Gel electrophoresis

← NAME: ← Go to the following website and answer the questions below: ← ← ← ← What is in the liquid in the small plastic tube (vial)? ← Can DNA be seen under a microscope? ← What procedure are we going to use to measure the DNA strands? What other molecules can be measured with the same procedure? ← What is the purpose of the gel? ← How do we make the DNA move during the procedure? ← Describe the difference between how far the short and long strands of the DNA move? ← Since DNA is colorless, how do we make it visible? How does the DNA appear now? ← What are the 5 steps of gel electrophoresis? ← When we hook up the red and black cords, which color is closest to the wells that hold the DNA? ← Is the DNA positive or negative in charge? ← ← ← Now answer the following from the conclusion of your lab? ← Examine your stained gel on a light box or overhead projector. Which “suspect” DNA matches the “evidence” DNA? ← Compare your gel with the ideal gel provided by your teacher. How can you account for differences in separation and band intensity between your gel and the ideal gel? ← How would it affect the spread of the bands to use a gel in increased concentration? ← If the two suspects had been identical twins, how would it have influenced the results? ← If more than two rows of bands look alike (two different wells giving the same kinds of bands), what could have happened during the gel- loading? ←