Curriculum Vitae s66

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Curriculum Vitae s66



Gregory Floyd Cooper

University of Pittsburgh Department of Biomedical Informatics


Home Address: 405 Hartwood Trail Birth Date: February 19, 1955 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15238 Birth Place: Brewton, Alabama Home Phone: (412) 406-7252 Citizenship: U.S.

Business Address: Department of Biomedical Informatics Business Phone: (412) 647-7113 VALE M-183 (Parkvale Building) Business Fax: (412) 647-7190 200 Meyran Avenue Business E-mail: [email protected] University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260


Undergraduate 1973 - 77 M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts B.S. 1977 Computer Science

Graduate 1977 - 85 Stanford University, Palo Alto, California Ph.D. 1985 Medical Information Sciences 1977 - 86 Stanford University, Palo Alto, California M.D. 1986 Medicine

Post Graduate 1986 - 87 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Medical Informatics, Stanford University (Program Director: E.H. Shortliffe)


Academic 1987 - 1989 Research Associate, Medical Informatics, Stanford University 1989 - 1990 Senior Research Associate, Medical Informatics, Stanford University 1990 - 1996 Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 1994 - 1996 Director, Biomedical Informatics Training Program, University of Pittsburgh 2002 - 2004 Co-Director, Intelligent Systems Program, University of Pittsburgh 1997 - 2006 Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 2003 - 2004 Acting Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh 2004 - 2006 Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh 2005 - 2008 Director, Biomedical Informatics Training Program, University of Pittsburgh 1997 - present Associate Professor of Intelligent Systems, University of Pittsburgh (secondary appointment) 2006 - present Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh (primary appointment) 2006 - present Vice Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh 2006 - present Associate Faculty, CRISMA Laboratory, Department of Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 2008 - present Associate Professor of Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh (secondary appointment) 2011-present Associate Professor of School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh (secondary appointment) 2011-present Associate Professor in the Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, University of Pittsburgh (secondary appointment) 2012 Professor of Biomedical Informatics , University of Pittsburgh (primary appointment) 2012 Professor of Computational and Systems Biology, University of Pittsburgh (secondary appointment)


American Association for the Advancement of Science American Association for Artificial Intelligence American College of Medical Informatics American Medical Informatics Association International Society for Bayesian Analysis


1975 Tau Beta Pi, M.I.T. 1977-84 Medical Scientist Training Program trainee, Stanford University 1985 Martin Epstein award for best paper in the student paper competition at the Ninth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1991 Elected as a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics 2005 Distinguished paper award at the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Elected as a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence 2006-2008 Elected as an Executive Committee Member in the American College of Medical Informatics 2009-present Member of the standing study section of the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health (Chair starting on 11/3/2011) 2010 Homer R. Warner clinical-informatics research paper award at the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2011 Marco Ramoni distinguished paper award at the 2011 AMIA Summit on Translational Bioinformatics

PUBLICATIONS Refereed Journal Articles 1. Cooper GF. A diagnostic method that uses causal knowledge and linear programming in the application of Bayes' formula. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 22 (1986) 223–237.1 PMID: 3519071 2. Chin HL, Cooper GF. Case-based tutoring from a medical knowledge base. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 30 (1989) 185–198. PMID: 2684491 3. Chavez RM, Cooper GF. Hypermedia and randomized algorithms for medical expert systems. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 32 (1990) 5–16.2 PMID: 2205445 4. Cooper GF. The computational complexity of probabilistic inference using Bayesian belief networks. Artificial Intelligence 42 (1990) 393–405. 5. Suermondt HJ, Cooper GF. Probabilistic inference in multiply connected belief networks using loop cutsets. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 (1990) 283–306. 6. Chavez RM, Cooper GF. A randomized approximation algorithm for probabilistic inference on Bayesian belief networks. Networks 20 (1990) 661–685. 7. Herskovits EH, Cooper GF. Algorithms for Bayesian belief-network precomputation. Methods of Information in Medicine 30 (1991) 81–89.3 PMID: 1857253

1 An abbreviated version of this paper won first place in the student paper competition of the 1985 Symposium on C omputer Applications in Medical Care. 2 An abbreviated version of this paper won first place in the student paper competition of the 1989 Symposium on C omputer Applications in Medical Care.

2 8. Shwe MA, Middleton B, Heckerman DE, Henrion M, Horvitz EJ, Lehmann H, Cooper GF. Probabilistic diagnosis using a reformulation of the INTERNIST-1/QMR knowledge base - The probabilistic model and inference algorithms. Methods of Information in Medicine 30 (1991) 241–255. PMID: 1762578 9. Middleton B, Shwe MA, Heckerman DE, Henrion M, Horvitz EJ, Lehmann H, Cooper GF. Probabilistic diagnosis using a reformulation of the INTERNIST-1/QMR knowledge base — Evaluation of diagnostic performance. Methods of Information in Medicine 30 (1991) 256–267.4 PMID: 1762579 10. Shiffman S, Wu AW, Poon AD, Lane CD, Middleton BF, Miller RA, Masarie Jr FE, Cooper GF, Shortliffe, EH, Fagan LM. Building a speech interface to a medical diagnostic system. IEEE Expert 6 (1991) 41–49. 11. Shwe MA, Cooper GF. An empirical analysis of likelihood-weighting simulation on a large, multiply-connected belief network. Computers and Biomedical Research 24 (1991) 453–475. PMID: 1743005 12. Suermondt HJ, Cooper GF. Initialization for the method of conditioning in Bayesian belief networks. Artificial Intelligence 50 (1991) 83–94. 13. Suermondt HJ, Cooper GF. A combination of exact algorithms for inference on Bayesian belief networks. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 5 (1991) 521–542. 14. Cooper GF, Herskovits EH. A Bayesian method for the induction of probabilistic networks from data. Machine Learning 9 (1992) 309–347. 15. Wagner MM, Cooper GF. Evaluation of a Meta-1-based automatic indexing method for medical documents. Computers and Biomedical Research 25 (1992) 336–350.5 PMID: 1511595 16. Suermondt HJ, Cooper GF. An evaluation of explanations of probabilistic inference. Computers and Biomedical Research 26 (1993) 242–254.6 PMID: 8325004 17. Cooper GF. A method for learning belief networks that contain hidden variables. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 4 (1995) 1–18. 18. Lowe HJ, Buchanan BG, Cooper GF, Vries JK. Building a medical multimedia database to integrate clinical information: An application of high-performance computing and communications technology. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 83 (1995) 57-64. PMID: 7703940 PMC225998 19. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF, Miller RA, Buchanan BG, Bankowitz R, Giuse N. A temporal analysis of QMR. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 3 (1996) 79–91. PMID: 8750392 20. Monti S, Cooper GF. Bounded recursive decomposition: A search-based method for belief-network inference under limited resources. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 15 (1996) 49-75. 21. Cooper GF, Aliferis CF, Ambrosino R, Aronis J, Buchanan BG, Caruana R, Fine MJ, Glymour C, Gordon G, Hanusa BH, Janosky J, Meek C, Mitchell T, Richardson T, Spirtes, P. An evaluation of machine-learning methods for predicting pneumonia mortality. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 9 (1997) 107-138. PMID: 9040894 22. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF, Pollack ME, Buchanan BG, Wagner MM. Representing and developing temporally abstracted knowledge as a means towards facilitating time modeling in medical decision support systems. Computers in Biology and Medicine 27 (1997) 411-434. PMID: 9397342 23. Citro G, Banks G, Cooper G. INKBLOT: A neurological diagnostic decision support system integrating causal and anatomical knowledge. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 10 (1997) 257-267. PMID: 9232188 24. Cooper GF. A simple algorithm for efficiently mining observational databases for causal relationships. Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1 (1997) 203-224.

