Rising 10Th Grade Registration Worksheet for Byrnes High School
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Rising 10th Grade Registration Worksheet for Byrnes High School
Notes to Parents/Guardians: Students will be required to take 8 courses. Teachers will recommend students for the sequential core courses, allowing students to choose electives to complete the rest of their schedule. Please discuss elective choices with your student. Course descriptions and prerequisites may be reviewed in the BHS Course Directory which all students have received. The directory is also available online. On February 8, 9, or 10 students will select their classes online in a group meeting with a school counselor. Parents/Guardians will have FINAL approval of all courses. During February, March, and possibly April each student and his/her parent(s) will have an Individual Graduation Plan (IGP) appointment with a BFA counselor to finalize course selections for the upcoming school year as well as review career and post-secondary plans. Appointment times will be mailed. This worksheet is designed to help students and parents prepare for the online session and IGP meeting. Students should mark the electives on the back this sheet that they would like to take in 10th grade. Students should also write down 2 alternate electives for BFA and (if RD Anderson courses have been selected) 2 alternate electives for RD Anderson. Please sign the bottom of this sheet indicating that you have discussed the courses with your student.
Mandatory classes for all students (recommended by teachers):
1. English 2. Mathematics 3. Science 4. Social Studies
Any student who has NOT passed PE 1 or AF-JROTC 1 must take PE 1 next year: ______(place a in the blank above if passed)
Any student who has NOT earned 1.0 credit in computer science must take ONE of the following classes: ______(place a in the blank if already earned) Google Applications Integrated Business Applications I Digital Media Marketing Digital Desktop Publishing (if keyboarding proficiency is demonstrated) Fundamentals of Web Page Design and Development Principles of Engineering Honors Introduction of Engineering Design Honors Commercial Graphics 1 (RDA) Web Design 1 (RDA) Architectural Design 1 (RDA) Mechanical Design 1 (RDA) Principles of Engineering
My child and I have discussed the elective choices on the back of this worksheet.
______Parent/Guardian Signature Electives at Byrnes High School Electives at RD Anderson Applied Technology Center ENGLISH and MATHEMATICS Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Creative Writing Intro to Agriculture Science and Technology Speech and Communications 1 Horticulture and Greenhouse Management SAT Preparation – VERBAL (9 wks) Nursery, Greenhouse, and Garden Center Technology * SAT Preparation – MATH (9 wks) Veterinary Science MODERN LANGUAGES Small Animal Care Chinese (1, 2) Agriculture Mechanics, Landscape Tech (11th and 12th get first slots) French (1, 2) Arts, A/V Technology & Communication German (1, 2) Commercial Graphics 1 Spanish (1, 2, 2 Advanced) Commercial Graphics 2 * PROJECT LEAD THE WAY Architectural Design 1 Engineering Mechanical Design 1 Introduction to Engineering Design Honors * Business Management & Administration Principles of Engineering Honors * Entrepreneurship Biomedical Sciences Web Design 1 * Principles of Biomedical Sciences Honors * Web Design 2 * SOCIAL STUDIES Health Science Psychology Sports Medicine 1 $ Sociology Health Science 1 Street Law Health Science 2 * $ Current Events/Foreign Policy Health Science 3 * PHYSICAL EDUCATION (All require teacher rec except Personal Health) Hospitality & Tourism Physical Education 2/Aquatic Sports $ (Approval Required) Culinary Arts 1 $ Physical Education 2/Individual Sports Architecture & Construction Physical Education 2/Lifeguard Training $ (Approval Required) Carpentry 1 Physical Education2/Strength and Fitness Carpentry 2 * Physical Education 2/Team Sports Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Physical Education 3 (Coach Approval Required) Fire Fighter 1 Personal Health and Wellness Fire Fighter 2 * AF-JROTC (Instructor Approval Required) Law Enforcement Services 1 JROTC Science of Flight I fall + II spring Law Enforcement Services 2 * JROTC Exploring Space 1 fall + II spring Manufacturing JOURNALISM Machine Tool Technology 1 Journalism 2 Newspaper A + B (Application required) Machine Tool Technology 2 * Journalism 2 Yearbook A + B (Application required) Welding 1 (Dress Code) CATE Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Google Applications Auto Collision Repair 1 Integrated Business Applications 1 Auto Collision Repair 2A and 2B Digital Desktop Publishing General Elective Marketing Leadership That Works (formerly RDA Exploration) Digital Media Marketing * Personal Finance Professional Leadership Development (9 wks) paired with Driver’s Ed Fundamentals of Web Page Design and Development Image Editing 1 * Foundations of Animation * Production Systems Media Technology FINE ARTS (Approval Required for all but Music Appreciation, Art 1, * denotes that the course has a prerequisite Comedy, and Acting) $ denotes a fee is required Music Appreciation Marching Band 2 $ BHS Alternate #1 ______Marching Percussion 2 BHS Alternate #2 ______Fall Concert Band 2 Jazz Band RDA Alternate #1 (only if RDA electives are selected) Symphonic Band ______Color Guard 1, 2 (A + B) $ RDA Alternate #2 (only if RDA electives are selected) Concert Choir $ ______Byrnes Singers A + B $ Concert Orchestra A + B $ Byrnes Philharmonic A + B $ Art (1, 2, 3 Honors, 4 Honors) Comedy Acting Rebel Theatre A + B ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES Media Center Service Learning (Application Required) Driver’s Education (9 wks) paired with Prof. Lead. and Development Leadership Byrnes (Application Required)