Section 1: International

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Section 1: International


NAME: Femi Onabolu OFFICE: Chairman International Committee & Europa DATE: August 2013 Forum officer.


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Gratitude goes to DG Simon for consenting to enlarge the International committee this year to include new officers for Street Children, International Relations and Water-Aid, thereby with NSL, LCIF and Europa Forum, creating a six member committee. This has resulted in very lively attendance and vibrant meetings.

We already held 2 committee meetings, first one in June for handing-over and orientation of new members and the second in July to brain-storm, review, discuss and exchange ideas on officers’ proposals programmes and reports. Each officer is now well equipped to perform to the best of their abilities as the cabinet reports will show.

As well as being the Chairman of the committee, I will be responsible for developing a new programme under International Relations to get our Clubs to work in cooperation with Lions Clubs in developing and needy Nations. This programme is titled “Adopt an International Lions Club Local Project”. The idea is to make Clubs aware of various small projects overseas requiring contribution or assistance from a Club in our District, thereby opening the door for twinning possibilities with the host Club and Country.

Europa Forum this year will take place in Istanbul, Turkey from the 31st October to the 2nd of November 2013. Not much interest has been shown so far because of the very high charges for registration and attendance of the functions.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Continue to work with and motivate members of the committee  Develop the “Adopt an International Local Project” and promote Twinning.  Collate as many International local Lions projects as possible to get more of our Clubs involved.  Produce the first International Committee Newsletter for the year.  Prepare committee for the Autumn Forum.

NAME: Anita Bedi OFFICE: International Relations DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: In the first committee meeting collected all the information regarding the international projects ie. Malawi Gift Aid, UNICEF School in the box, Korle Bue eye hospital.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Prepare bullet point presentation for each project, contact all the Zone Chair and arrange to attend the zone meetings.

NAME: John Bush OFFICE: North Sea Lions DATE: August 2013


1 ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: 1) Visited Amala to inspect new Dining Area, seats 150 which is the number of “orphans” in the home. They currently eat outside sitting on the floor. 2) The Principal, Raja, never one to do things by half, has extended the original project to include new buildings. They were in the original plan but taken out when the LCIF grant was rejected. The finance of these extra buildings is not part of the NSL grant. 3) Raja was installed as President of his Lions Club whilst we were there. A very grand ceremony taking over 3 hours and feeding 300 people. Hopefully Raja will involve the Club with Amala and thus make it more likely to get an LCIF grant if needed in the future. 4) Attended International briefing meeting.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: 1) Attend NSL Board Meeting in Billund, Denmark as 105M representative and Secretary to the NSL Board. 2) Continue to make Clubs aware of the work of NSL. 3) Support the International Committee programme in any meetings at Club or Zone.

NAME: Lion Bill Ranautta OFFICE: LCIF Co-ordinator DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Another year gone so fast but I enjoyed attending the Zone Meetings where I gained a lot of experience for the coming year.

I have attended two International Committee Meetings this year.

The total donation figures recorded from Dist. 105M to LCIF during the year 2012-13 are as follows:-

Aid for Africa £251-00 Contributing Members Pins £180-00 Disaster Fund £500-00 Measles Appeal £5394-10 Undesignated Funds £5458-30 Overall Total £11783-40

I would like to thank all the donating Clubs and while I accept their gratitude, the figures above are disappointing as they have fallen to half of what was raised the previous year. This downward trend has been going on for the last three years.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: This year I have planned to visit as many targeted Clubs as possible coupled with some of the Zone Meetings.

NAME: Carole Moseley OFFICE: Water Project Officer DATE: August 2013

DECISIONS REQUIRED: Approval to provide water and or sanitation in the Terai, Nepal (approval was granted at the International Committee meeting 23/07/13)

2 JUSTIFICATION FOR DECISIONS: This is a remote region much in need of water wells and sanitation. This project provides an opportunity to work with fellow Lions, possibly reducing costs.

ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I have been in touch with 4 District Governors in Nepal and have been in correspondence with PDG Lion Biju Bajracharya, District 325 A2, Nepal who has spoken with 15 Lions clubs in this region. I have requested further details of required project with costs.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Establish project and attend Zone Meetings to encourage financial participation and support.

NAME: Pauline Hoogerwerf DATE: August 2013

UPDATE ON NIGER WELL PROJECT This year I am an ad hoc member of the International Committee, in order to oversee the completion of the Niger Well Project. As such I can report that further work has been carried out on the ten wells and the team from CAD (Committee for Aid & Development) will be undertaking an inspection visit as soon as they are able.

Once the inspection visit has been carried out, I expect to receive a full report and photographs and I hope that, by the next Cabinet meeting, I will be able to report fully on the completion of the project. Unfortunately, at the present time, I am unable to report on the final total of the monies raised, until the District Treasurer has received last year’s accounts from the previous District Treasurer.

NAME: Angie Wytcherley OFFICE: Street Children DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  Had a very successful Handover with Pauline Hoogerwerf at MDC in Torquay  Had first meeting with International Committee where I gained more information about the committee and my role  Had conference call with two ladies from the Railway Children organisation where I learned more information about them and their needs  Started work on presentation  Had second meeting with International Committee to exchange information

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Complete presentation  Contact Zone Chairmen and hopefully make some visits to promote the Railway Street organisation  Have an Exhibition Stand at Autumn Forum to promote Railway Children organisation


NAME: Martin Hill OFFICE: Health Committee Chairman DATE: August 2013


3 ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Attended District Officer training (and met most of the Health team); attending District Handover.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  To become familiar with each of the topic areas;  to support committee members with their individual subject areas;  review attendance at Zone meetings by Health Committee members (including me!) to present on Health Committee topics generally and to receive and consider feedback, particularly on take-up of Health projects and barriers (if any) to take up.  To consider budget requirements, if any, particularly for future years.

NAME: Linda Cross OFFICE: Sight & LEHP DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I have taken the opportunity to speak to Lions concerned with Sight Activities in clubs where I have met them. I have also been contacted by ‘phone and email and have helped with their queries. Before Cabinet meeting I will be collaborating with Lion Barbara Dutton at Baggeridge Country Fair to put on a joint presentation about Diabetes and Sight.

Information received from Lions Sightsavers shows that we are one of the leading Districts making contributions to Comprehensive Eye Services, thus helping programmes designed to combat sight problems in Third World Countries.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: I am investigating ways that World Sight Day can be used to actively bring Sight problems to the Public’s attention and so make a difference. Any suggestions would be welcome.

NAME: Rosie Eynon OFFICE: Speech & Hearing DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: My only report is that it has been bought to my attention that it would be a good idea to teach our lion Santa's some simple sign language so that they can engage with any children with hearing impediments on the many sleigh runs that occur in the district.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: I am currently researching the best way to go about this and feel that we could hold a Santa social event for the district in October/November where they can get the appropriate training. I will have more to report on these details in a couple of weeks.

NAME: Barbara Dutton OFFICE: Diabetes Officer 105m DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Disappointingly, since the last cabinet meeting, when I said 'watch this space' my efforts to produce Lion's own diabetes risk score assessment questionnaire has been rejected by the Council of Governors on the advice of the MD insurance officer. However we can still utilise the risk score

4 assessment questionnaire produced by Diabetes UK but it is only accessible on line to medical professionals and the answers must only be assessed by a qualified medical professional. This still offers an alternative to blood screening.

I have suggested that those clubs who do not necessarily want to hold a diabetes risk assessment or a blood screening event perhaps concentrate on diabetes awareness incorporating it into another event, (perhaps a gazebo at a local summer fête) To assist this I have emailed all clubs with a poster & information sheet which has been approved by the MD insurance officer together with suggested leaflets from Diabetes UK which I can order for them. Unfortunately at regional level I have not been able to obtain any help from the NHS but clubs may be more successful on a local basis. Linda Cross, Sight officer has agreed, that where clubs are interested, that we join forces because Diabetes is a major contributory factor to visual impairment and sight loss. I do stress to clubs that whilst any health based initiative promotes the name of Lions and our community service we must not give any advice or information only referring people to existing information supplied by diabetes organisations.

Stour Valley held their annual blood screening event which is very successful and Aldridge organised a rewarding risk assessment event with their local medical centre using the Diabetes UK risk assessment questionnaires. Kingswinford and Stourbridge held a very rewarding awareness stall at Kinver fayre as did Bromsgrove at Catshill fete and the Bromsgrove Elizabethan market in spite of heavy rain on both occasions. At Stourbridge carnival the Dudley NHS were conducting Diabetes blood tests on the next stand to the Lions diabetes stand. Market Harborough club are working with their local medical centre to support nurse training to help those recently diagnosed

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: The Tesco 'Big Collection' for Diabetes UK is at the moment occupying all my time and energy ,which has not been helped by the late issue of the directory with the new presidents details and the fact that Diabetes UK do not seem to have a map of the country ( hoping that some clubs in this district would cover Galashiels on the Scottish border & Manchester). I was very pleased and impressed by the response from clubs, even those who did not have a local Tesco store or who were committed to other projects took the trouble to reply with the reason why they could not take part, which I appreciated. Although this event does not take place until October 4th, 5th, 6th. Diabetes UK want the details finalised by mid August.

I know that several clubs, including Marston Green are planning Diabetes events for later this year and Linda Cross & I will be manning a joint diabetes and sight stall at Baggeridge Country Fayre in August. Meanwhile I will continue to keep Joy busy with my emails, she is a great help to me.

NAME: Lorraine Shipley OFFICE: Learning & Physical Disabilities / DATE: August 2013 Special Olympics.


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Have contacted Andrew Allen, PLDO MD105 to ask is any help is needed for the upcoming Special Olympics in Bath at the end of August 2013. They are oversubscribed for volunteers but would like donations to support the Family Programme. An e-mail has been sent to all clubs requesting information regarding their imput to the games & for donations.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To encourage clubs to become more involved in supporting local people with learning disabilities. To pass on to the Clubs in our District information regarding the success of the 2013 Special Olympics.

5 NAME: Chris Haynes OFFICE: MIAB/Medic Alert DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Arranged for supplies of bottles as requested.

MIAB I have still not received any further information from the MD officer as to when or if we will be relaunching the scheme, I will inform clubs via the webmaster when I hear anything positive.