3 This paper was selected as one of the best papers of the year by the International Medical Informatics Association, and thus, it was included in the 1992 Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 4 This paper also was selected as one of the best papers of the year by the International Medical Informatics Associat ion, and thus, it was included in the 1992 Yearbook of Medical Informatics. 5 With an abbreviated version of this paper, Wagner won second place (short-term project category) in the student pa per competition of the 1992 Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 6 This paper was selected as one of the best papers of the year by the International Medical Informatics Association, and thus, it was included in the 1994 Yearbook of Medical Informatics.

3 25. Cooper GF, Miller RA. An experiment comparing lexical and statistical methods for extracting MeSH terms from clinical free text. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 5 (1998) 62-75. PMID: 9452986 PMC61276 26. Arora A, Cooper GF, Krishnan R, Padman R. IBIZA: E-market infrastructure for custom-built information products. Information Systems Frontiers (2000) 65-84. 27. Chapman WW, Bridewell W, Hanbury P, Cooper GF, Buchanan BG. A simple algorithm for identifying negated findings and diseases in discharge summaries. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 34 (2002) 301-310. PMID: 12123149 28. Chapman WW, Cooper GF, Hanbury P, Chapman BE, Harrison LH, Wagner MM. Creating a text classifier to detect radiology reports describing mediastinal findings associated with inhalational anthrax and other disorders. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 10 (2003) 494-503. PMID: 12807805 PMC212787 29. Wong WK, Moore A, Cooper G, Wagner M. WSARE: What's Strange About Recent Events? Journal of Urban Health 80 (2003) 66-75. PMID: 12791781 30. Yoo C, Cooper GF. An evaluation of a system that recommends microarray experiments to perform to discover gene-regulation pathways. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 31 (2004) 169-182. PMID: 1529293 31. Dash D, Cooper GF. Model averaging for prediction with discrete Bayesian networks. Journal of Machine Learning Research (2004) 1177-1203. 32. Middleton B, Hammond WE, Brennan PF, Cooper GF. Accelerating U.S. EHR adoption: How to get there from here. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 12 (2005):13-19. PMID: 15492028 PMC543821 33. Auble TE, Hsieh M, Gardner W, Cooper GF, Stone RA, McCausland JB, Yealy DM., A prediction rule to identify low-risk patients with heart failure. Academic Emergency Medicine 12 (2005) 514-521. PMID: 15930402 34. Cooper GF, Abraham V, Aliferis CF, Aronis JM, Buchanan BG, Caruana R, Fine MJ, Janosky JE, Livingston G, Mitchell T, Monti S, Spirtes P. Predicting dire outcomes of patients with community acquired pneumonia. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 38 (2005) 347-366. PMID: 16198995 35. Wong WK, Cooper GF, Dash DH, Levander JD, Dowling J, Hogan WR, Wagner MM. Bayesian biosurveillance using multiple data streams. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 54 (2005) 63-69. PMID: 16177695 36. Wong WK, Moore A, Cooper GF, Wagner MW. What's Strange About Recent Events (WSARE): An algorithm for the early detection of disease outbreaks. Journal of Machine Learning Research 6 (2005) 1961-1998. PMID: 12791781 37. Yoo C, Cooper GF, Schmidt M. A controlled study to evaluate a computer-based microarray experiment- design-recommendation system for gene-regulation pathway discovery. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 39 (2006) 126-146. PMCD: 16203178 38. Rolka H, Burkom H, Cooper GF , Kulldorff M, Madigan D, Wong WK. Issues in applied statistics for public health bioterrorism surveillance using multiple data streams: Research needs. Statistics in Medicine 26 (2007) 1834-1856. PMID: 17221940

39. Hogan W, Cooper GF, Wallstrom G, Wagner MW, Depinay JM. The Bayesian aerosol release detector: An algorithm for detecting and characterizing outbreaks caused by an atmospheric release of Bacillus Anthracis. Statistics in Medicine 26 (2007) 5225-5252. PMID: 17948918 40. Shen Y, Adamou C, Dowling JN, Cooper GF. Estimating the joint disease outbreak-detection time when an automated biosurveillance system is augmenting traditional clinical case finding. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 41 (2008) :224-231. PMID: 18194876 41. Dara J, Dowling JN, Travers D, Cooper GF, Chapman WW. Evaluation of preprocessing techniques for chief complaint classification. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 41 (2008) 612-623. PMID: 18166502 42. Jiang X, Wallstrom G, Cooper GF, Wagner MM. Bayesian prediction of an epidemic curve. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 42 (2009) 90-99. PMID: 18593605

4 43. Jiang X, Neill DB, Cooper GF. A Bayesian network model for spatial event surveillance. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 51 (2010) 224-239. PMC Journal - In Process 44. Shen Y, Cooper GF. A new prior for Bayesian anomaly detection – Application to biosurveillance. Methods of Information in Medicine 49 (2010) 44-53. PMID: 20027381 45. Neill DB, Cooper GF. A multivariate Bayesian scan statistic for early event detection and characterization. Machine Learning 79 (2010) 261-282. PMC Journal - In Process 46. Jiang X, Cooper GF. A real-time temporal Bayesian architecture for event surveillance and its application to patient-specific multiple disease outbreak detection. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (2010). DOI: 10.1007/s10618-009-0151-4 PMC Journal - In Process 47. Gopalakrishnan V, Lustgarten JL, Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. Bayesian rule learning for biomedical data mining. Bioinformatics 26 (2010) 668-675. Doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq005. PMID: 20080512 48. Jiang X, Cooper GF. A Bayesian spatio-temporal method for disease outbreak detection. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 17 (2010) 462-471. PMID: 20595315 49. Visweswaran S, Angus DC, Hsieh M, Weissfeld L, Yealy D, Cooper GF. Learning patient-specific predictive models from clinical data. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 43 (2010) 669-685. PMID: 20450985. 50. Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. Learning instance-specific predictive models. Journal of Machine Learning Research (2010) Dec; 11:3333-3369. PMC Journal - In Process 51. Shen Y, Cooper GF. Multivariate Bayesian modeling of known and unknown causes of events – An application to biosurveillance. Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Dec 30, 2010). doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2010.11.015 PMID: 21195503 52. Wei W, Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. The application of naive Bayes model averaging to predict Alzheimer’s disease from genome-wide data. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (2011) Jul 1; 18(4): 370-5. PMID: 21672907 PMC3128400.7 53. Jiang X, Barmada MM, Cooper GF, Becich MJ. A new Bayesian network method for evaluating and discovering disease loci associations. PLoS ONE (2011) Aug; PMID: 21853025 PMC3154195 54. Lustgarten JL, Visweswaran S, Gopalakrishnan V, Cooper GF. Application of an efficient Bayesian discretization method to biomedical data. BMC Bioinformatics (2011) July; 12:309 PMID: 21798039 PMC3162539 55. Wagner M, Tsui F, Cooper G, Espino J, Harkema H, Levander J, Villamarin R, Voorhees R, Millett N, Keane C, Dey A, Razdan M, Hu Y, Tsai M, Brown S, Lee BY, Gallagher A, Potter M. Probabilistic, Decision- theoretic Disease Surveillance and Control. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 3 (2011) 56. Tsui F, Wagner M, Cooper G, Que J, Harkema H, Dowling J, Sriburadej T, Li Q, Espino J, Voorhees R. Probabilistic Case Detection for Disease Surveillance Using Data in Electronic Medical Records. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 3 (2011).

Refereed Conference Papers 1. Cooper GF. A method for using belief networks as influence diagrams. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1988) 55–63. 2. Beinlich IA, Suermondt HJ, Chavez RM, Cooper GF. The ALARM monitoring system: A case study with two probabilistic inference techniques for belief networks. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Care, 1989. 3. Chavez RM, Cooper GF. An empirical evaluation of a randomized algorithm for probabilistic inference. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1989) 60–70. 4. Chin HL, Cooper GF. Stochastic simulation of causal Bayesian models. In: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 3 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989) 129–147. 7 This paper won the Marco Ramoni Distinguished Paper Award at the Summit on Translational Bioinformatics of t he American Medical Informatics Association.

