Grant Agreement Number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT MINERVA MPP

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Grant Agreement Number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT MINERVA MPP

Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

3.1 Summary of activities

Project activities undertaken during the reporting period

Stage of the project Activities undertaken. Indicate also any major divergence from the original Lead partner, other workplan partners involved in the activities undertaken Products and results

1 Analysis and planning [1/10/2003 – 30/1/2004]

 Signature of the Grant Agreement  Definition and signature of the Individual agreements  Individual agreements  Flights, hotel, and meeting rooms reservation  Biography and 1.1. Organisation of  Definition of the meeting agenda Università degli Studi plurilingual the kick-off meeting  Recollection of models of ELP (published hardcopies) di Milano & ICMS documentation on in Cyprus and study of the Guides for ELP’s developers. Intercollege ELP (see Platform > [1/10/03 – 7/1/04] Recollection of information on the Descriptors data bank resources)  Check of the EU first pre-financing instalment and input ( Gap Multimedia, Europa for the funds transfer to partners. Management of (login and password: Universität Viadrina elena.landone – partners’ administrative problems Frankfurt (Oder), Göteborgs Universitet, minerva)) University of Skövde, Universidad de Salamanca.

1 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

 Partners introduction 1  Description and sharing of the concrete objectives of the project among the partners  Sharing of partners’ documentation and ELP samples  Report of the  Meeting with Dr. G. Makrides, from Intercollege, coordiantor of the EDIPED meeting Comenius 2.2 Project “Development of an European Digital Portfolio for the  Detailed Evaluation of Educators” Università workplan 1.2. Kick-off  Sharing of partners’ experience in using the ELP degli Studi di  Content meeting in  Discussion of the main problems of portfolios digitalization 2 Milano, analysis Nicosia- ICMS  Definition of a long-term and a short-term workplan of the project (with terms and (see Cyprus Intercollege, deadlines) in compliance with the partners’ competence. 3 ( [9/1/2004- Göteborgs  Definition of the coordination among the ‘evalutation and pedagogical team’, the 2/ - login and 11/1/2004] Universitet, ‘linguistic team’ and the ‘informatical team’ through a web platform and e-mailing password: University of elena.landone –  Presentation of the Platform as main tool for constant communication among Skövde, Gap partners and for the decision making process minerva. See Multimedia Development area  Analysis of the data management system of the digital portfolios > forum)  Presentation of the project evaluation strategy  Kick-off meeting evaluation survey  Administrative report so far and clarification of some administrative issues regarding travel costs and staff costs.  Trust-building activities.

1 Divergence from the original workplan: partners Universidad de Salamanca and Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) could not attend the meeting because of personal reasons and complications regarding the signature of the individual agreement. A later bilateral meeting was made in Milan to integrate the two partners into the project. More over, two persons - and not three – travelled from Università degli Studi di Milano to Nicosia in order to earn on travel costs budgeted and to be able to increment the number of future bilateral meetings (see 3.2). 2 Divergence: a more complex work was defined regarding a part of the ELP, namely the language descriptors’ digitalization. 3 Divergence: we decided to anticipate the creation of an informative web page and of a platform for transnational partners’ communication. On the contrary, we decided to postpone the ELP translation to Spanish.

2 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

3 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

 Definition of the portfolios’ sharing modality  Digital ELP XML  Definition of the portfolio’s data filling data structure 1.3. Technical  Definition of the portfolio’s data filling up and updating modalities prototype analysis  Almost completed the evaluation of the technologies’ and resources’ GAP [15/1/2004- limitations Multimedia 15/2/2004]  Almost completed the evaluation of the partners’ technological infrastructures  Planning and development of the information system for an optimal coordination of the development activities4

 Contact with TAO and clarification of its role. Clarification of  Report of the administrative questions regarding staff costs and travel and meeting in subsistence costs Bruxelles  Personal contact with the Italian National Agency  Paper E. 1.4. Concertation  Clarification of the importance of early dissemination Landone, meeting in Bruxelles  Coordinator’s report of the concertation meeting with suggestions to Università degli “Plurilingüismo y [29/1/2004- improve the project 5 Studi di Milano pluriculturalismo 30/1/2004]  Submission for publication of: E. Landone, “Plurilingüismo y en el Portfolio pluriculturalismo en el Portfolio Europeo de las Lenguas", Mots Europeo de las Palabras Words (, in print. (paper Lenguas", Mots presented at the Jornada de Lingüística contrastiva y retórica Palabras Words, contrastiva en la enseñanza del español/LE , Università degli Studi in print. Milano - Instituto Cervantes, 31st October 2003).

4 See note 3. 5 Divergence: in our workplan, dissemination was concentrated in the final part of the project. We realised the importance to anticipate it.

4 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

2. Pedagogical project and storyboard design [1/2/2004 – 30/6/2004]

 Apply for guidance to the ELP Validation Committee (16/01/2004) Università degli  Application form  Design of the structure of the digital ELP in compliance with the ELP Studi di Milano for guidance selected models and the guides for developers Europa  Storyboard I 2.1 Pedagogical  Two persons from Universidad de Salamanca and one person from Universität  Report of the project Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) travelled to Milan to Viadrina meeting [1/2/2004- support the design of the digital ELP6 Frankfurt (Oder),  First draft of the 31/3/2004]  A special group was created to work specifically on the descriptors’ University of descriptor “I listen part of the ELP and partner University of Göteborgs had the Göteborgs, to public occasion to travel to Milan to take part to their work 7 Universidad de announcements”  Writing of a first descriptor apt for digitalisation as a tree structure Salamanca.  Report of the bilateral meeting in Milan

 Activation of the platform as virtual area of work for the partners GAP Multimedia 2.2 Activation of the ( - login and password: elena.landone – minerva)  Platform platform  Filling up of the areas of the platform: news, administrative area, [1/2/2004- development area (forum, drafts, dissemination documents, Università degli 2/ 29/2/2004] evaluation area, and resources) Studi di Milano, University of  Partners familiarized with the new platform Skövde,

6 Divergence: see note 1. 7 Divergence: this special group was not in our workplan, but we need to empower the pedagogical team with a special sub-group for descriptors authoring. See note 2.