Medic Alert

Natalie Maria who has been our point of contact at Medic Alert left at the end of June, our new contact is Victoria Pratt who was Natalie’s manager has taken over this part of her roll her contact details are. Email- [email protected] Phone- 01908 951048 Mobile 07738 422494

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING To continue to offer support to the clubs in the district as and when required. To promote MIAB to those clubs in the district not yet using them.

NAME: Bob Dutton OFFICE: Environment DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I have continued to encourage clubs to keep the environment in mind at all times and to take steps to be environmentally aware and to pass the message on to the public. Kingswinford & Stourbridge club have reported to me that they have become involved in a scheme to clean up the part of the River Stour which passes through the town.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To continue to encourage environmental awareness and to encourage clubs to take part or initiate local schemes.


NAME: Christine Moss OFFICE: Youth Committee Chairman DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: The Youth Committee for 2013-14 have had three meetings so far in the Lions year, including our first get together at the Incoming District Officers workshop on the 4th May. This has given me a great opportunity to get to know the majority of the team and get an overview of the different portfolios that come under youth, the experience of the other members and discuss the challenges that we face going forward.

6 So far we have discussed: -  Current Position – Any statistics we had on current take up.  Timetable/Timescale – Do we have definite dates by which things have to be done by?  Budgets – Did we need one?  MD Officers – Who are they?  Moving Forward  Measuring our success – How will we now how we are doing?  Guidance Notes – Are there instructions on how to carry out the duties for each portfolio?  Photos – Providing guidance to clubs on youth projects and particularly the use of Photos of children.

I would like to thank both Harry and Janet Fry for the work they have done in organising the Youth Exchange greeting party at the Airport this year. I know this has been a particularly challenge as there were no contact details and they were starting from nothing.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Support my committee with each of their portfolios.  Discuss Youth Exchange and Hosting with Jackie to allow us to prepare for next year and update the District Website  Discuss Leo’s with Richard to see how we can take this forward  Contact all Zone Chairs to request for members of the committee to attend their meetings to discuss and promote youth projects.  Take forward ideas on attending Education Shows as put forward by Terry Smith (Life Skills)  Attend Autumn Forum 20th October 2013  Attend Youth Committee Meeting 28th October

NAME: Janet Long OFFICE: Young Leaders in Service DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  22nd May – Sent updated profile and photo for 105M website.  2nd June - Sent off for GOLD award for Sophie Hough – Kettering and District Lions.  5th June – Sent off for GOLD award for Amy Ingram – Corby and District Lions.  Total awards 2012-2013 – 4 SILVER and 6 GOLD.  7th June - Visited Girls and Boys Brigade meeting and spoke to Officer with Phil White from Castle Bromwich Lions – We think that several young people will be interested in starting Young Leaders in Service scheme.  9th June – Nicola Hall from Warwick Lions ordered 180 logbooks as she is working with Year 12 pupils at local school.  21st June – Attended Youth Committee meeting.  3rd July 1 silver and 2 gold awards presented to Young People sponsored by Worcester Lions.  7th July – spoke to Head Teacher from Bromsgrove South High School about YLiS and Young Ambassadors.  20th July – meeting arranged with MD Officer and YLiS District Officers.  21st July – attending District Handover.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Set up diary with youth committee members to share zone visits/working together on youth projects.  Contact clubs that have started the scheme to see how they are getting on and offer support.

7  Order awards on behalf of clubs for young people that have completed award.  Attend presentations, if invited, for young people that have achieved the award.  Attend Autumn Forum and advertise Young Leaders in Service to Lions.  Attend Youth Committee meetings.  Produce guidance notes for future YLiS Officer(s).  Send out information on the scheme to the district to try and get more clubs involved.

NAME: Cath Kendall OFFICE: Young Ambassador DATE: July 2013



ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Emails sent out to all clubs twice, providing information about the Young Ambassador Competition, giving all clubs the who, what, when where, why and how of the competition.

Visited Park Hall Academy with Phil White from Castle Bromwich Lions Club and Janet Long Young Leaders in Service Officer. Very enthusiastic about the competition with a potential candidate already identified.

Visited Zone E new Presidents to talk about Young Ambassador Competition, PowerPoint presentation given and information given to each about what to do next.

Attended a Youth Committee meeting on June 21st to identify where we were and what each of us needed to do within the group.

Received two e-mails from Redditch Lions and Coventry Godiva Lions Clubs, from their newly appointed Youth Chairman very keen to get their clubs involved. Pack of information concerning the competition and the types of activity the candidates could be involved in has been sent to each club. Offer to visit these clubs made.

Had contact with Shakespeare Lions Club about a possible candidate, and a Hospice that would like to publicise the Young Ambassador and Young Leaders in Service activities. Subsequently they have identified a suitable candidate and have been sent an application form and advice on next actions. I have offered to help in whatever way I am able.

The District Final will be held on the same day as Cabinet on November 24th 2013, at St John’s Hotel, Solihull, this should make for a well attended competition and presentation later in the day.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Further emails planned to encourage new Youth Chairs to get involved with Young Ambassador.  Attend Youth Committee meeting on 25th July 2013.  Contact all Zone Chairs to request meetings sooner rather than later re Young Ambassador Competition; entries need to be in by end of October 2013.  Attend MD Young Ambassador District Officer’s meeting at MDHQ on September 14th 2013, to discuss next years final in February 2014, amend any documents etc.  Attend Autumn Forum 20th October 2013 to promote the Young Ambassador Scheme, last minute reminders if necessary.  Organise and confirm judges for the District Final of the competition for November 24th 2013.  Support any clubs that identify candidates and need help with their applications.


NAME: Terry Smith OFFICE: Lifeskills Officer DATE: 11th August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I have taken possession of the box of resources from Harry and spent sometime familiarising myself with the contents. I visited Shakespeare Lions and was able to see the presentation by Mandy Broadbent who had been working with Mike Strophair and Shakespeare Lions on an interesting/innovative approach to getting Lifeskills into schools. I have asked Mandy if we could write up a case study which could be put into the Lions magazine and it would give another way of reaching our target audience. I attended a youth committee meeting on Friday 21st June when ideas were shared. The next meeting is planned for Thurs 23rd July where we will discuss future plans and formulate a ‘Youth’ strategy. I shall be attending the Lifeskills meeting at MDHQ on Saturday 27th July

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To formulate a strategy to meet the objectives which could include:  training in the delivery of the materials  contacting all clubs to inform them of what is available and ways of delivering  get all clubs to have a named ‘youth’ contact who can be approached directly to deliver information into the heart of club meetings  increasing our educational profile as a resources provider.

OBJECTIVES: To increase the take up of Lions Lifeskills materials in schools and other organisations working with youth, building upon current good practice and increasing the variety of methods of engagement, raising the profile of Lions as a service provider and increasing the relationships clubs have with youth organisations.




NAME: Paul Murphy OFFICE: Region 1 Chairman DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  Attended Aldridge Show and manned Membership tent with DG Simon – one prospective!  Attended Last GMT Meeting  Confirmed dates for Leaflet drop for potential club in Quinton/Harborne area – more details to follow  Have also located the region’s Flag banner.  Apologies for not attending cabinet, but I will be on holiday in the Costa Del Yorkshire!

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To meet with Zone Chairman and attend Zone Meetings

9 NAME: Praful Modi OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone A DATE: August 2013

I am so sorry that I cannot give a full report having only just accepted this post. However I do intend to arrange the first Zone meeting towards the end of August and beginning of September and to start my Club visits then. The Zone B Chairman has proposed a joint New Year’s Eve party for both zones and I will be putting this suggestion to our first meeting.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: I intend to arrange the first Zone A meeting at end Aug/early Sept 2013 and, before that, start visits to Clubs in my Zone. Lion Kanu Patel, Chairman Zone B, has proposed a New Year Eve Party for December 2013 – as a joint event – to be hosted by Zone A and Zone B. I shall be requesting the Clubs in my Zone to consider this proposal at our first Zone meeting.

Offer support to clubs where necessary.

I am sorry I will not be able to attend cabinet and hope that this very short report will suffice for now.

NAME: Kanu Patel OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone B DATE: August 2013



ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Planned zone meeting Sept 10th, New Years eve party combined Zone A&B , Venue Booked Any other zones wishes to join would be welcomed, choose the charities later

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information

Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name July Current Potential Done and to do China town 20 20 Edgbaston 7 7 Handsworth 23 23 2 Mosley & 17 17 Kingsheath sandwell 20 20

Club Name China town Community Services Fundraising Activities Autumn Festival 21st september Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Handsworth Community Services Fundraising Activities Dinker metha 3rd aug & 25th aug, Janak Dulari play 9th Nov Fellowship Activities 6th aug Other Comments

10 Club Name sandwell Community Services Fundraising Activities Sandwell show 31st aug Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Mosley & Kingsheath Community Services Fundraising Activities Cannon hill park sept Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Edgbaston Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

NAME: Chris Burrows OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone C DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  Attended K&D Charter 18th May  Held Zone meeting on the 3rd June  Attended Cabinet on the 19th May  Attended Solihull Business meeting on the 18th June  Attended F & A meeting on the 23rd July  Met with District Events Officer to discuss plans for Convention 2014

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Hold Zone Social (6th August)  Circulate District Convention Project Plan and Risk Register  Hold meeting of Convention Working Party to agree themes and distribution of activities

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information

Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name July Current Potential Done and to do One member feels he should resign as unable to attend meetings or Club events Birmingham due to family commitments but is Acocks 20 20 1 reconsidering his position. One Green prospective member has expressed great interest and will now attend Club events and meetings. One potential new member has attended Birmingham one meeting. Club members will be 15 15 2 Sheldon discussing various activities to try and recruit more members. Knowle & Recent membership drive resulted in 3 35 25 3 Dorridge good prospects..

11 One member resigned; however 3 potential members visited us following a Shirley 24 23 1 recruitment drive and one seems really keen to join. Solihull 23 23 2 One new member inducted.

