Name of Meeting

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Name of Meeting


Date and time 2 February 2012 – 9:10am

Venue Isle of Wight Council – Enterprise House.

Present S. Hayden SH. – John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance Ltd. A. McIntyre AM – IOW Council (Parks)

Apologies Matthew Chatfield MC. L. Matthews LM. – IOW Council (Parks) Sean Towey ST, D. Young DY. – John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance Ltd.

1. Previous Minutes All agreed.

2. Staffing Levels Total: 14 Members of Staff currently on contract.

3. Parks: Progress a) Grass Cutting: Currently in week 1 of Period 2. Majority of grass cutting programme has been completed with any outstanding sites being completed by the end of Period 2. Good standard of grass cutting in all principal parks, high amenity areas, and fortnightly grass given the wet ground conditions. – AM.

b) Edging: No problems with edging to shrub beds, paths and annual beds adjoining grass areas in principal parks and open space sites. Still areas for improvement especially open space sites. – AM

c) Leaf Clearing: Majority of sites have been completed, but still leaf removal required at Appley Park, Puckpool Park, Tower Cottage and Seaclose Park. - AM Tower Cottage should have been completed, but will arrange for Road Sweeper to go round Appley and Puckpool and collect the leaf piles at the same time. Will speak to Simon and Richard about outstanding leaf areas at Seaclose. - SH

d) Hedges: Operatives to monitor report and cut back any hedges with long ends overhanging footpaths normally in the principal park sites. – AM.

e) Shrub & Rose Beds: Winter pruning has started in Period 1 and should be completed by the end of Period 2 as per the work programme. – AM. At present time about 95% of shrub pruning has been completed and expect all pruning to be completed on programme. - SH

f) Tree Maintenance: Can staff monitor the condition of dedicated tree basins in all principal parks, open spaces and Medina arboretum. – AM.

1 g) Annual Bedding: Full hoe and weed programme completed in Period 1 on all annual bedding displays. Standard is good, but several beds need more attention to detail especially in high amenity sites. - AM h) Chemical Control: Still problems regarding treatment of weeds in tarmac surfaces in Period 1, which indicates the standard of treatment has to improve. This is especially important on principal parks like Appley, Puckpool, Ryde Seafront, Rose Gardens in Ryde and Church Litten. Regular inspections and treatment needs to be carried out. - AM i) Water Management: Full ditch cleaning programme completed to satisfactory standard during Period 1. Operatives to continue keeping a close watch on all inlets and outlets. Keep the level of Ryde Canoe Lake low from Period 11 to Period 4, by regular opening of the outlet at low tides when required. – AM j) Fine Turf & Sports Areas: a. Bowling Greens: Winter maintenance programme completed in Period 1. No sign of potential diseases and problems with worms. - AM b. Football Pitches: All football pitches cut in Period 1 as per the work programme. No problems with the standard of over marking of the lines and information being supplied by amenity land hire regarding matches. Continue regular topdressing and forking of goalmouths to a good standard. Harrowing and slitting carried out in period 1 as per the work programme. – AM. k) Sweeping Hard standing, Paths and Steps: Sweeping in Period 1 carried out weekly as per the work programme. However, still detritus build up along boundary edges of several sites, which encourage weed growth and establishment. This needs to be removed by brushing or scrapping with a spade or shovel if necessary. Still problems with detritus build up on steps at Medina Arboretum, Los Altos Park, Battery Garden Steps to the lower embankment, Puckpool Park and the Rose Gardens in Ryde round the black planters. – AM. l) Litter Picking & Bin Emptying: High standard of litter picking and bin emptying carried out in Period 1. Need to keep on top of litter picking in principal parks and sports grounds, especially at Seaclose Park, Victoria Recreational ground in Newport and Jubilee recreational ground and Victoria Grove in East Cowes. Can MK keep an eye on Los Altos Park by the old bridge steps as litter was a problem during a recent site visit? – AM. 4. Parks Programme Grass cutting:

Only outstanding grass areas to be cut during Period 2. Can’t see any issues as the grass has stopped growing due to the recent frosty weather and forecast is for low temperatures. – AM. Action: SH to inform AM informed of any outstanding areas that will not be cut, because of wet ground conditions by the end of Period 2 programme.


No grass edging programme to be carried out in Period 2, except on outstanding areas still to be cut. – AM.

Leaf Clearing:

Leaf clearing has been 95% completed only outstanding areas in Appley, Puckpool, Seaclose and Tower Cottage Gardens to be completed by the end of Period 2. Particular attention to grass areas at Seaclose Park (Skate Park, Fence line of Tennis Courts, Boundary of Fairlee Garage, Entrance to the Playground from Newport Road, and Old access Road to depot), Appley Park (Grass area beside boundary with Hard-court Sands and Little Appley, from the Café to the compost bins and paths in the woods) Tower Cottage and Puckpool. (Leaf debris visible on the surface of the car park at the Dell Café and surrounding sheltered grass bankings) – AM Looking to have the Road Sweeper visit Appley and Puckpool within the next two weeks so will get leaf debris raked onto the car park and collected at the same time. - SH Action: SH to confirm when all leaf clearing at Seaclose, Appley and Puckpool has been completed.


