Performing Americas Program Creative Exchange

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Performing Americas Program Creative Exchange

Performing Americas Program Creative Exchange

Projects occurring between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011


History of Performing Americas Since 2002, the National Performance Network (NPN) and La Red de Productores Culturales de Latino America y el Caribe (La Red) have been collaborating on the Performing Americas Program.1 Funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) and the Ford Foundation, the program has supported the touring of United States-based artists to La Red sites in Latin America and the Caribbean and the touring of Latin American artists to various NPN sites, and deepened the knowledge of participating NPN and La Red presenters about contemporary performing arts in the western hemisphere.

In 2005, a third component was added to the program. Formerly called the Pilot Residency Project and renamed Creative Exchange Project, this component was created in response to recommendations from the field that longer-term residency opportunities would be a more appropriate format for many La Red and NPN members. In fall 2006, when the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation approved an additional three-year grant to NPN, funds were included to support a program of three-to-five-week educational/creative residency opportunities in the Americas.

Creative Exchange Activities - Goals and Structure From July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, NPN will fund a total of six to eight residencies by Latin American and Caribbean performing artists and arts professionals conducting residencies at NPN sites and U.S. performing artists and arts professionals conducting residencies in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Creative Exchange Program is flexible by design, allowing participating organizations to exercise their creativity in structuring projects. Residencies can support, for example, intensive technique workshops and master classes, arts administration and technical theater seminars, and/or the setting of a work by the residency artist on a host company or a group of local artists. Activities such as master classes, lecture demonstrations, and workshops are considered standard practices. Projects may also involve collaborations with other arts and community-based organizations that have parallel institutional purposes.

A major goal of the Creative Exchange Program is to reach out to NPN sites, as well as to members of La Red and other appropriate organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, that have less capacity to host Performing Americas presentation-focused residencies, but that have the facilities and infrastructure to host extended educational/creative/skill building residencies of up to two residency artists. In this fashion, the project will enlarge the pool of organizations and artists served by Performing Americas.

1 The Performing Americas Program originally had a third partner, Arts International. With the demise of that organization in 2004, all funds raised in the United States are being administered by NPN. 1 A second goal of the Creative Exchange Program is to reinforce and deepen relationships already developed through the Performing Americas Program, which to date has supported 31 artists/companies throughout the hemisphere. Therefore, artists and NPN and La Red sites that have participated in Performing Americas Program performance-focused residencies are eligible to apply for the Creative Exchange Program. Both in the U.S. and in Latin America and the Caribbean, host sites that have a producing company can request a residency artist to set a piece on that company.

Application Process

1. In January 2010, Creative Exchange guidelines and applications for hosting extended residencies will be emailed (in English and Spanish) to all NPN and La Red members, as well as to other organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean that were recommended for the project.

2. By March 31, 2010 completed applications must be received by NPN office. No applications will be accepted after this date. 3. In April 2010 a peer review panel consisting of NPN and La Red members will review all applications and make recommendations to the NPN staff. 4. Selection criteria and considerations used in reviewing the proposals will include:  The organization’s capacity and resources to carry out the project  A clear articulation of project means and goals  The quality of the project and the impact on the local community  The cultural, geographic, and artistic discipline diversity of the organization submitting the questionnaire

NOTE: As the Cultural Affairs Office of the City of Los Angeles is a partner in the Cultural Exchange Program, proposals from Los Angeles-based host/presenters and from Latin American host/presenters inviting Los Angeles-based artists are highly encouraged. In addition, as NPN has an informal agreement with the University of Mexico (UNAM), NPN members are highly encouraged to consider Mexican artists who are supported by UNAM (a list will be provided).

Performing Americas Creative Exchange Calendar (Revised November 15, 2009)

January 2010 Guidelines and Application forms are e- mailed to NPN and La Red members and other appropriate organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean

March 31, 2010 Deadline for completed Applications

April 10, 2010 Application packets sent out to panelists

April 30, 2010 Panel meets to review Applications

May 15, 2010 Participants are notified of panel’s decisions

2 July 1, 2010 Earliest date for projects to begin and disbursement of funds

June 30, 2011 Latest end date for projects


Application Requirements  Online applications and required attached materials must be submitted electronically, received via email or posted by March 31, 2010. No applications will be accepted after this date.

 Invited Applicants can request support for a maximum of two people. This may be for two residency artists or one residency artist and one bilingual assistant. Note: if a bilingual assistant is not included as one of the people traveling, evidence must be provided that the host site will provide a bilingual assistant.

 The application must clearly articulate the scope of the residency and how the residency artist(s) will work in the host organization and community (reference above criteria)

 Projects must occur between July1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. The time period must be clearly articulated in the application.

 A signed artist statement from the residency artist(s) must accompany the application packet.

Award Amount PAP will award up to eight projects with approximately the same number of artists from the U.S. conducting residencies in Latin America/the Caribbean as artists from that region conducting residencies in the U.S. Awarded proposals will receive funds that are based on actual NPN weekly artistic fees, an administrative allowance, and round-trip international travel. Funds will be paid to US NPN Presenters and to US artist(s) conducting residencies in Latin America and the Caribbean. Funds are allocated based on the following:  $700/week per person (artist fee)  $500 per residency period (administrative allowance to cover local visa and other administrative costs)  Up to $1500 per person (roundtrip airfare [coach] to residency site) (The host will be responsible for providing housing, a $40/day/person per diem and local logistical support.)

Eligibility Host organizations are eligible to apply if:  They have been invited by the National Performance Network to submit an Application.

 They agree to provide lodging, per diem, local transportation, appropriate workspace, and program administration at their own expense (since awarded funds are only for the above mentioned artistic fees and airfare)

Decision Making & Criteria  A peer review panel consisting of NPN and La Red members will review all applications and make recommendations to the NPN staff. Note: Members of the peer review panel are not eligible to apply for Creative Exchange Program support.  The same panel will select all residencies.

4 Successful proposals will demonstrate: 1. Logistical, administrative, financial and organizational capacity of host organization (as based on past history of hosting extended residencies, press and marketing materials provided, etc.) 2. Evidence that the skills and interests of the artist correspond with the intention of the project 3. Explanation and support of the artistic quality and impact the project will have on the target community or organization 4. A clear articulation of project means and goals 5. The cultural, geographic, and artistic discipline diversity of the organization submitting the proposal

Distribution of Awards

NPN announces awards by email. Awardees will receive Letters of Agreement (LOA) via email and are expected to complete, sign, and return them by email to the National Office. NPN will disburse the subsidy within 30 days of the receipt of signed LOAs, but not sooner than 120 days prior to residency start dates.

Project Changes

If the intent of the project changes or if the residency artist changes from the initial application, NPN must be notified in writing as soon as possible.

Reporting Requirement

Within 30 days of the completion of the Residency Pilot Project, the host organization must submit a Performing Americas Final Report and supplemental materials crediting NPN. Final report forms are available for download at


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