Club Name Birmingham Acocks Green visits to Acocks Green Community Centre and also Alms houses. Community Services 9th March – Senior Citizens Party Fundraising Activities 6th July - Acocks Green Carnival Fellowship Activities None 31st August – Collection in Acocks Green Centre – Edwardian Theme Other Comments 29th September – Earlswood Charity Walk/Fun Day

Club Name Birmingham Sheldon Family Fun Day at King George V Pub, Common Lane, Sheldon Quiz Night at the Ivy Leaf Club, Coventry Road, Sheldon Community Services Coach trip for approx. 100 local elderly to Stratford upon Avon, with Buffet Meal on return at Barston Lakes Country Club. Fundraising Activities None recorded Fellowship Activities None Have stalls at Sheldon Park Country Fare 5) Possible entry in Other Comments Wellesbourne & Stratford upon Avon Lions Raft

Club Name Knowle & Dorridge Community Services Continue collecting spectacles for recycling. Fundraising Activities Knowle Fun Run Fellowship Activities None recorded Other Comments Paranaque 2nd August

Club Name Shirley A further 253 spectacles collected Community Services Attended official opening of Marie Curie Hospice by HRH Prince of Wales Fundraising Activities Shirley Carnival Supporting charity cycle ride in aid of Marie Cure Hospice Fellowship Activities Presidents Changeover Other Comments Supporting Fun in the Park

Club Name Solihull Community Services OAP Coach Trip to Cotswolds Fundraising Activities Donation to SOLO Fellowship Activities Presidents Handover Other Comments Night at the Proms


NAME: Terry White OFFICE: Region 2 Chairman DATE: August 2013


12 ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Attended International Convention; Attended District Changeover. Attended GMT meeting Discussed approach to support with relevant ZC’s and formulated initial listing of clubs with issues of various sorts. Agreed to join long term planning committee

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: General: Provide support to ZC’s at appropriate level and encourage more engagement between clubs and district and clubs and their neighbours.

Specific: Tie down ZC schedules to organise calendar; clarify what district officers’ activities are going on in Region 2 clubs.

NAME: Andy Pemberton OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone D DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: No last meeting but have started the year by attending training session, and meeting with or talking to Club Presidents. PDG Doug Cross is currently liaising with Birmingham Exhibition Club whilst they decide the way ahead for themselves

Have agreed with the Club Presidents that there will be no Zone Project this year. Last year it was not possible to find Lions to organise a zone fund raising event. This year The Solihull Clubs have a fund raising event September 8th, which overrides any Zone event, Clubs are then fully committed to their own fund raising and Service Projects

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Have proposed to 4 clubs a date for an official visit see below and the first Zone Meeting is planned for September 19th organised by Castle Bromwich, Sutton Coldfield Erdington looking to hold Zone Skittles Event.

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name July Current Potential Done and to do Balsall 37 37 1 and -1 One resignation may be offset by new Common prospective Card drop planned for September/October Piloting a My Ideal Club “Lite” programme Castle 22 22 +1 Possible yellow card in September. Bromwich Retention first priority Marston 18 18 0 None planned. Want to find two new Green members this year to cover potential losses Sutton 12 12 +2 Yellow card completed recently where 2 Coldfield and prospective found. Promote at Sutton Erdington Carnival, Libraries Birmingham 9 8 0 No Actions at present Exhibition

Club Name Balsall Common Community Services About to conduct a Community needs Assessment,

13 major support of members to organise Village Autumn fete. Fundraising Activities Currently visiting local fetes with Balls in the Bog. Next event 5th October Black Country Night. Then Bonfire/Fireworks display Fellowship Activities Regular programme of events 4th Monday of month Other Comments Club visit by Zone Chairman 9th September Charter Dinner January 18th 2014 (only every 5 years)

Club Name Castle Bromwich Community Services YLIS and regular support of Lunch Club Fundraising Activities Ferret Racing, Tesco Diabetes collection, Sheldon Country Park event Fellowship Activities Aiming once a month but no Social Chair this year Other Comments Club visit by Zone Chairman proposed 5th September Charter 7th June 2014 Fully booked!!!

Club Name Marston Green Community Services On going programme Fundraising Activities Shirley Carnival, Sheldon Country Park event, Santa is major fund raiser. No Charity Ball this year Fellowship Activities Regular events planned Other Comments Club visit by Zone Chairman proposed 11th September Charter 12th October

Club Name Sutton Coldfield Erdington Community Services Presidents charity still to be selected, will consider a Community Needs Assessment. Zone Chair to provide information Fundraising Activities Santa sleigh, Easter eggs, Tesco Diabetes collection Fellowship Activities Developing a programme Dogs/BBQ/Xmas dinner Other Comments Club visit by Zone Chairman proposed 4th September Successful Charter just held, next year’s July 2014

Club Name Birmingham Exhibition Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

NAME: Mike Strophair OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone E DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Zone meeting held programme planned for year

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Book speaker and contact all presidents and secretaries with a view to attending Zone Event.

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information

Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name July Current Potential Done and to do Alcester 8 8 0 To keep club open and recruit members Evesham 5 5 0 To keep club open and recruit new

14 members Shakespeare 28 28 23 +5 To maintain existing programmes and Alcester Organise a cat walk event Warwick 25 25 0 No idea! no report from club Kenilworth 39 39 1 Maintain current programme seek new members and develop furniture project Southam 31 32 0 Maintain existing programme attend Zone meeting Stour valley 13 10 0 Push through policy of paying limited subs Maintain current programme and host zone event Hardiman’s field Girl Guides

Wellesbourne 29 29 0 No report organise raft race presentation evening.

Club Name Alcester Community Services Club has been very active funded new fence around play area. Fundraising Activities Items planned Fellowship Activities Held social evening to celebrate fencing Other Comments Liaising with Evesham members

Club Name Evesham Community Services No Report Fundraising Activities No Report Fellowship Activities No Report Other Comments Club going through change I believe Pauline Fanti working with them

Club Name Shakespeare Community Services Food Bank Collection & Distribution Rotas firmly established. Plans underway to meet formally with Soroptimist International to discuss more Lions Involvement with Message in a Bottle Programme: Rotary Meeting awaiting confirmed Date Samaritans Meeting with John Best awaiting confirmed date

Fundraising Activities Proposed cat walk event Fellowship Activities Linking with Shakespeare Hospice attended WRAP Showcase 13 Other Comments

Club Name Warwick Community Services No Report Fundraising Activities No Report Fellowship Activities No Report Other Comments No Report

Club Name Kenilworth Community Services Furniture store operational. Fundraising Activities No Report Fellowship Activities No Report Other Comments No Report

Club Name Stour Valley Community Services The club continues with the monthly film shows for the benefit of a wide range of ages throughout Shipston. The club sponsored a ‘Help Save a Life’ event promoted by the Arrhythmia Alliance – The Heart Rhythm Alliance. A

15 Diabetes Screening event was sponsored with the help of the local Medical Centre and The Ellen Badger Hospital 56 members of the general public attended and 11 were referred back to their own doctors. The club continuous with the Gyratory Garden project as a great welcome to visitors to the town the club also

Fundraising Activities The club continues with the Shipston Talking Forum for the benefit of the Blind and partially sighted in the area. A visit and cheque (for £500) presentation was made to Zoë’s Place – a respite home for seriously ill children up to the age of 5. Fellowship Activities Attending zone meetings Other Comments Membership the club are in a transition situation at the moment. For a number of years the memberships has enjoyed a zero membership fee. Unfortunately the income from relevant projects has diminished to the extent that the books can only be balanced with the reintroduction of subs. The reaction from members new and old was’ negative’ with the resultant resignations. It is hoped that no more members will resign over this matter. I do not intend to have a club meeting in August substituting a social event instead which I hope will bond the remaining membership

Club Name Southam Community Services Running furniture store and Cinema Charities supported:- Bromford support re food bank Visits to Galanos House Care Home to give poetry readings

Fundraising Activities To Stratford RDA £400 93 £200 each for 2 disabled riders). To Warwickshire Girl Guides £200 (£100 to 2 guides for travel donation) To Avon Dasset Summer Fair £25. Fellowship Activities Club represented at Harbury summer fete for recruitment drive

Other Comments Visit from members of round table to discuss help with Southam triathlon Did not attend zone meeting

Club Name Wellesbourne Community Services loan wheelchairs and mobility scooters as well as providing the Club mini bus to community organisations and individuals Fundraising Activities Raft Race Fellowship Activities Attended Zone Meeting at Comet house Other Comments No Report

NAME: JOHN KELLY OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone F DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I attended a well supported final Zone Meeting of Lion Heather’s year as Chair hosted by Kidderminster. 2 clubs reported 1 new member and 2 reported the loss of one. I have had opportunities since to meet zone lions. 3 incoming Presidents are well known to me and only one I had not met before. Because of other commitments I was late in receiving the training and materials but I am now becoming familiar with the needs of the post.

I accepted an invitation from Worcester to attend their formal handover dinner with my wife and enjoyed a pleasant occasion. A Zone Lunch was held at Ombersley Golf Club on 14 July, a pleasant informal occasion which was the final event of my predecessor’s year. I attended District

16 Changeover. I met Lion Heather at her home and received useful advice and information about Zone matters generally. I have also talked to Regional Chair Lion Terry White

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: First Zone meeting on 15th Droitwich. I hope to meet Presidents informally before then. Thereafter Zone meetings will be in the week following a Cabinet meeting. I have partly planned my programme of Club visits. Some Clubs do not meet in August. The Zone skittles competition is being planned. I hope to maintain the excellent inter club relationships in the Zone. I am confident there will be one and very possibly two Zone projects which I intend to fully promote

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information

Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name July Current Potential Done and to do Bromsgrove 15 13 1 Preparing membership drive. Contacting businesses and advertising rather than card drop Redditch 19 20 Plan to retain members and recruit Malvern Hills 26 27 Gained one member but lost two transferred Kidderminste 15 16 1 or 2 Used yellow card drop r Droitwich 20 19 Working party carrying out in depth study following a presentation at lasr business meeting Worcester 18 20 3 Additionally Club has one member at large and one Associate

Club Name Bromsgrove Community Services Work with School Peer Mentoring Scheme. Gardening at Hospital. Message in a Bottle. Support for disabled man. Donation to Middle School Fundraising Activities Some money raised at Elizabethan Fair and Carnival Fellowship Activities Supporting Charters and other social events Visited NMA at Alrewas. Several events planned Other Comments PR well handled via newspaper and Lions publications

Club Name Redditch Community Services Fundraising Activities 2 events made little money due to circumstances and weather. Better day at Studley Village Fun Day £80 made. Activities meeting on 7 Aug. to discuss future events. Morton Stanley Park Fair on 17/18/8 Fellowship Activities Other Comments Club’s objective is to pursue recruitment and retention

Club Name Malvern Hills Community Services Twice monthly bingo sessions continue at retirement home. BBQ held for visiting youngsters from Belarus .Donations to Willow Trust, Social Services client andTeenage Cancer Trust.