All hedges completed. Only looking to remove 70% of the hedge and retain the 30% growing over the metal arch above the gate. – AM Price to remove the large part of the hedge at the Cascades will cost £180, but will send email to confirm the price. Action: SH to send email and confirm price.

Shrub & Rose Beds:

Shrub and Specimen Shrub pruning to be completed by the end of Week 4 in Period 2. Poorly pruned shrubs will be revisited until the standard of work meets horticultural approved standards expected. All plant species are to be pruned to meet contract specification, ensuring that the previous year’s growth is removed especially on evergreen shrubs and fast growing species like Cornus and Buddleia ect... Mulching of all shrub and rose beds to start in Period 2 and be completed by the end of week 4 of Period 3. – AM. Action: SH to inform AM of any shrub pruning has not been carried out and any reason why, at the next monthly meeting. Tree Maintenance:

Dedicated / Immature Trees-

Monitor condition of dedicated tree basins in Period 2 and hoe and weed if necessary to keep the basins clean. Action: SH to inform AM of any dedicated basins to be hoed and weeded in Period 2. – AM.

Mature Trees-

Authorised crown lifting identified by John and Mike from John O’Conner, to be completed by the end of Period 1. Can SH ask John to lift any low branches along Church Litten Road, while Pollarding and removing eppicormmic growth on the lime trees at Church Litten Park – AM Action: SH to inform AM when work is to start on the trees at Church Litten. Given the Crypts care should be taken while carrying out the work. – AM.

Annual Bedding:

Full Hoe and Weed programme to be carried out on 1 occasion in Period 2. – AM.

Chemical Control:

Chemical Control ongoing programme throughout the year. Ensure hard standing, steps and paths are kept free from weeds in all principal parks, high amenity areas and open spaces in Period 2. – AM. An area of most concern is at Battery Gardens inside the main gates, where weed infestation needs to be addressed urgently. – AM. Will speak to MK and ask that all vegetative waste is removed and treated on the hard standing areas within the main fort area. Still looking into alternative chemicals that can be used to control vegetative material on hard surfaces. - SH Action: SH to keep AM updated on any chemicals being considered and supply all relevant data sheets at the next monthly meeting – AM.

Water Management:

Ditches- All ditches, streams and Ryde canoe Lake to be cleaned and inspected on one occasion during Period 2 as per the contract specification. Action: Operatives to monitor the situation and report any problems to AM at next monthly meeting.

Streams & Ponds- All streams and ponds to be maintained as per the specification and bills of quantity with all cleaning operations completed by the end of Period 2. Need to pay particular attention to cleaning out debris from the edge of the Canoe Lake in Ryde, clearing the outlet and opening the outfall at low tide to ensure the water level in the lake is kept low. Ryde Canoe Lake is to be drained and cleared of large debris on one occasion before the end of Period 3. Level of the lake will have to be lowered right down to allow debris to be identified. – AM. Action: Operatives to monitor the situation and report back any problems to AM at next monthly meeting. Fine Turf & Sports Areas:

Bowling Greens & Putting Greens- Carry out routine winter grass cutting and maintenance programmes on all the greens at Sandown, Ryde and Seaclose in Period 2. – AM

Football Pitches- Continue with over marking football pitches as indicated on the amenity land hire fixture lists in Period 2. Operatives to continue forking and topdressing goalmouths, when marking is carried out. Chain harrowing and spiking to continue in period 1. – AM. Have agreed and will arrange for Martin Eason to verti-drain all football pitch surfaces (except for Seaclose Park) at the price agreed between ME and AM. - SH Action: SH to ask ME to tell AM when Verti-draining is to start and when it is completed.

Hard standing, Paths and Steps:

Full sweeping and weed treatment programme of all hard standing, paths and steps to be carried out during Period 2. Can SH ensure staff pay particular attention to; Drainage channels and covers at Rylstone gardens, All steps and footpaths in wooded areas like Shanklin Chine, arboretum, Appley and Puckpool Park. – AM.

