Diocesan Council Agenda Agenda
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Tuesday 22 July 2014 - at 10.10 am
VENUE: Peter Mann House
Present: + Kelvin Wright (Chair), Rev'd Richard Aitken, Mr Wynston Cooper, Mrs Anne Gover, Rev'd Eric Kyte, Mrs Margaret McLanachan, Rev'd Judy Johnston,
In Attendance: Mr Benjamin Brock-Smith, Rev'd Jan Clark, Rev'd John Franklin, Mr Keith Gover, Mr Vincent Maffey
1. Karakia: John Franklin opened the meeting with prayer.
2. Apologies: Rev'd Alec Clark, Ven. Stu Crosson, Mrs Liz Duggan, Mr Graeme Sykes, Rev’d Michael Wallace, Mr Max Whitaker,
Condolences were expressed to the Crosson family on the death of Mary's mother and Stu's father.
3. Previous Minutes: The Bishop moved that the Minutes of Thursday 17 June 2014 be confirmed as a true and correct record. Agreed
4. Correspondence: Inwards i. General Secretary, advice on three statutes for Synod to approve - to Orders Committee ii. IDC reference information. How do you want this disseminated to clergy? - mail out iii. Elizabeth Smail called and requested for an alternate to attend ecumenical Conference on 11 September at Wellington airport. Rev’d Michael Wallace is our delegate. Please confirm who that will be with Elizabeth and she will arrange booking etc. - Rev'd Richard Aitken / Anne to let Elizabeth know
5. Environmental scan: The Bishop reported - attended Bishops' Meeting in Hamilton - resignation of a Waikato vicar sudden death of Rev'd Lynda Patterson, Dean of Christchurch Cathedral Lawrence - decision made to sell church - what should the funds then be used for? Currently these are to be used within the parish boundaries for mission and ministry.
6. Strategic and Policy issues (i) Conflicts of interest policy – a copy to be forwarded to Rev’d Chris Tweddell. Moved that this be approved Rev'd Judy Johnston / Margaret McLanachan Agreed
(ii) Wanaka Community House Development. Rev'd Damon Plimmer had sent details. This was the first official notification of this development to the Trust Board who are reviewing this proposal along the lines of its commercial viability and lease arrangements. They would appreciate advice from Council on their opinion and support for the development. The Trust Board felt pressured re the time to complete due diligence and produce a recommendation. The Trust Board and Diocesan Council both agreed in principle with this development. Moved that Peter Jackson be appointed as a Property Commissioner and that Stephen Grant consult with Peter Jackson and Rev'd Damon Plimmer Vin Maffey/Wynston Cooper Agreed
Moved that the Diocesan Council review the past actions and report back. Richard Aitken/Wynston Cooper Agreed (iii) Weddings and Funerals Donation Policy Moved that this be approved with the following wording changes - Change of name to 'Weddings and Funerals Donation Policy' A possible wording might look like: "The hospitality of God's Church is offered freely. It will cost a parish in the region of $...... and around 10 hours of work to prepare and take your wedding. A $...... donation will help the parish to cover the priest's time, education resources, cleaning and maintenance costs." Discretionary Funds: It is an ancient practice for clergy to place donations for occasional services into a discretionary fund. Anne Gover / Judy Johnston Agreed
7. Strategic Issues for this meeting (i) Communication strategy. Benjamin presented a flow chart - 'Communicating Diocesan Stories' Jason Rhodes is currently acting as Editorial Filter and External Media Manager Graeme has recommended that a Communications Officer be appointed.
Moved that a bicentenary Christmas programme be developed that will include the following outcomes; A prayer guide with parish and hikoi stories, press releases for different external publications, educational and advertising material for pew sheets and newspapers etc. This person would work 1 day per week to produce this material over 5 months and the budget includes wages, design, printing, publication, writing press releases, liaising with publishers and working with parish and provincial networks. Budget $12,000 Approval that this be implemented subject to finance. Wynston Cooper/Anne Gover Agreed
This person has professional experience in large multidimensional organisations and is used to targeting the message that meets the corporate communication strategy to reach defined audiences.