17 Fundraising Activities Sponsore Walk raised £3640 to date to split with Diabetes UK. £700 from 3 casinos and £151 from a joint can shake with Worcester. Fellowship Activities Italian Night social and Club Charter end of June Other Comments Plans in hand for Annual It’s a KO at 3 Counties Showground

Club Name Kidderminster Community Services Help Wyre Forest D.C. organizing car parking at community events. Driving members of community to hospital, one in particular for eye treatment. 2 members helped Youth Exchange at Airport. Fundraising Activities Carnivals and fetes. Successful Bridge Drive. Casino Evenings for other Clubs and charities sharing proceeds Donations to NMA, to a lady visiting Katmandu orphanage to aid reading, seaside trip for families and many others Fellowship Activities Charter Dinners and club social programme Other Comments PR Officer gets coverage in newspapers. Summer events will be used for fund raising and P.R..

Club Name Droitwich Community Services Entertaining a group of older local people to tea at local garden centre.Supported Music Festival car parking Fundraising Activities Recently it has been stalls at Hanbury Fete and our monthly booksale a successful source of revenue. SaltFest in September Soon to plan Christmas activities. Fellowship Activities Petanques competition, club handover and pudding night. Visit to College for visually impaired to donate money raised by ladies and to gain knowledge and insight Other Comments Recruitment and Retention a primary objective for forthcoming year

Club Name Worcester Community Services Monthly bingo for residents of sheltered housing. In June took part in Monday Night Film Club for people with learning difficulties. Two young ladies presented with Gold Awards under YLIS scheme. Fundraising Activities £139 from coffee morning, £150 from tin shake, £350 net from Childrens’ Activity Day and £250 for providing marshals at Walk for Kids. Fellowship Activities Social evening 24 May, 4 members attended Malvern Charter. 2 Members attended International Convention. Handover Dinner in July plus Zone Lunch Other Comments Various donations totalling £1270 made.

NAME: John Gray. OFFICE: Region 3 Chairperson DATE: August 2013



 Attended Zone and Region Chair Training  Made contact with my Zone Chairs  Attended Zone I Incoming Presidents’ meeting  Attended GMT meeting in May  Attended District Handover Lunch  Passed details of a potential new member to Zone H Chair Lion Cath. Kendall


 To broaden my knowledge and understanding of all the Clubs in my region, particularly those I have not yet met  To arrange dates to attend meetings in all three Zones  To ensure that each Zone has a champion team to represent them in the Region Skittles Final in January

NAME: John O’Rourke OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone G DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I have emailed clubs in my zone for an update on activities and I am currently arranging the first Zone meeting. Monday 23rd September and have invited District Governors wife Lion Christine to talk about her chosen charity.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To contact all clubs re forthcoming zone meeting and skittles competition. Also to arrange club visits with new presidents.

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information

Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name July Current Potential Done and to do Barwell & ES Bedworth 15 15 1 Coventry Go Coventry Leo Coventry Pho Coventry Mer Hinckley/Bur 9 9 2 Nuneaton Rugby Rokeb 21 21 2 None Planned

Club Name Barwell & Earl Shilton Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Bedworth Community Services Message in a bottle Fundraising Activities Easter Egg Raffle, Marie Curie collection Fellowship Activities Handover on Shakespeare Express steam train, visit to people in Action HQ Other Comments Donations made to Mayers appeal and Neuro Foundation

Club Name Coventry Godiva Community Services

19 Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Coventry Leofric Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Coventry Phoenix Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Coventry Mercia Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Hinckley & Burbage Community Services Burbage Carnival, assisting lady in move from Chippenham Fundraising Activities Ladies fashion Show, Fellowship Activities Cornish Tea, Other Comments

Club Name Nuneaton Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Rugby Rokeby Community Services Talking Newspaper, Rugby Music Festival, Rugby Legacy Centre Fundraising Activities Car boot sale, coconut shy, Casino & Sponsored walk Fellowship Activities Walking Treasure Hunt, Presidents at Home, BBQ Other Comments

NAME: Cath Kendall/Paul Anstice OFFICE: Zone Committee, Zone H DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Agreed that this year the Zone would have a Committee to run its affairs due to time and commitment of all concerned. A successful ‘Games for Young Disabled Children’ was held 4th June as a Zone project and all clubs in the Zone participated. This will be repeated this coming year. There is no further information from previous Zone Chair available to comment upon.


20 Visits to be organised to Zone H Clubs by Paul A and agreed by Presidents of said clubs. Social activity for September/ October 2013.

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information

Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name July Current Potential Done and to do Northampton 9 9 +1 Further membership push in the Autumn 2013 Northampton 80 21 21 +2 None Wellingborough 13 13 0 None Towcester 20 20 0 None Rushden 6 6 +1

Club Name Northampton Community Services Supporting local Primary School reading, gardening, Nursery Trips. Fundraising Activities Bucket Collections, local school fete Fellowship Activities Other Comments Sponsoring a student to go to Honduras environmental support and local communities there.

Club Name Northampton 80 Community Services Hope Centre Open day support. Fundraising Activities Coffee morning for Teenage Cancer Trust. Fellowship Activities Other Comments

Club Name Wellingborough Community Services 2 high chairs donated to Kettering General Hospital. Fundraising Activities Wellingborough Carnival. Lions awareness stand on display. Fellowship Activities Other Comments Martin getting to grips with his new role as President.

Club Name Towcester Community Services Yes but nothing specific provided by new President. Fundraising Activities See above Fellowship Activities Other Comments His report was short and to the point and none specific, hopefully more will be forthcoming next time.

Club Name Rushden Community Services Fundraising Activities Fellowship Activities Other Comments Membership drive started.

NAME: Sarah Hill OFFICE: Zone Chairman, Zone I DATE: August 2013


21 ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Attended training, met incoming clubs presidents, attended last cabinet of year and District Handover.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Zone meeting in September and first round of club visits.

Zone Chairmen - Additional Information

Club Members Members Members Membership Actions Name Last zone Current Potential Done and to do mtg Kettering & 35 31 0  4 members lost. 2 resigned despite District efforts to retain them & 2 moved from the area.  Continue to develop strategy both for recruitment & retention  Consider potential areas for recruitment of new members e.g. Burton Latimer etc. Corby & 14 15 2 or 3  Continue to promote Lions District membership via Corby Trader magazine and Corby local radio Harborough 19 20 1  Recent yellow card drop, resulting in 2012 one new member and one other definite Lutterworth 10 10 0  More activity planned on this later in year – details to follow Thurnby 23 23 0  Continue to look for new members Bushby 17 12 0  Continue to look for new members. (Ed. - Not sure when the 17 to 12 took place, suspect it was since start on 2013, need to check.) Market 14 13 0  Lost newest member Harborough  No recruitment plans Rothwell 10 10 0  Club are in touch with Heather Lee re a full page colour advert in a local Magazine that goes to every house in 13 villages in the area.

Club Name Kettering & District Community Services During June we hosted a Pensioners’ Tea Party with bingo and live entertainment, held a disco for adults with special needs, visited Thorndale Care Home & continued to support MIAB Fundraising Activities  Lion Keith Ogley completed a sponsored Coast to Coast walk of 196 miles. Expected to raise £5,000+ to be split between Kettering & District Lions & Cransley Hospice.  Club have attended various local events in order to promote the club including a tombola stall at Burton Latimer Duck Race & a ‘Ladies’ stall at Thorndale Care Home Summer Fete. We provided marshalls at Geddington Street Fair (for a donation to club funds of £250).  At the beginning of July obtained £100 from the ASDA green token charity collection and held first sale of raffle tickets on behalf of the WNAA & Children’s AA. Fellowship Activities  In June hosted the annual Rotary Challenge games evening and attended a Presentation Evening for Lion Keith Ogley.  Held an enjoyable Handover Dinner on 1st July and the following

22 week some members & friends tried their hand at Outdoor Bowls. Other Comments All roles within the Club are filled including 1st & 2nd Vice President. We also have deputies for Secretary & Treasurer

Club Name Corby & District Community Services Promoting Diabetes Awareness, Message in a Bottle, Message in a wallet, collecting spectacles at all events attending. Fundraising Activities Have run stalls at Oakley Vale Funday and Corby Highland Gathering (£40 raised) each, Ferret race night (£300 raised). Fellowship Activities Boughton House tour and afternoon tea. Other Comments Donations/other activity - Can rattling for Red Cross (£400), Corby Radio Young Disc Jockeys (£500), Hairdryers for Autumn Centre (£150).

Club Name Harborough 2012 Community Services Helped with car par marshalling at local agricultural show, supporting local food bank. Fundraising Activities Car parking marshalling generates donation to club. First stages of Xmas post in hand. Fellowship Activities Handover lunch, club treasure hunt on 28th July. Other Comments Donations made to Air Ambulance (£750) and Malawi Education Scholarship fund (£110).

Club Name Lutterworth Community Services Fundraising Activities Lutterworth Carnival ran Coconut shy - awaiting figures. Fellowship Activities Lions and partners visited Lutterworth High School for a presentation from the pupils that were sponsored to go to South Africa to help out teaching. All 15 pupils gave a talk about there experiences and there was a question time afterwards. All pupils and staff had a good time and gained a lot of experience. Other Comments £100 donated to Swinford school to help raise funds for a defibrillator. Plan to raise more funds for this cause.

Club Name Thurnby Community Services Welfare trip is arranged on 31st August 2013 for elderly people to visit the various temples in London. This was done jointly with Leicester Charnwood Lions Club. Fundraising Activities Cricket event organised on 18th August 2013. Golf day proposed on 4th September 2013, jointly with Leicester Charnwood and Rothley & Soar Valley Lions Clubs. Fellowship Activities Supported charity event of Leicester Charnwood Lions Club on 15th July 2013 in aid of people affected by recent severe rain/landslides in Northern India. Other Comments £2,000 donated to Jinendra Foundation in India for sight saving project.

Club Name Bushby Community Services Fundraising Activities Helping Diabetes UK – Collection at Tescos 4th October to 6th October. Christmas Sleigh Collection at Tesco from 19th Dec to 21st December. Diwali Dinner dance in aid of Eye Camps and other charities. Fellowship Activities Attended Coventry Godiva Lions Club changeover , Handsworth Lion Club Charter, as well as Sandwell Charter, Charnwood Lion Club Uttarkhand disaster charity event. Hosting Zone Meeting in conjunction with Thurnby Lions on 18th September. Other Comments Leicester’s Lord Mayors charity Macmillan cancer £200.

