Local Participation Report

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Local Participation Report

Local Participation report

Lambourn Surgery 2012/13


We were asked this year by Berkshire West PCT to continue with the maintenance of the patient group which could provide feedback on the service the practice is providing and respond to questionnaires and their results to enable us to make objective decisions about the future of the practice and influence any changes made as a result of survey results.

Current opening hours

We open Monday to Friday from 8-6.30. We also do extended hours on a Monday evening until 8.00pm and 2 Saturday mornings a month from 8-11 for pre booked GP appointments. The telephone line is open from 8-6.30 Monday to Friday and the website is available to book appointments or make repeat prescription request 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The group

Lambourn surgery has an active patient group which meets every quarter to discuss the surgery and the care it provides. In order to retain the valuable input from this group, we have continued to consult both the virtual group and the PPG to gain feedback from both sources and respond to survey results.

Action plan

Following the publication of the survey, we discussed the results and informed the virtual group where they could see the results of the survey. The practice manager asked for feedback from the virtual group and the survey results were shown and discussed at the next patient group meeting. We were pleased with the questions around access. The majority of our patients were content with our hours and the ability to see a Doctor or nurses quickly.

The areas mentioned were discussed with the group and the following decisions were made

Completed actions from 2011/12 survey

What you What we will do Who is When will Outcome asked for responsible it be done? Improve To update the Practice By A new screen will the décor and de- Manager September be installed by ambience clutter and team 2012 March 2013 which in the will enable us to waiting remove some of the room leaflets and posters.

Improve Update the toys Practice By July The children’s area the and put down a Manager 2012 has been improved children’s suitable surface. with a new area bookcase, sofa and soft rug.

Improve Improve the Practice By May Unfortunately our telephone telephone system Manager 2012 telephone software access so it can does not have this announce what functionality at number the present. When the patient is in the software is updated queue it will be a consideration.

Action Plan for 2012/13 survey

This year’s survey has been shared with the practice team and all members of the PPG and the PRG. We were very pleased with the overall survey comments which were very positive. The one area which we identified for improvement is telephone access which is still proving a frustration to some of our patients. This has been raised at a practice meeting and the practice will now seek ways to improve this situation.

What you What we will do Who is When will Outcome asked for responsible it be done? Improve Discuss amongst Practice July 2013 . telephone the practice team Manager access to find a viable and team solution

This year’s survey results

PPG & Survey Results Report

Patient Reference Group

The patient group comprises 59 members

Distribution Details

Attendance Gender

Ethnicity Age

Survey Results

Patient survey 2012/13

Number of Responses: 59

We would be grateful if you would complete this survey about your general practice. Your doctors want to provide the highest standard of care. Feedback from this survey will help them to identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are very valuable.

Please answer ALL the questions that apply to you. There are no right or wrong answers and your doctor will NOT be able to identify your individual answers.

Thank you. About Receptionists and Appointments

Q1 How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP practice?

Very helpful 76% Fairly helpful 20% Not very helpful 3% Not at all helpful 0% Don’t know 0% No response 1%

Q2 How easy is it to get through to someone at your GP practice on the phone?

Very easy 33% Fairly easy 50% Not very easy 8% Not at all easy 1% Don’t know 1% Haven’t tried 3% No response 4% Q3 How easy is it to speak to a doctor or nurse on the phone at your GP practice?

Very easy 40% Fairly easy 23% Not very easy 10% Not at all easy 3% Don’t know 3% Haven’t tried 16% No response 5%

Q4 If you need to see a GP urgently, can you normally get seen on the same day?

Yes 64% No 15% Don’t know / never needed to 20% No response 1%

Q5 How easy is it to book ahead in your practice?

Very easy 66% Fairly easy 27% Not very easy 5% Not at all easy 0% Don’t know 0% Haven’t tried 0% No response 2% Q6 Do you know how to contact a GP out of normal hours?

Yes 71% No 15% No response 14%

Thinking of times when you want to see a particular doctor:

Q7 How quickly do you usually get seen?

Same day or next day 28% 2-4 days 45% 5 days or more 11% I don’t usually need to be seen quickly 6% Don’t know, never tried 0% No response 10% Thinking of times when you are willing to see any doctor:

Q8 How quickly do you usually get seen?

Same day or next day 55% 2-4 days 27% 5 days or more 0% I don’t usually need to be seen quickly 3% Don’t know, never tried 3% No response 12%

Thinking of your most recent consultation with a doctor or nurse

Q9 How long did you wait for your consultation to start?

Less than 5 minutes 27% 5 – 10 minutes 54% 11 – 20 minutes 6% 21 – 30 minutes 0% More than 30 minutes 0% There was no set time for my consultation 1% No response 12% About seeing the doctor of your choice

Q10 Is there a particular GP you usually prefer to see or speak to?

Yes 67% No - Go to Q12 20% No response 13%

Q11 How often do you see or speak to the GP you prefer?

Always or almost always 33% A lot of the time 23% Some of the time 5% Never or almost never 1% Not tried at this GP practice 0% No response 38% How good was the last GP you saw at each of the following?

