Course Syllabus Fall Semester 2008

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Course Syllabus Fall Semester 2008


Health Science 285 Course Syllabus Fall Semester 2008 Date Topic for Discussion/Preparation In-Class Reports September 9 Introduction to Class Learning Objectives, Grading and Assigning of In-Class Report Topics. PPT Healthcare Industry Structure Preparation Assignment: Preview Healthcare Law and Ethics PPT on CD and come prepared to discuss Sept 11 Guest Lecture: Douglas Knutson, Healthcare Attorney

Sept 16 Review Healthcare Law and Ethics PPT and Douglas Knutson’s Lecture Return to Industry Structure: Discuss Governance and Management Assignment: Prepare for For-Profit vs Not- for-Profit Healthcare. Review “Columbia- HCA ppt on CD. Read Representative Dennis Kucinich on For-Profit vs Not-for-Profit Healthcare (CD) Read KPMG Analysis of topic (Microsoft Word Document on CD Read: Debating For-Profit Healthcare and the Ethics of Physicians (E-mailed to you) Sept 18 Topic: For-Profit vs Not-for-Profit HC Group 2: Sam Balukoff, Chris Brown, Sarah Oliver For-Profit Healthcare Review For-Profit Healthcare ppt on CD Balukoff, Brown, Oliver ppt and Columbia HCA ppt on CD postponed until next week. Sept 23 Topic for Today: CMS Centers for In-Class Reports: Medicare and Medicaid Services Group 7: Traditional Federal Healthcare Programs Indemnity Insurance. State Healthcare Programs Group 5: Managed Care Health Insurance in the Private Sector (May be presented on September 25th) Sep 25 Professional and Advocacy Groups in Distribute overview of US Healthcare – The AHA, The AMA, preparing for Quiz #1 The Federation of American Hospitals, Hierarchy of Topics and ASCA, The Coalition to Protect America’s Quiz Format Healthcare (Review for Quiz on 30th) Sep 30 In-Class Quiz – Everything covered to date 2

Oct 2 Topic for Today: Accreditation of Group 1 In-Class Report – Healthcare Organizations Devin Allen, Sara Gist, Melissa Lindsey: Accreditation Alternatives for Healthcare Organizations Preparation for Oct 7: Review four files in the “Group Purchasing Organizations” folder on CD October 7 Topic for Today: The Physician Factor in Your Healthcare Career – PPT on your CD

October 9 Topic for Today: The Group Purchasing Distribute HIGPA List Phenomenon in US Healthcare (Electronically) Review HIGPA Web site on-line Review HIGPA ppt on CD, and Group Purchasing presentation on CD Preparation for Oct 14: Pay attention to healthcare financing discussions and articles in the media and in Presidential Debates. October 14 Topic for Today: Financing Healthcare in the United States. Related Discussion: Healthcare in the Presidential Election of 2008 Question: What does “Universal Healthcare” as proposed in the Democrat Platform entail? Discussion: What is a “single payor” system and, if we had one, what would be the ramifications? October 16 Multi-Hospital Systems, Ownership, Affiliations Not-For Profit Health Systems Intermountain Healthcare Catholic Health Initiatives Adventist Health System Daughters of Charity National Health Sys. Kaiser Permanente Inova Health System Johns Hopkins* Health System The Mayo Clinic Spectrum Health System, etc. For-Profit Health Systems HCA Hospital Corporation of America Tenet, HealthSouth, Iasis, etc. 3

October 21 Mid-Term Exam Grades are due by noon on 29th The Mid-Term will cover everything that we have studied and discussed since the beginning of the Semester. Review your quiz #1 and know the items you missed. Then add: Group Purchasing, The Physician Factor, Multi-Hospital Systems and Accreditation Alternatives – In-class Reports. October 23 Mid-Term Exam – In Class – 200 points Note: If your grade on the Mid-Term is higher than on your Quiz #1, you may replace your Quiz #1 grade with the score you earn on your Mid-Term. October 28 Today’s Topic: The Internal Structure Distribution of CD #2 (Components) of a hospital – Primary updated with new materials Care elements, Secondary Care elements, and in-class reports. Tertiary Care elements. Preparation for October 30: Study Hospital Organizational Chart – Email attachment October 30 Hospital Organizational Structure Organizational Chart Departmental Stewardship at the Administrative Level Service Departments and Clinical Departments Interdepartmental Functions and Relationships Hospital Management A. Operating Budget B. Capital Budget Preparation for November 4: Issues in Healthcare Administration 2008 Physician Ownership/Competition with “Hospitals” The Rise of Ambulatory Surgical Centers & Surgical Hospitals The Aging of Our Population – Care for the Elderly The Propriety of Not-for-Profit Tax Policy Abortion, Sterilization, Right to Life Access to Certain Healthcare Professionals [Nurses] 4

November 4 Today’s Topic: Issues in Healthcare Administration 2008 Physician Ownership/Competition with “Hospitals” The Rise of Ambulatory Surgical Centers & Surgical Hospitals The Aging of Our Population – Care for the Elderly The Propriety of Not-for-Profit Tax Policy Abortion, Sterilization, Right to Life Access to Certain Healthcare Professionals [Nurses]

Preparation for November 6: Careers in (See article saved “What do Healthcare Administration HA Administrators Do? Powerpoint Presentation) November 6 Careers in Healthcare Administration Read article: “What are the Where do I fit in? Graduate School or Types of Hospitals and directly into the workforce? Career pathing How Should I Choose a and compensation – Internship Hospital Employer?” Opportunities [E-Mail attachment] Preparation for November 11: Handout: Retail Health Clinics; The MVP project November Guest Lecture: Holly West -- Rosemark 11 WomenCare Sepcialists [MGMA] Preparation for November 18: Handout (electronic) Long-term Care Administration November In-Class Quiz: 100 points Note: This is not a 13 Hospital Structure, Administrative comprehensive exam. It is Structure, Healthcare Issues for 2008, limited to topics we have Careers in HC Administration; covered since the Mid-Term Ryan Peterson – Community Care November Guest Lecture: Vance Fager 18 Managing Long-Term Care Facilities Long-term care as a career alternative Preparation for November 20: Review Excel File “Copy of Master Equipment Budget Workbook” on your CD November Today’s Topic: Capital Budgeting and 20 evaluating equipment/technology November Official “testing” day for the University Reading Assignment to be 25 No formal classes held. provided electronically.

November Thanksgiving Holiday – No Classes 27 5

December 2 So what does the Presidential Election bode for the Healthcare Industry? Making sense of our new Executive and Legislative initiatives. Preparation for December 4: Review ppt entitled “Specialty Hospitals” [e-mail attachment ] December 4 Specialty Hospitals December 9 Review of all topics, guest lectures and in- class reports. Preparation for Final Exam. December In-Class Final Exam 200 Points 11 Comprehensive – all material from the beginning of the semester. December Classes end. Good luck and Happy 12 Holidays! Fall Semester Grades due by December 17

E. Dennis Tolman Romney 263 Office Hours: M-W-F: 1-3 p.m. [email protected] [email protected] Cell phone: 403-3847 My in-box is in Clarke 145

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