23 Club Name Market Harborough Community Services Organised and marshalled a successful Harborough Carnival parade. Fundraising Activities Charity Golf Day, Waitrose ‘green counter’ collection. Fellowship Activities President’s handover lunch and car Treasure Hunt. Other Comments Quoted verbatim from report: “To continue to enjoy one another’s company while trying to do as much good as we can. In reality, ours is a club of mostly retired gentlemen who, for various reasons, are finding it harder to do some of the things we’ve always done. We are fortunate that, having formed Harborough Twenty12, we are able to work alongside other Lions in town and/or pass on some of our initiatives for them to do better than we could. We have expressed a determination to do as much as we can for as long as we can!”

Club Name Rothwell Community Services Still do Meals on Wheels on two Sundays every month. Fundraising Activities Burger/Hot dog Stall £150 for Citizens Welfare Coffee Morning £293 for Clothes for Children at the Outspan School Race Night £320. Fellowship Activities Other Comments Wide range future fundraising planned. Also have objective to increase membership.


NAME: Mike Cooke OFFICE: Communications Portfolio Chairman DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: 1. A meeting of the new committee has been held when the challenges for the year set out by the District Governor for each Officer were discussed. 2. A further committee meeting has been held prior to this Cabinet Meeting.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: 1. To encourage and support the Committee members in fulfilling their objectives. 2. To stress the importance of “promotion” of the Club, District and International in any Club undertakings. 3. To assist in the preparation and issue of the first committee Newsletter of the year in August. 4. To assist in the preparation of a presentation for Autumn Forum as requested by District Governor. 5. To assist in the preparation of a presentation for a future Cabinet Meeting.

NAME: Joy Haffner OFFICE: Webmaster DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Attended MD VDG Training weekend St Johns Hotel, Solihull supporting Ian. Attended International Convention in Hamburg. Attended various meetings, including Zone visits. Updated and tested generic email addresses for district officers. Updated the mailing list with 2013-14, Presidents, Secretaries and Treasurers. There are now about 500 members on the mailing list. I have been reviewing the mailing list to avoid duplicate emails being sent but there are some however that have more than one email address. Published Midland News and DG’s Newsletter. I have asked

24 verbally and via email all district officers for a short personal resume and information about their role for the web site most of these are now received and website updated, (can I thank those that have given me their information – the timely and early response was appreciated) but I am still waiting for a few to finish composing and to return them to me, so that they can also be added. Attended Bilston & Willenhalls Drinks and Welcome Evening. Attended District Changeover.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To complete the update of the website profiles……To circulate information around the District. Update the website as required. To publish news of forthcoming and past events to increase the publicity for the district and Lions in general. Attend the Communications Committee Meetings.

NAME: Terrie Knibb OFFICE: Public Relations Officer DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  Familiarised myself with materials available.  Provided advice as requested via email.  Arranging visits to advise on social media.  Given support to individual Lions to set up facebook accounts. ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Contribute to Communications Team Newsletter.  Provide “Tips & Tricks” via email distribution list.  Provide social media surgeries to clubs and individual Lions as requested.

NAME: Ken Barker OFFICE: Midlands News Editor & “The Lion” Liaison Officer DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  I have continued to receive articles and photos from Clubs which I have edited and passed on to our webmaster without delay ensuring timely publication.  Communication made to all Clubs requesting they continue to contribute to Midlands News by submitting articles and photos of events past and future.  For the Lions year 1.7.2011 to 30.6.2012 a total of 101 articles were submitted and published. I am pleased to report that for the year 1.7.2012 to 30.6.2013 173 articles were submitted and published. The current year has got off to a good start with 23 articles received as at the date of completing this report.  Each month I have selected a couple of articles for submission to the Lion magazine and am pleased to report that each edition has featured these articles.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  To produce own article for next Communications Committee magazine.  To liaise with committee to help produce presentation for Autumn Forum.  To continue to encourage Lions to submit articles to Midlands News to keep their fellow Lions informed.

NAME: Mike Cooke OFFICE: Service/Project Officer

25 DATE: August 2013

DECISIONS REQUIRED: All Cabinet Officers to check if their Club has sent the information requested in my letter and subsequent e-mail to the immediate past Club President.

JUSTIFICATION FOR DECISIONS: I had a limited response, approx. 25% of Clubs, but I need more to make the exercise worthwhile

ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: 1. Attended Communications Committee meetings. 2. Preparing information for first Communications Committee Newsletter of the new Lions year.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: 1. Interact with Clubs and Zone Chairmen to develop a database of “good ideas” for service and fund raising activities. 2. Development and maintenance of best practice for service and fund raising events. 3. To assist clubs to gain access to resources and advice needed for their service and fund raising events. 4. Interact with the three main Portfolio Committees to champion initiatives and activities throughout the District and to coordinate events to maximise impact and PR opportunities. 5. To encourage maximum supports for Lion Christine’s District Appeal Me & Dee which she outlined at District Changeover. 6. To respond to any special appeals which may occur during the year.

NAME: Dave Smith OFFICE: Competitions Officer DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Attended District Change Over Bringing myself up to speed with the competition rules. Information about district skittles competition sent to Zone & Region Chairman. General information about competitions sent to clubs.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Continue to inform members of the various competitions on offer

NAME: Mavis Cooke OFFICE: District Almoner DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: 1. I have continued to send appropriate cards as and when notified for the need. 2. I am reliant on you, my fellow Lions, on being informed as and when a card needs to be sent. So, please may I ask all new Cabinet Officers, and in particular Zone Chairmen, to let me know of any need. 3. For the last Lions year I sent out the following ; a. 3 congratulations cards. b. 8 get well soon or similar cards. c. 5 cards of condolence to families of Lions who have died. d. 9 cards of condolence to Lions who have lost a partner or family member. 4. As I have stated before I know from feedback received how much these cards have been appreciated.

26 Please keep the good and not so good news coming to me I am dependant on you all.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To show our fellow Lions that we care as much for them as we do for others by sending appropriate cards.


NAME: Heather Lee OFFICE: GMC DATE: August 2013

ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Meeting held to hand over to new team and updates given on each region as to progress on membership. Membership officers to update individually Attended District Changeover

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Next meeting of the membership team to include GLT on 29th August at the Arden Hotel. To support all clubs fewer than 15. Bilston and Willenhall have been allocated funds for printing for their membership drive. Rowell have asked for funding, requested proofs of the magazine article.

As IPDG Paul said at District Changeover the figures do not look positive, a net loss of 14 members. Unfortunately June’s figures can reflect a negative situation as this is the time when clubs drop members for whatever reason; left, not paying dues, not attending etc. Looking at the other Districts (which I will not name) there have been greater losses - up to 47 members

BUT, when looking at the year as a whole we as a District have had many successes. There has been a new club, Harborough Twenty12, and the new Coventry Mercia has just been formed. Numerous clubs have been supported with funds either for yellow cards or leaflets and posters. The new membership resources have been used around the District – there are still the flags and banners to come. A potential new club in Quinton/Harbourne is ongoing with Sandwell LC led by Paul Murphy. Other areas of possible new clubs being sourced At least 3 clubs have been saved from closing and are being supported by their ZC and RC and supporting Lions.

Membership is EVERYONE’s responsibility so well done M – membership team and club members

M’s for Marvellous (and sexy)

NAME: Douglas Cross OFFICE: GMT Liaison – Extension DATE: August 2013

NEW CLUBS Coventry Mercia New Club now approved by Oakbrook following e-mails etc with them. 20 members including transferred Lions from Coventry Godiva Lions Club. Other Coventry Clubs informed. IPDG Paul Anstice will report more fully. Balsall Common Lions Club will act as mother club. Meeting place organised. Charter Presentation probably October. Notice will be sent by DG via Joy to all Clubs.

What a start to DG Simon’s year

Birmingham Quinbourne Possible Lions Club

27 Name to be adapted to suit Harbourne & Quinton districts of Birmingham. Possible Meeting place located, Yellow Card drop planned for autumn with press notices etc. RC Paul Murphy will update. Sandwell Lions will act as Mother Club

Hall Green Possible Lions Club. Delayed at present after failed idea of notices did not receive one reply. Rethink in Autumn. At least positive local club support

Atherstone Possible Lions Club Delayed until at least the spring of 2014 due to organising members being part of new Coventry Mercia Club. Probably better delayed till spring 2014

Royal Leamington Spa Possible Lions Club In abeyance at present waiting for a team to be set up. But membership team will reconsider this location.

I repeat the same request

There are many Lions on Cabinet and generally in 105M with contacts in other areas than their club. Contact names like these would give the membership committee a chance to view other areas to form a Lions Club and certainly areas were a club could be of service to the area.

EXISTING CLUB BRANCHES Alcester Update on spend of money and working with Evesham Lions Club. Some members transferred in from Evesham. But numbers in both clubs to be confirmed (5A + 7E)

REBUILDING The membership committee’s main aim is to lift clubs struggling for members and we are working from the lowest number upwards firstly to 10 number, these clubs are shown at the end of this report.

Sutton Coldfield & Erdington Lions Club Yellow card drop brought two possible members to club meeting. David Williams good President and well organised steadily rebuilding. 12 members. Good meeting place

Coventry Phoenix Lions Club Problems have occurred with illness which has reduced numbers. New location place for meeting with much better facilities - Westwood Heath Club, Westwood Heath Rd, Coventry. 11 public attended after the Yellow Card drop but not ONE person attended the next club meeting. But they have a new possible Lion. Very slow rebuild only. Still only 10 Birmingham Exhibition Lions Club Have gone through a very serious loss of members and have lost all of the officers. Following meetings we have now regrouped with 8 members and a temporary Chairman. Hopefully we can rebuild.

The membership committee are also committed to help all clubs short of members but in particular those of 10 or under. Various officers will report in detail on rebuilding these clubs

Aldridge 9) These 4 clubs are all in Zone A Bilston & Willenhall 7) Local help wanted from experienced Lions Dudley 9) Yellow Cord drop In Bilston, but further loss. Wolverhampton 7) Heather Lee visiting Wolverhampton monthly

Rushden & District 6 Paul A taking active part in rebuild already up 3

28 Edgbaston 8 Positive signs of extra members Hinckley & Burbage 9 Northampton 9 Little response from Yellow Card drop Handsworth Ladies 9 Still not meeting Lutterworth 10 New meeting location Rowell 10

We URGENTLY require experienced Lions to help monitor clubs with less than 10/15 in their membership and start to build new clubs. Please contact Heather if you can help.

