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(Read This Issue Online

Monday, March 30, 2015

(Read this issue online: www.nacc.org/resources/e-news/nn-issue-194.aspx)

NACC 1. Executive Director’s Reflection * 2. Thanks to all who participated in our recent member survey of late January– early February * 3. Calling all Chaplaincy advocates! Would you consider joining a new NACC ministry? * 4. Please consider serving in NACC leadership roles: Board of Directors, Governance Committee, Commissions, and Panels * 5. Upcoming NACC network calls in April and May * 6. NACC Member News 7. 2014 Annual Report online * 8. NACC: March-April Vision article * 9. Important reminder regarding your NACC membership renewal process!

NACC – 50 YEARS OF CONTINUING THE HEALING MINISTRY 10. NACC – Fifty Years - PowerPoint with “Honor Your Gift” song * 11. Reflecting on the ministry: The Story of a Crown *

50th ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE – March 6-9, 2015! 12. Ordering audio recordings of 2015 National Conference materials. 13. 2015 Conference resources can be accessed on the NACC website. 14. Did you take photos at the 2015 Conference you are willing to share? 15. Did you get photographed at the 2015 Conference? 16. We are deeply grateful to our 2015 Conference sponsors!

CHAPLAINCY NEWS, EDUCATION, PROFESSIONAL SUPPORTS 17. Upcoming Journey Film on chaplains * 18. What is a Chaplain? * 19. NACC 2015 Webinars begin April 9th! * 20. NACC Local Events * 21. CHA USA provides final Lenten reflection. * 22. Healing Tree: a request for prayers * 23. Recent job postings *

* new/updated items

1. Executive Director’s Reflection * Over the years, it has been remarkable to learn from one another how we have been called to mark the solemnity of this Holy Week in our respective places of ministry. How the Triduum often coincides with the Jewish eight-day celebration of Passover, and great care is taken to reverence both traditions that mark God’s oneness with and delivering us from bondage. How Good Friday becomes a powerfully profound day for so many, even faith-fragile and nonbelievers, to hallow the mystery of human suffering. As we stand silently next to one another to acknowledge our oneness in the unavoidable, undesirable pain of humanity, I find myself reflecting this on the beautiful, rich Latin word, misericordia… (Read more>)

2. Thanks to all who participated in our recent member survey of late early February * We are grateful to the 940 members who responded to the recent survey we conducted on members’ employment. We had a very good response rate of 41 percent (2300 were invited to participate), which was very representative of our membership profile. The numbers that follow show the percent of survey participants; in parentheses ( ) is the percent of membership: 40.3% Lay Women (38.4%), 28% Sisters (26.2%), 14.1% Lay Men (14.1%), 12.1% Priests (17.4%), 4.4% Permanent Deacons (3.2%), 60.7% BCC (67%). In the coming NACC Now’s we will share results from the survey.

3. Calling all Chaplaincy advocates! Would you consider joining a new NACC ministry? * From Jane Mather, M.A., BCC, on behalf of the NACC Board of Directors: Calling all chaplaincy advocates! Would you consider joining a new NACC ministry, and become an active voice in sharing the role of Chaplain with those who might never have heard of it?

We feel privileged to do the work that we do – called to it as vocation and humbled by its demands. Some of us heard the call after raising families, working in other careers or professions, or after many years of discerning where God might best use our unique gifts. Is it not likely that there are many others out there, like us, ready to take the next step in their lives?

And there are a few younger chaplains who answered the call while engaged in studies for undergraduate and graduate degrees. Might there not be a host of dedicated young Catholics interested in such a rich professional adventure who would love to be exposed to chaplaincy? (Read more>)

4. Please consider serving in NACC leadership roles: Board of Directors, Governance Committee, Commissions, and Panels * The NACC Board of Directors will need to fill one elected-member seat at the end of 2015 when Fr. Jack Crabb, S.J., completes his Board term. In the coming weeks, the NACC Nominations Panel will be reviewing the names of potential candidates for election. If you would like to offer your name for consideration, please go to www.nacc.org/aboutnacc/boardofdirectors.aspx for a Board application form. Please encourage other qualified members whom you think would be good candidates for the Board to complete an application.