5 5. Cooper GF. An algorithm for computing probabilistic propositions. In: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 3 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989) 1–14. 6. Horvitz EJ, Suermondt HJ, Cooper GF. Bounded conditioning: Flexible inference for decisions under scarce resources. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1989) 181–193. 7. Horvitz EJ, Cooper GF, Heckerman DE. Reflection and action under scarce resources: Theoretical principles and empirical study. In: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (1989) 1121–1127. 8. Chavez RM, Cooper GF. KNET: Integrating hypermedia and normative Bayesian modeling. In: Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 4 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990) 339–349. 9. Herskovits EH, Cooper GF. Kutató: An entropy-driven system for the construction of probabilistic expert systems from databases. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1990) 54– 62. 10. Shwe MA, Cooper GF. An empirical analysis of likelihood-weighting simulation on a large, multiply-connected belief network. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1990) 498–508. 11. Shwe MA, Middleton B, Heckerman DE, Henrion M, Horvitz EJ, Lehmann H, Cooper GF. A probabilistic reformulation of the Quick Medical Reference System. In: Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1990) 790–794. PMID: 1762578 12. Suermondt HJ, Cooper GF, Heckerman DE. A combination of cutset conditioning and clique-tree propagation in the Pathfinder system. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1990) 86– 90. 13. Cooper GF, Herskovits EH. A Bayesian method for constructing Bayesian belief networks from databases. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1991) 86–94. 14. Miller RA, Gieszczykiewicz FM, Vries JK, Cooper GF. CHARTLINE: Providing bibliographic references relevant to patient charts using the UMLS Metathesaurus knowledge sources. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1992) 86–90. PMID: 1483014 15. Suermondt HJ, Cooper GF. An evaluation of explanations of probabilistic inference. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1992) 579–585.8 PMID: 1482939 16. Aliferis CF, Chao E, Cooper GF. Data Explorer: A prototype expert system for statistical analysis. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1993) 389–393.9 PMID: 8130501 17. Cooper GF. A Bayesian method for learning belief networks that contain hidden variables. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (1993) 112–124. 18. Cooper GF, Owens G. Patient simulation using seamless digital video. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1993) 796-800. PMID: 8130587 19. Wagner MM, Cooper GF. Decision-theoretic information pretrieval: A generalization of reminding. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1993) 512–516.10 PMID: 8130526 20. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF. An evaluation of an algorithm for inductive learning of Bayesian belief networks using simulated data sets. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1994) 8–14. PMID: 7950017 21. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF, Bankowitz R. A temporal analysis of QMR: Abstracted temporal representation and reasoning and initial assessment of diagnostic performance trade-offs. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1994) 709–716.11

8 With this paper, Suermondt won first place in the student paper competition of the 1992 Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. 9 This paper was a finalist in the Priscilla Mayden paper competition at the 1993 Symposium on Computer Applicati ons in Medical Care. 10 This paper also was a finalist in the Priscilla Mayden paper competition at the 1993 Symposium on Computer App lications in Medical Care. 11 With this paper, Aliferis won second place (theory category) in the student paper competition of the 1994 Symposi um on Computer Applications in Medical Care.

6 22. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF, Buchanan BG, Miller RA, Bankowitz R, Giuse N. Temporal reasoning abstractions in QMR. In: Proceedings of MEDINFO (1995) 847–857.12 PMID: 8591343 23. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF. A new formalism for temporal modeling in medical decision-support systems. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1995) 213–217. PMID; 8563270 24. Ambrosino R, Buchanan BG, Cooper GF, Fine MJ. The use of misclassification costs to learn rule-based decision support models for cost-effective hospital admission strategies. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (1995) 304–308. PMID: 8563290 25. Cooper GF. Causal discovery from data in the presence of selection bias. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (1995) 140–150. 26. Lowe HJ, Buchanan BG, Cooper GF, Kaplan B, Vries JK. Image Engine: An integrated multimedia clinical information system. In: Proceedings of MEDINFO (1995) 421-425. PMID: 8591216 27. Wagner MM, Cooper GF. Evaluation of a belief-network-based reminder system that learns from utility feedback. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer Applications to Medical Care (1995) 666–672.13 PMID: 8563370 28. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF. A structurally and temporally extended Bayesian belief network model: Definitions, properties, and modeling techniques. In: Proceedings of Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1996) 28-39. 29. Hashem AI, Cooper GF. Human causal discovery from observational data. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (1996) 27-31.14 PMID: 894721 30. Wagner MM, Overhage JM, Rodriguez E, Cooper GF. Representing CARE rules in a decision-theoretic formalism. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Medical Informatics Association (1996) 582-586. PMID: 8947733 31. Monti S, Cooper GF. Learning Bayesian belief networks with neural network estimators. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (1996). 32. Monti S, Cooper GF. A multivariate discretization method for learning Bayesian networks from mixed data. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1998) 404-413. 33. Aliferis CF, Cooper GF. Temporal representation design principles: An assessment in the domain of liver transplantation. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (1998) 170-174. PMID: 9929204 34. Monti S, Cooper GF. The impact of modeling the dependencies among patient findings on classification accuracy and calibration. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (1998) 592-596.15 PMID: 9929288 35. Cooper GF, Buchanan BG, Kayaalp M, Saul M, Vries JK. Using computer modeling to help identify patient subgroups in clinical data repositories. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (1998) 180-184. PMID: 9929206 36. Cooper GF, Yoo C. Causal discovery from a mixture of experimental and observational data. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1999) 116-125. PMID: 12463958 37. Spirtes P, Cooper GF. An experiment in causal discovery using a pneumonia database. In: Proceedings of International Workshop in Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (1999) 162-168. 38. Monti S, Cooper GF. A latent variable model for multivariate discretization. In: Proceedings of International Workshop in Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (1999) 249-254.

12 This paper was judged to be one of the best student papers at the 1995 Medinfo international medical informatics conference. 13 With this paper, Wagner won first place in the student paper competition of the 1995 Symposium on Computer A pplications in Medical Care. 14 With this paper, Hashem was one of the finalists in the student paper competition of the 1996 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (formerly known as the Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care). 15 With this paper, Monti won second place in the student paper competition of the 1998 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association.

