ Company/firm/proprietory 5. Name of the Directors/Partners/ Proprietor
6 Whether registered with the Registrar of Companies/ Registrar of firms. If so, mention number and date. 7 Name and address of Bankers (enclose solvency certificate from the Bank)
8 Whether registered for sales tax purposes. If so, mention number and date. Furnish also copies of sales tax clearance. 9 Whether an assessee of Income Tax if so, mention PAN no. Furnish copies of I.T. Clearance Certificates.
10 If you are registered in the panel of other organisations/Statutory bodies such as CPWD, PWD, MES, Banks etc, furnish their names, category of Registration and date of Registration 11 Whether willing to work anywhere in Ranchi Zone
12 Detailed description and value of works done during the last 3 years for Banks and other institutions (as per annexure)
13 Specify the maximum value of work executed in a year 14 Annual Turnover for the last 3 years
15 Furnish the names and addresses of three persons who will be in a position to certify about the quality as well as performance of your organisation 16 Any other information related to work
17. KYC Details Aadhar No PAN number. Tel No/Mob No/Email id
Service Tax No. 18.
19 Whether registered with Government/Semi- government/Municipal Authorities as contractors, if yes, give details
We certify that all the information stated above are true and that we fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in the Form No.2. If at any time it is found that any of the information furnished by us or we do not fulfil the eligibility criteria, the bank shall be free to de-panel me/us apart from initiating action as per law. SIGNATURE WITH SEAL DATE : PLACE: FORM-3
APPLICATION FORM FOR EMPANELMENT OF OTHER CONTRACTORS Signage Maker/Stationer Printers/Pest Controller/Air-conditioner & other cooling equipment-sale & service/Destruction of Old Records/Furniture Supplier/Plumber
1. A. Name of the Applicant/ Organisation B. Registered office address C. Address of office at Ranchi (With Phone Nos., Fax No’s & Email ID & Contact Person)
2. Year of Establishment
3. Type of Organisation (Whether sole Proprietorship/Partnership, Private Ltd. or Ltd. Co. 4. Name & Qualification of Proprietor / Partners /Directors of the Organization/ Firm
a) b) c)
(Enclose certified copies of document as evidence) 5. Details of Registration – Whether Partnership firm, Company, etc. Name of Registering Authority, Date and Registration number. (Enclose Certified Copies of document as evidence) 6. Whether Registered with Government/Semi Government/ Municipal Authorities/ Public Sector Organization as contractor, if so, in which class and since when? (Enclose certified copies of document as evidence) 7. No. of years of Experience in the Field 8. Registration of firm under Shop & Establishment Act 1948 9. Address of Ranchi Office through which the proposed work of the bank will be handled and the Name & Designation of officer in charge( Enclose Certified Photocopy) 11. Name & Address of Bankers 1. (Solvency Certificate from a Bank to be 2. enclosed for indicating satisfactory financial 3. capacity of the organization) 12. (a) Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate/Order (b) ITR Returns Filed for the last three financial years ended March, 2013. (Enclose certified copy) 13. PAN NO. (Enclose Certified Photocopy) 14. TIN NO. (Enclose Certified Photocopy) 15.Service Tax Registration No. (Enclose Certified Photocopy) 16.Excise No. If any held. (Enclose Certified Photocopy) 17.Detailed Description with Value of Works done in the Past (Performa 1) - Works in Hand ( Performa- 2 ) - Work Force Employed with Key Personnel ( Performa-3) 18.Empanelment with PSUs including banks / Reputed Pvt Companies (Enclose Certified Photocopy) 19.Whether Empanelled with PNB in the discipline applied for, if yes, mention class and category of empanelment with validity 20.Whether Participated in the tender process of PNB during the past 3 years, If not, the reasons for non- participation. 21.Whether any work was awarded by the bank (PNB) in the past, if yes, the details thereof be furnished.
22 Have you been ever disqualified/delisted or levied penalty by the bank in past for non fulfilment of the Contractual Obligations, if yes, please provide details 23. Furnish the names of 3 Responsible persons 1. along with their designation, address, Tel No. Email id, for whose organization, you have 2. completed the above mentioned jobs (item no 17) and who will be in a position to certify 3. about the performance of your organization. 24. Whether any Civil Suit / Litigation arisen in Attach a separate sheet if required. contracts executed / being executed during the last 10 years. If yes, please furnish the name of the project, employers, Nature of work, Contract value, work order and brief detail of litigation. (Give name of court, place, and status of pending litigation) 25 Information relating to whether any litigation Attach a separate sheet if required. is pending before any Arbitrator for adjudication of any litigation or else any litigation was disposed off during the last ten year by an arbitrator. If so, the details of such litigation are required to be submitted.
