Site Crisis Plan

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Site Crisis Plan

Site Crisis Plan

Document History

Version Date Name Description (YYYY/MM/DD) 1.0 2010/01/25 SCRLC CMWG Initial Version released for Discussion Purposes 2.0 2010/08/27 SCRLC CMWG Update released for Discussion Purposes


Any questions regarding the content or the distribution list for this document should be directed to:

Proprietary Information

The information contained in this document is the sole property of COMPANY and its subsidiaries. Except as specifically authorized in writing by an authorized signatory of COMPANY, the recipient of this document shall keep all information contained herein confidential and shall protect the same, in whole or in part, from disclosure to third parties.

Copyright © DATE COMPANY

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the express prior written consent of COMPANY.

1 Table of Contents 1. PURPOSE 4 2. INTRODUCTION 4 3. ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONTACTS 4 4. PROCESS 4 APPENDIX A – ROLES AND CONTACT INFORMATION 5 DISTRIBUTION LIST and PROCEDURE LIST 7 A.1. Distribution List 7 A.2. Procedure List and Useful Links 7 A.2.1. Crisis Management Policy 7 A.2.2. Company Global Security Policy 7 A.2.3. Website 7 A.2.4. Workplace Violence Guidelines 7 A.2.5. Crisis Management Training 7 APPENDIX C – Crisis Scenarios and Stakeholder Communications 8 C.1. Building OK / People At Risk 8 C.2. Building At Risk / People At Risk 8 C.3. Building Out / People OK 9 C.4. Building Out / People Not OK 9 C.5. Business Processes Out or Serious Adverse Product Event / People OK 10 APPENDIX D - Checklists 11 D.1. Initial Assessment Checklist 11 D.2. Extent Of Damage Report 11 G.1.1. 11 G.1.2. 11 D.3. Site Damage Evaluation 12 D.4. Site Security 12 D.5. Crisis Management Team Task Checklist 13 D.6. Critical Processes Checklist 14 D.7. Business Critical Telephone Numbers 14 APPENDIX E – Roles, Responsibilities and Contact Lists 16 E.1. Roles and Responsibilities – COMPANY Global & COMPANY Site/Modality/Business Function 16 E.2. COMPANY Global Team 18 E.2.1. Business Crisis Management Team 18 E.2.2. Crisis Response (Damage Assessment and Recovery) Team 18 E.2.3. Global Crisis Command Center Contact Information 19 E.2.4. Subject Matter Experts 19 E.3. COMPANY Local Teams and Local External Contacts 20 E.3.1. Business Crisis Management / Assessment / Recovery / Subject Matter Expert Teams – SITE 20 E.3.2. SITE Crisis Command Center Contact Information 20 E.3.3. External Agencies / Action Contacts 21 2 APPENDIX F – CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS PLAN 22 F.1. Crisis Calls 22 APPENDIX G - SUMMARY Of SITE REQUIREMENTS 23 G.1. SITE Facility Passport 23 G.2. Crisis Command Center – COMPANY CRISIS ROOM 27 G.3. Network Connectivity 28 G.4. Post Office and Courier Recovery 28 G.5. Business Critical Suppliers 28 G.6. Software Vendors 28 G.7. Supplier Communications 28 G.8. IT Team 29 G.9. External Agencies / Action Contacts 29 G.10. Business Unit Plans 30 G.10.1. Communications Plan 30 G.10.2. Information Management Plan: 30 G.10.3. Facility Plan: 30 G.10.4. Human Resources Plan: 30 G.10.5. Supply Chain Plan: 30 G.10.6. Security Requirements Plan: 30 G.10.7. Medical Response Plan 30


The overall purpose of the workbook is to provide a consistent and complete Crisis Management Plan for the COMPANY SITE facility. This Plan builds upon the information contained in the COMPANY Crisis Manual and includes Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Plans that are pertinent to each Business Site & Functional Unit located in this complex of facilities.


