Commissioners Meeting Agenda

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Commissioners Meeting Agenda


Minutes of: Commissioners’ Board Meeting, Regular Session Meeting date: October 8, 2015 Meeting time: 1900 hours Meeting place: 102 N. Pearl Street, Station 29

Commissioners in Attendance: John Smith, Neil O’Neill, and Glenn Huffman. Pat Clerf and Neal Houser had excused absences.

Others in Attendance: Chief John Sinclair, Deputy Chief Rich Elliott and Financial Services Manager Amber Simon and two members in the audience. District Secretary Shannon Hill had an excused absence.

1. Call to Order: Commissioner Smith called the meeting to Order at 1901 hours and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Huffman made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as presented.

3. Consent Agenda: Items listed under the Consent Agenda were distributed to Fire Commissioners in advance for study. Commissioner Smith had a question regarding paying for building materials for construction of the new fire station before they have been used. FSM Simon reported that this is permissible to do. Additionally, there was discussion regarding building materials that are stored in a secure warehouse. Following this discussion Commissioner Smith entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. All of the following items were enacted with one motion: 3.1 Approve Meeting Minutes  September 10, 2015 Regular Meeting 3.2 Acknowledge Correspondence  Thank you notes from children to KVFR during the Okanagan Complex Fires.  Thank you note from a patient to Dan Johnson and Tyler Gremel.  Thank you note from a patient to Melissa Isotalo, Steve Oversby and Josh Hink.  Thank you note from Norma Charlton to Joe Seemiller for his talk with the Jolly Neighbors group.  Letter of resignation to Chief Sinclair from Gabriel Harrington.  FEMA El Nino Update

P:\minutes\2015 minutes\2015.10 October 8 meeting minutes 3.3 Authorize to pay vouchers OCTOBER 2015 Batch # Amount Description 2015.10.01 $309,596.32 Payroll - General Fund 010 2015.10.02 $111,757.27 Payroll - EMS Fund 011 2015.10.03 $23,643.91 Expenses - General Fund 010 2015.10.04 $14,197.01 Expenses - EMS Fund 011 2015.10.05 $320.02 Expenses - Construction Fund 021 2015.10.06 $517,957.72 Expenses - Bond Fund 021 2015.10.07 $4,541.23 Expenses - Equipment Fund 041 $982,013.48 Total

Motion was made by Commissioner O’Neill to approve the consent agenda items as presented. Commissioner Huffman seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda items as presented.

4. Public Hearing: None

5. Public Comment: FF Dustin Mohan briefed the Board on a brush fire that happened on Jim Hanson’s property.

6. Administrative Reports: 6.1 Finance Report: FSM Simon presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:  A summary of the financial statements.  Overtime was up due to State Mobilizations and the Kittitas fair.  Investment Policy is included for review and will be on the agenda next month for approval. 6.2 District Secretary Report: FSM Simon presented the District Secretary report. 6.2 Deputy Chief Report: Chief Elliott presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:  Standby: Semi-major motion picture being filmed in Ellensburg, they have contacted us for EMS standby. We are billing loaded wages.  Inter-facility Transfers: We have been receiving requests from Yakima hospitals for routine inter-facility transfers due to some issues with the private ambulance companies. The District honored one request but they have since told that we cannot do this, unless it is a hospital emergent situation or MCI. 6.3 Chief’s Report: Chief Sinclair presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:

P:\minutes\2015 minutes\2015.10 October 8 meeting minutes  On November 2, 2015, Keith Wright, Assistant Fire Chief, Central Pierce Fire & Rescue and WA GEMT (Ground Emergency Medical Transport) Team Leader will be presenting “Implementing a Successful GEMT Program” for the WFAS 2015 Annual Fall Workshop.  Chief Sinclair and FSM Simon presented some of the 2016 purchase requests that can be approved and purchased out of the 2015 budget.  Chief Sinclair discussed with the Board several of the proposals that he will be presenting during the budget meetings. These include the Community Paramedicine Program and options for staffing it; increasing staffing by two FTE’s to bring shift strength to 10 each; and the likelihood (although none of this is definite) of three people leaving the organization to retirement or resignations. Two of them that may leave are Station 21 Captains and under the labor agreement we replace the personnel, not the position. He also informed the Commissioners that for the 2016 budget three personnel will be shifted from the suppression to EMS payroll to more accurately reflect the actual cost of managing EMS program within the fire department.  Discussion regarding moving the BoFC November meeting from the 12th to the following Monday.  Chief Sinclair presented the Commissioners with a draft copy of the IAFC’s paper, “Current and Emerging Issues Critical to the Fire and Emergency Service”. 6.4 Commissioners Report: Commissioner Huffman presented that KITTCOM released some preliminary information that dispatch costs could increase by 40% in 2016; the main reason being the excessive amount of call logs. Call logs relate how many times we key up the radio for paging and call back. Commissioner Huffman would like to work with staff to explore other options to get dispatch costs back down.

7. Unfinished Business: 7.1 Site Fill Issues at New Station: Commissioner Smith reported on the type of structural fill used for the building and the cost of what was bid and what was actually used. He feels that there is a huge discrepancy between his numbers and the numbers Hugh McKechnie presented. Commissioner Huffman requested that we get factual numbers from Ellensburg Cement and that we might need to get a legal review of this. Chief Sinclair stated that he had presented Commissioner Smith’s report to Hugh McKechnie and TCA today at the meeting, that he will go back through the contract and review the process to dispute claims, consult with the attorney and report back at the next meeting.

8. New Business: 8.1 2016 Budget Schedule: FSM Simon presented a proposal for the budget meetings, two sessions with all of the commissioners and then the Public Hearing at the regularly scheduled November commissioner’s meeting. There was discussion regarding dates and times. Commissioner Huffman made a motion to have a Budget Special meeting on October 27 at 1600 hours, a second Budget Special meeting on November 3 at 1600 hours and a Public Hearing for the budget at 1800 hours on November 5th to be followed immediately the regular monthly meeting originally scheduled for November 12th. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed 3 – 0. 8.2 Interlocal Agreement with KCHD #2: Deputy Chief Elliott presented and reviewed this agreement to the Board. Discussion was held regarding this agreement; Commissioner Huffman questioned if this would be considered a gifting of public funds, the answer being no. Commissioner Huffman made a motion for the Board Chair to sign the Interlocal Agreement between KVFR and KCHD #2. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed 3 – 0. Following the approval of the motion there was continued discussion regarding Upper County’s EMS levy and the possibility of a county wide EMS levy and strategic planning for the future.

9. Executive Session: None

P:\minutes\2015 minutes\2015.10 October 8 meeting minutes 10. Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner O’Neill to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Huffman seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 2026 hours.

______Board Chair

______District Secretary

P:\minutes\2015 minutes\2015.10 October 8 meeting minutes

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