FUTURE NEW CLUBS I will keep updating this list for every report, we require names of Lions or contacts who live in these areas.

Brackley Brownhills Chipping Camden (105W) Codsall Coleshill Daventry Halesowen One contact Henley in Arden West Bromwich Womborne

Do you know others?

NAME: Lion Ann Pemberton OFFICE: GMT Registrar DATE: August 2013

DECISIONS REQUIRED: Will all Zone chairman on their Club visits ask Secretaries if they have accessed My LCI since 1 st July

JUSTIFICATION FOR DECISIONS: The MYLCI site is operational and all Club Secretaries should have established an access to update monthly Club Records.

As of 22.00 31st July 29 Clubs had not even recorded no change.

I am available to deal with any problems

ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Attached is a list of members by Club as at 31st July.

This report is prepared monthly and issued to GMT team

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Get 100% of the Clubs reporting monthly a no change return is so simple.

Pursue the goal of all Clubs submitting activity reports

29 DISTRICT 105M MEMBERSHIP STATISTICS - Clubs 2013/2014 Ytd Net N D TRI TRO Club Zone Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Change Aldridge & District A 9 9 0 0 0 0 Bilston & Willenhall A 7 7 0 0 0 0 Dudley A 9 9 0 0 0 0 Kingswinford & Stourbridge A 27 27 0 0 0 0 Walsall A 12 11 -1 -1 -1 0 0 Wolverhampton A 7 7 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Chinatown B 18 18 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Edgbaston B 8 8 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Handsworth B 23 23 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Handsworth Ladies B 9 9 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Moseley & Kings Heath B 17 17 0 0 0 0 Sandwell B 20 20 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Acocks Green C 19 19 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Sheldon C 15 15 0 0 0 0 Knowle & Dorridge C 35 34 -1 1 -2 -1 0 0 Shirley C 21 22 1 1 1 0 0 Solihull C 23 24 1 1 1 0 0 Balsall Common D 37 37 0 0 0 0 Birmingham Exhibition D 9 8 -1 -1 -1 0 0 Castle Bromwich & District D 22 22 0 0 0 0 Marston Green & District D 18 18 0 0 0 0 Sutton C'field & Erdington D 12 12 0 0 0 0 Evesham Vale E 7 7 0 0 0 0 Kenilworth E 39 37 -2 -2 -2 0 0 Shakespeare E 28 27 -1 -1 -1 0 0 Shakespeare (Alcester) Branch E 5 5 0 0 0 0 Southam & District E 32 32 0 0 0 0 Stour Valley E 13 13 0 0 0 0 Warwick E 28 28 0 0 0 0 Wellesbourne & District E 29 27 -2 -2 -2 0 0 Bromsgrove F 13 13 0 0 0 0 Droitwich F 19 19 0 0 0 0 Kidderminster & District F 15 16 1 1 1 0 0 Malvern Hills F 28 28 0 0 0 0 Redditch F 18 18 0 0 0 0 Worcester F 18 19 1 1 1 0 0 Barwell & Earl Shilton G 15 15 0 0 0 0 Bedworth G 15 14 -1 -1 -1 0 0 Coventry Godiva G 31 25 -6 2 -8 -6 0 0 Coventry Leofric G 34 33 -1 -1 -1 0 Coventry Phoenix G 10 10 0 0 0 0 Coventry Mercia G 20 20 20 20 0 0 Hinckley & Burbage G 9 9 0 0 0 0 Nuneaton G 23 23 0 0 0 0 Rugby Rokeby G 21 21 0 0 0 0 Northampton H 9 9 0 0 0 0 Northampton 80 H 21 21 0 0 0 0 Rushden & District H 6 6 0 0 0 0 Towcester & District H 20 20 0 0 0 0 Wellingborough & District H 13 13 0 0 0 0 Bushby I 18 12 -6 -6 -6 0 0 Corby & District I 15 15 0 0 0 0 Harborough Twenty 12 I 20 20 0 0 0 0 Kettering & District I 31 31 0 0 0 0 Lutterworth I 11 11 0 0 0 0 Market Harborough I 13 13 0 0 0 0 Rowell I 10 10 0 0 0 0 Thurnby I 23 23 0 0 0 0 Totals as at 31st July 1037 1039 2 27 -25 0 0 2 2 Reported 6 Deceased 30 SECTION 7: GLOBAL LEADERSHIP TEAM

NAME: Lion Pauline Fanti OFFICE: GLT Coordinator DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Attended the MD convention in Torquay in April. All the Arranged Training Dates were completed and they were well attended I know that Phil is happy to arrange any more sessions for those who were unable to attend, please contact her if you need us to arrange other sessions. We prefer you all to be fully informed when completing your roles!

Held the Last GLT Meeting on Monday 10th May for 2012-2013 and you will see from the News Letter we are still looking for more Leaders please can I appeal to the District Team to keep looking and let us have some names please!

I attended the GMT Meeting on Thursday 27th June we will work together during the next year. The next Meeting will be GMT/GLT Meeting 29th August at the Arden Hotel.

Attended the Zone Meeting with the new incoming Club Officers 23rd May

I will be attending District Changeover on Sunday 21st July

Together With June Lloyd-Adams we visited Evesham Club to see if we could resolve some of their difficulties, unfortunately there were several issues that we needed to discuss at Cabinet. A decision was made to visit get the two clubs Evesham and Alcester together to try to find the best solution.

Lion Andy Pemberton and I arranged a visit on 11th June and after much discussion a temporary solution was agreed.

Lion June and I have planned to visit Evesham 13th August.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING This next year will be particularly important, as it will be my final year as GLT District Coordinator. I will be looking for someone to take over from me!! I would also like to see many more experienced Lions come forward to help “ Guide and Mentor” other clubs who are in need of support. “Leaders are what we all think we are not but please look at what you have done and are continuing to do within Lions”

NAME: Phil White OFFICE: Training Officer DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: A second Incoming president’s workshop was delivered on 3 June and a second Incoming Zone and Region Chairmen on 25 June both at MDHQ. These were to accommodate those who could not make the original workshops.

31 I assisted at a MD FDI Assessment day on 28 June at the request of Linda Picton, The MD GLT Co- ordinator. Thank you to Lion Martin Hill for the loan of his camcorder and stand for the day so that all those taking part could be filmed

I participated in a GLT meeting on 10 June and contributed to the recent quarterly GLT Newsletter. I also attended District Changeover.

The projector and screened have been loaned out and I have provided information and support to several Lions upon request.

The ‘What is Involved in Becoming a DG’ informal meeting planned for 31 August has been postponed to a date to be agreed after Autumn Forum.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Another Lion is being assessed to join our training team

ZC Review meeting will take place immediately before Autumn Forum on 20 October and the training team will be developing a new workshop for delivery at Autumn Forum.

A New Members Information evening is planned for Tuesday 29 October. Please inform all new members in your clubs, zones and regions and encourage them to attend.


NAME: Ian Haffner OFFICE: Finance & Admin Chair DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Meeting dates are in the diary for this Lions Year.

Chaired the first F&A Committee Meeting held on the 23rd July 2013 which was both a lively and productive meeting.

We now have a general District charity fund set up and a balance of £3k will be transferred from the disability youth exchange fund. This is compliant with charity committee rules where funds remain unused for over 10 years and was confirmed by a vote of the District trustees following recommendation by the F & A Committee.

The F & A Committee will continue to review the District budget and finances as well as ensuring as a District we are compliant on issues relating to charity commission, health and safety, insurance, vulnerable persons and with our constitution. Other committee members’ reports can be read elsewhere.

The District Officers Recommendations List for the year is in progress but still waiting for some replies. It is intended that this will be available for the August cabinet meeting.

Work has started on the long term financial plan for the District.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To progress the District long term Financial Plan. Circulate a completed District Officers Recommendations List.

32 NAME: Pauline Hoogerwerf OFFICE: District Secretary DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  Attended meeting of Trustees, at which it was agreed that two further Trustees – IPDG and 1st VDG be added to the Trust Deed.  Requested Clerk to the Trustees, Lion Mike Cooke, to update Charity Commission website with new Trustee information.  Requested Clerk to the Trustees to obtain copy of updated Trust Deed.  Produced and circulated minutes of May meeting.  Produced DG Newsletters.  Attended International Convention in Hamburg  Attended F & A meeting.  Circulated reminder re format of Cabinet reports and date required. Unfortunately, some Cabinet Officers still find it a challenge to use the requested format and to get their reports in on time!  Collated, prepared and circulated Cabinet reports.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Produce and circulate information regarding Autumn Forum.  Produce and circulate DG Newsletters.  Continue to assist the DG in the smooth running of the District.  Give advice and assistance to Cabinet Officers and Clubs when requested.

NAME: Neil Chisholm. OFFICE: District Treasurer DATE: August 2013 Cabinet Report.

ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I have had a hand over of both the cheques books and paying in books from the past District Treasurer, but it will be least another month before I receive the Accounts for last year and then I can put together a complete picture.

A revised set of bank signatures has been sent to the Bank. They are the District Governor, 1st Vice District Governor, Immediate Past District Governor, District Secretary and the District Treasurer, who are also the Trustees of the District Charity Account.

I am enclosing the Administration budget which was agreed last year for 2013-14 for information, along with the notes relating to the budget.

Approved Administration budget for 2013/14. For the year 2011-12 the district under-spent by just over £4,000 due to grants received for membership and district officers not claiming expenses as well as the small increase in membership numbers. Early indications are that we will under-spend against budget this year. Despite this a prudent budget cannot rely on further grants being received or on the continued under-spend on expenses. Nevertheless the budget is based on the membership subscriptions remaining the same with an increase in the provision for equipment replacement as well as increases to the DG’s allowance, NSL Officers allowance, the provision for membership activities, Forum costs and printing/stationery.

Officers’ expenses have been split by committee and are based on each committee presenting to every zone and to a small number of clubs. These figures will be discussed with the committee

33 chairs shortly after the date for this report and the budget below may be subject to minor revision for presentation to cabinet.