7 39. Monti S, Cooper GF. A Bayesian network classifier that combines a finite mixture model and a naïve Bayes model. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (1999) 447-456. 40. Mani S, Cooper GF. A study in causal discovery from population-based infant birth and death records. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (1999) 315-319. PMID: 10566372 41. Aronis J, Cooper GF, Kayaalp M, Buchanan BG. Identifying patient subgroups with simple Bayes. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (1999) 658-662. PMID: 10566441 42. Cooper GF. Causal modeling and discovery under selection. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (2000) 98-106. 43. Mani S, Cooper GF. Causal discovery from medical textual data. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2000) 542-546. PMID: 11079942 44. Kayaalp MM, Cooper GF, Clermont G. Predicting ICU motality: A comparison of stationary and nonstationary temporal models. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2000) 418-422. PMID: 11079917 45. Mani S, Cooper GF. A simulation study of three related causal data mining algorithms. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (2001) 73-80. 46. Kayaalp M, Cooper GF, Clermont G. Predicting with variables constructed from temporal sequences. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (2001) 220-225. 47. Scheines R, Cooper GF, Yoo C, Chu T. Piecewise linear instrumental variable estimation of causal influence. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (2001) 286-291. 48. Chapman WW, Bridewell W, Hanbury P, Cooper GF, Buchanan BG. Evaluation of negation phrases in narrative clinical reports. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2001) 105-109. PMID: 11825163 49. Yoo C, Thorsson V, Cooper GF. Discovery of causal relationships in a gene-regulation pathway from a mixture of experimental and observational DNA microarray data. In: Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium in Biocomputing (2002) 498-509. PMID: 11928502 50. Wong WK, Moore AM, Cooper GF, Wagner MM. Rule-based anomaly pattern detection for detecting disease outbreaks. In: Proceedings of National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (2002) 217-223. 51. Kayaalp M, Cooper GF. A Bayesian network scoring metric that is based on globally uniform parameter priors. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (2002), 251-258. 52. Dash D, Cooper GF. Exact model averaging with naive Bayesian classifiers. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (2002) 91-98. 53. Yoo C, Cooper GF. Discovery of gene-regulation pathways using local causal search. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2002) 914-918.16 PMID: 12463958 54. Wong WK, Moore A, Cooper GF, Wagner MM., Bayesian network anomaly pattern detection for disease outbreaks. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) (2003). 55. Visweswaran S, Hanbury P, Saul M, Cooper GF., Detecting adverse drug events in discharge summaries using variations on the simple Bayes model. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2003) 689-693. PMID: 14728261 56. Yoo C, Cooper GF. A computer-based microarray experiment design-system for gene-regulation pathway discovery. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2003) 733-737. PMID: 14728270 57. Cooper GF, Dash DH, Levander JD, Wong WK, Hogan WR, Wagner MM. Bayesian biosurveillance of disease outbreaks. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (2004) 94-103.

16 This paper was nominated for the best paper award at the 2002 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Infor matics Association.

8 58. Mani S, Cooper GF. Casual discovery using a Bayesian local casual discovery algorithm. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Informatics (2004) 731-735.17 PMID: 15360909 59. Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. Instance-specific Bayesian model averaging for classification. In: Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS) (2005) 1449-1456. 60. Neill DB, Moore AW, Cooper GF. A Bayesian spatial scan statistic. In: Proceedings the Neural Information Processing Systems Conference (NIPS) (2005). 61. Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. Patient-specific models for predicting the outcomes of patients with community acquired pneumonia. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2005) 759-763.18 PMID: 16779142 62. Cooper GF, Visweswaran S. Deriving the expected utility of a predictive model when the utilities are uncertain. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2005) 161-165.19 PMID: 16779022 62. Mani S, Cooper GF, Spirtes P. A theoretical study of Y structures for causal discovery. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (2006). 63. Shen Y, Cooper GF. A Bayesian biosurveillance method that models unknown outbreak diseases. Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics: Biosurveillance, (2007) 209-215. 64. Hauskrecht M, Valko M, Kveton B, Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. Evidence-based anomaly detection in clinical domains. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2007) 319-232. PMID: 18693850 PMC2655918 65. Jiang X, Cooper GF. A recursive algorithm for spatial cluster detection. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2007) 369-373. PMID:18693860 PMC2655859 66. Sutovsky P, Cooper GF. Hierarchical explanation of inference in Bayesian networks that represent a population of independent agents. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2008) 214-218. 67. Valko M, Cooper G, Seybert A, Visweswaran S, Hauskrecht M. Conditional anomaly detection methods for patient-management alert systems. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Machine Learning in Health Care Applications of the 25th International Conference on Machine Learning (2008). 68. Wadhwa R, Fridsma DS, Saul MI, Penrod LE, Visweswaran S, Cooper GF, Chapman W. Analysis of a failed clinical decision support system for management of congestive heart failure. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2008) 773-777. PMID:18999183 PMC2655961 69. Jiang X, Neill DB, Cooper GF. Generalized AMOC curves for evaluation and improvement of event surveillance. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2009) 281-285. PMID: 20351865 PMC2815453. 70. Shen Y, Cooper GF. Bayesian modeling of unknown disease for biosurveillance. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2009) 589-593. PMID: 20351923 PMC2815446. 71. Cooper GF, Hennings-Yeomans P, Visweswaran S, Barmada M. An efficient Bayesian method for predicting clinical outcomes from genome-wide data. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2010) 127-131. PMID: 21346951 PMC3041321 72. Visweswaran S, Mezger J, Clermont G, Hauskrecht M, Cooper GF. Identifying deviations from usual medical care using a statistical approach. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2010) 827-831. PMID: 21347094 PMC3041340 73. Hauskrecht M, Valko M, Batal I, Clermont G, Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. Conditional outlier detection for clinical alerting. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2010) 286-290.20 PMID: 21346986 PMC3041310

17 With this paper, Mani was one of the finalists in the student paper competition of the 2004 World Congress on Me dical Informatics (Medinfo). 18 With this paper, Visweswaran won third place in the student paper competition of the 2005 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association. 19 This paper won a distinguished paper award at the conference. 20 This paper won the Homer R. Warner research award at the 2010 Annual Symposium of the American Medical In formatics Association.

9 74. Jiang X, Neapolitan RE, Barmada M, Visweswaran S, Cooper GF. A fast algorithm for learning epistatic genomic relationships. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2010) 341-345.21 PMID: 21346997 PMC3041370 75. Valko M, Valizadegan H, Hauskrecht M, Kveton B, Cooper GF. Conditional anomaly detection using soft harmonic functions: An application to clinical alerting. In: Proceedings of the ICML Workshop on Machine Learning for Global Challenges (July 2011). 76. Batal I, Hauskrecht M, Valizadegan H, Cooper G. A pattern mining approach for classifying multivariate tempo ral data. In: Proceedings of the BIBM 2011 Conference (November 2011). 77. Sverchkov Y, Visweswaran S, Clermont G, Hauskrecht M, Cooper GF. A multivariate probabilistic method for comparing two clinical datasets. In: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium January (2012). 78. Sverchkov Y, Visweswaran, Clermont G, Hauskrecht M, Cooper GF. A multivariate probabilistic method for comparing two clinical datasets. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGHIT Health Informatics Symposium (2012).

Book 1. Glymour C, Cooper GF. (Eds.). Computation, Causation, and Discovery (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999).

2. Guyton I, Aliferis C, Cooper GF, Elisseeff A, Pellet JP, Spirtes P, Statnikov A. (Eds). Causation and Prediction Challenge: Challenges in Machine Learning, Volume 2 (Microtome Publishing, Brookline, MA, 2010).

Reviews, Invited Published Papers, Non-refereed Proceedings of Conference and Symposia, Monographs, and Book Chapters 1. Cooper GF. Computer-based medical diagnosis using belief networks and bounded probabilities. In: Miller PL (Ed.), Selected Topics in Medical Artificial Intelligence (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988) 85–97.

2. Cooper GF. Current research directions in the development of expert systems based on belief networks. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 5 (1989) 39–52. [Invited]

3. Cooper GF. Special issue on probabilistic and decision-theoretic systems in medicine (overview of the special issue). Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 5 (1993) 289–292.

4. Monti S, Cooper GF. Learning Bayesian networks from data containing both continuous and discrete variables. In: Jordan MI (Ed.) Learning in Graphical Models (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998).

5. Cooper GF. An overview of the representation and discovery of causal relationships using Bayesian networks. In: Glymour C, Cooper GF (Eds.). Computation, Causation, and Discovery (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999).

6. Heckerman D, Meek C, Cooper GF. A Bayesian approach to causal discovery. In: Glymour C, Cooper GF (Eds.). Computation, Causation, and Discovery (MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1999).

7. Cooper GF. Knowledge processing and decision support systems (synopsis). In: Yearbook of Medical Informatics (2002) 477-479.

8. Cooper GF. Defining a workable strategy to stimulate widespread adoption of electronic health records in the United States (editorial). Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 12 (2005) 1-2.

