The Symmetry of Snowflakes

This project focuses on 8th Grade Math Indicators Geometry 2: Recognize the angles formed and the relationship between the angles when two lines intersect . . . and Geometry 5: Draw the results of translations, reflections, rotations and dilations of objects in the coordinate plane, and determine properties that remain fixed…

As you can see, snowflakes are hexagonal in shape. Your assignment will be to construct a hexagonal snowflake. You have two choices: 1. use a pre-designed snowflake. 2. create a snowflake of your own design. You will be required to do the following:

*Draw a “slice” (1/12) of the snowflake design (30 degrees) 5 pts. *Draw out the design on the template demonstrating your knowledge of rotational and reflection transformations. 10 pts. *Fold and cut out the shape on a piece of paper. 10 pts. *Mount your snow flake on colored paper (to be displayed in the hallway and room) 5 pts.

Total points for the project will be 30 points. The project will be due December 20, 2007 at the end of the period.