2012-13 2013-14 Budget Receipts 10000 Dues (assume 1025 members) 10250 100 Cabinet Fines & coffee 100 150 MBNA Royalties 50 10250 10400

Payments 3000 Officers Expenses (by committee) Health 200 Youth 200 International 200 Communications 200 GMT 200 GLT 200 F&A 300 1,500 Other officers' expenses Zone and Region Chairs 800 1st VDG 100 2nd VDG 250 1,150

2500 Convention 2014 2500 500 DG’s Allowance 750 450 NSL Allowance 600 100 Incoming Officers/Handover 100 250 Forum 2013 350 500 Room Hire/coffee 500 150 Printing/Stationery 250 100 Equipment replacement 750 113 Internet 120 150 Regalia 150 1700 Membership 1700 800 Leadership 800 -163 Reserves -820

10,150 Total Budget 2013-14 10,400 100 PID gift to LCIF should be From Charity 10,250

Currently to date 11 clubs have paid their first half years subscriptions. The new Accounting package has been ordered and as this comes with 90 days Technical support the additional support will be purchased at a later date.

NAME: Ron Cross OFFICE: Sergeant-at-Arms DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Changeover came and went.

34 Attended recent F & A Meeting.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Preparing for Cabinet Meeting. Preparing for Autumn Forum.

NAME: Wim Hoogerwerf OFFICE: CNRO DATE: August 2013


1. To consider the resolution relating to oversubscription of appeals as detailed below.

2. To consider the resolution relating to voting for 2nd VDG if there is more than one candidate as detailed below.

3. To accept the papers on ethics and Use of Funds produced by International and to require all clubs to comply with the District Convention Resolution to produce accounts for both Administrative and Charity Accounts and to submit them to the District Treasurer by 31st December each year and also to form Charitable Trusts if they are required to do so by law.


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: I attended International Convention in Hamburg, particularly the legal seminars. The main message was that Lions Clubs and Officers should abide by the Code of Ethics, be careful with handling public monies and account for the monies collected in accordance with the laws of our country and in an open and transparent way. I attach web links to the policy on ethics for Club Officers and also for the use and distribution of money which has been collected by Lions Clubs in various ways I remind all clubs with a charity income in excess of £5,000 per year that they should register as a charitable trust. MDHQ at Kings Heath will be able to provide a model document of trust which has been agreed with the Charity Commission. Clubs which raise money to cover membership dues should read the documents with great care.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: The Convention Call for 2014 will go out at the end of August and the closing date for nominations for DG, 1st VDG and Second VDG as well as resolutions will be 30th November.

There will be a cabinet resolution to the effect that if an appeal to Clubs is over subscribed the monies which have been collected from clubs will be applied to the District General Charity Account. This could occur where there has been a specific appeal such as St Asaph Flood and the monies cannot all be spent. This would avoid having to contact clubs which had donated and ask if they wished to have part of the funds returned. In addition all appeals to Clubs would make note of the fact that if the appeal should be oversubscribed then the funds would be applied to the general Fund.

A second resolution was discussed at the F&A Committee which basically was for the election of 2 nd VDG in that at present if there is more than one candidate then the candidate with the most votes will be elected. I have been asked on several occasions if Clubs can vote against all candidates on the paper i.e. a “none of the above vote”. The F&A Committee would like to open this to wider discussion.

35 Finally, after the votes at each Convention there is a vote to destroy the ballot papers on the day. In future there will be a vote to destroy the ballot papers after 30 days, in case there should be an appeal to International by an aggrieved candidate. There would be no option to review the ballot papers if they were destroyed.

NAME: Chris Burrows OFFICE: Convention Host Committee Chairman DATE: August 2013

DECISIONS REQUIRED None at this point only to note the progress made and pass comment on the Project Plan and risk Register.

JUSTIFICATION FOR DECISIONS The Project Plan will hopefully, along with the Risk Register, allow us to focus on key dates, activities and risks, provide a plan going forward and a record of achievement.

ACTIONS TO DATE I, along with Lion Terry Smith, met with Lion John Barnes to dismiss the draft Project Plan. Since which time I have updated the plan and along with a Risk Register and will circulate shortly to those who require a copy, or have shown an interest.

I have also visited, along with Lion Terry, all the of the Clubs in the Zone and as a result of which they are all now committed to help and assist either in the planning or over the weekend. I have also now formed a small Working Party to take matters forward and hope to set out my plans at an informal meeting (Zone Social) to which they have all been invited.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING  Update the Project Plan and issue along with the Risk Register.  Hold the Zone Social  Allocate tasks  Agree theme for both nights

NAME: John Barnes OFFICE: District Events Officer DATE: August 2013

DECISIONS REQUIRED: No decisions required.


CHANGEOVER This was held on 21st July at St.John’s Hotel – 97 members attended from 29 clubs – including 6 members from our latest Club – Coventry Mercia. Thanks to all who supported the incoming DG

AUTUMN FORUM This is taking place on Sunday 20th October at St.John’s Hotel- details will be sent to all Clubs and Officers within next three weeks.

Any District Officer who requires a stall please let me know as soon as possible.

CONVENTION 2014 This is being held at St. John’s Hotel 21st -23rd March 2014 – a committee has been set up – chaired by Chris Burrows. Full details will be given at Autumn Forum.

36 NAME: Ray Stephens OFFICE: Health & Safety DATE: August 2013

DECISIONS REQUIRED: Acceptance of H&S Statements of Intent



ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: I would like to propose a Health & Safety Statement of Intent for both District 105M and the Clubs within the district.

I shall be presenting at our next Cabinet meeting a Health & Safety Statement of Intent for the District also a Statement of Intent for the clubs. These statements must be reviewed and signed, at the start of every Lions Year.

If Cabinet accept these statements then the District Governor and I can sign the Health & Safety Statement of Intent for 2013 – 2014.

Although these documents are not a legal requirement it does demonstrate our intention to observe good Health & Safety practice, to the best of our ability at all our events, should the Health & Safety Executive be involved with a serious incident.

During this year I shall encourage all clubs within the district to sign the statement also to answer a Safety Questionnaire. I shall request that a signed copy of both documents be returned to me for District Records.

I shall also be advising Clubs that they produce a “Risk Assessment” for ALL events, in particular where the general public are involved. This document will be required by the Insurers should any compensation claims be filed.

I shall also request that the Multiple District “Road to Safety” policy, be made available on the District 105M website. I have read the District Safety Management System and I believe this is an excellent document and requires no revisions. However, I have a meeting with Lion Brian Dickety in September where these documents will be discussed. LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 105M HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY Statement of Intent

This policy document establishes the Policy, Organization and Arrangements for the effective management of health and safety within District 105M in respect of the Service and Other Activities carried out within the District.

1.0 Policy Statement

1.1 The District Governor, Officers of the Cabinet, together with the Specialist Officers, appointed to promote the District activities recognize that a positive approach to health and safety, is a fundamental part of effective and efficient management.

1.2 The Cabinet is therefore committed to its responsibilities, to assess and manage the risks to its members whilst undertaking Lionistic activities. To provide information, instruction, training and supervision, to ensure members are competent to carry out the duties and tasks assigned to them. To ensure that any plant and equipment used, in association with Lions activities is safe, maintained

37 and fit for purpose. To consult with its members on matters which maybe affecting their health safety and welfare.

1.3 To assess and manage the risks to all who participate in the Service and Fundraising activities carried out by the District including Lions Club Members and Members of the General Public.

1.4 Our Safety Management strategy is based on a process of continuous improvement, on documented procedures and processes that are applied in conjunction with relevant legislation and best practice.

1.5 It is the policy of the District that all Lions Clubs shall apply and observe, a reasonable “Duty of Care” with respect to their Members, Families, Volunteer Helpers, Contractors, Visitors and Members of the General Public, ensuring that all reasonable and practicable steps have been taken to protect their health, safety and welfare, whilst working at, or attending any function or event organized by any Lions Club within the District.

1.6 The District Governor, the Officers of the Cabinet, together with the Specialist Officers, are required to ensure that adequate standards of health and safety are factored into the planning, preparation and execution of all Lionistic activities. All hazards and risks associated with the activity are effectively managed, to ensure as far as reasonably practicable the safety of all who participate, or may be affected by the activity.

1.7 This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed and updated on an Annual basis or sooner in the light of changes in legislation or substantial changes are made to the organization and arrangements before that date.

2.0 The Organization for the Implementation of the Health & Safety Policy

2.1 Officers of the Cabinet The overall responsibility for the implementation of health and safety standards within the District is vested in the District Governor and his/her appointed Cabinet Officers including any elected Vice Governors.

2.2 District Governor In accordance with the Multiple District Health and Safety Policy and, adopted by this District Policy. The Governor should implement a safety management system which will enable the effective maintenance and monitoring of the necessary safety provisions within the District.

2.3 District Safety Officer/ Adviser The District Safety Officer/ Adviser should assist the District Governor in the implementation of his/her Safety Management System. Provide or obtain competent health and safety advice to all Clubs and District Officers as required. Report and monitor the safety performance of the District to the District Governor and the Cabinet.

The District Insurance Adviser will advise both District Officers and Clubs on Insurance matters.

2.4 Zone Chairmen. The District Governor will be assisted and supported in discharging his/ her health and safety responsibilities, in the monitoring of health and safety standards as directed, by the District Governor and documented in the safety management system adopted.

2.5 District Officers/Advisors/Team Leaders Will implement the necessary health and safety standards, in accordance with the Safety Policy and set out in the Safety Management System. 2.6 Lions Clubs within the District

38 Each Lions Club within the District is an autonomous unit and as such the President and Directors of the Club, are responsible for the health and safety standards as set out in the Multiple District Health and Safety Policy and Arrangements published in the Multiple District Directory of Clubs and Officers (page 8 to 10) and in accordance with this Policy Statement. It is expected that each Club will cooperate with the District Governor in adopting the elements of the District Safety Management System.

Lions Clubs that cooperate on a shared basis with other Lions Clubs, also share the health and safety responsibilities. It is therefore imperative that these shared responsibilities are fully agreed and documented.

2.7 Club Safety Officers/ Advisers. In order to assist Club Directors and Officers in discharging their health and safety responsibilities, each Club should appoint a Club Safety Officer/ Adviser in accordance with International, Multiple District and District Arrangements for all Lions Clubs, Lioness Clubs and Leo Clubs. The Club Safety Officer/ Adviser shall provide or obtain competent health and safety advice to ensure that the obligations and duties as specified in the District Safety Policy are carried out. Further guidance on the role of the Club Safety Officer/ Adviser is provided in the document "Road to Safety".

