Module 3 Continuous Professional Development

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Module 3 Continuous Professional Development


Present -: Cllrs. G Bone (Chairman) (GB), Mrs C Vaughan (CV), M Harvey (MH), P Harris (PH), R Toms (RT), A MacCreadie (AM), D Laud (DL), T Odgers (TO) & E Green (EG)

Also attending -: Mrs K Rees (Clerk), Cllr. L Shuttleworth (LS), Anthony Bassett & Jo Tully (Ocean Housing) & 2 members of the public

162/13 Public Safety Announcement

163/13 Apologies: Cllrs. Farmer & Tankard 164/13 Urgent Business Identified After Circulation of Agenda: None 165/13 REGISTERED/NON- REGISTERED INTERESTS & DISPENSATIONS: DL & EG declared an interest in agenda item 5, Ocean Housing Halt Road Development Dispensation: GB (buses) 166/13 Anthony Bassett, Ocean Housing: Anthony Bassett advised that outline planning permission has now been granted for the development along Halt Road and a reserved matters application has now been submitted. The original application had a £4400 Section 106 highways contribution but this has now been increased to £40,000 and should be ring-fenced for road improvements in the Parish. The pedestrian link from Halt Road to Churchtown is still being negotiated with Cornwall Council. Site set-up will take place on the neighbouring two fields which have also been acquired by Ocean Housing and work will commence in the New Year. A discussion took place about the parking provision for Halt Road residents which has been removed from the scheme. It is short-sighted not to widen the road now. Jo Tully requested that the Council consider names for the new development. 167/13 Public Session : Peter Waller spoke about the Planning Committee on 18th December where all three turbine applications will be heard. He asked the Clerk to advise him on who will represent the Council when the decision has been made. 168/13 Minutes: RESOLVED: The Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 11th November 2013, as circulated, were correctly recorded. These were signed by the Chairman. 169/13 Cornwall Councillor Report: Following a meeting with Bert Biscoe, Cornwall Council will be keeping a log of incidents that occur at Cubert Crossroads so that the situation can be reviewed in February. Any incidents should be reported to [email protected]. RESOLVED: Clerk to place note in Village News asking for any incidents to be reported. The hedges in Rejerrah dip will be cut at the beginning of next year. The speed survey at Fiddlers Green has hi-lighted that a 40mph survey may be appropriate which LS will lobby for. The layby at Boxheater Junction was discussed; Clerk to again request that it is closed. NOTED. 170/13 Planning Application, Appeals & Decisions: RESOLVED to bring this item forward on the agenda. NUMBER PROPERTY RESOLVED COMMENTS PA13/10109 12 St. Francis SUPPORT Providing that an additional parking space is Meadow incorporated into the design. (P/S: PH/MH) PA13/10157 Well-Lovely, SUPPORT P/S: MH/TO (6 for, 4 against) Rejerrah PA13/10696 Land off Halt Road EG & DL abstained from the discussion. A lengthy debate took place about the parking problems that will be created along Halt Road when the development is built. RESOLVED: Meeting with Highways Officer requested before application is determined.

The decisions were read out.

The Clerk advised that the Planning Committee where the wind turbine applications at Nancolleth Farm, Degembris & Tredinnick Farm and the application for a dwelling at Nanquidno will be heard will take place on 18th December. RESOLVED: DL to representative the Council on the Nanquidno House application & GB on the three wind turbine applications. 171/13 Matters Arising: a) Parish Council Office: The asbestos survey has been completed and the Clerk is waiting for the report. NOTED. b) Highway Issues: Highways will investigate the state of the road at Tregair. The weight restriction on the bridge at Fiddlers Green was discussed. A consultation has taken place to remove the restriction completely. RESOLVED: Clerk to contact highways about the Fiddlers Green bridge and ask Steve Dawes to install ‘no camping’ sign. c) Scottishpower Community Gain: RESOLVED: The Chairman signed the Community Gain Agreement. d) Neighbourhood Plan/Bus Questionnaire: The Clerk had circulated a draft questionnaire and it was RESOLVED to send out the questionnaire as it is. e) Installation of Birds Nest Swing, St. Newlyn East Recreation Ground: No progress. f) War Memorial Refurbishment: DL met a masoner on site who will be able to provide a quote and complete the work in the spring. NOTED. g) Refurbishment of Finger Posts: The Clerk has contacted the contractor who refurbished the posts in Zelah and is waiting for a quote. RESOLVED: Clerk authorised to accept quote providing it is under £600. h) Parish Council Website: The Clerk has begun to set up at the new website – www.parish- However, it is a work in progress. NOTED. i) Work Arising from Annual Play Inspection: GB has received two quotes for the work. RESOLVED: GB to accept quote of local resident, providing they can do it for £1000. j) Public Access to Defribulator: The Clerk has contact the Ambulance Service to get their advice and is waiting for a response which AM will chase. NOTED. k) Parish Council Logo: The logo was discussed and it was RESOLVED to give the image of the Chairman’s badge to a local designer to produce an image of the engine houses for use in the future. l) Signage at St. Newlyn East Skatepark: The Clerk advised that Sport England signage needs to be purchased to place in the skatepark at a cost of £165. RESOLVED: Clerk to order. 172/013 Business Matters: (a) Mitchell Play Area Refurbishment: The Clerk advised that there is still £2882 of Section 106 money available which could be used for the Mitchell Play Area Refurbishment Project. RESOLVED: Clerk to advise committee & encourage them to apply. (b) Parish Benches: The bench in The Pit is broken & dangerous. Following discussions it was RESOLVED to remove the bench & plaque & advise The Pit Committee to come back with a proposal if the bench needs to be replaced. (c) Parish Bus Service: CT not in attendance. (d) Halt Road Parking: Dealth with under 166/13. (e) Standing Orders: Agenda item for January. (f) Cornwall Council Renewable Energy Landscape Supplementary Planning Document: RESOLVED: RT to draft response and circulate to Councillors. 173/013 Correspondence:

SENDER CONTENT RESOLVED Air Ambulance Request for grant Noted

Cornwall Council Council Tax Support Grant 2014/2015 Noted

Cornwall Council Licensing Act Consultation Noted

2 Cornwall Council Changes to charging structure for do & litter bin Noted emptying 174/13 Reports from Outside Bodies: CV & The Clerk attended the Renewable Energy Landscape Assessment workshop which was very useful. The Clerk attended a meeting to discuss Village Design Statements. RT attended the North Coast Cluster Meeting where Cornwall Council’s new policy on weed spraying was discussed. 175/13 Finance: a. Accounts: RESOLVED: Accounts totalling £37642.14 were approved for payment (appendix 1). b. Urgent Financial Matters: None. 176/13 Items for the January 2014 Agenda:  Parish Noticeboards  Unoccupied Derelict Properties in the Parish  Purchase of Allotment Land  Halt Road Estate  Public Toilets 177/13 Closure: There being no further business, the Chairman thanked members for their attendance. He advised that the next scheduled Full Council Meeting will take place on 13th January 2013 at 7.00pm in the Hawken Rowse Room, St. Newlyn East Village Hall. The meeting closed at 21.45pm

Signed: Dated:


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