9. Cooper GF, Dash DH, Levander JD, Wong WK, Hogan WR, Wagner MM. (2006) Bayesian methods for diagnosing outbreaks. In: Wagner MM, Moore AW, Aryel RM (Eds.), Handbook of Biosurveillance (Academic Press).

10. Jiang X, Wagner MM, Cooper GF. Modeling the Temporal Trend of the Daily Severity of an Outbreak using Bayesian Networks. (2008) In: Homes DE, Jain LC (Eds.) Innovations in Bayesian Networks of Studies in Computational Intelligence. (New York: Springer-Verlag) 169-185.

21 With this paper, Jiang was a finalist in the student paper competition of the 2010 Annual Symposium of the Ameri can Medical Informatics Association.

10 11. Guyon I, Aliferis C, Cooper G, Elisseeff A, Pellet J-P, Spirtes P, Statnikov A. (2009) Causality workbench. In: Illari PM, Russo F, Williamson J (Eds.) Causality in the Sciences (Clarendon Press – Oxford).

12. Neill DB, Cooper GF, Das K, Jiang X, Schneider J. (2009) Bayesian Networks Scan Statistics for Multivariate Pattern Detection. In: Glaz J, Pozdnyakov V, Wallenstein S(Eds.). Scan Statistics - Methods and Applications. (Birkhauser)

Refereed Abstracts and Posters 1. Wirtschafter DD, Cooper GF, Russo A, Mesel E. A retrieval system for a time-oriented database. In: The Sixth Annual Conference of the Society for Computer Medicine (1976).

2. Suermondt HJ, Howard SK, Gaba DM, Cooper GF. The role of explanation on the effects of decision support on diagnostic accuracy. Anesthesiology 76 (1992) A560.

3. Cooper G, Aliferis C, Buchanan B, Fine M, Glymour C, Gordon G, Meek C, Mitchell T, Provost F, Richardson T, Scheines R, Spirtes P. Improving the cost effectiveness of health care through machine learning applied to large clinical databases. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 22, Supplement 1 (1994) 3.

4. Wagner MM, Arnold RM, Cooper GF. Document utility: An alternative measure of document relevance. Presented at: 18th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care (SCAMC) 1994.

5. Clark DB, Kirsci L, Cooper GF. Using clinical data to predict suicide attempts in adolescents with alcohol use disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 20 (1996) 134A.

6. Aronis JM, Cooper GF, Fine MJ. A retrospective study of the effect of a prognostic model on the hospital admission decision for patients with low risk community-acquired pneumonia. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2000) 956 (poster).

7. Cooper GF, Fine MJ, Gadd CS, Obrosky DS, Yealy DM. Analyzing causal relationships between treating clinicians and patient admission and mortality in low-risk pneumonia patients. Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting (2000) 470-471.

8. Cooper GF, Buchanan BG, Chapman WW, Hanbury P, Kayaalp M, Saul MI. IPS: A system that uses machine learning to help locate patient records for clinical research. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2001) 813.

9. Kayaalp M, Cooper GF, Clermont G. Learning patient-specific temporal models from data. In: Proceedings of Science 2001: A Research Odyssey, Spotlight Session II “Informatics for 21st Century Science” sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, September 12-14, 2001) (poster).

10. Mani S, Cooper GF. A study in causal discovery from coded and textual medical data. In: Proceedings of Science 2001: A Research Odyssey, Spotlight Session II “Informatics for 21st Century Science” sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, September 12-14, 2001) (poster).

11. Yoo C, Cooper GF. Causal pathway discovery from a mixture of experimental and observational gene expression data. In: Proceedings of Science 2001: A Research Odyssey, Spotlight Session II “Informatics for 21st Century Science” sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, September 12-14, 2001) (poster).

12. Buchanan BG, Chapman W, Cooper GF, Hanbury P, Kayaalp M, Ramachandran M, Saul M. Creating a software tool for the clinical researchers – the IPS system. In: Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2002) 1210.

13. Wang W, Cooper GF. A Bayesian method for biological pathway discovery from high-throughput experimental data. Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference (2004) (poster).

14. Mani S, Cooper GF. BLCD2: A Bayesian local casual discovery algorithm. Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (2004).

11 15. Neill DB, Moore AW, Cooper GF., A Bayesian scan statistic for spatial cluster detection. In: Proceedings of the National Syndromic Surveillance Conference (2005).22

16. Adamou C, Cooper GF, Wong WK, Dowling JN, Hogan WR. Modeling clinician detection time of a disease outbreak due to inhalational anthrax. In: Proceedings of the National Syndromic Surveillance Conference (2005) (poster).

17. Shen Y, Wong WK, Cooper GF., A generalization of the AMOC curve. In: Proceedings of the National Syndromic Surveillance Conference (2005).

18. Shen Y, Wong WK, Cooper GF. Estimating the expected warning time of outbreak-detection algorithms. Advances in Disease Surveillance 1 (2006) 65.

19. Cooper GF, Dowling JN, Levander JD, Sutovsky P. A Bayesian algorithm for detecting CDC category A outbreak diseases from emergency department chief complaints. In: Proceedings of the National Syndromic Surveillance Conference (2006).

20. Chapman WW, Dowling JN, Cooper GF, Hauskrecht M, Valko M, Bridewell W. A comparison of automated and manual classification of acute lower respiratory syndrome from emergency department reports (abstract). J. Advances in Disease Surveillance; 2006.

21. Shen Y, Wong WK, Levander J, Cooper GF. An outbreak detection algorithm that efficiently performs complete Bayesian model averaging over all possible spatial distributions of disease. Advances in Disease Surveillance 4 (2007) 113.

22. Mezger, J., Visweswaran, S., Hauskrecht, M., Clermont, G., Cooper, G.F. A statistical approach for detecting deviations from usual medical care. Proceedings of the Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (2007) 1051 (abstract).

23. Jiang X, Cooper GF. A temporal method for outbreak detection using a Bayesian networks. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Disease Surveillance (2008).

24. Barmada MM, Visweswaran S, Hennings-Yeomans P, Bui K, Cooper G. Predicting patient outcomes from clinical and genome-wide data. Annual Conference of the American Society for Human Genetics (2010) (poster).

25. Hennings-Yeomans P, Cooper GF. Using multiresolution transformations for predicting clinical outcomes from genome- wide data. Ninth IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (2010) (poster).

26. Jiang X, Cooper GF. Joint SNP analysis using a breast cancer GWAS data set (abstract). In: Proceedings of Cancer Bioinformatics Workshop. Cambridge UK; 2010 Sep.



1987 Taught the course Computer-Assisted Medical Decision Making at Stanford University, Stanford, California. 1988 - 1990 Directed a programming project course at Stanford University, Stanford, California, on developing computer-based medical decision aids.

1991 Taught the course “Introduction to Medical Informatics” at the University of Pittsburgh 1993, 1996 Organized the Medical Informatics Journal Club and Colloquium, Section of Medical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh

22 This research was awarded first place at the conference, based on its content and presentation.

12 1994 - 1995 Co-organized the Medical Informatics Journal Club and Colloquium, Section of Medical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh 1996 Offered a medical informatics doctoral research seminar to assist doctoral students in selecting and preparing to carry out a doctoral dissertation 1996 Organized and chaired a panel discussion on “Machine Learning Under Uncertainty”, Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 1996 Gave a tutorial on “Learning Probabilistic Networks from Data”, Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2004 Course director for a project course in the Intelligent Systems Studies Program

1992-2008 Taught the course “Probabilistic Methods for Computer-Based Decision Support” at the University of Pittsburgh in the following years: 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010.

