Plan and Implement an Investigation Strategy

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Plan and Implement an Investigation Strategy

Unit Title

CI103 Manage major investigations


This unit is about the management of major investigations and is intended for those officers who have been appointed as Senior Investigating Officer.

The unit deals with the initial information gathering and evaluation of the incident, identifying and prioritising actions and ensuring the preservation of material. You must co-ordinate resources and plan the investigation, appointing and briefing key personnel and specialist advisors to assist you in the investigation. These may include: family liaison officers, scientists, pathologists, profilers, and other experts. You must be able to co-ordinate the ongoing investigation process and monitor and maintain investigation quality so that areas of good practice are identified and disseminated. You must manage the post charge and case preparation liaising with CPS and the prosecuting barrister and ensure the quality and integrity of the case papers. You must effectively close the investigation ensuring that all lines of enquiry have been completed in accordance with guidance and material retained.

There are 5 elements:

CI103.1 Take command of the investigation CI103.2 Plan and implement an investigation strategy CI103.3 Manage the on-going investigation CI103.4 Manage the post charge and case preparation process CI103.5 Finalise major investigations

Target Group

This unit is intended for those officers who have been appointed as Senior Investigating Officer.

This unit was developed by Skills for Justice.

Skills for Justice Page 1 National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement Final Version May 2008 Element

CI103.1 Take command of the investigation

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 take responsibility for the investigation and review the actions taken by others during the instigation and initial response to the incident 2 formulate an initial investigation plan, ensuring the implementation of any fast-track actions 3 visit and review the parameters of the scene(s) and implement measures to protect, preserve and recover material 4 establish an appropriate management system to record instructions given and material gathered, in accordance with current legislation and policy 5 identify the resource requirements for the initial response, including a pathologist and forensic scientist, where required 6 arrange a debrief of all those involved in the initial response and secure all material gathered 7 ensure that appropriate support is provided for the immediate needs of victims, witnesses, staff and suspects 8 brief BCU and Force Command on the incident and on any community issues that require immediate action 9 fully document all decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation


1 fast-track actions a identify suspects b intelligence opportunities c scene forensics d crime scene assessment e witness search f victim enquiries g possible motives h Media i post-mortems j significant witness interview k other critical actions l identify passive data opportunities

2 material a information b objects c third party material or the existence of it

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CI103.2 Plan and implement an investigation strategy

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 conduct an evaluation of the material gathered during the initial response to develop an investigation strategy 2 seek the advice of appropriate people to support the development of an investigation strategy 3 identify the appropriate techniques to support the investigation strategy 4 identify resource requirements for the investigation and appoint key personnel 5 set up a management system in compliance with major incident rooms standardised administrative procedures (MIRSAP) 6 where appropriate, implement strategies for interviewing victims and witnesses in consultation with the interview co-ordinator 7 set the parameters for the investigation and priorities for action 8 contribute to the community impact assessment in relation to the incident 9 establish a briefing and debriefing system for all relevant personnel 10 fully document all decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation


1 investigation strategies a scenes b forensic c pathology d victim and witness e family liaison f suspect g elimination h media i community j passive data k house to house l search m reconstructions n intelligence o covert

2 parameters a suspect b scenes c vicinity of scenes d times e. search f elimination criteria g trace, interview and eliminate categories

Skills for Justice Page 3 National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement Final Version May 2008 3 relevant personnel a management team b enquiry team c other agencies d specialist advisers e police personnel f BCU and force Command g those involved in initial response

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CI103.3 Manage the on-going investigation

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 ensure that actions have been allocated, filed or referred and disclosure issues complied with 2 review investigation strategies in light of new material 3 ensure that briefings are conducted in ways that promote effective and flexible communications between yourself and the enquiry team and relevant personnel 4 establish and use systems to quality assure the work carried out during the investigation 5 assess the capabilities of staff deployed to the enquiry and allocate work to individuals commensurate to their abilities 6 establish and maintain liaison with prosecuting authority 7 provide support and assistance to reviewing officers 8 ensure that victims, witnesses and families are kept informed of the progress of the investigation and provided with any necessary support and protection 9 ensure that any intelligence obtained during the course of the investigation is promptly disseminated


1 Investigation strategies a scenes b forensic c pathology d victim and witness e family liaison f suspect g elimination h media i community j passive data k house-to-house l search m reconstructions n intelligence o covert

2 relevant personnel a management team b enquiry team c other agencies d specialist advisers e police personnel f BCU and Force Command g those involved in initial response

