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DEADLINE: 4:00 PM March 31, 2008 (Applications not received by the deadline will not be considered for funding)
Please drop-off applications to: Vern Haggard, Sport Consultant Sport & Recreation Branch 4061 – 4th Avenue or Mail to: PO Box 2703 Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6 High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 1
1. Introduction 2 2. Questions About The Program 2 3. Athlete Eligibility 3 4. Factors Which May Impact On Eligibility 4 5. Mandatory Information Which Must Be Provided 5 6. Agreements Which Must Be Signed 5 7. Assessment Criteria And Minimum Qualifications 6 8. Post Season Report 7
1. Personal Information 9 2. Affiliation, Classification and National Status 10 3. Past Season Results 11 4. Funding Requested 11 5. Declarations 12 6. Progress Over The Past 3 Years 13 7. Goals - For Upcoming Year And Beyond 14 8. Budget Of Expenses For Upcoming Year 15 9. Sample Budget 16 10. Planned “Giving Back” Activity 17 11. Athlete Code Of Conduct 18 12. Contract 19 13. Documents Attached. 20 High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 2 SECTION A – PROGRAM INFORMATION
The Yukon High Performance Athlete Assistance Program (YHPAAP) is an athlete assistance program offered by the Government of Yukon, Sport and Recreation Branch with assistance of funding by the Yukon Lottery Commission. It is intended to provide grant assistance to help offset training and competition expenses incurred by selected Yukon athletes who are able, through their results, to demonstrate that they are competing at a “high performance level” as defined by this program. The program is intended to assist those selected athletes while they continue to show improvement from year to year. Grants are based upon funding allocated to the program by YRAC as well as demonstrated performance and potential for improvement as shown by the athlete.
All grants will be made payable to the Yukon Sport Governing Body (YSGB) who then reimburses the athlete for eligible expenses.
What is considered a “high performance level” of performance? As a minimum, to be considered to be competing at a “high performance level”, an athlete must have results that show that, were they living and competing in a province such as BC or Alberta, they would be on that provincial team or have the potential to make that team.
What about “senior” or “masters” athletes? The program is intended to support our developing youth athletes who are progressing through youth competitions up to and including “open” categories. It is not intended to support athletes competing in “masters” or “senior” categories. Based upon the philosophy of supporting developing youth athletes, the committee may choose to favour youth over adults even though they are competing in an “open” category.
How does one become a “selected” athlete as defined by this program? A High Performance Jury reviews the YHPAAP applications and, based upon the information provided, selects those athletes who they feel are the most deserving of support. All selected athletes must meet the eligibility requirements as described below and must have demonstrated performance at a high performance level.
What if there is no Yukon Sport Governing Body (YSGB) for my sport? If there is no YSGB for a sport, YSGB approvals are not required and responsibility for monitoring training lies with the athlete and their coach(es). Funds will be disbursed in these situations through Sport Yukon.
Do all athletes who meet the eligibility requirements and are performing at a high performance level receive funding? No, not necessarily. The High Performance Jury will recommend those athletes they determine to be the most deserving of funding support and how much each should receive. The total amount of funds available for distribution by the YHPAAP is established earlier each year by the Yukon Recreation Advisory Committee. Based upon the amount of money made available to the program and the number and the quality of applicants, the Jury will recommend which applicants should receive funding and how much each should receive.
Once an athlete receives funding under the program can they expect continued funding in the future if their performance continues to improve? No, not necessarily. As mentioned above, the particular athletes who receive funding and the amount they receive is dependant upon the amount of funds available in a particular year and the number and quality applications received. Also, as stated under the Assessment Criteria, an athlete can receive funding for a maximum of two years at the Bronze Level and a maximum of three years at the Silver Level. High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 3
What criteria or guidelines does the High Performance Jury use to make its funding decisions? The Jury relies almost entirely upon the information provided by the athlete in their application. For this reason, it is vitally important that the athlete ensure that all of the required and beneficial information is provided, that it is accurate, that it is presented in a manner that will convince the Jury of the worthiness of the application and that it is submitted by the deadline. Completeness, accuracy, neatness and timeliness are critical. Applicants are requested to submit a covering letter along with their application so that they can provide the Jury with their personal perspective on where they see themselves as a developing athlete, how they view their future and also provide any additional information they feel would be valuable for the Jury.
