East Forsyth High School
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Please remember this is not the only source for scholarships! Seek scholarship opportunities from student and/or parent employers (e.g. Walmart, Starbucks), FREE online scholarship search engines, service organizations, local churches, etc.
Online Scholarship Search Engines There are multiple free online search tools families can use to find scholarships. Do NOT pay for a scholarship search! Plan early, meet all deadlines, and prepare to submit multiple scholarships – the search is similar to a part-time job
Create an account through the Winston Salem Foundation website and submit a common application to apply for multiple scholarships at http://www.wsfoundation.org/page.aspx?pid=802
Use the student CFNC account created in 8th or 9th grade to search for scholarships, apply to colleges, etc. at https://www.cfnc.org/paying/schol/info_schol.jsp
Create a profile through UNCF at https://www.uncf.org/ for scholarship applications
Visit www.fastweb.com for scholarships tailored to your interests, experiences, family history, etc.
Check individual college financial aid websites for instructions on how to become eligible for scholarships and/or honors programs (examples below) UNC Greensboro - http://fia.uncg.edu/ Wake Forest University - http://admissions.wfu.edu/financial-aid/ Forsyth Tech - http://www.forsythtech.edu/apply/financial-aid/financial-aid-for-degree-programs/ University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - http://studentaid.unc.edu/types-of-aid/
There are several different types of Financial Aid/Scholarships Need Based – scholarships, loans, and/or grants awarded based on family income or expressed need Academic – scholarships, loans, and/or grants awarded based on academic performance Grants – Gift Money (do not have to pay back) can be awarded by federal government, outside agencies, and universities Loans – awarded based on need and/or credit worthiness; full amount plus interest must be paid back after graduation from college
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) can be submitted beginning October 1, 2016 for seniors attending college in the 2017-2018 school year electronically at https://fafsa.ed.gov/ . Students must complete this process to receive federal grants or loans. The FSA ID is required to electronically sign the FAFSA and can be requested at any time prior to submitting the FAFSA at https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa/filling-out/fsaid .
School Nominations For scholarships that require school nominations, students must submit the (1) School Nomination Request Form, (2) a Senior Resume, and (3) any preliminary application materials by the deadline posted in the EFHS Scholarship Newsletter. The Scholarship Committee reviews all applications and selects school nominees based on scholarship criteria.
1 East Forsyth Student Services April 26, 2017 EAST FORSYTH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP NEWSLETTER
*Indicates New Scholarship SCHOLARSHIP AWARD DEADLINE CRITERIA SCHOOL *MLK Memorial Seed $1,000 June 2, 2017 Seniors with a GPA of 2.0 or Any Scholarship towards a higher involved in church, 4yr college civic, community, and or $500 extracurricular activities and towards in financial need. comm/tech Applications in counseling college office. *Forsyth Assistant Varies May 2, 2017 Seniors with at least a 2.8 Any Principal Association Submit to GPA with good character Scholarship Mrs. and who are respected by Mathews fellow students/faculty *3 students will be selected as nominees by the East Forsyth Scholarship Committee. Applications in counseling office. *Nicholas Thornton $1,000 May 1, 2017 Seniors planning to major in Any Scholarship submit Chemistry or related course applications of study with at least a 3.0 to Mrs. GPA. Applications in Mathews counseling office. *Winston Salem Twin Varies May 27, WSFCS Seniors attending Forsyth Tech City Kiwanis Forsyth 2017 Forsyth Tech in the Fall are Tech Scholarship Students eligible to apply. must submit Applications available in applications Counseling Office. to Forsyth Tech Student Financial Aid Office by 3:00pm on May 27, 17 *East Forsyth’s Apparel $250 May 1, 2017 Seniors with a GPA of 205 Any and Textile Scholarship or higher who are currently enrolled or have completed Apparel II. Student must have earned a B or better in Apparel. The student must be accepted into a 2 or 4 yr school. Applications in counseling office.
