Application for Cadet Scheme

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Application for Cadet Scheme

Application for Cadet scheme

Please return to [email protected] or post to Matt Newman, Cadet Co- Ordinator, HR Dept. Suffolk Constabulary Headquarters, Portal Ave, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich, Suffolk. IP5 3QS. Confidential SUFFOLK CONSTABULARY APPLICATION FORM FOR VOLUNTEER CADET Please contact the Diversity Unit on (01473 613560) if you require a different format.

BLOCK letters should be used for names and addresses.

PERSONAL DETAILS Preferred Location:

Family Name: Title: Forenames: Present Address: Contact Number:

Mobile Phone Number (optional):

Postcode: Date of Birth:

Email address:

PRESENT WORK EXPERIENCE OR EMPLOYMENT / SCHOOL ATTENDED Please give details of any previous paid or voluntary work you have done and details of the school you attend.

Employers Dates from/to Duties and Responsibilities Details / School

2 Confidential


Give details of any hobbies or interests that you have (maximum 100 words)

Give details of any club or society that you belong to (maximum 100 words)

Why do you want to be a Suffolk Volunteer Cadet (maximum 100 words)

3 Confidential Suffolk Volunteer Cadets

Codes of Conduct

As a member of Suffolk Constabulary Volunteer Police Cadets / Emergency Services Cadets you will be required to observe the highest standards of behaviour at all times. It is important both you and your parents/carers understand fully what is required of you throughout the entire time you are a cadet, and whilst you are in the care of your unit leaders or members of the Constabulary. In accepting a place on the scheme you are required to agree to accept and undertake the following requirements:

. To observe any instructions or restriction requested by your unit leaders or any other member of staff without dissent.

. To demonstrate the highest standard of behaviour, attitude and conduct at all times, both on and off duty, to members of the Constabulary and members of the public, this will also apply away from the unit (i.e. at school, at home and in the community)

. Not to be absent from the scheme without the knowledge or permission of the unit leader.

. Smoking, drinking of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs is strictly forbidden.

Discipline procedure Should you not comply with the codes of conduct outlined above, the following measures will apply.

1.Verbal warning 2.Written warning 3. Exclusion from the scheme

A verbal warning is normally given for a first minor breach of the code and a written warning for a second breach. If you are given a written warning and you commit a further breach you will be excluded from the scheme unless exceptional circumstances apply. A serious breach may result in immediate exclusion. Any appeal against exclusion will be heard by The Cadet Co-ordinator.

I understand and agree that in the event of me breaching any of the above codes of conduct or by acting in a manner deemed by a unit leader to be prejudicial to the reputation of Suffolk Constabulary then I shall render myself subject to the discipline procedure.

Signature of Cadet....……...... Date...………..…...


I fully consent to my son/daughter participating in the Community Police Cadets / Emergency Services Cadets and understand and agree that they will be bound by the above code of conduct whilst in the care of the Constabulary, and do hereby release the Constabulary and its representatives from all liability and or claims for illness, injuries and damage that may arise directly or indirectly as a result of my son/daughter breaching the conditions detailed above.

Signature of parent/carer...... ……….....Date....…………


4 Confidential Parent/Guardian Consent Form

Name of Cadet………………………………….Unit……………………………

Suffolk Constabulary are keen to celebrate success so will use photographs of cadets in constabulary publicity material and local media.

Please confirm that you give the Constabulary permission to use photos and names. (Please delete) Yes/No

Cadets will usually meet on Police Premises. All activities will be assessed for risk. Additional permission will be requested if activities involve water, heights or being transported out of the County.

Cadets will be asked to attend events in the Community; this is voluntary but is encouraged however, participation will be at the discretion of the parents and leaders.

If you require sight of the risk assessments for events please contact your unit leader.

I confirm I am the parent/guardian of the above named applicant and I consent to their participation in the Suffolk Volunteer Police Cadets / Emergency Services Cadets scheme including events and activities.

Name of Parent/Guardian…………………………………..

Signature of Parent/Guardian...... ………………….


5 Confidential Health information to be completed by parent or guardian

Name of Cadet…………………………….Unit……………………………Date………………

Parent/Guardian Details

Last/family name Relationship

1 First Name



Last/family name Relationship

2 First Name



Emergency Contact Details

Home telephone

Name: Number Mobile

Name: Number 2nd Mobile

Name: Number Work number

Name: Number 2nd work number

6 Confidential In caring for the best interest of your son/daughter it is important that we know whether he/she suffers from any medical condition or illness, or whether he/she is currently receiving medical treatment of any kind.

Please be aware that a non-medical member of staff will screen this form and may need to ask further questions so that we can keep your son/daughter safe.

This information will only be used in the event of a medical emergency . Please specify below any health related matters, including injuries of any kind, which you think it is best that we know about, including the details of any medicines (prescribed and over the counter. remedies in regular use) and any special needs.

Please note that leaders cannot and will not administer any medication including pain relief for headaches.

If medication is taken by the young person at a meeting/event they must inform the leader what they have taken.

Accidents are rare but where a cadet is injured or taken ill, the leader will administer first aid. If further treatment is required they will attempt to contact you.