Only those applications containing all of the mandatory information and approvals will be accepted. Incomplete applications or those not received by the deadline, will not be considered.
In general, the Jury will first decide on appropriate funding for the highest level (Gold) athletes and then progressively on down through the Silver and Bronze level applicants as the available funds permit.
Applications deemed to be complete will be assessed according to the ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AND MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS as defined in that section of this application.
What expenses does this program propose to offset? This program’s primarily intention is to help offset actual training and competition expenses incurred by the athlete however it will also consider basic cost of living expenses for athletes who have had to move outside of the Yukon in order to train and compete. It does not propose to cover all of the expenses of this nature that the athlete may incur nor is it intended to cover any loss of wages resulting from training or competition nor any medical expenses unless they are associated with training or competition. Since the program recognizes the fact that it will not likely cover all of the training and competition expenses incurred by the athlete it also recognizes that the athlete will undoubtedly have to look for additional financial assistance elsewhere.
What if an athlete wishes to appeal a funding decision made by the High Performance Jury? The YHPAAP is a program that provides grants to applicants. The program is designed such that a committee will, once a year, receive and consider all applications at one time and make recommendations on distribution of the total funds available for the year, at that time. As such, funding decisions of the High Performance Jury are final and there is no provision for appeal.
To be eligible for a YHPAAP grant, each applicant must:
- be a Canadian citizen or have landed immigrant status for at least twelve months prior to deadline of submission.
- be a resident of the Yukon as of the September 1st prior to the deadline for submission. If attending an educational institution outside of the Yukon, the applicant must have Yukon resident status.
- be a member in good standing of a recognized YSGB, if one exists.
- have competed as a Yukon athlete for the previous competitive season.
- be on a formal 12-month training and competition program agreed to and monitored by the YSGB, the coaches and the athlete. This training and competition program must indicate the nature of training, the number of sessions and hours per week for the 12 months as well as the planned competitions for the complete 12-month period. It is the responsibility of the YSGB to approve and monitor training and competition programs of those athletes training outside of the Yukon. If the training program for the upcoming year has not yet been established, the athlete must provide a copy High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 4
of the training program for the prior year and be prepared to update it once the new program has been established. Applications that do not include a 12-month training and competition program WILL NOT be considered for funding.
- include with the application, a budget of expenses for the upcoming year. This budget should include those expenses relating to training and competition and where the athlete has been obliged to move outside of the Yukon in order to train and compete, may include basic cost of living expenses. Applications that do not include a budget of expenses WILL NOT be considered for funding.
- compete for/represent the Yukon in inter-provincial competitions.
- have shown potential for national ranking and/or achieved national ranking or placement in recognized provincial/national/international competitions.
- willingly and voluntarily submit to prescribed testing for banned and/or illegal substances when requested by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, national or territorial sport governing bodies, YTG Sport and Recreation or competition organizers.
- apply on an individual basis. Teams will be considered under this program on a case by case basis.
- be willing, upon reasonable request, to share their knowledge and experience with other developing athletes. For those athletes who reside and train in the Yukon, this can occur within the normal training and competition environment. Athletes who have moved outside of the Yukon, in order to train and compete, will be expected to participate in at least one opportunity of “giving back” to their sport. This could occur in the form of making a presentation to local athletes, participating in a training camp with local athletes, providing assistance to Yukon athletes when they travel outside of the Yukon to compete or some other similar manner. Plans for this “giving back” opportunity must be specifically identified in the application and reported upon in the athletes Post Season Report.