Note :- Attach Extra sheets with concerned serial no., in case the space is insufficient. Date : (Seal and Signature of Contractor/Firm)
Eligibility Criteria for Applying for Empanelment with Bank of India, Ranchi Zone Architect i. Should possess degree in Architecture or recognised equivalent qualification.
ii. Registration with council of Architecture
iii. Minimum 5 years work experience with suitable office set.
iv. Firms who have one or more registered Architects with them as partner/ employee can also apply, who registered with Council of Architecture.
v. Registration with service tax department.
vi. Should not be de-barred by any other Bank or Public sector enterprise any time in the past.
vii. Details of PAN/Wealth Tax etc. Eligibility Criteria for Applying for Empanelment with Bank of India, Ranchi Zone Valuer (Civil) i. Should possess degree in Civil Engineering or recongnised equivalent qualification.
ii. Valuers who have passed final examination in valuation surveying from Institution of Surveyors.
iii. Registration as a valuer with Income Tax department for Wealth Tax Act and Gift tax act u/s 34 AB of Wealth Tax Act 1957.
iv. Minimum 5 years work experience. In case of master degree minimum 2 years work experience
v. Registration with service tax department.
vi. Registration with Institution of Valuers/Surveyors/Government Approved valuers.
vii. Should not be de-barred by any other Bank or Public sector enterprise any time in the past.
viii. Details of PAN
Valuer Valuers Plant & Machinery (Mechanical/ i. Should possess degree in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent thereof. Industrial) ii. Registration as a valuer with Income Tax department for Wealth Tax Act and Gift Tax Act u/s 34 AB of Wealth Tax Act 1957 as valuer for Plant & Machinery.
iii. Surveyor and loss assessors, approved valuers for Property.
iv. Registration with Institution of Valuers.
v. Should be Chartered Engineer.
vi. Minimum 3 years work experience
vii. Registration with service tax department viii. Should not be de-barred by any other Bank or Public sector enterprise any time in past. ix. Details of PAN Eligibility Criteria for Applying for Empanelment with Bank of India, Ranchi Zone
Civil Contractor i. Registration with PWD or CPWD or MES or Indian Railway or RBI as a Civil Contractor as A-1 Contractor
ii. Civil contractor who have completed civil works of Rs.20.00 lacs or above as a single order and should have completed works of Rs.50.00 lacs of similar nature in last 3 years. Suitable work experience for last 3 years. iii Solvency certificate of Rs.25.00 lacs
iv. Should not be de-barred by any other Bank or Public sector enterprise any time in the past. v. Audited Balance Sheets for last 3 years and details of PAN having turnover of Rs. 30.00 lacs per year. Status of Firm Registration Certificate. vi. ITR of last 3 Financial years Eligibility Criteria for Applying for Empanelment with Bank of India, Ranchi Zone
Electrical i. Registration with PWD or CPWD or MSEB or Indian Railway or RBI or MES as Contractor “A” class Electrical Contractor or Public Sector Banks/FIs ii. Electrical contractor who have completed Electrical Works of Rs.15.00 lacs Or Above as a single order and should have completed works of Rs.40.00 lacs of Similar nature in last 3 years. iii. Suitable work experience of 5 years. iv. Should not be de-barred by any other Bank or Public sector enterprise any time in the past. v. ITR of last 3 Financial years Audited Balance Sheets for last 3 years and details of PAN having turnover of Rs 30 lacs per year
Status of Firm Registration Certificate. Eligibility Criteria for Applying for Empanelment with Bank of India, Ranchi Zone
Interior i. Minimum 5 years work experience. Furnishers & others
ii. Should be empanelled with Public Sector Banks/FIs The Interior Furnishers/Decorators/other contractor should have authorized license from govt/semi govt/municipal/public sector organization as contractor
iii. He should have achieved minimum turnover of Rs. 50.00 lacs of similar nature in last 3 years.
iv. Should not be de-barred by any other Bank or Public sector enterprise any time in the past
v. Audited Balance Sheets for last 3 years and details of PAN having turnover of Rs 30 lacs per year Status of Firm Registration Certificate vi. ITR of last 3 Financial years .
- For Electrical Works category, the applicant must hold valid Electrical Contractor Licence. Its staff should hold minimum ITI trade and above certificate in the respective cadre and adequate experience in operation /repair /maintenance /renovation of HT and LT electrical installations consisting transformers/UPS systems /pump motors and starters of multi-storey offices and residential buildings.
- For Pest Control the contractor should hold valid licence from Govt Deptt for holding/storing/selling insecticides in its premises. PERFORMA-1
S. Name of Short Name and Value of Stipulated Actual Name of N Work/Project Description Address of work Time of time of architect/cons 0 of Work owner with tel Executed Completion Completi ulting Executed no. on engineer, address & tel no. 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 (Applicant’s Signature with Stamp) *In case the page is insufficient additional sheets may be used. PERFORMA-2
S.No. Name of Short Description of Name and Value of Stipulated Name of Work/Project Work in hand Address of work Time of Architect/Consulti Employer with tel completion ng Engineer, no. address & tel no.
3 1 8 2 4 5 6
(Applicant’s Signature with Stamp) *In case the page is insufficient additional sheets may be used. PERFORMA-3
S.NO. Name Designation Qualification Experience Years Any other (in years) with information the firm 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7
(Applicant’s Signature with Stamp)