Litter Picking & Litter Bin Emptying:

Full litter picking and bin emptying programme to be carried out in Period 2. Continue to pay particular attention to all Principal Parks, Seaclose Park and all Playground Sites. – AM Dave from URBASER is in the process of producing a litterbin emptying programme, which will be sent to AM when it has been completed. – SH Action: SH to ensure the Litterbin emptying programme is ready for AM for the next Monthly Meeting. 5. Accounts Period 1 invoices can now be sent in for checking and reciting. However, can SH remind David and Myriam to add on the R.P.I increase of 4.8%, agreed during our meeting on the 26th January at Enterprise house. However, please ensure that any extra works agreed are not added to the contract price before R.P.I is added to the contract price, but are added to the invoice as an extra for each period. New Bills of Quantities emailed to David Hutchinson and John Messenger have been agreed during the meeting held on the 26th January. This new price excludes the 5% contingency payment, which will now be used to cover extra works carried out during each period. Amendments to the current bills of quantity for the removal of Sandham Grounds Putting and Crazy Golf and Newport Bowls Club have still to be carried out. Any outstanding variations to the contract bills will be raised by mid February and are to be implemented for the start of Period 4. This is also going to include variation changes to the Highways Parks, Open Spaces and Car Park element of the contract. – AM. Will pass on all relevant information to David and Myriam. - SH

6. SH to continue with programmed maintenance for Sandham grounds and Any other business Newport Bowls Club until further notice. Expect all maintenance operations to stop at Newport Bowls Club and Sandham Grounds Crazy Golf and Putting Green from the 1st April 2012. Will issue variation orders and amend bills of quantity. Inform SH of outcome at Sandham Grounds as soon as an agreement has been reached with Sandown Town Council. - AM Still awaiting more details regarding the proposed bandstand on the circular Rose bed at Battery Gardens. – AM Action: AM to provide variation orders to DH and SH with amendments to Bills of Quantities before 17th February. AM to keep SH informed of all developments at the next monthly meeting as soon as any dates for handover have been agreements for Sandham Putting Green & Crazy Golf and Battery Gardens.

Can SH speak to Dave Wallace at URBASER, so a copy of the bin emptying programme for the parks litterbins can be provided for 2012. As future monitoring of emptying is likely to be carried out by the local Environment Officer for each area, an accurate work programme indicating the day and time each bin is to be emptied in each location will avoid unnecessary rectifications and defaults. - AM Can SH also provide 2012’s Grounds Maintenance Programme of work. (SH Handed over example of proposed work programme for JOC.) Work programme submitted is good, but each site needs to be more accurate to a day or two days, rather than the week on the submitted sheets. (Explained, Northwood Park grass cutting should indicate either a Monday or Tuesday in Week 1, rather than just Week 1.) – AM Will take away the programme and amend changes. - SH Action: SH to provide work programmes for both URBASER Litter Bin Emptying and Grounds Maintenance at the next monthly meeting.

Extra works has started and all projects on list should be completed by the end of Period 2. Looking to start work at Puckpool Park next week weather permitting. – SH Can SH ask MK to set out and plant shrubs at Ventnor Park, if any extra plants are required can MK contact AM. SH can go ahead with the tree work at Church Litten and Willow Coppicing at Medina Arboretum, will send email to confirm. Can SH provide quotes for the following work; Remove the roses and grass seed the area under the Indian Bean tree at Puckpool Park, Soil and seed the bare areas around the playground in Puckpool Park, Remove and replant the roses from the circular bed at Battery Gardens, – AM Will send AM an email with quotes for the work to be carried out. – SH Action: SH to provide AM with a price for extra works listed.

During recent site assessments I have identified work to be carried out in Ferncliff Gardens, Battery Gardens, Sandham Grounds, Dinosaur Isle and Rylstone Gardens. Will need to arrange site meeting with SH and MK to discuss work to be carried out. This work needs to be carried out before the end of week 1 Period 3. – AM Action: AM to arrange site visit with SH & MK

Just to inform SH that Sportwater are to come over and commission the irrigation systems at Ryde, Seaclose and Sandown bowling greens. Also looking to replace the sprinklers on the Sandown green. Can SH inform MK that the work should take place on the week commencing 26th March, once I have spoken to Gareth at Sportwater. – AM Action: AM confirm date with SH so MK can be available to let Simon have access to all the sites.

Can SH provide a cost for carrying out the initial setting out and marking of the mini pitches, over marking 4 pitches full size pitches on 2 occasions, Setting out and collection of Biffa Wheelie Bins (On site and to be provided) on Saturday Morning and Sunday Afternoon, and additional litter picking (Sunday Morning), for the Easter Football tournament at Seaclose on Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th April. This should also include the cost to put up and take down four sets of nets.

English Schools are looking to play at Seaclose and Wootton from on Monday 2nd April to Thursday 5th April.

4 pitches at Seaclose for: Mon 2 April, morning & afternoon Tues 3 April, morning & afternoon Wed 4 April, morning & afternoon Thurs 5 April, morning only

Wootton Rec for the training: Mon 2 April, morning & afternoon Tues 3 April, morning & afternoon Wed 4 April, morning only

As they are looking to run an additional football festival in May (Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th May) which will also need to include an additional price to erect and take down three set of goal posts and nets. – AM Will look at price for last year’s event and provide a cost to AM. – SH Action: SH to provide cost for football pitch marking and other operations for the Easter football tournament to AM.

Meeting Finished at 11:10am.

Date of Next Meeting. Thursday 1 March at 9.00am. – Enterprise House. (Room 3)

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