How to Access the Mobile Loaves & Fishes Tracker
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How to Access the Mobile Loaves & Fishes Tracker
Developed by the Austin-based Mobile Loaves & Fishes, Inc., the tracker is an interactive tool that allows MLF volunteers to find their organization’s existing teams, locate / communicate with individual team members, note service locations, and review the organization’s schedule. It is available to all registered MLF volunteers. This is a quick summary of how to access the MLF Tracker.
1. Log into the Mobile Loaves & Fishes Tracker ( MLF Tracker ) from the St. Francis of Assisi MLF website or at the URL:
The page shown below will appear:
2. Enter your username and account password. If you are not sure of your username / password, click the link at the bottom of the page.
3. The system will display a FORGOT PASSWORD page that requests your Username or Email Address.
4. After you type in your Email address and hit the submit button, there are two distinct actions that may occur:
A) Action A - If your MLF Tracker information is up-to-date, this message will appear:
B) Action B - If, however, MLF Tracker does not recognize the email address you indicated, this alternate message will appear:
5. If you receive the Action A (green) message, you will find a MLF Tracker email message with your exact username and a temporary password as in this example:
6. Repeat steps 1 & 2 above to access the Mobile Loaves & Fishes Tracker.
7. Enter the Username and temporary Password shown in the MLF Tracker email and click the
8. If you receive the Action B ( red ) message, then you should send an email message to Julie Mellin [ mailto:[email protected] ] with your full contact information and current Email address.
9. Once your personal information has been updated in MLF Tracker system, you will receive email confirmation from Julie Mellin.
10. Repeat steps 3 through 7 to receive a temporary Password. 11. Once you have successfully accessed the system, your main MLF Tracker page will appear.
12. Since the MLF Tracker generated password is unwieldy, click the button to access this CHANGE PASSWORD page:
13. Devise a new password that you can more easily remember, and click the button.
14. Your main MLF Tracker page has your personal information and a list of your teams.
15. Use the tool bar on the far left to access the various sections. The most important include:
a) Volunteers – an alphabetical listing of all your parish / organization MLF volunteers and leaders with their contact information and email addresses. See the sample shown below:
b) Teams – a listing of all your existing teams by type.
The Teams section includes an email function that allows the users to send an email message to the entire team.
c) Maps/Itineraries – a map that pinpoints all the locations your MLF program services;
d) Schedule – the current schedule of your organization’s various MLF activities
16. Once you have finished using the MLF Tracker, you should remember to use the Log out command button that appears on the bottom of the toolbar to exit the system.
Prepared by: John R. Deosdade Revised: February 25, 2013 Mobile Loaves & Fishes St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
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