In addition to the Board vacancy, the NACC Governance Committee, Standards, Certification, Ethics Commissions, the Nomination Panel, and the Certification Appeals and Editorial Advisory Panels all seek to add members. Please contemplate offering your name to the Nominations Panel to be considered for any of these other leadership bodies. Applications can be obtained at the links below and sent to Tim Charek, Administrative Specialist Association Support ([email protected]). Applications will be accepted until Friday, May 1, 2015.  Governance Committee – appointment position for 2015  Certification Appeals Panel – one appointed position for 2015  Ethics Commission – one appointed position for 2015  Nomination Panel – one appointed position for 2015  Standards Commission – two appointed position for 2015  Certification Commission – one appointed position for 2016  Editorial Advisory Panel – one appointed position for 2016

5. Upcoming NACC networking calls in April and May * In the coming weeks, the NACC will be hosting several networking calls. If you would like to participate, please contact Tim Charek ([email protected]).

 Monday, April 13, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time -- NACC Retired/Emeritus Members  Tuesday, April 14, at 2:00 p.m. Central Time -- NACC Retired/Emeritus Members  Thursday, April 23, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time -- Palliative Care/Hospice Group  Thursday, April 23, at 1:00 p.m. Central Time -- Deacon Members  Monday, April 27, at 1:00 p.m. Central Time – State Liaisons  Tuesday, April 28, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time – State Liaisons  Tuesday, April 28 at 11:00 a.m. Central Time – African Members  Wednesday, April 29, at 1:00 p.m. Central Time – One Person Department Group  Thursday, April 30, at 11:00 a.m. Central Time – Latino/Hispanic Members  Thursday, April 30, at 1:00 p.m. Central Time – Corrections Group  Monday, May 4, at 2:00 p.m. Central Time – Long Term Care Group  Tuesday, May 5, at 1:00 p.m. Central time – Directors of Spiritual/Pastoral Care  Friday, May 8, at 9:00 a.m. Central time – CPE Supervisors  Tuesday, May 12, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time – NACC Age 45 & Under Group  Thursday, May 28, at 11:00 a.m. Central time – Palliative Care/Hospice Group 6. NACC Member News We always appreciate receiving news of our NACC members, and sharing it with all of you. Please let us know your news, by sending it to Tim Charek ([email protected]).

 NACC member, Cristina Stevens, BCC, ACPE Supervisor, is recognized by St. Louis University. Since 1977, the Saint Louis University Women’s Commission has had the privilege of selecting five (5) outstanding University Women to be honored at an annual springtime luncheon. The five honorees, from administrators, faculty, staff and students, are recognized for their contributions, commitment and lives of service to the University and their community. They are selected from nominations submitted by colleagues, friends, supervisors and others whose lives they have touched. This year, one of the five Women of the Year honorees is Cristina Stevens, Director of Pastoral Care and Education at Saint Louis University Hospital. Cristina is an NACC Board Certified Chaplain and an ACPE Board Certified CPE Supervisor. She is also chair of the NACC Ethics Commission.  NACC member, Sr. Ramona Nowak, OP, BCC, is recognized with other religious women by St. John’s Medical Center, St. Clair Shores, MI, during National Sisters Week (March 8-14, 2015). (To read more and see a photo, click here)

7. 2014 Annual Report on line * You can view the NACC 2014 Annual Report on our website. Thank you for helping to make last year a productive and blessed year.

8. Walk through abandoned unit brings memories of ministry * Walking through an abandoned critical care unit brought back a flood of memories to Mary Lou O’Gorman, and caused her to reflect on her 30 years of ministry and the NACC’s 50 years of service. You can read the result in the latest issue of Vision here.

9. Important reminder regarding your NACC membership renewal process! We want to remind our members that since our conversion to the new NACC database last fall (that made possible your ability to enter your profile information and make membership payments via the NACC website), we needed to change the membership expiration date to the first day of your renewal month. So we now are sending your first membership renewal notice two months prior to your renewal month, and indicate that your dues are to be paid by the first day of your renewal month. Our second notice is sent to you via email, the beginning of the month prior to when your dues are expected to be paid. Please note that we are still providing you with two months in which to remit payment. However, we are providing you with two months prior to your due date in which payment should be received. We do apologize for any inconvenience this might initially cause you the first time around with this process, and ask for your prayer and patience with the implementation of our new system. Thank you.