2 East Forsyth Student Services April 26, 2017 EAST FORSYTH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP NEWSLETTER
*The Mole Martin $5,000 May 3, 2017 Available to African Any Luther King Jr. ($2,500 each American Male or Female Scholarship semester) accepted to college with a 3.0 GPA or better with an SAT of 1000 or 20 or above on ACT. Applications in counseling office. *Winston Salem Varies May 2, 2017 Minority Female Senior who Any Alumnae of Delta Sigma mail has maintained at least a 3.0 Theta Sorority application GPA, outstanding character, to address service and plans to attend a on four-year College/University. application Applications in counseling office. *NAACP Scholarship (5) $500 April 21, Seniors with a GPA of 2.5 or Any 2017 higher that must have financial need and plan to enroll as a full-time student. Applications in counseling office. *Discover Scholarship $2,500 Seniors visit Any collegecovered.com/assist to apply *NC State Law (1) $1,000 June 1, 2017 Seniors with GPA of 3.0 or Any Enforcement Officers and (2) $500 mail higher who must major in Scholarship application Criminal Justice or related to address field. Student must have no listed on criminal convictions and application must be active in community, church and or school activities. Applications in counseling office. *Empire Beauty School $1,000 Student has Seniors interested in Empire Scholarship to enroll and cosmetology visit Beauty School apply by www.empire.edu for an August 1, application and information 2017 *Horatio Alger Up to $2,500 June 15, Seniors who are US Citizens, Any National Career & 2017 demonstrate a strong Community Technical Scholarship commitment to pursue a College career or technical program, have strong financial need, have overcome adversity, and involved in community
3 East Forsyth Student Services April 26, 2017 EAST FORSYTH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP NEWSLETTER
service should apply at https://scholars.horatioalger. org/scholarships/about- ourscholarshipprograms/tech nical/ *East Forsyth Finance $500 Completed Seniors who are in the Any Academy Scholarship Application Finance Academy who have turned into a minimum of 3.0 GPA with Mrs. a B or better in Finance Mathews in Academy business courses, the good character, leadership in Counseling school or community with Office by financial need. Applications May 1, 2017 in counseling office. National Co-Op Varies Varies Seniors who have at least a 3.5 Visit Scholarship Program GPA should visit http://www.w www.waceinc.org for aceinc.org/sch information and application olarship/partn instructions ers.html for the 10 participating institutions Army ROTC Varies Seniors who are US Citizens, Search Scholarship have maintained a 2.5 GPA, http://www.go score a 920 on SAT (verbal and army.com/rotc math) or 19 on the ACT should /find- visit schools.html http://www.goarmy.com/rotc/hi for gh-school-students/four-year- scholarship.html for application participating instructions and details colleges B. Davis Scholarship $1,000 May 22, Juniors or Seniors should Any 2017 apply at http://www.studentawardsear ch.com/scholarships.htm SunTrust Off to College $500 May 12, Seniors who plan to attend Any Scholarship 2017 college in 2017-18 should apply at http://suntrusteducation.com/ paying-for-college/ NC High School Athletic Varies Varies Seniors should visit Varies Association Scholarship http://www.nchsaa.org/stude nts-parents/student- athletescholarships for criteria and deadlines for scholarships
4 East Forsyth Student Services April 26, 2017 EAST FORSYTH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP NEWSLETTER
Catawba College West $2500 May 5, 2017 Seniors with a 3.4 GPA and Catawba Scholars 1100 SAT (Math & Critical College Reading) with an interest in teaching should apply at http://catawba.edu/academics /schools/education/teacher- education/academy- teachi/teaching-scholars/ Aspiring Animation $1,000 June 1, 2017 Seniors interested in Any Professional Scholarship pursuing an animation career path should apply at http://www.animationcareerr eview.com/animationcareerr eviewcom- aspiringanimation- professionalscholarship- program Aspiring Fashion $1,000 June 1, 2017 Seniors interested in Any Professional Scholarship pursuing a fashion degree should apply at http://www.fashionschools.or g/aspiring- fashionprofessional- scholarshipprogram Abbott and Fenner $1,000 June 12,2017 Any Junior or Senior can Any Scholarship apply; for more details and application, visit http://www.abbottandfenner. com/scholarships.htm BigSun Scholarship $500 June 19,2017 Seniors Athletes who plan to Any attend a post-secondary institution and are involved in a community or school based sport must apply at http://www.bigsunathletics.c om Omega Psi Phi $1,000 April 21, African American Males in Any Fraternity 2017 the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Public School District www.psiphichapter.org
Martha Kirkland $2,500 April 29, Seniors with at least a 3.4 Catawba West Teaching 2017 GPA, 1100 SAT (Critical College Scholarship Reading & Math) who
5 East Forsyth Student Services April 26, 2017 EAST FORSYTH HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP NEWSLETTER
demonstrate high academic achievement, leadership, community involvement, and a commitment to teaching should visit http://catawba.edu/academi cs /schools/education/teachere ducation/academyteachi/tea ching-scholars/ for more information SunTrust $500 May 12,2017 Current high school seniors Any can enter online at https://suntrusteducation.com /scholarshipsweepstakes/inde x.html Parry & Pfau Left- $1,500 July 31, 2017 Open to high school seniors Any Handed Scholarship and college or graduate students who live in the United States. Visit http://p2lawyers.com/scholar ship/ for details.
6 East Forsyth Student Services April 26, 2017