5 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

 Digital infrastructure design: identification of the best software architecture  Almost completed the development of the data filing protocols, considering the double need of online management (through DBMS) and of personal management on PC client (through File System). GAP  Almost completed the analysis of compatibility and interoperability of the Multimedia protocol in different data file systems and on different technological Università platform degli Studi di  Digital ELP web 2.3 Storyboard  Project of the online and of the personal management systems of the Milano viewer prototype design ELP (in particular: analysis of the information flow; identification of the  Storyboard II [1/4/2004- analysis static models for the linguistic competence and development of  Web page (> 15/6/2004] the algorithm required; analysis of the data update procedures; digital descriptor identification of the data integrity’s control structures; identification of the ‘Oral control structure of the semantic data conformity with ELP standard; comprehension’) definition of the technical requirements needed for the personal management system of the ELP, analysis of the privacy issues concerning the data stored and identification of the required tools to protect these data)  Outlined the interface graphical project and the analysis of usability ICMS problems (users’ point of view) Intercollege,  Started the author ELP development (including its first testing and Europa modification) Universität  Started the server ELP development (including its first testing and Viadrina modification) Frankfurt (Oder),  Evaluation of the digital project Göteborgs  Modification the ELP storyboard Universitet,  Implementation of the digital descriptor’s structure Universidad de Salamanca.  Testing of the digital descriptor’s consistence in determining the user’s language level

6 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

 Creation of 9 descriptors (writing and uploading of 5 of them on the Università digital format) delgi Studi di 2.4. Writing of the  Writing of the textual part of the ELP (‘Experiences’ section) Milano textual part of the  Descriptors drafts ELP University of  ‘Experiences’ [1/4/2004- Skövde, draft Göteborgs 15/6/2004] Universitet, Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder),

7 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

 Web page data recollection, graphical design, and implementation in English  Web page translation (to Italian, Spanish, German)  Submission of the chapter “Technology and literacy” by A.Stylianou, C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, M. Zembylas, and E. Landone for publication in the book Literacy in Technology at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges, Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA GAP  Submission of a proposal for a paper presentation at the 4rth Pan-Hellenic Multimedia,  Plurilingual Conference on the use of ICT in education – 29/9 – 3/10/2004 (Proposal titled: ICMS web page “The Digital European Language Portfolio”, by C. Vrasidas, N. Christodoulou, Intercollege,  Book 2.5 Dissemination S. Retails, and E. Landone) Università chapter of the project and  Participation at the first Expo dell'educazione e del lavoro degli Studi di (submitted Web page (, Milan, 27-30 April 2004, under the aegis of Milano version) activation the Multimedia unit of the European Commission  Congress [1/2/2004-  Promotion of the study of the digital ELP with the degree dissertation (tesi di proposal 15/6/2004] laurea) by Simona Magni, Università degli Studi di Milano  Project  Partners’ local dissemination of the project. University of Göteborgs enlarged presentation the project’s team involving future beneficiaries. Two French teachers are now active part of the project, and a seminar was held to inform about the project at the Department of Romance Languages8  Partners’ local dissemination of the project: Europa Universität Viadrina Europa Frankfurt (Oder) introduced the project to a teachers meeting at the Instituto Universität Cervantes of Berlin and went in contact with the Centro de Lenguas of the Viadrina Freie Universitaet of Berlin for further collaboration Frankfurt  Partners’ local dissemination of the project: University of Milan enlarged the (Oder), Göteborgs local project team involving an expert ELP developer, an expert of language Universitet, teaching and a bilingual (Italian-Spanish) expert. University of  Partners’ local dissemination of the project : University of Salamanca enlarged Skövde, the local project team involving an expert in language evaluation. Universidad de Salamanca.

8 Divergence: Hopefully, the involvement of French language experts in the project will give us the opportunity to have also a translation of the digital ELP to French. This was not included in our workplan.

8 Grant agreement number: 110649-CP-1-2003-1-IT_MINERVA_MPP

 Elaboration of an evaluation prototype ICMS Intercollege 2.6 Evaluation of the  Recollection of the feedback of the group on the  Evaluation plan project evaluation prototype and modification Europa Universität Viadrina  Coordination [1/5/2004- Frankfurt (Oder), Göteborgs evaluation survey  Coordination evaluation survey Universitet, University of 15/6/2004]  Presentation of a definitive evaluation plan Skövde, Universidad de Salamanca, Università degli Studi di Milano.

 Administrative management (documents and data recollection) and facilitation of partners relation with local administrations  Support to constant communication among partners: management of a mailing list for the news and of a  Platform (all the 2.7 Coordination of monthly chat session for the group democratic decision- Università degli Studi di areas the project and making process. Milano & all the partners. Interim Report  Support of the group cohesion (through personal e-  Interim report [1/11/2003 – mailing) 15/06/2004]  Remind of deadlines and regular report on the workplan progress  Promotion of dissemination  Detailed documentation of the life of the project and its stages in the Platform (  Promotion of the scientific reflection on the contents of project  Interim report


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