Needles NCI AGM Minutes

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Needles NCI AGM Minutes

Needles NCI AGM Minutes Meeting held at The Sun, Hulverstone, 20th January 2016

1 Attendanc e David Falconar John Wood Philip Hawkins 1.1 Present David Kennett Kenneth de la Richard Alan Dawkins Don Hughes Hunty Lizzie Walker Roger Alan Fish Garth Atwell Hutchinson Mac Fallows Sheila Alan Milbank Geoff Horsnell Mcloughlin Maggie Caws Terry Alistair Pirrie George Dowie Dimmick Terry Andy Greig Thorburn James Mark Mordey Riddett Tony Barbara Thomas Jennie Paddy Noctor Cole Trevor Close Beaver Jim Peter Chapman Swift Brian Scott Peter Dent Thompson John Tarplin Peter Charlotte Simmonds Rayner Dave Edser Dave Ian Jolliffe Peter Byatt Phipps Janna Maurice Fairall Tony Marsland Jo Michael Stables 1.2 Apologie Haigh Batcheler Neil s Marsland Andy Matthews Bob White Gerard Sutton

2 Minutes 2.1 AGM January 2015 minutes The minutes were accepted and there were no matters arising. 2.2 General meeting November 2015 minutes The minutes were accepted and there were no matters arising.

3 Annual reports 3.1 Station Manager Don Hughes' report: 12 months ago I had a vision of fine tuning an already successful station that had grown under the leadership of our previous Station Manager Jim Scott. With growth I believe we should always keep reviewing what we do and achieved. This is an ongoing process and will continue to be so. The appointment of two Deputy Station Managers was the first step in the task ahead. I am not going into very much detail about them as their reports will be presented later. I am very pleased to say that your committee has worked well together and tirelessly with one aim in mind. To have a station that we could all be proud of with watchkeepers confident in their ability to deal professionally with any task presented. As we looked at the task ahead I don’t think anyone realised the amount of time and effort that your committee, training officers and the other officers that keep this station on an even keel let themselves in for. Deputy S M Admin ( Mr Fixit ), we would be in a sorry state if it was not for all the hard practical work that Tony Cole has done for the station. I will not list all the practical things he has done as we will be here all night. Deputy S M Training, Geoff Horsnell, and his team of trainers: Richard Walker, George Thorburn, Roger Fellows and Anne Kipling, had the task of producing a comprehensive training manual and implementing the contents. A mammoth task which they have achieved resulting in many more qualified watchkeepers who have the confidence to do a professional job when called upon. Richard was not only part of the training team he has also held two other posts, Rota Manager and Secretary. He also took on the task of compiling and typing the new training manual. Roger deserves a special mention, for all his radio training events, and the wonderful cuisine provided by his wife Doreen, so that we continue to have all newly qualified watchkeepers having an NCI-approved radio qualification and, in addition, we now have another 16 watchkeepers and trainees obtaining their RYA Short Range radio Certificate. Thanks to John Tarplin for keeping the accounts in order and overseeing our spending; to Peter Byatt for his help, advice on Health and Safety and contribution in committee debates and making sure we have a venue and coffee for our meetings. Thanks to Maurice Fairall our Public Relations Officer who has not only had to cope with a poorly wife has still found time to visit clubs , WIs and Towns Women’s Guilds to spread the word of our work.; to Peter Dent for keeping us well groomed; to Charlotte Raynor for organising our crew at “Tin Shakes” and keeping our bank balance healthy. Charlotte has also been out making new contacts that we hope will prove fruitful in the not too distant future.; to Sheila Caws for overseeing the library and keeping our archive folder up to date; to Jim Scott for his work as membership Secretary. We have kept him busy over the past few months with new members joining the team; to Bob White for his skill in Photography; and a special mention to the hand full of crew members who always attend fundraising events and are the first to jump in to a vacant watch enabling the station to keep open. At one time I was thinking of charging Paddy Noctor rent as he spent more time in the station than at home. With a team like this, my job as Station Manager has been made far easier thus allowing me more time to focus on recruiting more trainees to fill our watches. Currently we have many days with 3 on a watch. I hope this continues as, during the summer months, I would like to extend our rota to three watches, over Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Two more votes of thanks before I finish and hand over to those members who have reports to submit. Firstly without your dedication to duty we could not provide the professional service we do. Thank you one and all. Finally we could not do this job without the understanding and support of our partners at home. A very big thank you to them as their support is very much appreciated.” Thank you Don Hughes, Station Manager, Needles NCI 3.2 Deputy Station Manager (Admin) Tony Cole's report (exactly as presented on the night!):