A crisis is characterized as an extreme threat to important values, with intense time pressures, high stress, and the need for rapid but careful decision making. It is often a turning point in which a situation of impending danger to the organization runs the risk of escalating in intensity, interfering with normal business operations, jeopardizing the organization’s public image, and damaging the bottom line. Either a sudden event, or a long smoldering issue may trigger a crisis. It is essential that we maintain an established and validated process to manage any conceptualized crisis, so as to limit the intensity of a negative threat or event to COMPANY’ employees, products, services, financial condition and reputation.

The SITE facility will first attempt to contain and manage crises on a local basis, escalating in accordance with the COMPANY’S Crisis Manual.

3. ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONTACTS SITE facility local crisis contacts are provided in Appendix A.

4. PROCESS SITE will follow the crisis processes outlined below. Appropriate phases are linked to FirstAlert.

Crisis Identified & Escalated Initial Risk Assessment Incident to Local Crisis Management Team by Local Crisis Management Team Occurs (Gather Facts) Who, What, Why, How, Where, When?

Activate Contain Notify Y Problem Region/Global Crisis Key COMPANY COMPANY level Resolved Communicate Crisis Team to Employees Leaders & Media Holding Statement Local

Region/ Global Deploy Emergency Procedures Initiate/Revise Recovery Team Initiate Appropriately Crisis Plan (Problem not resolved) Debrief Limited and/or Extensive What went Right? Operations and/or Resources Communicate Notify What went Wrong? to Employees Key What/How to Improve? & Media COMPANY Leaders Y Recovery Monitor and Assess Long Term Crisis Contained? Y 4 N APPENDIX A – ROLES AND CONTACT INFORMATION

Note: Responsibilities for Roles are spelled out in the COMPANY Global Crisis Management Manual

Title Contact Name Contact Numbers Backup Contact Name Backup Contact (Work, Cell, Home) Numbers (W, C, H) Business/ Modality Leader  Primary  W:  Secondary W:  M: M:  H: H: Communications Manager/  Primary W:  Secondary W: Spokesperson M: M: H: H: Crisis Management Leader Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: EHS Manager  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Facilities Manager  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Finance  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Human Resources (HR)  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Information Management (IM)  Primary W:  Secondary W: Applications Support Manager M: M: H: H: IM Infrastructure Support  Primary W:  Secondary W: Manager M: M: 5 H: H: IM Leader  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Legal Manager  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Marketing  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Medical  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Sales / Service  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Security  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Sourcing Manager  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H: Supply Chain  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H:  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H:  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H:  Primary W:  Secondary W: M: M: H: H:


A.1.Distribution List

A.2.Procedure List and Useful Links 1. Crisis Management Policy

2. Company Global Security Policy

3. Website

4. Workplace Violence Guidelines

5. Crisis Management Training

7 APPENDIX C – Crisis Scenarios and Stakeholder Communications

C.1. Building OK / People At Risk

W hat W e W hat W e W ho D oes

g d W ill Say W ill Do W hat e – in cy ta n n e o rg  Holding  Core T eam C e CM Core Team m Statement assess the ri sk E  Q & A  Move people to Noti ficati on & Facilities leader  Fact Sheet saf e location Scenario Risk Assess me nt  Communicate HR Leader & with employees Spokesp erson No Building OK /  Co-Lead er t C on contact Core C ta People at Risk ris in - Team is e - d W hat W e W hat W e W ho D oes  Initial Risk Assessment W ill S ay W ill Do W hat

– What do we know?  Holding  Determine CM Core Team Statement immedi ate actions – Emergen cy or to insure safety Crisi s?  Q & A  Fact Sheet  Contact Mission Critical Proc Own.  Emergen cy  Evacuate facility Facilities Leader Call-in as necessary message HR Leader & updated  Communicate with all employees Spokesp erson

 Contact HQ as CEO necessary

 Organize external communications Spokesp erson - Media


C.2. Building At Risk / People At Risk

What We What We Who Does

g d Will Say Will Do What e – y in c a n t e n g o r  Holding  C e Core Team CM Core Team m E Statement assess the risk  Q & A  Move people to Facilities leader Notification & safe location  Fact Sheet Scenario Risk Assessment  Communicate HR Leader & with employees N Spokesperson ot Building at Risk /  Co-Leader C on Who Does contact Core C ta What We What We People at Risk ris in Team is e -- Will Say Will Do What d  Initial Risk

