Grade K Visual Vocabulary Cards Answers

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Grade K Visual Vocabulary Cards Answers

Grade K Visual Vocabulary Cards Answers

Card Word Ask Answer Number 1 add If I gave you 2 stickers and then I gave 6 you 4 more, how many stickers would you have in all? 2 after How old will you be just after you are 9 10 years old? 3 afternoon What do you like to do on a rainy Sample answer: afternoon? paint a picture 4 before What grade will you go to before you go to Grade 4 Grade 5? 5 calendar What is your favorite day on the Sample answer: calendar? Saturday 6 circle What can you see in the sky during the I can see the day that is shaped like a circle? sun. 7 clock When do you need to use a clock? Sample answer: I need to know what time to go to school. 8 cone Can you name something that is not the Sample answer: shape of a cone? baseball 9 corner Do you see a corner in our classroom? Sample answer: Point to it. Yes, above the door. 10 cube Can you find a block in the block center The student that is the shape of a cube? should choose a cube. 11 cylinder Can you name some cans of foods that Sample answer: are shaped like a cylinder? corn, peas, or carrots 12 data What data would you like to collect to Sample answer: learn more about Kindergarteners in How many your class? Kindergarteners in our class are the oldest child in their family? 13 equal groups How would you use objects in our Sample answer: classroom to show equal groups? Show Students may this. choose 4 crayons and 4 markers. 14 estimate How many crayons do you estimate that Sample answer: you can hold in one hand? Count to see Estimate: 6 how close you estimated. crayons; Actual 7 crayons 15 evening What are some things you do in the Sample answer: evening, just before going to bed? I brush my teeth. 16 heavy What is something that is heavier than Sample answer: you? a car 17 holds less What holds less than a shoe box? Sample answer: a crayon box 18 holds more What holds more water than a bathtub? Sample answer: a swimming pool 19 hour hand What number is the hour hand on when Sample it is time for lunch/recess/gym class? answers: 12, 10, and 2 20 less Are there fewer boys than girls in our Sample answer: class? fewer boys 21 light What are some things in the classroom Sample that are lighter than your chair? answers: a pencil, a piece of paper 22 long Which is longer, your finger or your arm arm? 23 minute hand Which hand on the clock moves faster, minute hand the minute hand or the hour hand? 24 month In what month is your birthday? Sample answer: August 25 more In our school, are there more students or more students more teachers? 26 morning What do you eat in the morning? Sample answer: cereal 27 number line What numbers could you see on a Sample number line? answers: 5, 6, 7 and 8 28 o’clock What time each day do you think Sample answer: students go home from school? 3 o’clock 29 order Listen as I count these numbers: 1, 7, 2, No. 5. Are they in counting/number line order? 30 pattern How could you show a pattern using Sample answer: clapping and stomping? clap, stomp, clap, stomp, clap, stomp 31 picture graph What pictures would we need if we Sample wanted to graph the toys that students answers: a ball, play with? a stuffed animal, a doll 32 plane shape What are some things that can be in the Sample shape of a square? answers: a window, a book 33 real graph What are some other objects we can use Sample on a real graph? answers: shoes, fruits 34 rectangle What other objects have the shape of a Sample rectangle? answers: door, computer screen 35 short Which is shorter, your leg or your foot? foot 36 side How many sides do a chalkboard and a 4 door have? 37 size Can you use your hands to show the size Sample answer: of a baseball? Students should cup hands one above the other. 38 solid shape What are solid shapes that cannot stack? Sample answer: Why not? Spheres, cones, because they are round. 39 sort What are at least 2 ways we could sort Sample the students in our class? answers: boys and girls, age 40 sphere Can you name 3 things that can roll like Sample a sphere? answers: beach ball, basket ball, soccer ball 41 square What objects in our room are shaped Sample like a square? answers: books, windows, lunch boxes 42 subtract If you had 8 crayons and shared (gave 2 away) 6, how many crayons would you have left? 43 survey If you wanted to take a survey in your Sample answer: family, what question would you ask? What is your favorite number? 44 tall What can you name that is taller than Sample you? answers: the teacher, a bus 45 time Name some places that you could find a Sample answer: clock. Why would you need to know In the library, the time in that place? so you would know what time they closed. 46 today What have you learned in school today? Sample answer: how to tell time 47 tomorrow If today is Thursday, what day is Friday tomorrow? 48 triangle Is your math book shaped like a Sample triangle? How do you know? answer: No; it has 4 sides, not 3. 49 week Are there more days in a week or in a month month? 50 yesterday What did you do yesterday after school? Sample answer: I helped my dad fix dinner.

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