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The Power Of Powerful Headlines Is In Your Hands

There are literally millions and millions of websites on the World Wide Web not to mention the BILLIONS of content that all of these sites hold.

Now take a second and try to visualize and put it into perspective. Have you ever thought to yourself just how are you going to make YOUR content stand out among this mass sea of information?

To be more specific, how can you convince people that your content or material is in fact worth taking their time to read?

There is one effective way to do so. And not to worry, it's legal.

Here’s how you can do this… you bait them using headlines.

Yes, with the right headlines, it can be a click magnet, and the good news is that you usually have total control on how to design your headlines.

The only bad news is that you have the power to make or break your headline.

According to SEO experts, it is said that Google has taken a web page's bounce rate into account now. If a page has a high bounce rate therefore it does say something about a particular page. This is not good.

And to how much degree does this actually affect ranking I personally do not know, but it is enough to tell me that coming up with awesome content headlines to entice readers to stay and read it is now more important than ever.

So here are some tips to help you design a better and “baiting” headline:

Couple Your Headline With Something Good

From young we are always told that if we ever wanted something, we have to work hard for it. For example, if we would like to buy a nice car, then we have to work our behinds off to earn enough 1 Article Wings (Sample Article) money to buy it.

Alternatively, for those who would like to have that perfect look, they would go under the knife and endure painful surgeries just to achieve that desired look.

That is why headlines, which promise something good will come out of another thing that is excellent will catch many people by surprise. In most cases (if not all) headlines such as this will certainly pique the interest as readers will feel compelled to find out more.

There was an article a few years back where the headline reads “Man lost weight by eating Twinkies”. Lose weight by eating something totally not diet-friendly? How is that possible?

After reading that headline, I was totally enticed. I was compelled to know more. I just had to click to find out.

Here's another example: “Look Like A Million Bucks… For Less Than A Hundred" is also a great headline to entice people to click and find out more.

So try to design your headlines by coming up with a positive and then couple it with another positive and you will have a winning headline on your headlines.

Happy Endings

Many people suffer from chronic or recurring problems, which are constantly plaguing them to the point that they feel they cannot take it anymore.

When they are pushed to the edge, desperation takes place and this is when they would try (or even buy) anything to get rid of their nagging problems.

Take, for instance, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) many people are suffering from this problem for many years. Don't you think that they will be more than curious if you come up with a headline that reads, “Cure Your Tinnitus FOREVER"?

But of course, you must be ready to back up your claim because misleading headlines can be even more damaging than lousy headlines. So if you claim something in your headlines, then you better be ready to back it up.

The Unconventional (But Simple) Method

This is another method of designing headlines in the hopes of arousing the curiosity of its readers.

Here's another example:

The Unconventional (But Surprisingly Effective or Simple) Method To Get Rid Of Acne

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"The One Weird Secret To Have You Swinging Like A Pro-Golfer”

These kinds of headlines make readers really curious. They will keep on wondering to themselves what that one thing that can make such a world of a difference is. It will continuously play in the mind of the readers, and eventually it turns into "I JUST HAVE TO KNOW".

One reason why these headlines work as well as they do is because it's usually involves just 1 or 2 methods, and yet it can make a whole world of a difference. That suggests the method or secret is very powerful indeed.

Emotional Benefits

In many cases, many people only buy what they want and not what they need.

When they say they need it, chances are they actually want it in the first place and saying that they need it is just a way of justifying their wants.

And with the proper headlines, you can generate that “want” or “need”.

SO what drives a person to want something to the point that they think that they NEED it?

You can do this by providing benefits.

However, you cannot provide just any kind of benefit, but you need to provide an emotional benefit. And if you can find and attach this emotional benefit to anything, such as a product, it WILL sell.

Take for instance, a product which aids weight loss.

If you state just the obvious benefits such as “helps you to lose weight”, “makes you feel more energetic”, “feel healthier overall”, these are just the same common traits of all weight loss products.

Not only does this not set you apart from the tons of other similar weight loss products, the weight loss product here just has no real unique point about it.

However, if you were to change your headline to "A Weight Loss Product That Will Have You Looking & Feeling Like The Sexiest Hollywood Stars" that really speaks out especially to the female audiences.

It is the same product but because of your headlines, suddenly it becomes more valuable, and becomes more of must-have because you have associated it with an emotional benefit.

Emotions are a very powerful motivator. So learn how to stir emotions using your headlines. Depending on what your content is, the emotion can either be humorous, sad, anger, happiness,

3 Article Wings (Sample Article) inspirational and more.

It's up to you to decide the appropriate emotion to the headline which matches the tone of your content.