2008, 2010 Developed and offered a “Biomedical Informatics Project Course” in the Department of Biomedical Informatics

Advising Advisor to the following graduate students at Stanford University:

Isabelle de Zegher, M.S. (obtained 1987) — served as one of her principal advisors Janet McLaughlin, M.S. (obtained 1987) — served as one of her principal advisors Leslie Perreault, M.S. (obtained 1987) — served as one of her principal advisors Homer Chin, M.S. (obtained 1988) — served as his primary advisor Michael Shwe, M.S. (obtained 1990) — served as his primary advisor Henri J. Suermondt, M.S. (obtained 1990), Ph.D. (obtained 1992) — served as his primary advisor Martin Chavez, Ph.D. (obtained 1990) — served as his primary advisor Edward Herskovits, Ph.D. (obtained 1991) — served as his primary advisor

Advisor to the following graduate students in the Intelligent Systems Program at the University of Pittsburgh:

Michael Wagner, M.S. (obtained 1991), Ph.D. (obtained 1995) — served as his primary advisor Arthur DeCillis, M.S. (obtained 1994) — served as one of his principal advisors Constantin Aliferis, M.S. (obtained 1994), Ph.D. (obtained 1998) — served as his primary advisor Stefano Monti: M.S. (obtained 1996), Ph.D. (obtained 1999) — served as his primary advisor Changwon Yoo, Ph.D. (obtained 2003) — served as his primary advisor Gil Citro, Ph.D. (obtained 2004) — served as his primary advisor Mehmet Kayaalp, Ph.D. (obtained 2004) — served as his primary advisor Subramani Mani, Ph.D. (obtained 2005) — served as his primary advisor Shyam Visweswaran, Ph.D. (obtained 2007) – served as his primary advisor Yanna Shen, Ph.D (obtained 2009) – served as her primary advisor Yuriy Sverchkov (Ph.D. expected in 2012) – serving as his primary advisor.

Advisor to the following graduate students in the Biomedical Informatics Training Program at the University of Pittsburgh:

Xia Jiang, Ph.D. (obtained 2008) – served as her primary advisor.

Advisor to the following graduate students in Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh:

Peter Sutovsky (PhD. expected in summer 2011) – serving as his primary mentor

Member of the dissertation committee of the following graduate students at the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and other:

13 Richard Ambrosino, M.S. in the Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 1994) Ph.D. in the Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2000) Bing Ling, Ph.D. in Computer Science (obtained 1994) Yongwon Lee, Ph.D. in Computer Science (obtained 1995) Remco Bouckaert, Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Utrecht, Netherlands (obtained 1995) Chris Meek, Ph.D. in Philosophy at CMU (obtained 1996) Ahmad Hashem, M.S. in Psychology (obtained 1997) — served as one of his principal advisors Hanhwe han Kim, Ph.D. in Information Science and Telecommunications (obtained 1997) Ahmad Hashem, Ph.D. in Psychology (obtained 2001) Ioannis Tsamardinos, Ph.D. in Intelligence Systems Program (obtained 2001) Jian Cheng, Ph.D. in Information Science and Telecommunications (obtained 2001) Gerardina Hernandez, Ph.D. in the Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2002) Dimitris Margaritis, Ph.D. in Computer Science at CMU (obtained 2002) Daniel Hennessy, Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2002) Tianjiao Chu, Ph.D. in Philosophy at CMU (obtained 2003) Lawrence Zitnick, Ph.D. in Computer Science at CMU (obtained 2003) Tsai-Ching Lu, Ph.D. in Information Science (obtained 2003) Weng-Keen Wong, Ph.D. in Computer Science at CMU (obtained 2004) Will Bridewell, Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Pittsburgh (obtained 2005) Jagan Dara, M.S. in Biomedical Informatics at University of Pittsburgh (obtained 2006) Branislav Kveton, Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2006) Changhe Yuan, Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2006) Daniel Neill, Ph.D. in Computer Science at CMU (obtained 2006) David Dougall, Ph.D. in Biomedical Informatics (obtained 2007) Eric Williams, M.S. in Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2007) Richard Pelikan, M.S. in Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2007) Jialan Que, M.S. in Intelligent Systems Program (obtained 2008) Kaustav Das, Ph.D. in Computer Science at CMU (obtained 2009) Robin Sabhnani, Ph.D. in Computer Science at CMU (expected 2011)

Member of the comprehensive examination committee of the following graduate students at the University of Pittsburgh (other than own advisees): Tsai-Ching Lu, Haiqin Wang, Denver Dash, Jeremy Espino, Andrew Post, David Dougall, Changhe Yuan, Pinaki Mitra, Jagan Dara, Webster Kelsey, Richard Pelikan, Jialan Que, Eric Williams, Himanshu Grover, Shuguang Wang, Saeed Amizadeh.

RESEARCH Summary of Research Interests Primary research interests involve the use of decision theory, probability theory, Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to address biomedical informatics research problems, including causal modeling and discovery from clinical and biological data, computer-aided medical diagnosis and prediction, computer-based alerting, and biosurveillance of disease outbreaks.

Current Grant Support Grant number: 5 R01 LM01002 (PI: G. Cooper) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Predicting Patient Outcomes from Clinical and Genome-Wide Data Role on project: PI %Effort: 35 Funding period: 09/01/09-08/31/12 Direct amount during entire funding period: $767,187 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $395,101 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,162,288

Grant number: 5 P01 HK00086 (P01 PI: M. Wagner) Granting agency: Center for Disease Control Title: University of Pittsburgh Center for Advanced Study of Informatics in Public Health

14 Role on project: PI of a research project within the P01 %Effort: 10 Funding period: 09/01/09-08/31/14 Direct amount during entire funding period: $3,431,705 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $ 1,602,060 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $5,033,765

Grant number: IIS 0911032 (PI: A. Dubrawski) Granting agency: National Science Foundation (through Carnegie Mellon University) Title: Discovering Complex Anomalous Patterns Role on project: Co-PI of subaccount to the University of Pittsburgh %Effort: 20 Funding period: 09/01/09-08/31/13 Direct amount during entire funding period: $1,606,670 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $341,945 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,948,615

Grant number: 5 R01 GM08824 (PIs: G. Clermont/M. Hauskrecht) Granting agency: National Institute of General Medical Sciences / National Institutes of Health Title: Detecting Deviations in Clinical Care in ICU Data Streams Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 12.5 Funding period: 09/01/09-06/30/12 Direct amount during entire funding period: $1,044,337 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $517,233 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,561,570

Grant number: 5 R01 LM10019 (PI: M. Hauskrecht) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Using Medical Records Repositories to Improve the Design of Alerting Systems Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 12.5 Funding period: 09/30/09-09/29/12 Direct amount during entire funding period: $759,306 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $378,373 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,137,679

Grant number: 5 R01 LM009132 (PI: M. Wagner) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Decision Making in Biosurveillance Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 1 Funding period: 10/01/08-09/30/12 Direct amount during entire funding period: $1,264,589 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $638,946 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,903,535

Grant number: HHS N276201000030C (PI: S. Visweswaran) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Computational Thinking to Support Clinicians and Biomedical Scientists Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 5 Funding period: 9/27/10-9/26/12 Direct amount during entire funding period: $255,631 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $125,084 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $380,715

Grant number: 1 R01 LM010950-01 (PI: V. Gopalakrishnan) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health

15 Title: Bayesian Rule Learning Methods for Disease Prediction and Biomarker Discovery Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 5 Funding period: 8/15/11-6/30/14 Direct amount during entire funding period: $892,828 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $377,741 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,270,569

Prior Grant Support (during the previous ten years; in reverse chronological order) Grant number: 1 R01 LM009427 (PI: W. Chapman) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: NLP Foundation Studies and Ontologies for Syndromic Surveillance from ED Reports Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 2.5 Funding period: 07/16/07-06/30/10 Direct amount during entire funding period: $807,369 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $391,574 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,198,943 Grant number: 5 UL1 RR024153-02 (PI: S. Reis) Granting agency: NCRR Title: Center for Clinical and Translational Information (CCTI) of the University of Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Research Institute Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 5 Funding period (for G.F. Cooper): 10/01/06-02/28/09 Direct amount during entire funding period: $75,357,145 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $8,227,870 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $83,585,015

