El Camino College Inter-Club Council
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El Camino College Inter-Club Council Minutes Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 12:00pm Activities Center West Conference Room I. Call to Order President Ana Safazada called the meeting to order at 12:01pm and welcomed everyone. Quorum was established. II. Roll Call – I.C.C. Meeting Roll Sheet was circulated – following persons signed in A. I.C.C. Cabinet 1. I.C.C. President: Ana Safazada 2. I.C.C. Vice President: Chris Pham 3. I.C.C. Review Board Commissioner: Kirstin Nguyen 4. I.C.C. Senate Rep: Philip Stokes B. Voting Club Representatives 1. African American Student Society: Michael Frazier 2. African Club: Ekeagwu Raphael 3. Alpha Gamma Sigma (A.G.S.): Chris Pham and Nicholas Mitchell 4. American Red Cross Club: Hussein Kadiri 5. Anthropology Club: Celia Vázquez 6. Architecture Club: Kirstin Nguyen 7. Chorale Club: Andrew Avila 8. Circle K: Monique Rodriguez 9. College Republicans: Damien McDowell 10. Concert Choir Club: Haley Bill 11. Contemporary Theater Club: Lorne Stevenson 12. EC Society of Music: Kim Villegas 13. Future Disabled Leaders Association (F.D.L.A.): Kyle Murray 14. Future Educators Club: Salvador Rodriguez 15. Gay-Straight Alliance (G.S.A.): Mervin Knowel I. Olaes 16. Muslim Student Association: Usama Ehsan 17. Rotaract: Kenichi Matsuya 18. Science Club: Hashim Tyler 19. S.H.P.E.: Byron Louke 20. South Pacific Islanders Club: Peter Malufau 21. Vision 218: Ian Abinoja C. I.C.C. Adviser – Janice Watanabe D. Guests – Jethro Reyes, Fausto Garcia (Vision 218), Jose Iglesias (ASO). III. Approval of I.C.C. Minutes A. Meeting on September 16, 2009 Motion made by the South Pacific Islanders Club to approve the minutes of September 16, 2009. Seconded by the Science Club. Motion passed. IV. Announcements and Introductions A. Club Announcements African Club o Meetings: Thurs. from 1-2pm in SOCS-110 African American Student Society o Meetings: Every Thurs. from 1-1:50pm in SOCS-212
Page 1 of 5 Alpha Gamma Sigma nd th o Meetings: 2 & 4 Tues, 1-2pm in SOCS-106 o Car wash soon American Red Cross Club o Meetings: Tues. from 1-2pm in a location to be determined Anthropology Club o Meeting: Thurs, 1-1:50pm in ARTB-334 o Elections were held at the first meeting last Thursday o Events to be announced – planning a trip to the L.A. Zoo Architecture Club o Meeting: Tuesdays from 12-1pm in TA-253 Chorale Club o Meetings: MWF from 11:45am-1:20 in MU-125 o Activities: 2 trips and concerts are being planned – to be announced Circle K Club o Meetings: Tues. at 1:00pm in MU-211. They held their first meeting yesterday. o The club will be providing volunteers for the ICC Mixer College Republicans st rd o Meetings: 1 & 3 Thurs, 1pm in Tech Arts 154 o Pete Kesterson will be the guest speaker Contemporary Theater Club st rd o Meetings: 1 and 3 Thurs. in MU-133 El Camino Society of Music o Meetings: Tues, 1-2 in Music 2 o Yesterday 45 people attended their meeting th o Auditions are being held on October 8 from 2-6pm for their concert on November 20th. Sign up to audition. F.D.L.A. st o Meetings: 1 Thurs, 1-2pm in front of Special Resource Center Future Educators st rd o Meeting: 1 and 3 Mondays from 3-4pm in ARTB Faculty Room G.S.A. o Meeting: Every Tues from 1-2pm in ARTB-317 o Torrance Pride Picnic was held over the weekend and 65 people attended. There was food and fun and Channel 3 News in Torrance covered the event. M.S.A. o Meetings: Tues at 1-2pm in HUM-107 Rotaract Club o Meetings: Every Thurs. from 1-2pm in HUM-305 Science Club o Meetings: Every Tues at 1:00pm in NS-206 S.H.P.E. o Meetings: Fridays from 11:10-11:40am in PHYS-109 o First meeting was last Friday South Pacific Islanders Club nd th o Meetings: 2 and 4 Monday from 3-4pm in HUM-107 nd o Fundraiser: Walk-A-Thon on Friday, Oct. 2 , time to be announced st o Fundraiser: Dunk Tank on Oct. 21 – the ECC Athletic Director is participating and they will also ask coaches for their support