Assessment  Holding  Determine CM Core Team immediate actions – What do we Statement to insure safety know?  Q & A  Activate Crisis – Emergency or  Fact Sheet Crisis? Team  Emergency  Contact Mission Call-in Critical Proc Own. message Facilities Leader updated  Evacuate facility as necessary HR Leader &  Communicate with all employees Spokesperson CEO  Contact HQ as necessary Spokesperson  Organize external communications Media / Customers / Vendor


8 C.3. Building Out / People OK

What We What We Who Does

g d Will Say Will Do What e – in cy ta n n e o g  Holding  Core Team C er CM Core Team m Statement E assess the risk  Q & A  Communicate Notification & OrgComm Leader  Fact Sheet with all Scenario Risk Assessment employees

 Potential BCP Operations Leader No Building Out /  Co-Leader t C on What We What We Who Does contact Core C ta / People OK ri in sis e -- Will Say Will Do What Team d  Initial Risk  Activate Crisis Team CM Core Team Assessment  Holding Statement  Contact Mission – What do we Critical Proc. Own. know?  Q & A  Initiate BCP Operations Leader – Emergency or  Fact Sheet  Transfer operations Crisis?  Emergency CM Team Call-in to second site message location (if nec.) update  Gather in off-site Crisis Command HR Leader & Center Spokesperson  Communicate with CEO all employees

 Contact HQ as CEO necessary

 Organize external Spokesperson communications Media / Customer / Vendor 10 C.4. Building Out / People Not OK

What We What We Who Does g Will Say Will Do What – ed in y ta nc n e  Core Team assess o rg  Holding CM Core Team C e the risk Em Statement  Locate employees HR  Q & A Notification &  Notify families  Fact Sheet Scenario HR Leader & Risk Assessment  Communicate with all employees Spokesperson No Operations Leader t  Initiate BCP Building Out/  Co-Leader C on contact Core C ta People Not OK ris ine Team is d -- What We What We Who Does Will Say Will Do What  Initial Risk Assessment

 – What do we Holding  Activate Crisis Team CM Core Team Statement know?  Contact Mission  – Emergency or Q & A Critical Proc. Own Operations Leader Crisis?  Fact Sheet  Initiate BCP

 Emergency  Transfer operations CM Team Call-in to second site message  Locate employees update HR  Notify families

 Gather in off-site CM Team Crisis Com. Center

 Communicate with HR Leader & all employees Spokesperson

 Contact HQ CEO

 Organize external Spokesperson communications Media / Customer / Vendor 10

9 C.5. Business Processes Out or Serious Adverse Product Event / People OK

What We What We Who Does Will Say Will Do What g d – e y in c ta n n e o rg  Holding  Core Team C e CM Core Team m E Statement assess the risk  Q & A  Communicate HR Leader & Notification & with all  Fact Sheet Spokesperson Scenario Risk Assessment employees

 Potential BCP Operations Leader N ot Business  Co-Leader C on What We What We Who Does contact Core C ta Processes Out ris in Team i s ed -- Will Say Will Do What or Serious Adverse  Initial Risk  Activate Crisis Team CM Core Team Product Event Assessment  Holding Statement  Contact Mission / People OK – What do we Critical Proc.Own. know?  Q & A  Initiate BCP Operations Leader – Emergency or  Fact Sheet  Transfer operations Crisis?  Emergency CM Team Call-in to second site message location (if nec.) update  Gather in Crisis Command Center

 Communicate with HR Leader & all employees Spokesperson

 Contact HQ as CEO necessary

 Organize external Spokesperson communications Media / Customer / Vendor


10 APPENDIX D - Checklists

D.1. Initial Assessment Checklist Task Details Completed By Time / Date Case Number Assigned Date/Time Report Received Case Agent Who Opened Matter Description of Incident / Matter Location of Incident / Matter Time of Incident / Matter Suspected Cause of Incident/Matter Number of People Involved Names/Contact Information of Involved People Crisis Team Alerted? Crisis Command Center Alerted?

