SASF 2014 Student Action for a Sustainable Future École Cardinal Léger Schoolpage 1 of 3
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SASF 2014 Student Action for a Sustainable Future École Cardinal Léger School Page 1 of 3
SASF Campaign What to do Who is in charge
(6B – M. Rock)
1. Sweater Day On February 27th, Alec, Spenser, Mr. Kanhai and M. Rock will come around to each Alec, Spencer class and turn the 36 school thermostats down to 17-18 degrees-ish. Everyone should wear a sweater on that day. Notes will be delivered to each classroom and it will be advertised throughout the school.
2. Time Off For 9 days : February 4-6, 11-13, 25-27 (Tu-Th) you are invited to click start on the stop Cole, Liam watch (provided for your class) every time you turn on the lights. Then click pause every time you turrn the lights off. Under the light switch in your class there will be a (team Yolo Swaggins) piece of paper on which you will write down how much time you spend with the lights on everyday. Then at the end of each week (3days for 3 weeks) you are invited to go to the staff room and write how much time you used with the lights on beside your name each day of that week (1, 2 or3). And whoever’s class has used the least amount of time with lights on will win a prize
3. Recess Matthew, Alex, Jericho, Mia, Power We would start on the 14 of February, right before the break. The teachers don’t have Jacob, Halle, Jericho (Team to do much just turn off the lights at recess time. What things should we turn The Purple Floating Electric off? We should turn off all the lights in the classrooms and smartboards, not staff Dinosaurs) computers or fire alarms. 4. Eco Green This campaign is called The Eco Green Contest. We, The Eco Greens are the founders of Victoria, Mila, Egshina, Contest this campaign. To be entered into the draw, all you have to do is turn off the lights. So if Makenna M, Meadow, your class leaves the classroom for a long period of time and one of the students turns Maeryn (Team Eco Green) off the lights without being asked by their teacher, the teacher can write the class name and the teacher’s signature on a piece of paper and put it in the draw box at the front office. Your class can be entered in the draw at a maximum of six times a day. There will be a draw at the end of each month for the rest of the school year and the draw box will be emptied at the beginning of each month starting the first week of February. We will make sure that all the prizes are nut free if it is something that you eat. There doesn’t need to be any fighting over who turns off the lights because the whole class will receive the prize. There are also posters up in the hallways all around the school. We are doing this to reduce the amount of power that our school uses. If you have any questions, feel free to come and talk to us. We hope you all decide to participate.
5. Save the How my project works is it makes people like the cute animals on the posters in the Aidan (Team Mental Hacker) penguins! hallway. When they like the animals people will turn the lights off and stop wasting power. The project may last the whole year and it also will help with the problem of climate change which is bad because of we would all die of heat. All I know is that it’s not the way I want to go. But if we work as a family the effects will be reduced and we will live longer and live happy. Wow it sounds more fun than us not working together way. Also if we don’t waste power we can save the penguins. I picked save the penguins because it will save wild life and also it sounds better than not saving the penguins and flooding the world. 6. Staff Power At the start and end of each day, we will ask each teacher to use the light tally sheet Arian, Daniel that checks how many light panels are on when they come into the classroom and when they leave the classroom. After we get all the results, we will see how many (Team Kayaking Koala Bears) panels there are in each class and we will find the percentage of how many panels are on during the start of the day and at the end of the day. After that, we will add up all the classroom panels that are on and that are off. Then we will find the percentage of how many panels are on and off. February 3 to February 7
7. Power to the Presentation to grades 4-8 on the importance of saving energy, date to be confirmed. Miles, Hannah (Team Polar Assembly Bears)
8. Lightning up Saving energy with computers (to come). Reid, Lucas (Team Clowns) the school
9. Comic Hi! Our group of three is named Pipluffs. Our campaign is to save electricity. So, Bryanna, Danielle, Makenna Power we thought of something that would grab the attention of younger children. We are (Team Pipluffs) going to be putting comics in the hallways about saving electricity. They’ll be short and funny so that you don’t need to stay there are read for a long time. Our project is associated with Student Action for a Sustainable Future. Thank you for your time.