Page 2 of 5 Vision 218 o Meetings: Thurs. from 1-2pm in ARTB-211 o First meeting is tomorrow A. Other Announcements International Club - is not yet a club, but is in the process of becoming a club V. Reports A. Officer Reports 1. Vice President – Chris Pham a. Club Rush Impressed by participation – average of 28/29 clubs per day Lots of sign-ups So. Pac. Islanders signed up 349 students Thank you to all who participated 2. President – Ana Safazada a. Vacant Cabinet Positions Brandon Davis resigned at I.C.C. Finance Commissioner Other open I.C.C. cabinet positions are: Activities Commissioner, Historian, Publicity Commissioner and Secretary 3. Review Board Commissioner - Kirstin Nguyen a. Review Board Report Philosophy Club – submitted paperwork and is now reactivated as an ECC club El Camino Theater Group – Kirstin and Janice met with club rep and he will re-write their constitution – they have not submitted a petition yet Act One Club – submitted a petition – no constitution yet VI. Business Items A. Approval of New Club – Kirstin Nguyen 1. The American Red Cross Club has met the requirements to be a new club – copies of the constitution were made available for I.C.C. reps. Hussein Kadiri from the club gave a description of the club’s purpose. Motion made by G.S.A. to approve the American Red Cross Club as an official El Camino College Club. Second by the Chorale Club. Motion passed. B. Approval of I.C.C. Homecoming Activities – Ana Safazada Ana described the proposed events and dates for this year’s Homecoming activities as follows: 1. Spirit Week – November 2-7, 2009 2. Pep Rally – Tuesday, November 3, 2009, 1-2pm on AC Stage 3. Club Banner Contest – judging at pep rally 4. Homecoming Queen and King Election Tues, Nov. 3rd & Wed., Nov. 4th from 10am-2pm & 4-6pm Candidates must be sponsored by one of the following ECC student organizations: club, Student Senate, athletic team or pep squad. Each organization may only sponsor one Queen candidate and one King candidate. 5. Halftime Activities at ECC football game vs. Citrus College – November 7, 2009 o Classic Car Parade o Crowning of ECC Homecoming Queen and King
Page 3 of 5 6. ICC Homecoming After-Game in-house party for the clubs with DJ Motion made by EC College Republicans to approve the I.C.C. Homecoming activities. Second by G.S.A.. Motion passed. VII. Information Items A. Club Mixer 1. Friday, September 25th - 12pm-2pm 2. Theme is “End of Summer Bash” 3. RSVP (how many members) extended until tomorrow - email Ana or Chris or sign up on sheet that is circulating at the meeting. 4. Volunteers are needed beginning at 9am on Friday to set up B. Bloodmobile - Kirstin Nguyen 1. Blood drive information and sign-up sheets were distributed 2. Kim Davis (our Red Cross representative) talked about the need for blood donations and provided information about who can donate. She also talked about the Red Cross blood donation challenge competition between colleges and universities in the area to see who can collect the most blood. ECC is one of the largest campus drives so if we collect our goal of 360 units of blood we will do well in the challenge. Location is Activities Center West Lounge and the dates are: Tuesday, October 13 from 9am-3pm; Wednesday, October 14 from 9am-8pm and Thursday, October 15 from 9am-3pm 3. Janice Watanabe talked about the new procedure to ask everyone who signs up on the club sheets to honor their pledge by scheduling an appointment to donate online at www.givelife.org and enter sponsor code ECC. Clubs were asked to contact all their donors and volunteers before the bloodmobile to remind them. 4. There will be awards to the clubs who sign up the most donors and volunteers based on a point system of 3 points for one blood donor and 1 point for every hour of volunteer service at the bloodmobile. C. Homecoming Activities 1. The homecoming activities were previously reviewed under “Business items” 2. Dance – due to lack of time to plan a homecoming dance, I.C.C. will look into planning a spring dance instead. VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings A. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, Sept. 28, 2009 at 12pm in the I.C.C. Office. Club budget requests for approval at the September 30th I.C.C. meeting are due on Friday, September 25th (see ICC Club Budget Request Procedures). B. General Meeting – Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 12pm in Activities Center West Conference Room. IX. Open Discussion - none X. Adjournment Motion to adjourn was made by G.S.A. Second by South Pacific Islanders Club. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 12:50pm. Minutes recorded by Janice Watanabe Verified by:
Page 4 of 5 ______Ana Safazada, I.C.C. President Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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