UW-Sheboygan Scholarship Application 2017-18

UW- Sheboygan scholarships are awarded by the UW-Sheboygan Foundation Scholarship Committee and/or the Student Aid, Awards, and Appeals (AAA) Committee. The AAA Committee is made up of three faculty/staff members, two students, and a non-voting member of Student Affairs. Most scholarships are awarded for one academic year with one-half of the funds distributed upon first semester (Fall 2017) registration and one-half distributed upon second semester (Spring 2018) registration. Only those scholarships specifically identified as Transfer Scholarships can be applied to other campuses. Scholarship awardees will be recognized at either the Freshman Scholarship Reception or at the UW-Sheboygan Honors and Recognition Night. The events will be held late April or early May. . Please respond to all of the questions, and write "NA" (not applicable) if appropriate. Students receiving various scholarships will be determined based on the information provided on the application form. Although most scholarships are awarded primarily for academic achievement (minimum cumulative 3.0 G.P.A.), other considerations such as extra-curricular activities and financial need, play an important part in the selection process. The UW-Sheboygan Foundation and the Student Aid, Awards, and Appeals Committee reserves the right to interview any and all applicants. By submitting this scholarship application you give permission for your application, academic records and FAFSA information to be reviewed by the Scholarship Committees. All financial and academic record information is, and shall remain, confidential.

Students receiving financial aid are also eligible to apply for scholarships because these funds are separate from UW Colleges Financial Aid Office funds. You can check out the tentative list of scholarships at: http://www.sheboygan.uwc.edu.

RETURN THIS APPLICATION ALONG WITH: 1. A one to two page typed essay of your personal and educational goals 2. If you are currently a high school student: Official high school transcript with ACT scores included 3. If you are a current UW-Sheboygan student: Unofficial transcript printed from your PRISM account 4. One or two letters of recommendation

If there is a specific scholarship you are applying for please note in application



I would like to be considered for the ______Scholarship (1) Name:______

(2) Address:______City ______WI Zip ______Phone Number(s): Cell: ______Home: ______(3) Applicant type: ⃝ New Freshman ⃝ Returning ⃝ Continuing ⃝ Transferring ______Choose New: if you will be a new college freshman in the 2017-18 academic year Returning: If you will be returning to UW-Sheboygan after an absence of one or more semesters Continuing: If you are currently enrolled at UW-Sheboygan and will be enrolled for the Fall 2017 term. Transferring: If you are currently attending UW-Sheboygan and will be transferring to a four year college. Indicate what school you will be transferring to. (4) Are you: ⃝ Traditional aged student ⃝ Non-traditional aged student Traditional: 18-21 years old Non-traditional 22 years of age or older (5) Intended enrollment for Fall 2017/Spring 2018: ⃝ Fulltime (12 or more credits) ⃝ Part time (less than 12 credits) (6) College credits completed if applicable: ______(7) Intended academic major: ______(8) High School and/or college extra-curricular activities (Include organizations and offices held):

(9) Community activities (Include organizations and offices held):

(10) Other life/work experiences:

(11) Are you a first generation college student? ⃝ Yes ⃝ No (Yes, if your parents did not attend college)


(12) Total income from all sources of employment for 2016-2017 academic year: ______

(13) Occupation(s): ______

(14) Employer(s): ______18 (15) Other information on employment income that should be considered by the committee. ______

Other Income or Financial Support

(16) Do you receive veteran's benefits, social security, or similar benefits? ____No ____Yes Amount: ______

(17) Do you have other sources of trust or interest income? ____No ____Yes Source(s): ______Amount(s) ______

(18) Do you receive child support or alimony payments? ____No ___Yes Amount: ______

(19) Do you have any other sources of income? ____No ___Yes Amount: ______

Parent, Legal Guardian or Spouse Financial Responsibilities

(20) Do you live with a parent, legal guardian or spouse? ____No ____Yes

(21) Do you receive any direct or indirect (i.e., room and board, clothing) financial support from your parent, legal guardian, or spouse? ____No ____ Yes

(22) Estimated percentage of educational expenses provided by your parent, guardian or spouse for 2017-2018 academic year: ______%

(23) Estimated percentage of non-educational expenses provided by your parent, guardian or spouse for 2017-2018 academic year: ______%

(24) Gross annual income of your household (before deductions):

____ 0- $24,999 ____ $25,000-$49,999 ___ $50,000-$74,999 ____ $75,000-$99,999 ____ $100,000 or more

(25) Number of dependents claimed by your parent, guardian or spouse for income tax purposes: ______

Other Financial Responsibilities

(26) Are there any individuals for whom you are financially responsible? ____ No ____ Yes Relationship to you and the extent to which you financially support each person: ______

(27) Other financial responsibilities (attach a short statement on a separate sheet if necessary): ______

I certify to the best of my knowledge all information provided on this application is true and correct, and the UW-Sheboygan Foundation Scholarship Committee and/or the UW- Sheboygan Student Aid, Awards and Appeals Committee have my permission to review my permanent file as maintained by the UW- Sheboygan Student Affairs.