10. NACC – Fifty Years - PowerPoint with “Honor Your Gift” song * As mentioned in early NACC Now’s, our NACC Blair Holtey, BCC, composed the song, Honor Your Gifts, to commemorate NACC’s 50th Anniversary. A PowerPoint presentation of NACC’s 50 years was shown with Blair’s song at the 2015 Conference. You can now link to this PowerPoint and Honor Your Gifts at www.nacc.org/aboutnacc/50th-anniversary.aspx. It runs about nine minutes. Let us honor our gifts!

11. Reflecting on the ministry: The Story of a Crown * In each NACC Now, during this 50th jubilee year, we are featuring a reflection by one of our NACC chaplains on his or her ministry and an experience of a gift of that ministry. Please go to Georgia Gojmerac-Leiner, D.Min., BCC’s reflection, “The Story of a Crown,” and allow it to inspire you to share this year in writing one of your “gifts” of ministry. Your own reflection is welcomed! If you want to share a reflection, please contact David Lewellen ([email protected]).


12. Ordering audio recordings of 2015 National Conference materials. If you are interested in audio recordings of any of the 2015 National Conference offerings, you can place an order at www.dcprovidersonline.com/nacc/.

13. 2015 Conference resources can be accessed on the NACC website. Whether you participated in the 2015 National Conference or not, you can access the support materials and PowerPoints for many of the workshops on our NACC website at www.nacc.org/conference/2015-materials.aspx.

14. Did you take photos at the 2015 Conference you are willing to share? We saw many of you taking photos at the 2015 Conference. Would you like to share them? Please send them to Jeanine Annunziato ([email protected]). Thank you

15. Did you get photographed at the 2015 Conference? A few wandering photo-takers (not photographers ☺) captured a variety of poses. Once we start receiving photos they will be posted on our conference page. 16. We are deeply grateful to our 2015 Conference sponsors! The ability to keep the conference fees reasonable relies very much on the willingness and generosity of a variety of sponsors. We received $49,850 in sponsorships. We are deeply grateful. To view the sponsors, please go to www.nacc.org/conference/default.aspx#sponsors.


17. Upcoming Journey Film on chaplains * Martin Doblmeier of Journey Films was with us at our 2015 Conference to introduce us to the new film documentary on chaplains that they have been preparing for the past two years. It promises to be a very helpful, important tool to help the average person become aware of and come to understand the chaplaincy profession. Here is a link to the film’s trailer for you to view. We look forward to its DVD release in June and the PBS showing in fall. https://vimeo.com/120434392

18. What is a chaplain? * Not long ago Martin Doblmeier emailed us this link to a YouTube video on common people being asked the question, “What is a chaplain?” You might have seen this video. If not, it is striking, and “out of the mouths of babes…” Enjoy! www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcgBmQ13dec

19. NACC 2015 Webinars begin April 9th! * The NACC webinars for 2015 have begun. They address often-requested topics by our members. All are scheduled, as in past years, on Thursdays, 12:00-1:00 p.m. Central Time. You should already have received an announcement regarding registering for the NACC 2015 Webinar Series. For the April webinar, we are using the old-fashioned paper registration process, but for future webinars we will be offering the option of registering (and paying by credit card) online. The registration form may be accessed by clicking on this link: REGISTRATION. Mark your calendars now, and stay tuned for the special invitation to register online coming later this week!

April 9 & 16 Spiritual Screening and Spiritual Assessment: different tools to serve a common end. Presented by Patricia E. Murphy, RSCJ, Ph.D., BCC

May 7 & 14 Trust Heals: Journeying with faith, hope, and patience. Presented by Charles W. Sidoti, BCC, and Rabbi Akiva Feinstein June 11 & 18 Weighing Spiritual Care and Other Priorities: A Dialogue with a Chief Executive Presented by Ann E. Hurst BCC, Kay I. Gorka, BCC, and Alexander Jackson

July 9 & 16 Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services: Implications for Spiritual Care Decision-Making Presented by Rev. Thomas A. Nairn, OFM, Ph.D.

August 13 Renewal of Certification with the NACC

August 20 Certification with the NACC

September 10 & 17 Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying: Theology and Practice of the Rites Presented by Bruce T. Morrill, SJ

October 15 & 22 The Journey of Mental Illness for Chaplains, Family Members, & Caretakers. Presented by Kathleen Hagerty, CSJ, BCC

November 5 & 12 Practical Theology and Implications for Professional Ministry. Presented by Kathleen A. Cahalan, MA, Ph.D

December 17 90 minutes “Honoring the Gift: NACC and Chaplaincy Going Forward” Presented by David A. Lichter, D.Min and Mary Lou O’Gorman, BCC

20. NACC Local Gatherings * Several local gathering are being scheduled for 2015. We ask you to “hold the date” with details to follow. If you would like to consider hosting and helping plan an NACC local event to mark our 50th Anniversary, Please contact Andris Kursietis ([email protected]).