Skills for Justice Page 5 National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement Final Version May 2008 CI103.4 Manage the post charge and case preparation process

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 ensure that investigation files are prepared and presented in the required format and within relevant time limits 2 liaise regularly with the prosecuting authority and ensure that any pre-trial issues are fully addressed 3 monitor and maintain the quality, safety and security of the case papers, exhibits and unused material and address disclosure issues 4 ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to disclosure and they are briefed and supported 5 ensure that any additional material which comes to notice after proceedings has been instigated is investigated thoroughly and where necessary the results passed to the prosecuting authority 6 ensure that allegations of, or the potential for, witness intimidation is fully investigated and dealt with appropriately 7 ensure that sufficient resource levels are maintained during the post charge phase 8 fully document all decisions, actions, options and rationale in accordance with current policy and legislation


1 pre-trial issues a witness enquiries b additional lines of enquiry c presentation of data d disclosure issues

Skills for Justice Page 6 National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement Final Version May 2008 CI103.5 Finalise major investigations

Performance Criteria

To meet the standard, you

1 maintain constant contact with victims and witnesses, where there are judicial proceedings, and help them to prepare for such proceedings in accordance with current legislation and policy 2 ensure any contact with the media does not undermine the integrity of the case, or any future hearings 3 ensure that all material retained as part of the investigation is correctly returned, retained or disposed of in accordance with current legislation and policy 4 prepare the closing report for the investigation 5 seek and evaluate feedback around your own performance 6 ensure that staff performance and development needs are identified and communicated to their management 7 contribute to the post trial community impact assessment

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CI103 Manage major investigations

Knowledge and Understanding

To meet the standard, you need to know and understand

Legal and organisational requirements

1 current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and practice advice for conducting major investigations 2 current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to race, diversity and human rights 3 current, relevant legislation and organisational requirements in relation to health and safety 4 the organisation’s media policy and ways in which the media can assist or hinder an investigation

Risk and community impact assessments

5 the purpose of risk and community impact assessments 6 how to conduct and review risk and community impact assessments

Managing investigations

7 the support and protection which should be provided to victim(s) and potential witnesses 8 the key personnel required in a major investigation 9 what specialist advice is available for investigations, who to contact and how they can contribute to the investigation 10 how to obtain material for an investigation 11 the sources of relevant material (including officers who attended the scene) and how to access them 12 how to review the available material for the investigation 13 the reasons for preserving the initial scene(s) and how to minimise contamination and loss of potential evidence 14 the types of material which may be present at the scene(s) 15 the various forms of contamination of material (e.g. cross contamination, witness intimidation) 16 how to be proactive in respect of contamination of material 17 the reasons why the integrity and continuity of material must be maintained 18 the various lines of enquiry which must be identified and developed 19 how identified lines of enquiry should be pursued 20 how to identify ‘fast-track’ actions 21 how to develop, implement and review strategies for the investigation 22 the additional support which may be available, both internally and externally, and how to obtain it 23 how to identify and deal correctly with vulnerable, intimidated and significant witnesses 24 the types of documentation which must be completed and how to complete it correctly 25 how to compile current situation reports 26 how to review investigations to identify best value, and to elicit good and best practice and learning points

Skills for Justice Page 8 National Occupational Standards for Policing and Law Enforcement Final Version May 2008 27 current developments in forensic science and other areas, and how to maintain awareness of developments 28 the various different intelligence sources (local, national and international) available for gathering information 29 the use of surveillance, covert human intelligence sources and technical support and restrictions and limitations on their use and authority required

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CI103 Manage major investigations

Evidence Requirements

1 Where simulations are used for performance evidence, these should properly reflect the requirements of real working situations.

2 You must practically demonstrate in your work that you have met the standard for managing major investigations.

3 Element CI103.1 Take command of the investigation

From the range in element 1 you must show that you:

- have dealt with 5 fast track actions - have dealt with all material

4 Element CI103.2 Plan and implement an investigation strategy

From the range in element 2 you must show that you:

- have developed 9 of the investigation strategies* - have dealt with all parameters - have dealt with 3 relevant personnel

5 Element CI103.3 Manage the on-going investigation

From the range in element 3 you must show that you:

- have implemented 9 of the investigation strategies* - have dealt with 3 relevant personnel

6 Element CI103.4 Manage the post charge and case preparation process

From the range in element 4 you must show that you:

- have dealt with all pre-trail issues

*Items from the range not covered by performance evidence should be supported by knowledge evidence.

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