Grant number: IIS 0325581 (PI: G.F. Cooper) Granting agency: National Science Foundation Title: Bayesian Modeling for Biosurveillance Role on project: PI %Effort: 30 Funding period: 09/15/03 – 08/31/09 Direct amount during entire funding period: $2,859,179 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $659,572 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $3,518,751

Grant number: 1 R21 LM009102 (PI: M. Hauskrecht) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Evidence Based Anomaly Detection in Clinical Databases Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 4.5 Funding period: 04/01/07-03/31/09 Direct amount during entire funding period: $247,500 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $111,346 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $358,846

Grant number: 5 R01 PH000026 (PI: W.R. Hogan) Granting agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Title: Improving Detection of Outbreaks Due to Aerosol Attacks Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 10 Funding period: 09/30/05-01/31/09 Direct amount during entire funding period: $1,076,740 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $517,369 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $1,594,109

16 Grant number: R01 LM008374 (PI: G.F. Cooper) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Learning Patient-Specific Models from Clinical Data Role on project: PI %Effort: 20 Funding period: 01/24/05 – 01/23/09 Direct amount during entire funding period: $602,741 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $252,005 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $854,746

Grant number: T15-LM/DE07059-17 (PI: G.F. Cooper from 9/2005 through 12/2008) Granting Agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Pittsburgh Medical Informatics Training Program Role on project: PI %Effort: 10 Funding period (for entire grant): 7/1/07 – 6/30/12 Direct amount during entire funding period: $4,817,616 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $273,986 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $5,091,602

Grant number: F30602-01-2-0550 (PI: M.M. Wagner) Granting agency: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Title: Scalable Bio-Surveillance Systems Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 13 Funding period: 08/13/01 – 9/30/08 Direct amount during entire funding period: $3,003,982 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $929,289 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $3,933,271

Grant number: ME-01-737 (PI: M.M. Wagner) Granting agency: Pennsylvania Department of Health Title: Building an Early Warning Public Health Surveillance System Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 15 Funding period: 07/01/02-06/30/06 Direct amount during entire funding period: $5,172,343 Indirect amount during entire funding period: $867,695 Total amount (direct + indirect) during entire funding period: $6,040,038

Grant number: NRA2-37143 (PI: C. Glymour) Granting agency: National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Title: Automated Discovery Procedures for Gene Expression and Regulation from Microarray and Serial Analysis of Gene Expression Data Role on project: PI on subcontract from CMU %Effort: 3 Funding period: 03/01/01-2/28/05 Direct amount during entire funding period (subcontract): $173,104

Grant number: D43-TW01287-03 (PI: C. Gadd) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine and the Fogarty International Center / National Institutes of Health Title: Medical Informatics Training for Africa Role on project: Instructor %Effort: 5 Funding period: 9/30/99 – 5/31/03 Direct amount during entire funding period: $615,816

17 Grant number: G08-LM06625 (PI: C.P. Friedman) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: IAIMS Implementation: Advancing the Academic Mission Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 10 Funding period: 5/1/98 – 4/30/03 Direct amount during entire funding period: $2,750,000

Grant number: T15-LM/DE07059-15 (PI: C.P. Friedman) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Pittsburgh Medical Informatics Training Program Role on project: Co-director %Effort: 10 (donated) Funding period: 7/1/97 – 6/30/02 Direct amount during entire funding period: $3,769,971

Grant number: T15-LM07059-15S2 (PI: C.P. Friedman) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Pittsburgh Medical Informatics Training Program—Health Service Research Supplemental Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 5 Funding period: 7/1/01 – 6/30/02 Direct amount (supporting G.F. Cooper) during entire funding period: $49,806

Grant number: R01-LM06759 (PI: B.G. Buchanan) Granting agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Data Mining and Model Building in Medical Informatics Role on project: Co-investigator %Effort: 9 Funding period: 5/1/99 – 4/30/02 Direct amount (supporting G.F. Cooper) during entire funding period: $49,788

Grant number: IIS-9812021 (PI: G.F. Cooper) Granting agency: National Science Foundation Title: Causal Discovery from a Mixture of Experimental and Observational Data Role on project: PI %Effort: 18 Funding period: 9/01/98 – 2/28/02 Direct amount during entire funding period: $254,900

Grant number: R01-LM06696 (PI: G.F. Cooper) Granting Agency: National Library of Medicine / National Institutes of Health Title: Methods to Model Cause and Effect from Clinical Data Role on project: %Effort: 40 Funding period: 9/3-/98 – 8/31/01 Direct amount during entire funding period: $393,102

Lectures, Seminars, and Presentations “A Retrieval System for a Time-Oriented Database.” The Sixth Annual Conference of the Society for Computer Medicine, 1976.

“A Method for Using Belief Networks as Influence Diagrams.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1988. (Poster)

“An Algorithm for Computing Probabilistic Propositions.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1989.

18 “Kutató: An Entropy-Driven System for the Construction of Probabilistic Expert Systems from Databases. Annual Meeting of the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1990.

“A Bayesian Method for Constructing Bayesian Belief Networks from Databases.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 1991.

“A Bayesian Method for Learning Belief Networks that Contain Hidden Variables.” Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 1993.

“Patient Simulation Using Seamless Digital Video.” Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, 1993.

“Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Health Care Through Machine Learning Applied to Large Clinical Databases.” Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, 1994.

“Causal Discovery from Data in the Presence of Selection Bias.” Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1995.

Delivered three lectures in course “Introduction to Medical Informatics”, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October and November 1995.

Research Colloquia Series, Intelligent Systems Program, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 1995.

Workshop on Evaluation of Knowledge-Based Systems held at the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, December 1995.

Nursing Informatics Seminar, School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 1996.

Presented lectures in a symposia on “Learning Graphical Models”, NATO Advanced Study Institute, in association with the Galileo Galilei Foundation, World Federation of Scientists, Sicily, Italy, September 1996.

Presented a talk with Chuck Friedman on Medical Informatics to premed students at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 1998.

"A Bayesian Approach to the Representation and Discovery of Causal Relationships." Graduate Statistics Course, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1998.

“Predicting Dire Outcomes of Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia.” Center for Biomedical Informatics Research Colloquium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1998.

“Causal Knowledge from Clinical Data.” Presented at the Second Annual Lindberg Lecture, sponsored by the Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 19, 1998.

“Representing and Learning Causal Relationships.” Opening ceremony presentation to the Annual Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Madison, Wisconsin, July 24-26, 1998.

“Causal Discovey.” CEDAR Research, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 1998.

“The Discovery of Causal Knowledge from a Mixture of Observational and Experimental Data.” Seminar Series, Department of Biostatistics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 8, 1998.

“Clinical Modeling and Cost-Effective Healthcare Delivery.” Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, October 12, 1998.

“Using Computer Modeling to Help Identify Patient Subgroups in Clinical Data Repositories.” Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, Orlando, Florida, November 7-11, 1998.

“Causal Discovery from a Mixture of Experimental and Observational Data.” Annual Meeting of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm, Sweden, 1999. (Poster)

19 “Clinical Modeling and Cost-Effect Healthcare Delivery.” Annual Conference of the Classification Society of North America, University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 12, 1999. (Invited)

“A Comparison of Clinicians in an Emergency Department Regarding Patient Admission and Mortality in Low-Risk Pneumonia Patients.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, San Francisco, California, May 23-24, 2000.

“Analyzing Causal Relationships Between Treating Clinicians and Patient Admission and Mortality in Low-Risk Pneumonia Patients.” Annual Meeting of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, San Francisco, California, May 23-24, 2000. (Poster).

