Weekly Message 10-18

Hello, this is Kathryn Hutchinson, principal of Joyner Elementary school calling with your weekly message. This message will be posted on our website.

I would like to thank the PTA for the incredible Joyner Jamboree event. The Spanish Dancers were amazing. Thank you to our Spanish teachers. And a HUGE thank you to the Joyner Jamboree committee and the incredible number of volunteers that made Friday such a success. What a great family event! And a special congratulations to Hayden H. for winning the Phone Message with Ms. Hutchinson. I am looking forward to having him join me soon.

On behalf of the staff, I would also like to thank all of you who sent notes and helped your children create cards of gratitude for our staff. The kind words expressed really do go a long way in the hearts of our teachers.

Looking ahead this week, our PTA is hosting another Night out at United Skates of America on Thursday evening.

The first week of the Kids giving to JDRF has been a huge success. Thank you to everyone for bringing in your change. Our students are competing for the highest giving classroom. Collections continue until this Friday. Thank you for giving back to kids.

It’s time once again to turn in your BoxTops for Education and earn money for the Joyner PTA. Send in clipped Box Tops to your child’s teacher using collection sheets or ziploc bags from now until this Friday, October 23. Each Box Top is worth 10 cents to the Joyner PTA. This is a fun and easy way to contribute to Joyner Elementary, and the class turning in the most Box Tops will win a PIZZA PARTY.

Finally, please mark your calendar for Monday October 26. We have a teacher workday on that Monday. No school for students on October 26.

Thank you for your support of Joyner Elementary School and have a great week!