News from Mrs
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The Nuts and Bolts of Mrs. Ryba’s Class
Dear Parents,
Welcome to an exciting year at Jacksonville Commons Elementary School. My focus is to prepare your child for the 21st-century world built around technology, communication, and collaboration. Your child will be involved in research and inquiry of the global issues of today in math and science. Expectations will be high and success is the only option. Below are some systems I have in place within our classroom. You and your child will need to sign acknowledging you have both carefully read these terms.
Agenda/Website Each child has a Student Planner for recording upcoming tests, projects, important dates, and information that needs to be passed on to you. Each student is responsible for completing their agenda weekly on the first day of the week before leaving school. Go to the school’s website at, click on JCE Staff to the left, find my name, and then click calendar. Everything your child is responsible for knowing will be posted weekly. If you or your child is ever confused about assignments or due dates, please refer to my webpage.
Weekly Folders Weekly behavior reports and student work will be sent home on Tuesdays. Please review the contents and sign. I ask that you return all work that is stapled together and keep that which is not. If you would like a copy of any work that is to be returned, please note so when signing. Signed folders are to be returned the next day.
Edmodo Upon receiving their laptop and conditional training on usage, each child will be given access to several websites to add to their learning curriculum. Edmodo is a site that is virtually a Facebook for classrooms. I can post assignments there, students can download onto their computers, and either complete and resubmit to me, or turn in a paper copy of their responses. Parent access will be provided once students have received their access information. As with my webpage, if you ever have any doubts about work that is to be completed, check here!
Remind Remind is a text-based platform for me to give and receive vital messages directly to your cell phone. With this technology, I will be able to remind all parents simultaneously about upcoming events or pertinent information that needs to be transmitted immediately. Please make sure to update me on all contact information changes as the school year progresses so I can keep you up-to-date on everything that transpires. PowerSchool Your child’s grades will be posted within 5 work days of being graded. You and your child have access to grades, averages, absences, and missed assignments. In order to be granted access, you must first apply in the office and have Ms. Cross attain a copy of a valid ID. She will then give you login information. We will be checking grades weekly as part of our goal setting strategies we plan to enforce during the first week of school.
Science Fair Science Fair is NOT OPTIONAL for 5th graders. It is a VERY LARGE part of your child’s 2nd 9 weeks grade will several graded components. It is imperative that your child begin researching ideas and that families understand the undertaking of projects your child may be interested in. There is no reward for projects that have bells and whistles, and in fact, those type of projects are frowned upon. Furthermore, there are 1,000s of projects that can be completed in just a few days and are inexpensive, or better yet, FREE! Triboards will be available for purchase at school for a few dollars so you won’t have to try to find them out in town.
Citizenship Guidelines The following plan for good citizenship will be applied fairly to all children in the class: 1. Listen carefully and follow directions in order to produce quality work. 2. Work and play safely-keeping hands and feet to yourself. 3. Walk and work respectfully in the school building. Do not disturb others who are working. 4. Respect others and school property. Be kind with your words a nd actions. 5. Arrive at school on time with a preparedness to learn. 6. Raise your hand before speaking. 7. Demonstrate responsibility and dependability.
Behavior Policy In an effort to help the students become globally responsible, good citizenship is encouraged and expected. Students will be rewarded for their responsible behavior at the end of each month. Students who display appropriate behavior may be chosen as one of 7 Habits Leaders who are recognized by the school and displayed across from the office at the entry
Responsible behavior is expected from ALL students ALL of the time. Please make sure that your child understands the consequences for choosing not to follow the rules. However, if a student chooses to ignore school and classroom rules, he/she will have consequences for their behavior. They are as follows:
1st Offense Level I: Model positive behavior and/or single warning given. 2nd Offense Level I: Behavior redirected; verbally warned a second time. 3rd Offense Level I/Level II: Behavior Think Sheet, Consequence (silent lunch, walk at recess, etc.); Call home. Repeated Level II Offense/Level III Offense: Office referral.