- include letters of endorsement from the athlete’s Head Coach and from the YSGB if one exists. Applications that do not include a letter of endorsement from the Athlete’s Head Coach and from the YSGB, if one exists, WILL NOT be considered for funding.
- Athletes applying for Gold funding MUST also submit documentation/letters of endorsement from their national sport organization.
The following factors may impact on funding eligibility:
- lack of a signed code of conduct and/or a signed contract between the athlete and the YSGB, if one exists.
- failure to provide a personal covering letter presenting the athlete’s personal perspective on where they see themselves as a developing athlete, how they view their future and providing any additional information they feel would be valuable for the Jury. - failure to document any previous YHPAAP assistance, i.e. outstanding post season reports. Goals and objectives that were established in the previous year’s training program that were not accomplished without sufficient reason.
- failure to identify a “giving back” opportunity or to fulfil commitments to one that has been identified.
- using non-medically prescribed, and/or banned, and/or illegal substances and/or other similar prohibited performance enhancing substances or techniques. High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 5
- applications that do not have a signature from the YSGB, if one exists.
- unless justifiable circumstances otherwise prevail, YHPAAP recipients are expected, to actively train on a 12-month basis with Yukon teams and compete with same at Canada Games, National Championships, etc. Failure to comply with this requirement may be cause for termination of assistance.
- if a funded athlete is inflicted with a lengthy injury, a joint decision by the Yukon Sport Governing Body and YTG Sport and Recreation will be made to determine if funding will be affected (reduced or maintained). At all times the athlete must make every effort to rehabilitate and return to active participation as soon as medically possible and/or appropriate. Medical reports may be requested by the Sport Governing Body and/or YTG Sport and Recreation.
- The Athlete’s One-Year Training Program for the upcoming year (or for the previous year if that for the upcoming year is not yet available).
- A Budget of Expenses for the upcoming year.
- Letters of Endorsement from the athlete’s Head Coach and the YSGB, if one exists.
- All Gold Level applicants must have a Letter of Endorsement from their NSO.
Note: References to YSGB above and its role and responsibilities are applicable only if a Yukon Sport Governing Body exists. If a YSGB does not exist, funds will be advanced through Sport Yukon and responsibility for monitoring training/competition will be assumed by the athlete’s head coach.
To ensure proper understanding of the YHPAAP and the responsibilities of the recipient and the YSGB, the YSGB must ensure that an athlete agreement is in place. This agreement is to be co-signed by the recipient, the recipient's territorial coach if applicable, and the YSGB president or designate and will clearly define the following: - training and competition obligations of the recipient - realistic performance objectives - any internal and administrative policies and procedures - financial obligations - any commitments the YHPAAP recipient is required to make to the YSGB - specific costs to be covered for training and competition - standards of training, competition, decorum, etc., which must be maintained.
The Athlete Agreement must be completed and submitted to YTG Sport and Recreation prior to release of funds.
CODE OF CONDUCT - (see Page 18) High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 6
All athletes must agree to and sign the "Code of Conduct". This document outlines the standard of conduct and behaviour that is expected of an athlete receiving YHPAAP assistance.
The assessment of applications will be guided by the following criteria and minimum qualifications:
Gold Assistance Level: Up to $ 7,000.00 (an additional $1,000 will be available upon written request to those athletes that represent Yukon and Canada as a member of Team Canada at the Pan American, Commonwealth, Olympic Games or World Championships. $500 will be available for those who have participated in a Junior World Championship.)
