Directional Terms, Anatomical Planes - Dr Masoud Sirati Nir
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February 24, 2016 Directional Terms, Anatomical Planes - Dr Masoud Sirati Nir 16. Directional Terms, Anatomical Planes , Regions, and Additional Terms EXERCISE 16- 1 Match the terms in the first column with the correct definitions in the second column. The answers in the second column may be used more than once. 1. anterior a. toward the top 2. caudal b. toward the side 3. cephalic c. closest to the point of origin 4. distal d. toward the front 5. dorsal e. toward the back 6. inferior f. away from the point of origin 7. lateral g. toward the lower end 8. medial h. toward the middle 9. posterior 10. proximal 11. superior 12. ventral
EXERCISE 16-2 Fill in the blanks with the correct terms. 1. The plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions is the plane. 2. The plane that divides the body into right and left halves is the plane. 3. The plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior positions is the plane.
EXERCISE 16-3 Fill in the blanks with the correct terms. 1. The regions to the right and left of the hypogastric region are the regions. 2. The region is directly above the umbilical region. February 24, 2016 Directional Terms, Anatomical Planes - Dr Masoud Sirati Nir 3. lnferior to the umbilical region is the region. 4. The are the regions to the right and left of the epigastric region. 5. superior to the hypogastric region is the region. 6. To the right and the left of the umbilical region are the region.
EXERCISE 16-4 Match the terms in the first column with the correct definitions in the second column. _____ 1. epigastric a. inferior to the navel _____ 2. hypochondriac b. superior to the navel _____ 3. hypogastric c. right and left of the umbilical region _____ 4. iliac d. right and left of the epigastric region _____ 5. lumbar e. right and left of the hypogastric region _____ 6. umbilical f. below the hypogastric region g. inferior to the epigastric region
EXERCISE 16-5 Match the terms in the first column with the correct definitions in the second column. _____ 1. abduction a. movement in which the limb is placed in a straight position _____ 2. adduction b. pertaining to the palm of the hand _____ 3. afferent c. lying straight on one’s front; facedown _____ 4. bilateral d. state of turning outward _____ 5. deep e. conveying away from center _____ 6. efferent f. situated near the surface _____ 7. eversion G. pertaining to both sides _____ 8. extension h. state of drawing toward the middle _____ 9. flexion i. pertaining to the sole of the foot _____ 10. inversion j. conveying toward the center _____ 11. palmar k. lying straight on one’s back: faceup _____ 12. plantar i. situated far below the surface _____ 13. prone m. state of turning in ward February 24, 2016 Directional Terms, Anatomical Planes - Dr Masoud Sirati Nir
_____ 14. superficial n. pertaining to one side only _____ 15. supine o. movement in which the limb is bent _____ 16. unilateral p. about the navel q. state of drawing away from the middle EXERCISE 16-6 Fill in the blanks with the correct terms. The italicized words refer to the correct answer. While examining the patient the physician did the following: 1. Brought the arm toward the middle of the body, or the arm. 2. Examined the patient’s eyes and found cataracts, or cataracts in both eyes. 3. Tested the reflexes on the sole, or side, of the foot. 4. Placed the patient on the examining table in a faceup, or , position. 5. Noticed small hemorrhages situated near the surface of the skin and noted on the chart that the hemorrhages were . 6. , or bent, the patient’s knee. 7. Turned the patient over in a facedown, or , position.
Answers key Chapter 16 : February 24, 2016 Directional Terms, Anatomical Planes - Dr Masoud Sirati Nir EXERCISE 1 1. d 3. a 5. e 7. b 9. e 11. a 2. g 4. f 6. g 8. h 10. c 12. d
EXERCISE 2 1. transverse 2. midsagittal 3. coronal or frontal
EXERCISE 3 1. iliac 3. hypogastric 5. umbilical 2. epigastric 4. hypochondriac 6. lumbar
EXERCISE 4 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. g
EXERCISE 5 1.q 2.h 3.j 4.g 5.l 6.e 7.d 8.a 9.g 10.m 11.b 12.i 13.c 14.f 15.k 16.n
EXERCISE 6 1. adducted 3. plantar 5. superficial 2. bilateral 4. supine 6. flexed