“By now most of you will know me by sight, if not by reputation. None of the bad bits are true but then neither are most of the good bits so there we are. Don’s report thanked all of you to some degree so it’s down to me to let you know about the Admin side of running the station. Quite a lot has happened in the last twelve months so I’ll touch briefly on the salient points with more detail where needed. Firstly the Weather, (Local conditions not the Met office forecast) I’m sorry to keep mentioning this, but, like at the Trappist monastery where one monk is allowed to say one sentence each year and each time there were complaints about the food. After six years the Abbott stood up and said “Brother Ramsey” has agreed to do the cooking from now on so you can all stop bickering about the food. over the years we have tried various positions around the site for our anemometer and because of the updrafts caused by the cliffs each position varies in its accuracy the latest being good for winds coming from the NW clockwise round to NE but unreliable for the remainder. All other features are working OK. It has been an ongoing concern that when a craft calls for a weather status report at the Needles they are interested on what is going on at sea level not 300ft up so although the Old battery is 100 or so feet up and Hurst is probably 50 or 60 both are a lot closer to the water than we are. The Met Office has an anemometer on the roof of the Old Battery which gives hourly Wind speed and Direction readings. Although each reading is not posted on the website for up to 25 or 30 mins after it is read, it is good for winds coming from SE clockwise round to NE. There is also an anemometer on the roof of Hurst Castle which gives 10 minute Wind speed and Direction readings and is a good guide for all wind directions. So that we can give more accurate information we have set up a trial 4G EE broadband link at the station, with a shortcut on the screen which has the Needles site as the home page in the Explorer with Hurst, the met office and one or two other sites set up as favorites. I, on behalf of the Committee, would ask you all to please not change any of the settings on any of the pages, particularly AIS, as they are set up in an effort to make it as easy as possible for all to use. If there are any seriously poor settings or you have any ideas please write details in the “Suggestion Book” with your name and date alongside. I will look at them on a weekly basis and the Committee will consider making the change or report back why we haven’t. Opticron Binoculars One pair was giving blurred vision so were sent away for repair where it was found that the internal prisms were out of line. They came back and seemed to be Ok but within a week or so the problem reoccurred so they were sent away again repaired and returned f.o.c. with no explanation as to the problem. Please remember not to take either pair of Opticron’s out of the station. Cash Box There is a new cash box which will be in the cupboard under the stairs tomorrow so we can start putting the books out on fine days. Project Kraken. At regular intervals the Police issue reports of Thefts, Scams and other information which I have been sifting through and getting Don to circulate items relevant to the station and members. I think we have a part to play in this Project so would like to continue issuing these items to keep you informed. Are you happy that I do so? Any Questions or comments? Incidents Recorded with HMCG since the last AGM. The station was involved in 16 recorded incidents over the past 12 months and contrary to Paddy’s assumption my presence at the station did not cause any of them. Although I was there for 8. Non-Recorded Incidents since the last AGM. There have been around 50 incidents worthy of monitoring and recording in the logbooks. Other notable happenings We had a couple of quiz nights which although enjoyed by the few who attended it was decided to put the social side of things on hold until we enroll a Social Secretary. Any volunteers? We had stands at the Yarmouth Spring Festival, the NT Open day, Ventnor and Freshwater volunteer fairs and manned the NCI stand at the Southampton boat show for several days. Remembrance Sunday Parade was well attended. We were represented at the raising of the red ensign on Yarmouth pier in Honour of the merchant seamen lost during the wars. Members of the committee have been to “Small group meetings” with members of Calshot, Lee and Gosport stations, also The NCI AGM and treasurers meetings in Bristol and Don recently met with our Trustee and other station managers. Geoff organized the Xmas lunch at the Royal Solent YC which was an excellent meal and well attended Flag We are ordering two new flags as both of the old ones have suffered damage mainly by being caught on the top of the cage by the flagpole when being raised and lowered. This can be avoided, in most instances, by walking towards the station with the halyard until stopped by it and then raising or lowering the flag well clear of the cage. Maintenance Over the year various tasks such as fence repairs, aerial