- the athlete must have shown significant performance at the national/international level - the athlete must be identified as a potential national team athlete - the athlete must not be receiving funding nor eligible to receive funding under Yukon Sport For Life Elite Athlete Assistance - the athlete must be training on a 12 month training program which has the approval and support of his/her coach
Silver Assistance Level: Up to $ 4,000.00 - the athlete must have shown significant performance at Western Canadian or equivalent level - the athlete must be identified as a potential national team athlete - the athlete must not be receiving funding nor eligible to receive funding under Yukon Sport For Life Elite Athlete Assistance - the athlete must have demonstrated the skill and potential to graduate to the Gold level - the athlete must be training on a 12 month training program which has the approval and support of his/her coach - a maximum of three consecutive years of funding is permitted at the silver level
Bronze Assistance Level: Up to $ 2,500.00 - the athlete must have shown significant performance at a provincial or equivalent level - the athlete must be a top level athlete with demonstrable provincial team calibre or potential to make a provincial team - the athlete must not be receiving funding nor eligible to receive funding under Yukon Sport For Life Elite Athlete Assistance - the athlete must have demonstrated the skill and potential to graduate to the Silver/Gold levels - the athlete must be training on a 12 month training program which has the approval and support of his/her coach a maximum of two consecutive years of funding is permitted at the bronze level High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 7
YHPAAP post season report must show expenses incurred by the athlete for the entire training/competitive season as they relate to training and the various competitions. It must also report on the “giving back” activity in which the athlete participated.
For further information, please contact:
Vern Haggard, Sport Consultant Government of Yukon Sport & Recreation Branch P.O. Box 2703 Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6 Telephone: 667-5606 or 1-800-661-0408 (toll free) or e-mail: [email protected]
Access to Information & Protection of Privacy Act Disclaimer
Reference Section 30 (2)
This information is being collected under the authority of the Recreation Act to be used for the purpose of adjudicating grant applications by the High Performance Jury. For further information contact or direct inquiries to Vern Haggard, Sport Consultant, Government of Yukon, Sport & Recreation Branch, Box 2703, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6, (867) 667-5606. High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 8
SECTION B – APPLICATION (following pages) High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 9
THIS APPLICATION MUST BE TYPED (applications are available on computer disk)
A. Name of Yukon Sport Governing Body:
B. Name of applicant:
C. Mailing Address: Postal Code:
D. Birth Date (day, month and year): Age on April 1, 2008:
E. Phone (day): (eve):
F. Are you a Canadian Citizen?
If “No”, date on which you became a Landed Immigrant (day, month and year):
Date on which you became a Yukon Resident (day, month and year):
G. If a student, state details of institution you will be attending this year:
Term of attendance: From (month/year): To (month/year):
Name of institution:
Location of institution (city, province):
I. Are you training 12 months of the year? Yes No
What is your average number of training hours per week? High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 10
NAME OF COACH A) Club B) Territorial C) National
ATHLETE'S NATIONAL TEAM STATUS 2004/2005 2005/2006 2005/2006
Were you or are you invited to a training Yes: Yes: Yes: camp by a national sport governing body? No: No: No: Did you become a national team Yes: Yes: Yes: member? No: No: No: If a national team member, in what Classification/Category If you did not become a national team Yes: Yes: Yes: member, are you on a reserve list? No: No: No: Are you or have you been a carded Level Level Level athlete? If so please indicate the level and amount. If you are SR carded please $ $ $ indicate the amount of funding and services this provides. High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 11
Level of Competition i.e. Yukon, Western Canadian, National, International Name of Competition Date Site Classification Discipline/Event Number of Competitors Final Ranking of of of of of
Additional achievements not previously listed (include competition site, date and achievement details where applicable):
1. Total Training and Competition Budget for this season: $
2. Level of assistance anticipated: Gold Silver Bronze
3. Total Grant Requested: $
A successful applicant will be recognized at the appropriate level according to performance, but will only be provided funding at a level that corresponds to need as determined by the budget and the funds available. High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 12
As the applicant for the YHPAAP assistance I authorize my Yukon Sport Governing Body to submit this request on my behalf and I verify that the information provided in the foregoing is true and accurate.
I understand that although circumstances may take me away from the Yukon for varying lengths of time during the year, unless I have written permission from YTG Sport & Recreation, I can compete only for the Yukon in inter-provincial competitions. I understand that if I do receive assistance it will be provided and is to be applied as per the Athlete Agreement between myself and my YSGB. I have read, understand, and accept the terms of this agreement, the code of conduct and application.