(ii) Council governance and proposed Diocesan structures. a. Does Council approve what is presented here? Discipleship Committee [formerly called Ministry Committee - internal focus] Mission Committee [to support future church development - external focus] Social Transformation Committee [ to support social justice and service in and with the community / replace current Social Services Board] Stewardship Committee [currently Finance and Admin Committee] The Diocesan Council would integrate this work to explore issues, opportunities, tensions, learning gained, in order to make wise decisions about mission, ministry and best use of resources to support the current work of the Diocese and foster new initiatives
Questions raised: Another name for Mission Committee - suggested 'Growth and Development' How will members join these committees - elected / appointed? Suggestion that Chairs need to be Synod members and need to meet regularly
Moved that these proposed Diocesan structures be accepted in principle. Wynston Cooper/Anne Gover Agreed
b. Existing committees and reports. Where should they fit into the new proposed structure? Small group named at c. to look at this
c. Can we get an acceptable version that would be presented to Synod? Bishop Kelvin, Eric Kyte, Richard Aitken, Anne Gover to form committee Meeting Tuesday 29 July at 12.30pm at No 7 Cafe - apologies from Anne
2 d. The existing bill on the table is about the size / membership of Synod. Does Council agree that this should be withdrawn? Moved that it be left on the table. Anne Gover/ Wynston Cooper Agreed
e. We are not in a position to create a new statute to define mission districts and regional deaneries at this stage. Should council present a proposal regarding the parish structure to Synod that sets out three local forms of church? i. Parish ii. Faith Community iii. Regional Deanery
It was agreed that a motion be written to gain acceptance from Synod to create this regional structure in a statute for Synod 2015. It was agreed that a new Parish Statute needs to be written - committee of Bishop Kelvin, Keith Gover, Rev'd Jan Clark, Benjamin Brock-Smith to work on this.
8. Reports: i. Trust Board – Minutes of 15 July received
ii. Property Advisory Committee Hard copy of property questionnaire has been sent out / link to Website form to be emailed out.
iii. Manager’s report a) Parish Newsletter - no questions b) Notification SYNOD re accommodation. Emailed to clergy, mailed to lay members. c) Synod (i) Admin & Finance – Draft budget 2015 A special meeting on Tuesday 12 August will be held to finalise the Synod programme, reports, financials and budget etc. The draft audit has been completed on the 2013 accounts. Draft Accounts for the Trust Board, Diocese, Bishopric, Cathedral Foundation, Earl Street Charitable Trust and Parish Accounts that the diocese prepare have been completed. Moved that the 2015 Draft Budget be approved for presentation to Synod. Wynston Cooper/Margaret McLanachan Agreed Moved that a vote of thanks be expressed to Ginny for her work. Wynston Cooper/Vin Maffey Agreed
(ii) Officers proposed for appointment to Synod: Clerical secretary - Sandra Baird (is available) Lay Secretary - Anne Gover (is available) Chairperson of committee – NB Damon Plimmer proposed but will be away for Synod. Any suggestions please? Chris Tweddell. Deputy Chair of Committee –Eric Kyte (is available) Clerk of committee – Jenny Campbell (not asked yet) Chaplain to Synod – John Franklin (not asked yet) Press Officer –Richard Johnson (not asked yet) Verification of minutes – Val Laing, James Harding and Leah Boniface (not asked yet) Wynston Cooper not available, so another lay person required. Statutes and standing orders – Bills & motions: Diccon Sim, James Harding, (is available), Nicola Wong (for Bills & motions). Nicola Wong will convene the Bills & Motions committee. She is planning to present a motion on Trust Reform to Council. Steering: The President & Diocesan Manager 3 Printing: The President, Diocesan Manager and PA
(iii) Special Synod functions: (suggestions) 1. Retirement Liz Duggan, Hilary Alison, Wynston Cooper 2. Appointment of Damon Plimmer as Archdeacon 3. Guest dinner speaker?
(iv) Presentation & discussion on future church?
(v) Presentation and discussion on future Diocesan structure & organisation?
(vi) Presentation and discussion on Synod’s function or purpose?
(vii) We aim to mail the Final Summons for Synod on Thursday 14 August.
9. General: a) Wynston Cooper apologised for the next Diocesan Council Meeting and announced that he was stepping down this synod from diocesan committees. Bishop Kelvin thanked him for his contribution to diocesan affairs. A formal vote of thanks was moved and greeted with acclamation.
b) Moved that we approve the distribution of childcare funds. Vin Maffey/Judy Johnston Agreed
c) The Dean is the Diocesan Representative on the Tikanga Pakeha Liturgical Working Group and an Alternate needs to be appointed. Previous Diocesan Council Minutes are to be checked to see whether someone has already been named as Alternate. Rev'd Jan Clark to check with Dean Trevor James re his attendance at the next meeting.
10. Trusts Board: (i) Minutes of last meeting 29 April 2014 received (ii) Correspondence – Letter to Anglican Family Care re Mrs Hilary Alison's retirement in September 2014, and appointment of new chair and board members. (iii) Appointments. That Rev’d Chris Tweddell be appointed as a Trustee of Earl Street Charitable Trust to represent the Diocesan Council. The term is for 3 years commencing on 1 August 2014 Chris has requested an induction program. Moved that this appointment be agreed to. Bishop Kelvin Agreed
There being no further business the meeting closed at 12.29pm.
Next Meeting of the Diocesan Council Tuesday 26 August 2014 at 10am