Nine Week Conduct System Every child begins with 100 points in conduct each 9-week period. While in Level I without subsequent violations, your child will not lose any points. Once a child has repeated an offense, a loss of 1 point will be imposed. Each additional offense or Level II offense results in additional points lost. In the event a child has a Level III offense, a MINIMUM of 3 points will be deducted. Each child begins each day fresh and ready to learn, regardless of the prior day’s experience. Any points lost, however, will remain. This running tally continues until the end of the nine weeks. At that time, the final conduct grade will be recorded.
Conferences/Contact Guidelines If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me and I will promptly respond back with an answer within 24 hours. If it is an emergency, you may contact me on my cell phone, which I will provide during our initial conference or back-to-school night. All I ask is that you attempt to not contact me past 8pm during the week, on Sundays, or the night before a test or project is due.
As a parent, it's important to take an active role in your child's schoolwork. By showing an interest in what your child does and working with me, we will make this a successful year for your child. Below are some tips that can help make homework time more meaningful.
Allow your child to unwind and play immediately after school. Then your child will be more willing to sit down and complete the assigned work. Provide a quiet, comfortable place for your child to do his/her work. Get your child in the habit of doing his/her homework away from distractions such as television and toys. Show an interest in your child's work. Talk about the events of the day. Try to get beyond the "I don't know" and "Nothing" responses that are so common for this age. Make it clear to your child that homework is their responsibility. However, be sure that your child also knows that you’re there to help if needed. Ask your child to show you his/her work when it's completed. Consider yourself as a consultant and not an editor evaluating and proofreading your child's work.
The homework I give is not busywork. It is a way of reinforcing and enriching the concepts that we learn in school each day. Homework is valuable in that it helps your child establish independent study habits and self-discipline.
Homework should be completed nightly. HW will be posted on my website weekly with most homework assignments to be downloaded from Edmodo.
In order to help students develop responsibility for homework, any assignments not completed during the week will be expected to be completed during the school day during your child’s recess. Each day late will result in the loss of 5 points from the final grade. In the event of repeated offenses, loss of privileges and/or notes home will be enforced.
Homework: Checked daily.
Math Math activities/assignments will be posted on my webpage and on Edmodo each day. It will be a review of the concepts learned in class that day. Homework is checked daily. Students are graded on completion of work AND EFFORT, not on accuracy. Work that displays only answers will not be accepted. Students MUST SHOW ALL WORK in order to receive credit. Each student is encouraged to practice multiplication flash cards each night for at least 5 minutes. Memorization of these facts is essential to mastery of multiplication and division. Students who are not proficient in multiplication mastery will take weekly timed tests.
Science Each week we will focus on a specific area of science. Most science homework will be in the form of reading passages on the topic, usually two passages a week, subject to change. Science homework should be answered in complete sentences with the answer portion underlined or highlighted. Science HW will be collected on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Mrs. Ryba’s Pledge
I will strive to give your child, you-the student, the very best education I am capable of providing. I will encourage your freedoms whilst helping you pave the way to the future you envision. I will push you harder than you have ever been pushed, just to show you just how far you are capable of going. I will show you that there are stars in your future you didn’t even know existed.
Together we will grow. Together we will learn. We can only do this TOGETHER. Even the strongest of machines fail because of one small broken gear.
All I ask is that you trust me. Trust that I can, and will, do everything I say and promise.
I WILL make you a better YOU, and YOU will help make me a better ME.
Classroom Policies, Procedures, and Homework Expectations Agreement Form
Please sign and return this portion of “The Nuts and Bolts of Mrs. Ryba’s Class” no later than September 9, 2016 to Mrs. Ryba. Your child’s signature represents their understanding of this document as discussed during class. By signing this document you agree that you have read and understand all of the information and have discussed this at home with your child.
My classmates and I deserve an enjoyable atmosphere for learning. I will make every effort to follow classroom rules and procedures.
Student Name Printed: ______
Student Signature: ______
Date Signed: ______
My child and I received the newsletter regarding in-class and out-of-class behavior, daily routines, student agendas, Edmodo, Mrs. Ryba’s webpage, Remind, conference and contact guidelines. I understand the importance of the rules, procedures, and guidelines as outlined in this document, and my child understands that he/she must abide by them. Parents Name Printed: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Date Signed: ______