______Applicant's Signature Date
Parent's authorization if applicant is under 19 years of age
As President of (YSGB), I hereby certify that the athlete identified on this application is a registered member of our YSGB, is on a regular, ongoing and year round supervised training program and receives our association's full executive support in this application for Yukon High Performance Athlete assistance. The association named herein has read, understands and accepts the terms of this application and the associated Athlete Agreement and Code of Conduct.
President of YSGB (please print) President's signature
______Date Business Phone Home Phone High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 13
Please provide details of the progress and success you have enjoyed as an athlete (in the sport in which you are applying) over the last three (3) years. Include any achievements/awards.
Name of team coach(es): Training location(s): Races/Events/Tournaments Attended Team/Individual Placing/Awards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2006/2007 Name of team coach(es): Training location(s): Races/Events/Tournaments Attended Team/Individual Placing/Awards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2007/2008 Name of team coach(es): Training location(s):
Races/Events/Tournaments Attended Team/Individual Placing/Awards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 14
What are your athletic goals over the next three (3) years? This section should be accompanied by letters from territorial/provincial/national coaches as appropriate.
At what events do you wish to represent the Yukon or Canada? Please indicate the particular benefit of each proposed competition.
2008/2009 Benefit of this competition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
2009/2010 Benefit of this competition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
2010/2011 Benefit of this competition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
I, confirm that the above statements are accurate and realistic. Name of Coach
Signature Date
8. BUDGET OF EXPENSES FOR UPCOMING YEAR High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2008/2009 Page 15
HIGH PERFORMANCE ATHLETE ASSISTANCE APPLICATION BUDGET OF EXPENSES (Please see sample budget following) Competition Expenses (travel, accommodation, meals, other related competition expenses)
Competition Location Date Type of Expense Amount $ $ $ $ $
Total Competition Expenses $
Training Expenses (equipment, fees, other related training expenses)
Activity Location Date Type of Expense Amount $ $
$ $
Total Training Expenses $
Cost of Living Expenses (outside of Yukon)
Activity Location Date Type of Expense Amount $ $
Total Cost of Living Expenses $
TOTAL EXPENSES $ High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2006/2007 Page 16
Competition Expenses (travel, accommodation, meals, other related competition expenses)
Competition Location Date Type of Expense Amount
Western Can. Championships Calgary, AB Jul 6/7/ 05 Air (580), meals/accom (280) $860
ABC Invitational Vancouver, BC Aug 29-30/05 Air (600), reg’n (50), meals/ accom (150) $800 National Championships Ottawa, ON Oct 9-10/05 Air (280), taxi (40), meals/accom (200) $520 $ $
Total Competition Expenses $ 2,180
Training Expenses (equipment, fees, other related training expenses)
Activity Location Date Type of Expense Amount
Skis, racquets, bats & sticks Whitehorse May-Dec/05 Equipment $250 Mountain Camp Haines Jct Jun 05 Travel, food $200
Club fees Whitehorse 05-06 season fees $120 Coaching Fees Whitehorse 05-06 season fees $300 $
Total Training Expenses $ 870
Cost of Living Expenses (outside of Yukon)
Activity Location Date Type of Expense Amount $ $
Total Cost of Living Expenses $
TOTAL EXPENSES $ 3,050 High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2006/2007 Page 17 10. PLANNED “GIVING BACK’ ACTIVITY
For athletes who do not have a Yukon Sport Governing Body, YTG Sport and Recreation and/or Sport Yukon are willing to assist in facilitating a “giving back” activity. It is the athlete’s responsibility to request assistance if so desired. High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2006/2007 Page 18 11. ATHLETE CODE OF CONDUCT
I, (athlete name): , as a member of (YSGB ): , realize that as an athlete I am a very visible representative of my sport, my community and the Yukon. I recognize my responsibility to be a good team member and ambassador and that my conduct will be under scrutiny.