 May 1, 2015, Camp Hill, PA see details  June 6, 2015, Braintree, MA details to follow  June 18, 2015, Spokane, WA details to follow  June 19, 2015, Portland, WA, details to follow  June 20, 2015, Seattle, WA, details to follow  September 14, 2015, St. Louis, MO, details to follow  September 17-18, 2015, Alexandria, MN, details to follow  November 6, 2015, Buffalo, NY  November 17, 2015, Washington, DC area

21. CHA USA provides final Lenten reflection. * CHAUSA is again offering a 2015 set of Lenten Reflections to help those in Catholic healthcare, and our members, make meaning of the season in relation to their lives. The 2015 author is Sr. Renee Yann, RSM, D.Min., Sister of Mercy of the Mid-Atlantic Region, who serves as chief mission integration officer at AmeriHealth Caritas in Philadelphia. At heart she is a poet and enjoys spiritual writing.

These weekly offerings are available as: • MP3 file — downloadable audio file • Hardcopy — printable and editable Word document

Access the entire 2015 Lenten Reflection series

22. Healing Tree: a request for prayers * Please let us know if you would like our membership to pray for your health and healing. Also please let us know when you want us to remove your name from our Healing Tree.

We continue to pray for: Carol Tafoya (sister of NACC Board member Sr. Margo Tafoya), Renato Fallico, Konstanty Pawicz (husband of former staff member Mary Pawicz), Pam Kimmel, Susan Balling, Maria Meneses, Chaplain Julia Mary Sweeney (mourning the death of her sister, Margaret Maureen Lewis, BA Honors), Sr. Sheila Prendeville, CPPS, AnaLisa Bischoff, Sister M. Dianna Hell, Sister Maria Theresa Hronec, Betty and Louis Skonieczny, Mary Theresa (niece of NACC Chaplain Sister Dorothy Kline), Jim Castello, Jeff Michel (brother-in-law of David Lichter), Thomas from Chicago (12 years old), Thomas Smiley (brother of member Diane Smiley), Marga Halala, Donn Renfro (son-in-law of Karen Pugliese), Amy in Atlanta (friend of NACC member Theresa Sullivan), Thomas (grandson of NACC member Ginny Grimes Allen), Beth from Boston (friend of NACC member Dana Sandlin), Sr. Janet Bielmann, Kelly Folan (daughter of NACC member Marty Folan), Mary Potts (twin sister of Deacon Francis Potts), Elizabeth A. Walsh, Francesco Marshall, Glenn and Pat Teske, Susan Murphy, Fr. Jim Radde, SJ, Sr. Mary Clare Boland, SP, Sr. Phyllis Ann DiRenzo, Kathy Brier (daughter of NACC member Theresa Brier), Gloria Troxler, Fr. Kevin Ikpah, Lourdes B. Ruta (wife of Peter Ruta), and Kelly Elizabeth Sexton (daughter of NACC member Melyssa Sexton).

23. Recent job postings * The following positions have been posted recently on our Positions Available page. For more information go to www.nacc.org/positions/available.aspx. CHAPLAIN Omaha, NE - School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Creighton University


CPE RESIDENCY Olympia, WA - Providence St. Peter Hospital

DIRECTOR of MISSION New York/New Jersey/Pennsylvania - Bon Secours Charity Health System

DIRECTOR of PASTORAL CARE Philadelphia, PA - Holy Redeemer

MAYO CLINIC CPE Rochester, MN - Mayo Clinic

BILINGUAL CATHOLIC CHAPLAIN Dilley, TX - CCA's South Texas Family Residential Center

CHAPLAIN Green Bay, WI - St. Vincent Hospital

HOSPICE CHAPLAIN Faith Hospice in Grand Rapids, MI - Faith Hospice

View these jobs and more at: www.nacc.org/positions/available.aspx.

This e-newsletter is a publication of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains and is ©2015

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National Association of Catholic Chaplains 4915 S. Howell Avenue, Suite 501 Milwaukee, WI 53207-5939

Phone: 414.483.4898 Fax: 414.483.6712 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nacc.org

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