1. Does the named person suffer from asthma, wheezing, hay fever, frequent headaches, diabetes, epilepsy, migraine, faints, frequent stomach ache, bad period pains or any other illness or disability? Yes/No (If yes please give details overleaf).

2. Does the named person have any problems with their bones or joints (back, neck, or knees) Yes/No (If yes please give details overleaf).

3. Is the named person allergic to anything? E.g. foodstuffs, antibiotics, Elastoplasts, Aspirin or any other medicines? Yes/No (If yes please give details of what to and what symptoms overleaf)

4. Does the named person have any phobias that would prevent them taking part in particular activities? Yes/No (If yes please give details of what to and what symptoms overleaf)

5. Does the named person have any special needs (e.g. diet, reading/writing or adjustments due to a physical or mental disability? Yes/No (If yes please give details overleaf).

6. Are any forms of medical treatment forbidden by your religion? Yes/No (If yes please give details overleaf).

7. Is the named person up to date with tetanus immunisations? Yes/No (If yes please give date of immunization) Date……………………..

8. Is there any other relevant medical or health information that has not been requested that we should be aware of? Yes/No (If yes please give details overleaf).

9. Occasionally event organisers will provide refreshments and some units run a snack shop. Are there any dietary requirements? Yes/No (If yes please give details overleaf).

7 Confidential

Family Doctor Details

NHS number


Doctors address

Telephone number

Please tick each statement that applies

I confirm that the information I have given is accurate to the best of my belief and knowledge

I confirm that my son/daughter is in good health (unless specified)

If I cannot be contacted to give consent I hereby give consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the officer in charge of the event to sign on my behalf.

I understand that this information maybe transferred to an electronic database. It will be held in confidence and only used for Cadet purposes.

In the event of any of the above information changing please update the cadet leader.

Name of Parent/Guardian……………………………………….



8 Confidential SUFFOLK CONSTABULARY Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

The Suffolk Constabulary is committed to being an equal opportunities employer, and to the creation of an entirely non discriminatory working environment. We aim to ensure real equality irrespective of gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, creed/religion, ethnic or national origin. It is therefore necessary that you complete this form which will enable us to monitor our Equal Opportunities Policy. The details you supply will be kept in strictest confidence and analysis of this information will not be in any format that identifies you as the applicant, nor will it be used for selection purposes for the vacancy.

Job Reference Number: Volunteer Police Cadet

Post Applied for: Volunteer Police Cadet / Emergency Services cadets

Department: Cadets Location of Unit

Family Name: Forename:

Please tick appropriate boxes below:

1. Gender: Male Female

2. Marital Status:

Single Married/Civil Partner Co-habiting

Widowed Separated Not stated

Divorced/Partnership Dissolved

3. Date of Birth …………………………………………………….. (dd/mm/yyyy)

4. What is your ethnic group?

Please choose from selection (a) to (e), then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background.

a) White d) Mixed [W1] British [M1] White and Black Caribbean [W2] Irish [M2] White and Black African [W9] Any other white background [M3] White and Asian [M9] Any other mixed background

b) Black or Black British e) Asian or Asian British [B1] Caribbean [B2] African [A1] Indian [B9] Any other black background [A2] Pakistani

[A3] Bangladeshi

[A9] Any other Asian background c) Chinese or other Ethnic Group

[01] Chinese Not stated [09] Any Other

9 Confidential

5. Sexual Orientation


Gay/Lesbian Heterosexual Not stated Prefer not to say

6. Religious Belief/Faith

Agnostic Church of England

Atheist Church of Ireland Baptist Church of Scotland Buddhist Hindu Christian Jehovah’s Witness Christian - Apostolic Judaism Christian – Dutch Reformed Methodist Christian – Evangelical Muslim Christian – Lutheran Pagan Christian – Mormon Roman Catholic Christian – Orthodox (Greek) Sikh Christian – Orthodox (Russian) None Christian – Pentecostal Not Disclosed Christian – Presbyterian Prefer not to say Christian – Quaker Christian – Spiritualist Christian – United Reformed

7. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No

If Yes, please give details (it may help you to read the information below first)

Definition of the term ‘Disability’

The Disability Discrimination Act defines disability as a physical or mental impairment with long term, substantial effects on a person’s ability to perform day to day activities.

Examples of Disabilities

We thought it might help you to answer the question if we provided a list of some medical conditions or impairments that could cause someone to describe him/herself as `having a disability’. It is not meant to be an exclusive list and is given for guidance only.

Hearing, speech or visual impairments. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, this is not normally considered a disability.

10 Confidential Co-ordination, dexterity, or mobility. Examples could include polio, spinal cord injury, severe back problems, repetitive strain injury.

Mental Health. Examples could include schizophrenia, severe depression, severe phobias.

Learning Difficulties. Examples could include Down’s Syndrome or dyslexia.

Other physical or medical conditions. For examples, diabetes, epilepsy, arthritis, cardiovascular conditions, haemophilia, asthma, cancer, facial disfigurement, sickle cell.

8. How did you find out about this vacancy?


Job Centre:



For Office Use only

Date Rec’d Date forwarded cadet unit Waiting list Vetting completed File Date left cadets


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