I agree to conduct myself according to the following code of conduct at all times while participating in any training or competitions within the Yukon or at any time during trips outside the Yukon for training or competition.
1. Athletes shall, at all times, show exemplary conduct, and be courteous and helpful to their team mates, other athletes, officials and the general public.
2. Intoxication will not be tolerated (regardless of age). Drinking under age will NOT be tolerated.
3. Possession of prohibited drugs will not be permitted. Drugs required for medical reasons and prescribed by a medical doctor will be exempted by the coach. It is the athlete's responsibility to ensure that drugs taken for medical reasons are not on the current banned drug list (as outlined by the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport) for competitive sports. The athlete must recognize that he/she may be BANNED FOR LIFE for taking or using banned performance enhancing drugs or techniques. The athlete must recognize that he/she may be subject to random testing without notice.
4. Curfews as set down by the coach during competition or on trips shall be strictly adhered to.
5. Profane language will not be tolerated.
6. Punctuality is expected at all times.
7. Athletes will follow their coach’s directions concerning attendance at competitions, ceremonies, banquets and other team functions.
8. Athletes are expected to assist with the association's efforts in fundraising whenever possible.
9. Athletes will follow their coach’s directions concerning team dress during competition or other team functions.
Contravention of any of the above rules, or of any civil or criminal law, may result in disciplinary actions. Such action may involve disqualification, suspension from the team and possible return home at the athlete's expense.
I/We have read the above rules, understand them and agree to follow them.
Athlete's Name:______Date:
Athlete's Signature:______
Parent/Guardian:______(if under 19 years) High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2006/2007 Page 19 12. HIGH PERFORMANCE ATHLETE ASSISTANCE CONTRACT
By signing this agreement the athlete is indicating that she/he fully understands and accepts the terms and conditions under which High Performance Athlete funding is being provided.
1. The athlete is required to submit written training reports as requested by their coach. The athlete understands his/her failure to submit these reports will result in suspension of financial assistance.
2. The athlete must submit a Post Season Report by March 16, 2007. This is required by YTG Sport and Recreation, as a follow-up of the grant you have been allocated.
3. The athlete shall maintain a level of physical fitness satisfactory to his or her coach and understands that his or her failure to maintain such level may result in suspension of financial assistance.
4. The athlete fully understands and agrees to follow the Athlete Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct must be signed by the athlete at the beginning of each year. Failure to conduct oneself appropriately may result in suspension of financial assistance.
5. The athlete will represent the Yukon at National Championships, Western Canadian Championships, Canada Games and all other meets designated by the YSGB.
6. The athlete will remain in good standing with the YSGB.
7. The athlete will provide copies of all results to the head coach.
8. Funds will be advanced to the YSGB where they will be held as a credit until they are released to the athlete. Funds will be released by the YSGB, at their discretion, to cover expenses relating to travel, equipment, fees and other related costs, deemed by the Sport Governing Body to be eligible.
50% of the grant will be advanced to the YSGB immediately and a further 25% after each quarterly financial report is received.
Quarterly financial reports are due on the following dates: November 1 (for period May 1 to October 31) February 1, (for period November 1 to January 31)
This agreement is between (YSGB) and (athlete's name) for the 2008/2009 season. The athlete should sign only after fully understanding and accepting the conditions of this funding.
Athlete's Name: Date:
Athlete's Signature: _ Parent/Guardian Signature: __ _ (if under 19 years)
Name of YSGB: ______. Signature for YSGB: _ High Performance Athlete Assistance Program 2006/2007 Page 20 13. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED
The following documents are attached (please check off):
One Year Training Plan (mandatory)
Letter of Endorsement – Head Coach (mandatory)
Letter of Endorsement – Yukon Sport Governing Body (mandatory if one exists)
Letter of Endorsement – National Sport Organization (mandatory for Gold Level)
Personal Covering Letter (mandatory)