re wiring and replacements, moving the weather station, fitting additional shelving and sorting several hundreds of books to mention but a few, have been taken on and completed. My thanks for those who have helped in particular, Anne Kipling, Dave Phipps, Paddy Noctor and Brian Thompson who made an excellent job of painting the black and yellow stripes around the station and of course my neighbour, Tony, without who several of the bigger jobs would have been a lot more difficult. Summer Watches Don mentioned extending the Rota to three watches on Friday Saturday and Sunday during the summer months i.e. June, July and August. The best option, which conforms with other stations who run this system, would be 3 four hour watches starting at 08:00 and ending at 20:00. So if there are no questions can we have a show of hands of those of you who could fit in with this suggestion.” 3.2.1 Summer Watches In response to Don and Tony's proposal, that we have three watches on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays, from June to August, a show of hands was requested and a large majority of the members present were in favour. 3.3 Deputy Station Manager (Training) Geoff Horsnell's report: A good first year and a lot accomplished. In last 3-4 months we have averaged approximately 1 new trainee a week. Trainee total at present is 22. We have had 10 newly qualified W/Ks over the past year. Two notable achievements over the year. Firstly, the new Training Manual, involving a lot of work, by Richard in particular, and a few others. Hope all appreciate it and find it useful and user friendly. Secondly, 16 people took and passed the RYA Radio Course, some watchkeepers and some trainees. This makes a considerable difference to our watchkeeping capacity and puts us in a good position vis a vis other SAR organisations. The instructors/examiners commented on how easy it was for them, because those involved already had a good understanding of radio protocol. (Thanks to Roger!) Scenario training was well accepted and useful. Good fun, as well as serious. One planned for second week of February. Record training sheets: These need to be completed to satisfy the DFS assessors when they inspect. We know it is hard work, but all must try to do this on a regular basis. Our assessment is overdue, so we need to be up to speed. There is still room for improvement and the training team is very aware of this. Finally, many thanks to the training team for their hard work. Overall a good year, which could not have been achieved without their dedication. Thanks, too, to all watchkeepers and trainees for their input. 3.4 Treasurer Please see the report in the appendix. Don proposed a vote of thanks to John for his treasuring activities over the past year. 3.5 Membership secretary Jim Scott's report: Since the November meeting New members – we welcome the following new members: Andy Greig from Totland (joined 24/11/2015) Timothy Wedge from Totland (joined 30/11/2015) Mark Mordey from Newport (joined 16/01/2016) Resigned members - Since the meeting in November we have had no resignations. Now: Station complement - At this time we have sixty members of whom thirty eight are watchkeepers and twenty two are trainee watchkeepers. Membership has increased by three since November. We logged with central office a complement of 47 for capitation purposes. In the last year: At the AGM in January last year our complement was fifty members of whom thirty four were watchkeepers. Therefore our membership has increased by ten and number of watchkeepers by four. 3.6 Rota manager Richard thanked all watchkeepers for keeping the station open for 365 days a year without too much begging from him. Thanks especially to Paddy, George and Tony Cole and others who know who they are, for stepping at the last minute, time and time again, to fill gaps in the rota. Thanks also to Terry Riddett who stepped forward at the last general meeting in November to offer to take over the rota. He has been doing the job behind the scenes since then and is now ready to take over the reins. 3.7 Training officer(radio) Roger Fallows' report: I am pleased to say that all the radio courses were well attended resulting in a very few hold- ups with watchkeeper assessment. A very successful transition to RYA from NCI qualification was thanks to the hard work from those involved. I would like to thank all those who attended courses for their enthusiasm which made my job extremely easy. NCI qualification will still be used as an interim ticket for assessment of watchkeeper until RYA is gained. For those with Post Office qualification, this is still valid although an examination during watchkeeper assessment for DSC will be carried out. For those that just need DSC, a short training will be given on application. 3.8 Health & Safety officer The new manual has been issued this week, please read it and sign it. 3.9 Quartermaster Monthly uniform orders are being affected because our supplier, Drews, now require Debit Card payment although cards are against NCI policy. Waiting for resolution. 3.10 Fundraiser Charlotte Rayner's report:

Overall the Station has raised £4,300. This reflects activity from the following (rounded) – in calendar year 2015. Supermarket ‘shakes’: £ 2,200 Books/ Station Box: £ 1,200 Talks, raffle and other: £ 600 The Needles Park boat buckets: £ 300

TOTAL £ 4,300 The fundraising was helped through better marketing stands and a simple powerpoint presentation. Thanks to the Committee who agreed to fund these useful investments. A large notice is going up in the station compound at the catch-your-breath point on the path below us. This should help generate funds and also enquiries from Volunteers. 3.10.1 THANKS Thanks are due to Tony and Don who manage the books and also CD donations through Geoff H. Maurice and Don have both worked hard in giving community talks – very productive and good PR. Many Watchkeepers have helped at the supermarkets shakes, thank you all. Peter Lemonius and Family have once again helped by keeping a bucket on each of the Needles Park boats. 3.10.2 THE FUTURE: Plans for 2016 The incoming Captain of Freshwater Golf Club has chosen us as his charity of the year. This is terrific news, and will see us very well placed to cope with 2016. Well done Geoff! As reported at previous interim meetings I have been working on more passive fundraising activities. The Facebook page is now established, and an online ‘donate’ system is in progress (along with a webpage). This represents a new way of working. We will be able to receive money from those wishing to hold events for us, or individuals wanting to donate. The Golf Club’s assistance will give a financial cushion in this learning period. I expect our normal activities to continue but I have suggested we do not use supermarket collection days in 2016 as we may not be able to comply with their stipulation that money stays on The Island. I will be working with The Needles Park towards mutually beneficial links. Any other ideas for sponsorships are most welcome, please let Don or myself know. 3.11 PR Officer Maurice was unable to attend due to Sally's illness although he is quite willing to continue in the role. Don asked to pass on our best wishes to Sally. 3.12 Social Secretary Still a vacant position. Don asked everyone to consider volunteering for this not-very-onerous job. 3.13 Librarian and Archivist Sheila thanked Bob White for the all the photos he has taken, all of which are now in the album. Shelia also requested that any contributions, clippings etc, must be accompanied by the source of the material and the date. We now have a small library at the station but cataloguing it is a slow task. Soon, there will be cards for borrowing loan books but please leave reference books at the station. The library used to be bigger! If you have borrowed any books and forgotten to return them, please do so on your next watch.

4 Presentation(s) to new, and old, watchkeepers Dave Kennett presented certificates to the following: New Watchkeeper: David Falconer, David Edser, James Thomas and Terry Dimmick Senior Watchkeeper: Roger Fallows Five years service: George Thorburn

5 Election of officers As the sole nominees, the following were elected unanimously after a show of hands: Treasurer: Peter Dent Secretary: Richard Walker Members' Representative (Female): Lizzie Hutchinson There were two nominees for the post of Members' Representative (Male), Andy Greig and James Thomas. A ballot was held and the results were Andy, 15, and James, 26, so we now have: Members' Representative (Male): James Thomas

6 AOB On behalf of his wife, Roger Fallows thanked the members for the gift we sent which was to thank her for her hospitality at the meetings held there. Another garden party is in plan for the summer! The raffle took £40. The meeting thanked the landlady of The Sun for the accommodation and nibbles, passed on after the meeting. Meeting closed at 20:46 Next meeting, a bi-monthly general meeting, Wednesday 16th March 19:30.

Signed as a true record SM (Station Manager)

Date: Attachment A. Financial report

Treasurers Report AGM 2016

It must be noted that the sta:ons year being January to December does not coincide with the NCI financial year. My report is based on the NCI financial year from October 2014 to the End of September 2015. The accounts have been audited by our internal auditor Peter Dent and no errors were found. The accounts, once checked by Peter Dent, were sent to Na:onal Office for an external audit and I am pleased to say that they also found no errors. Below is a summary taken from the Statement of Financial affair


Dona:ons and General fundraising £627.47 Collec:on Boxes, Books & Supermarket £1,663.73 Resale of Uniforms £1,134.54 Fundraising Events £61.01 Disposal of assets £117.00 £3,603.75


NCI Shop £142.25 Members Welfare £29.24 Uniforms £949.44 Training £136.15 Maintenance £194.37 Equipment £1,089.27 Room Hire £215.00 Insurance £262.46 Travel, Admin and Accommoda:on £473.05 Misc Exes £309.89 Postage, Sta:onary and Prin:ng £587.56 Advert and Publicity £50.00 Capita:on/ Subscrip:on £1,096.50 VAT paid to reclaim £103.37 £5,638.55

The current balance as at 14th January 2016 is £2,362.91

John Tarplin Treasurer

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