2.8 All Lions. Every Lion has a duty to look after them self and others who may be affected by their actions. When carrying out their Lionistic activities, they should cooperate with their fellow Lions to provide the necessary standards of health and safety. Any shortfalls or defects in any equipment or systems should be brought to the attention of the Club Safety Officer or the Club President for rectification as a matter of urgency.

3.0 Arrangements & Procedures for implementing the Districts Health & Safety Policy.

3.1 Health and Safety Guidance "Road to Safety" A copy of this advisory guidance is available on the District Web site. The document will be kept up to date to take account of changes in legislation and any relevant codes of practice.

3.2 Insurance. All Club Directors, Officers and Safety Officers/ Advisers should be aware of the requirements for Club activities to be covered by adequate insurance. Reference should be made to the Insurance Provisions made within the Multiple District Directory of Clubs and Officers (pages11 to 13). District and Club Safety Officers/ Advisers are insured for Professional Indemnity however, due care should be taken when providing safety advice.

3.3 Fire Precautions. Significant changes in legislation regarding the responsibilities for Fire Precautions have come into force recently. In general a fire risk assessment is required for every building except a domestic house. Fire Certificates are no longer valid. The organizers of any event or activity must ensure that, adequate fire precautions have been made and are robust. It is the responsibility of the owner or manager of the building, to carry out the fire risk assessment, not the local Lions Club. Further guidance can be found in "The Road to Safety" document

3.4 First Aid Provisions. The provision of First Aid cover must be assessed for every event or activity carried out within the District. In general there is a requirement to provide cover, dependent on the activities and risks involved. The First Aid assessment should be carried out at the planning stage of any event and could require as little as, the details of the nearest Emergency Hospital and how to obtain medical attention, in the event of an accident, through to a need for a trained First Aider or team of First Aiders to be on duty.

39 3.5 Food Hygiene. All activities involving the provision of food and drinks should be assessed to ensure that the requirements of the local Environmental Health Officer are met, together with the relevant Food Hygiene Regulations.

3.6 Activities involving Children, the Young and Vulnerable People Special attention must be given to activities involving children, the young and vulnerable people. Care must be taken to ensure compliance with the legislation. Additional Guidance is provided in "The Road to Safety" document.

3.7 Risk Assessments for District and Club Events. As previously mentioned suitable and sufficient Risk Assessments, together with the appropriate control measures, must be carried out and documented for the following activities. District meetings, District Conventions, Club Charters, District and Club activities, where the General Public are invited. The above assessments should be carried out at the planning stage of the activities and amended as necessary. These assessments should be held, signed off and dated by a responsible person.

3.8 Incident reporting All incidents or near misses occurring at any Lions function or event, held within the District, must be reported to the District Health and Safety Officer as soon as possible, by phone, e mail or fax, Followed up by a documented report describing the occurrence, the details of any injured persons, the root causes and any lessons learnt from the occurrence.

Signed …………………………… Dated ……………………. Lion Simon Moss District Governor

NAME: Suresh Gohil OFFICE: Insurance Officer DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Meeting with Insurance Brokers: Miles Smith has been arranged on 8th August 2013 to discuss renewal for forthcoming year. Further details to follow. Current Insurance Certificate and details of benefits available to member is on our website especially on F&A

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: To continue to provide advice regarding insurance to Cabinet Officers and Lion Members.

NAME: Eric Hughes OFFICE: Vulnerable Persons Officer DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: The long awaited update system has finally been announced by DBS and came into force on 17th June 2013. Immediately the new system was announced, MD VPO David Colville circulated a raft of new forms and procedures to be implemented throughout the Multiple District to be followed by Clubs and Lions when applying for a DBS disclosure. Unfortunately, this was done without any

40 consultation with District VPOs and caused confusion both within this and other districts. In view of this, I circulated an e-mail to all clubs within this district explaining that no action needed to be taken by Lions who held valid CRB / DBS disclosures.

I will be attending an MD VPO meeting on Saturday 27th July, when it is hoped a common strategy will be agreed. Following the meeting, I will circulate agreed procedures to all Clubs

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: I already have a number of Clubs intimating that they wish to apply for DBS disclosures. These will be followed up after the agreed procedures have been decided.


NAME: Heather Jeavons OFFICE: Chairman, Long Range Planning DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  Invited Lions Mavis Cook, ( District Almoner), Martin Hill, (Chairman of the Health Committee), and Terry White,(Region Chairman Region 2), to join the committee in addition to the standing members of the LRP committee.  Scheduled dates for quarterly meetings of the LRP in the 2013/14 year. The first meeting will be 10th September 2013.  Reviewed present position of the District Long Range Plan with outgoing Chairman, Lion Ian, and identified areas where no long range strategy is presently in place

 ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Draft a discussion paper for the next LRP meeting to identify those areas requiring a long range strategy to be formulated  Circulate discussion paper and agenda to the LRP committee.  Attend the LRP meeting on 10th September.  Report back to the District Governor on the matters discussed at that meeting.


NAME: Paul Anstice OFFICE: Immediate Past District Governor DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: As I am new to this post there is nothing to report prior to 1st July 2013. Since that date I have carried out the following actions:  Attended International Convention in Hamburg and had a very enjoyable time. Jackie and I were able to spend some relaxing time with the members of the 2012-2013 Council and their partners and also celebrate with the Lions of 105M as DG Simon was installed as District Governor. We also spent a week travelling through Germany and France which is the first holiday we have since Busan last year.  Attended District Handover and presented DG Simon with his chain of office as my last formal act. I was also pleased to be able to present Lion Pauline Hoogerwerf with a Melvin Jones fellowship in recognition for her work with the water wells in Niger  Attended the first F&A committee meeting of the year at MDHQ  Presented at the ‘What is Involved in Becoming DG’ meeting

41 ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Remember I am no longer DG but be available to give advice to the Governors Team should it be requested  Have an active involvement on the F&A, LRP, and GMT committees  Show progress with the Immediate Past District Governor’s diet programme!

NAME: Ian Haffner OFFICE: 1st VDG DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: 8th – 9th June attended MD VDG Training weekend St Johns Hotel, Solihull. 28th June attended the last DG Team Meeting of 2012-13 Lions year. 3rd July attended presentation evening with Worcester Lions Club at the Whitehouse Hotel, Worcester to present 2 gold and 1 silver YLiS Awards. 5th – 9th July attended the International Convention in Hamburg. 17th July attended on behalf of GMT a Drinks and Welcome Evening for prospective Lions members at Bilston and Willenhall Lions Club. A well run event with lots of display material on Lions activities and a Q & A session led by Lion Stuart Richmond. 21st July attended District Changeover.

Attended the first Governors Team Meeting of 2013-14 on the 30th July. Arrangements are being finalised to visit circa 15 clubs – thanks to Lion Mick Taylor from Marston Green and District Lions Club for arranging.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: Continue to attend GMT, GLT, LRP, F&A and Governors Team Meetings and start club visits.

NAME: Heather Jeavons OFFICE: 2nd Vice District Governor DATE: August 2013 DECISIONS REQUIRED: None

ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING:  Attended training course for incoming 2nd VDG’s.  Attended district Membership Committee meeting  Attended DG’s team meetings  Contacted all incoming Zone Chairs asking to attend a Zone Meeting, and for details of any Zone events in the coming year which I can attend.  Scheduled dates for meetings of Long Range Planning Committee for 2013/14

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING:  Attend seminar for potential candidates for 2VDG for next year

NAME: Douglas Cross OFFICE: PDG’s Liaison DATE: August 2013

After discussions with DG Simon and the District team we have agreed to delay the informal seminar on “DO YOU WANT TO BE THE DISTRICT GOVERNOR” until after the Autumn Forum, this will allow those interested more time to consider their situation and to discuss the matter with their clubs. The District choice will of course be made at 105M Convention at St John’s Hotel, Solihull.

If you have carried a Yellow Card drop recently or intend to do one this Spring, please let me know. If you would like help with funding make sure you check with PDG Heather Lee before committing to

42 any costs. In 105M we have a lot of clubs with less than 15 members who we are helping to rebuild and costs are mounting.

105M is still one of the few Districts in the MD who have an organised Past District Governors Association; it assists greatly in keeping experienced Lions active in the District when their year as Governor is over.

This year’s 105M Golf Competition will be set up as a Joint event with PDG’s. Please contact PDG John Freeth and he will let you have booking details, tee times etc. This year’s competitions will be played at Bromsgrove Golf Club on 16th August 2013. We are very anxious for more Club Lions to play in the 105M Golf Competition from all over 105M District. Both the Men’s and Ladies cups will be played for on the same day.

The PDG’s summer lunch was held on for 24th June 2013 at Kings Hill Nursery, Coventry, organised by PDG Henry Woodgate. It will be arranged next year at a different location but generally in the same area of 105M

The annual Christmas Lunch is planned for December 1st 2013 at Grounds Farm, Middleton, Sutton Coldfield organised by PDG Linda Cross.

NAME: Simon Moss OFFICE: District Governor DATE: August 2013


ACTIONS TAKEN SINCE LAST MEETING: Since the last Cabinet meeting I have been formally sworn in as District Governor at the International Convention in Hamburg. While there I also completed my training and now feel fully prepared to serve you for the next year. International Convention was enjoyable but exhausting with probably the best part being the opportunity to meet several of my fellow DGs from around the world. More details can be found in my next DG newsletter and in my blog (

Since returning from Hamburg I have attended Sutton Coldfield and Erdington’s charter anniversary lunch, attended a Council Advisory Committee meeting and been made DG for the third time at District Changeover. I have also had the privilege of assisting Castle Bromwich Lions present two silver and one gold Young Leaders in Service awards.

ACTIONS PLANNED BEFORE NEXT MEETING: By the time of cabinet I will have attended my first Council of Governors meeting as DG. I will also have started my round of club visits with three before cabinet and a further two in August afterwards. I have six visits in September as well as taking part in my first run for Christine’s charity, a 10K organised by Shirley Lions. At the end of September I will be taking part and helping out at Acocks Green Lions sponsored walk. I have eight club visits and three charter dinners to attend in October as well as my second Council meeting and most importantly Autumn Forum. In November I have six more club visits and four charters including the formation night of new club Coventry Mercia Lions.


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