(If you haven’t seen a GP in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to Q25)

Q12 Giving you enough time

Very good 64% Good 16% Fair 3% Poor 0% Very poor 0% Does not apply 0% No response 17%

Q13 Listening to you

Very good 67% Good 20% Fair 1% Poor 0% Very poor 0% Does not apply 0% No response 12% Q14 Explaining tests and treatments

Very good 67% Good 18% Fair 3% Poor 1% Very poor 0% Does not apply 0% No response 11%

Q15 Involving you in decisions about your care

Very good 64% Good 18% Fair 5% Poor 0% Very poor 0% Does not apply 3% No response 10% Q16 Treating you with care and concern

Very good 74% Good 13% Fair 3% Poor 0% Very poor 0% Does not apply 0% No response 10%

Q17 Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you saw or spoke to?

Yes, definitely 76% Yes, to some extent 13% No, not at all 0% Don’t know / can’t say 0% No response 11% Q18 If you know the name of the GP you last saw, please write it here: How good was the last nurse you saw at each of the following?

(If you haven’t seen a nurse in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to Q26)

Q19 Giving you enough time

Very good 57% Good 13% Fair 8% Poor 0% Very poor 0% Does not apply 0% No response 22%

Q20 Listening to you

Very good 50% Good 18% Fair 3% Poor 1% Very poor 0% Does not apply 1% No response 27% Q21 Explaining tests and treatments

Very good 49% Good 20% Fair 5% Poor 0% Very poor 0% Does not apply 1% No response 25%

Q22 Involving you in decisions about your care

Very good 45% Good 11% Fair 5% Poor 0% Very poor 0% Does not apply 13% No response 26% Q23 Treating you with care and concern

Very good 47% Good 23% Fair 1% Poor 1% Very poor 0% Does not apply 0% No response 28%

Q24 Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to?

Yes, definitely 62% Yes, to some extent 8% No, not at all 1% Don’t know / can’t say 0% No response 29% Q25 If you know the name of the nurse you last saw, please write it here: About care from your doctors and nurses Thinking about the care you get from your doctors and nurses overall, how well does the practice help you to:

Q26 Understand your health problems?

Very well 71% Unsure 10% Not very well 1% Does not apply 1% No response 17%

Q27 Cope with your health problems

Very well 69% Unsure 11% Not very well 3% Does not apply 1% No response 16% Q28 Keep yourself healthy

Very well 62% Unsure 18% Not very well 1% Does not apply 3% No response 16%

Q29 Would you be interested in group education sessions for chronic illnesses to help with self management?

Yes 16% No 67% No response 17% Q30 Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery?

Excellent 49% Very good 27% Good 8% Fair 5% Poor 0% Very poor 0% No response 11%

The practice website

Q31 Do you use the practice website?

Yes 38% No, if no go to Q33 44% No response 18% Q32 Is there anything not already on the website you would like to see included? >> << --- No --- Test results on-line as an add on to appointments/prescriptions so it can be confidential ---

It will help us to understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself

Q33 Are you?

Male 28% Female 57% No response 15%

Q34 How old are you?

Under 16 0% 16 to 44 28% 45 to 64 23% 65 to 74 23% 75 or over 11% No response 15% Q35 Do you have a long-standing health condition?

Yes 52% No 37% Don’t know / can’t say 0% No response 11%

Q36 What is your ethnic group?

White 89% Black or Black British 0% Asian or Asian British 0% Mixed 1% Chinese 0% Other ethnic group 0% No response 10% Q37 Which of the following best describes you?

Employed (full or part time, including self-employed) 30% Unemployed / looking for work 1% At school or in full time education 1% Unable to work due to long term sickness 0% Looking after your home/family 3% Retired from paid work 49% Other 1% No response 15%

Finally, please add any other comments you would like to make about your GP practice: >> << --- 1 The surgery should purchase the machine that calculates Hba1c in 3 minutes (money permitting of course). All patients that have never been tested for diabetes should be at their next visit or be invited to book an appointment. I believe about a third of dibetics are undiagnosed. They need to know, and early treatment would clearly benefit all round. 2 Would an X-ray machine be beneficial to the surgery? 3 We are very lucky to have you. Although I obviously can't compare Lambourn with others my gut feeling is that it must be among the best in the business. This view is shared by all of my friends and acquaintences. --- All the staff are helpful and caring --- Always very helpful in every way from staff, nurses and Doctors --- Brilliant! --- Excellent! --- Filled in by son/carer. fantastic! --- I have had several practices due to moving areas, and i feel buy far this is the best. Helpful, proactive and welcoming. --- I think for a village we are very lucky to have this surgery. You cam always be sure that if you need to be seen ASAP somebody will be available that day. --- I would say that sadly access to see a doctor of your choice has definitely deteriorated. Staff are generally helpful but regrettably communication between surgery and hospital is not always as it should be. --- None --- Regularly updated newsletters. Refurbishment of waiting room is much needed. --- Technically very good, poor patient/doctor manner, always makes you feel as though you wre interupting something more important he had to see to ! --- The best I have ever used. No complaints at all. very impressed --- The best! --- Very accommadating and helpful ---

© 2011 GPAQ V3 including all individual questions is copyright University of Cambridge/University of Manchester

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