“Causal Modeling and Discovery Under Selection.” Annual Meeting of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, June 30-July 3, 2000. (Poster)

“Decision Making and Probabilistic Reasoning.” Presentation to course “Introduction to Medical Informatics”, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 4, 2000. (Invited)

“A Retrospective Study of the Effect of a Prognostic Model on the Hospital Admission Decision for Patients with Low Risk Community-Acquired Pneumonia,” Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, Los Angeles, California, November 4-8, 2000.

“Identifying Patient Subsets Using the IPS Computer System.” Presentation to the Clinical Advisory Committee of the Pittsburgh Regional Healthcare Initiative, St. Francis Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 25, 2001.

Lectured on: “Integrated Genomic and Proteomic Analyses of a Systematically Perturbed Metabolic Network” (article by Ideker T, Thorsson V, Ranish JA, Christmas R, Buhler J, Eng JK, Bumgarner R, Goodlett DR, Aebersold R, Hood L, published in Science 292 (May 4): 929-934, 2001) to student in course, Bioinformatics@Pitt, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 14, 2001.

“Identifying Patient Sets.” Presentation to the Pittsburgh Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS) Retreat, April 22, 2002.

“Research Issues in Discovering Gene-Regulation Pathways Using Causal Bayesian Networks.” Invited speaker at the Harvard Biomedical Informatics Grand Rounds, Boston, Massachusetts, April 29, 2002.

“An Overview of the Representation and Discovery of Causal Relationships Using Bayesian Networks“ Department of Informatics, University of Nijmegen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 28, 2002.

“Creating a Software Tool for the Clinical Researcher: The IPS (Identify Patient Sets) System.” Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), November 11, 2002.

“Modeling and Discovery of Gene-Regulation Pathways.” Panel Discussant: Knowledge Discovery in Molecular Medicine: Computational Approaches to Mining, Visualizing, and Understanding Molecular Data.” Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA), November 11, 2002.

“Bayesian Biosurveillance Methods.” Presentation to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Bio-ALIRT (Biosurveillance) Meeting 2, Potomac Institute and Schafer Corporation, Arlington, Virginia, December 3, 2002.

Panel Discussant, Session on “From Genomics to Clinical Informatics.” Annual Symposium of the American College of Medical Informatics (ACMI) 2002 “Training the Next Generation of Informaticians: The Impact of Bioinformatics.” Palm Springs, California, February 15, 2002.

“Bayesian Biosurveillance Using Causal Networks.” Invited speaker at the DIMACS Tutorial on Statistical and Other Analytic Health Surveillance Methods, June 17-20, 2003, Rutgers University.

“Bayesian Biosurveillance Using Causal Networks.” Invited speaker at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Biomedical Informatics Colloquium, October 17, 2003.

20 “ Bayesian Biosurveillance.” Lecture in a course on biosurveillance offered by the Biomedical Informatics Training Program at the University of Pittsburgh, February 24, 2004.

“Deriving the Expected Utility of a Predictive Model When the Utilities Are Uncertain.” Invited speaker at the Artificial Intelligence Colloquium of the School of Business at the University of Kansas at Lawrence, September 24, 2004.

“Bayesian Biosurveillance Using Multiple Data Streams.” Panel Discussant, CDC Statistical Methods Symposium, Bethesda, MD, March 2, 2005.

“Estimating the Expected Warning Time of Disease Outbreak Detection Algorithms.” Speaker in Spotlight Session on Modeling Health Care and Public Health Decisions, Science-2005 Symposium, University of Pittsburgh, October 6, 2005.

“Bayesian Biosurveillance.” Invited Speaker at the Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, May 23, 2006.

“Update on Bayesian Biosurveillance.” ICML 2006 Workshop on Machine Learning Algorithms for Surveillance and Event Detection, Carnegie Mellon University, June 29, 2006.

“An Introduction to Casual Modeling and Discovery Using Graphical Models.” Invited Speaker at NIPS 2006 Workshop, Whistler, BC, Canada, December 8, 2006.

“Efficient Bayesian Model Averaging.” Invited Speaker, Department of Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, & Epidemiology, Medical University of South Carolina. December 3, 2007.

“Bayesian Outbreak Detection and Characterization.” Invited Speaker, International Society for Disease Surveillance Webinar on Applications of Bayesian Statistics for Biosurveillance, January 28, 2010.

“An Efficient Bayesian Method for Predicting Clinical Outcomes from Genome-Wide Data.” Invited Speaker, Department of Human Genetics Spring Seminar Series. April 16, 2010.

“An Efficient Bayesian Method for Predicting Clinical Outcomes from Genome-Wide Data.” Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association. November 16, 2010.

Other Research Related Activities

Editorial Board Memberships International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (1990 to 1993) Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (1996 to 1998) Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (1997 to 1999) Machine Learning Journal (1997 to 2000) Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (1990 to present) Journal of Biomedical Informatics (2002 to present)

Journal Refereeing Annals of Statistics Artificial Intelligence Journal Bioinformatics Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Decision Analysis Journal IEEE Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence Journal International Journal of Approximate Reasoning Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Journal of Biomedical Informatics Journal of Machine Learning Research Machine Learning Journal

21 Study Sections Various N.I.H. and N.S.F. Ad Hoc Study Sections Most recent participation: Member, National Library of Medicine Ad Hoc Study Section, November 2004. Chair, National Library of Medicine Ad Hoc Study Section, March 2005. Chair, National Library of Medicine Ad Hoc Study Section, November 2005. Chair, National Library of Medicine Ad Hoc Study Section, July 2006. Member, National Library of Medicine Standing Study Section (BLIRC), 2009 to 2011. Chair, National Library of Medicine Standing Study Section (BLIRC), 2011 to 2013.


University and Medical School

Director, University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Informatics Training Program, Center for Biomedical Informatics, June 1, 1994 – June 30, 1997 and July 1, 2005 – December 31, 2008.

Member of the Integrated Advanced Information Management Systems (IAIMS) Operations Committee, University of Pittsburgh, July 1, 1996 – 2004.

Career advisor for the University of Pittsburgh M.D./Ph.D program, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1997 – 2003.

Co-Director, University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Informatics Training Program, Center for Biomedical Informatics, July 1, 1997 – 2005.

Chair, Trainee Evaluation Committee, University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Informatics Training Program, Center for Biomedical Informatics, September 1, 2002 – 2005.

Founding Director, Laboratory for Causal Modeling and Discovery (LCMD), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, 2000 – present.

Member of the core faculty of the Intelligent Systems Program (ISP), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 1990 – present.

Co-Director, Intelligent Systems Program, University of Pittsburgh, 2002 – 2004.

Acting Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2004.

Director, Center for Biomedical Informatics, University of Pittsburgh, 2004 – 2006.

Curriculum Committee Member, Biomedical Informatics Training Program, 2005 – 2008.

Evaluation Committee Co-Chair, Biomedical Informatics Training Program, 2003 – 2008. Evaluation Committee Member, Biomedical Informatics Training Program, 2009.

Member of School of Medicine Graduate Faculty Council, 2005 – December 31, 2008.

Vice Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics, 2006 – present. Strategic Planning Group member, Department of Biomedical Informatics, 2006 – present.

National and International

Scientific Program Co-chair of the 1998 Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Madison, Wisconsin).

General Chair of the 1999 Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (Stockholm, Sweden).

Chair, Scientific Affairs Committee, American College of Medical Informatics, 1/1/2003 – 1/1/2005.

22 Executive Committee Member, American College of Medical Informatics, 1/1/2007 – 1/1/2009.

Program Committee Member of the Following Scientific Meetings (various years):

Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases Conference on Neural Information Processing Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care Conference of the American Medical Informatics Association NSF BioSurveillance Workshop

Member, External Advisory Board of the NYU Clinical and Translational Science Institute (2009 – present)


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