7.25Pm Public Session

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7.25Pm Public Session


PRESENT; Cllrs D Whitehouse, B Williams, J Richmond, A White, P Baildon and clerk G Simpson, also District Cllr Sandra Harrison and 3 members of the public.

7.25pm Public Session Concerns were raised over the general condition of the roads, in particular potholes and some road edges were disintegrating leaving them in a dangerous state.

7.37pm Council meeting opened The Chairman welcomed those present especially District Cllr Sandra Harrison after her recent illness and thanked Pearl and Susan for their litter picking initiatives.

16/001] Election of Chairman Cllr Baildon proposed Cllr Whitehouse to be the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Richmond. Resolved

16/002] Delivery of declaration of acceptance of office Cllr Whitehouse signed the declaration of acceptance of office as Chairman, witnessed by the clerk.

16/003] Election of Vice Chairman Cllr Whitehouse proposed and Cllr White seconded that Cllr Williams be Vice Chairman. Resolved

16/004] Review of standing orders, code of conduct, financial regulations, asset register and risk management There were no requests or suggestions for any amendments to any of the documents, but it was noted the asset register had been updated to include the laptop and printer.

16/005] Diary of meetings for the coming year Dates agreed for the coming year; 28 June, 9 August, 20 September, 1 November, 13 December, 24 January 2017, 14 March and the ACM 9 May, with the Annual Parish Meeting on the 11 April.

16/006] Apologies for absence and acceptance of any reasons given There were no apologies.

16/007] Declarations of interest and applications for dispensations None

16/008] Conformation of minutes of the meeting on 8 Mar 2016 There was an amendment to minute 15/256, changing Tuesday to Monday regarding Post Office opening times. Cllr Richmond proposed acceptance of distributed notes after the amendment as a true record, seconded by Cllr Baildon. Resolved and signed by the Chairman.

Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131 Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD 16/009] Clerks report on outstanding matters The annual accounts had been prepared and sent for internal audit, the VAT for the previous year had been reclaimed. Planning comments had been submitted as instructed and further questions had been submitted to ELDC regarding the footway lighting proposals with the reply forwarded to all councillors. The yearend PAYE was submitted and data updated for the new year. Highways had been contacted regarding the footpath opposite The Willows and the matter was under investigation because the original work order had been closed. Further drainage works had been concluded and some of the potholes at the end of Hodgetoft Lane repaired. Grass cutting on the corner near the Garage had been requested and carried out. There was a request for additional grass cutting opposite this site around the chevron signs and the clerk was instructed to contact Robert Aldrich for a costing. A request for advertising in the newsletter was discussed but turned down due to limited space and the clerk would contact Louth Playgoers for a donation if they wished to continue with their arrangement. The Police “smiley sign” had been present in the village for nearly a month and was thought to have a positive effect. The issue with planning consent for the shop at Oham Lakes had been resolved. There has been a notice of closure for the post box at the old village shop site but currently is still in operation; the clerk is to request an update and investigate if an alternative site can be found, possibly at Hodgetoft Lane.

16/010] Reports from outside bodies District Cllr Harrison reported on the transformation programme concentrating on the proposals for the footway lighting to help reduce costs, it appears public toilets are next on the list for savings. There are many services which ELDC are required to provide by statute (a list has been provided) leaving a limited choice which services may be cut. The Councillor went on to explain the new Area Forums and encouraged parish councillors to attend these events giving them the chance to meet new people and exchange ideas for solving various parish problems. Content of the e-newsletter was highlighted especially the flooding issues and the site where you can retrieve a breakdown of the residents in your region or parish.

16/011] Review insurance cover and renewal The renewal schedule had been studied and was cheaper than last year despite the increase in IPT, resolved to accept renewal quote.

16/012] Financial matters The internal auditor had completed her inspection of the Council’s accounts and was satisfied everything was in order. The Annual Governance Statement was carefully considered point by point before Cllr Richmond proposed acceptance, seconded by Cllr Baildon; resolved with the Chairman and Clerk signing the document. It was then resolved to accept the previously circulated Annual Accounting Statement for 2015/16 and duly signed. The current bank reconciliation and financial statement were agreed and cheques resolved for signing; J Alldridge £40.00, Community Lincs Insurance Services £243.20, and R Aldrich £158.00.

16/013] Footway Lighting The latest proposal from ELDC regarding charging the Parish Council for footway lighting from 1 November was discussed at length and the differing opinions of various residents considered. All councillors were agreed that they were opposed to the charge in principal but the prospect of losing the lights for ever was a major concern. The estimated costs provided by ELDC equate to approximately 25p per week for a Band D property which does not appear much but will represent a 52% rise in the current precept figure. After further debate a vote was taken and by a majority decision it was resolved to opt in with the proposal. The clerk was instructed to inform

Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131 Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD ELDC of the decision, however the council wished to reserve the right to opt out at a later date after giving appropriate notice.

16/014] Defibrillator Cllr Richmond provided information about the possibility of a grant from the British Heart Foundation and the likely costs involved with the provision of a defibrillator. Apparently local first responders only have access to one in Alford and a more convenient one would be of great benefit to the village with the Village Hall being the most likely site. The additional cost of provision of a cabinet with an electric supply would also have to be considered and the clerk was asked to investigate further into the matter.

16/015] Village sign The Chairman has had further discussions with Mr Norwood-Witts regarding the Village Sign and received an estimate of £3000.00 for 3 hand painted hardwood veneered signs of approximately 30”x20”, with additional costs for posts and erection. The Chairman is to make further enquiries with Community Lincs as to possible sources of funding which will be required if the project is to go ahead.

16/016] Planning It was noted full planning permission had been granted for N/112/00414/16 Crown Inn (and listed building consent), N/112/00471/16 The Cedars extension, and N/112/00358/16 Stoneleigh Farm multi development.

16/017] Correspondence The following list of correspondence was noted; ELDC; Planning N/112/00471/16 The Cedars, extension Clerks & Councils Direct Wicksteed Playgrounds HagsSMP; play and sports equipment & furniture LCC Environmental Services; Parish Paths Partnership termination ELDC; notice for election of a PCC for Lincs ELDC; Transformation Programme, footway lighting ELDC; Funding of Parish Council Elections HMRC; paying PAYE electronically Lloyds Bank; mandate confirmation Community Lincs Insurance Services; renewal information The Pensions Regulator; staging date ELDC; nominations for PCC for Lincs ELDC; notice of poll and situation of polling stations for PCC for Lincs elections House of Commons; Victoria Atkins MP contacts poster HMRC; reclaimed VAT remittance Wicksteed playgrounds ELDC; planning N/112/00415/16 Crown Inn listed building consent & N/112/00414/16 full planning permission ELDC; planning N/112/00471/16 The Cedars full planning permission ELDC; planning N/112/00358/16 Stoneleigh Farm full planning permission

Date of next meeting

Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131 Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD This was confirmed as Tuesday 28 June 2016.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.33pm.

Chairman; Cllr David Whitehouse 01507 450811 Clerk; Mr Graham Simpson 01754 880131 Ourholme, Dovecote Lane, Wainfleet, Skegness, Lincs, PE24 4AD

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