D.2. Extent Of Damage Report Task Details Completed By Time / Date Structural


Essential IM Equipment

Documentation, Files, Records & Archives



Detection & Protection Equipment

6. 7.

11 D.3. Site Damage Evaluation Task Details Completed By Time / Date Immediate Restoration Potential

Time Required to Restore Affected Areas

Identification of Salvageable / Non Salvageable Equipment

Are Operations & Processing Possible?

Have Software & Paper Records Been Lost

Identify Probable Recovery Time Frame

D.4.Site Security Task Details Completed By Time / Date Is site Physically Secure?

Arrange protection to prevent further damage

Board up Premises & Correct Unsafe Conditions

Isolate Damaged Area where possible

Has Damaged Property been separated from Undamaged Property? Is Site a Multi-Tenant Facility?

12 D.5. Crisis Management Team Task Checklist Task Owner Completed By Time&Date Have all available Management Team members been informed of Incident? Crisis Management Leader Has Initial Damage Assessment been communicated to all members of the Management Team? Crisis Management Leader Has COMPANY Leadership been contacted? Crisis Management Leader Have the Crisis Command Center and alternate/backup Command Centers been put on Standby? Crisis Management Leader If the Disaster Plans are to be initiated has this been communicated to all appropriate Business Crisis Management Leader Leaders and Recovery Sites? Has a member of the Management Team been nominated to act as the focal point for dealing Crisis Management Leader with Emergency Services? Have the Crisis Team Leaders and Team Members been selected and notified? Crisis Management Leader Have appropriate roles and responsibilities been defined and communicated? Crisis Management Leader Has the Crisis Website been updated with all contact information and activated? Crisis Management Leader Has a contact been designated to communicate with the Press? Communications Manager Have internal and external audiences been defined and generic communication materials been Communications Manager/ customized, documented, reviewed, approved and disseminated? Crisis Management Leader Have the following details been provided to assist in communications with external agencies? Communications Manager • Time, date and location of Incident • Nature and scale of Incident • Human cost • How the business will operate • Instructions for employees, customers & other 3rd Parties Have holding statements or prepared statements been delivered to media? Communications Manager Has a press briefing/Video News Release (VNR) been planned (as appropriate)? Communications Manager Have key messages been prepared and delivered to customers and employees? Communications Manager Have employees been accounted for? Human Resources Have injuries and/or casualties been confirmed? Human Resources Have next of kin been informed of injuries/casualties? Human Resources If required has a Counseling Agency been contacted to deal with personnel issues? Human Resources Have Staff / Personal issues, which may need to be resolved, been initiated? Human Resources Has the Landlord been notified, giving the time, date, cause and location of the loss? Facilities Is the damaged site secure? Facilities Has a loss adjuster been appointed? Facilities Have Staff / Personal issues, which may need to be resolved, been initiated? Facilities Have all Emergency Initiations been initiated? Facilities Has a notice been erected informing of the relocation of the Business? Facilities Has any piece of equipment or property which may be the cause of the incident been retained Facilities and tagged as appropriate? Have Recovery teams been identified and team leaders contacted? I.M. Has a loss control account been established? All expenses incurred to be charged to this account Finance Are finances available as necessary for Incidental expenditure? Finance Has the Supply Chain been protected? Sourcing Manager 13 D.6. Critical Processes Checklist Critical Process Priority Rank Template Critical Staff Number Of Process Maps Process Last Review Name Completed Y/N Identified Y/N Staff Y/N Documented Date Y/N

D.7. Business Critical Telephone Numbers Process Name Customer Service Tel. No. Claims Tel. No.

14 APPENDIX E – Roles, Responsibilities and Contact Lists

E.1. Roles and Responsibilities – COMPANY Global & COMPANY Site/Modality/Business Function

Title Roles And Responsibilities Business/Modality  Lead the Individual Business Process Recovery Team which is Leader responsible for ensuring the rapid recovery of business functions for their particular area in the event of a business interruption or disaster Communications  Provide ALL Communications Liaisons with Press Manager /Spokesperson  Coordinate with Marketing for Customer Communications  Lead the Public Relations Team which is responsible for serving as the sole source for dissemination of information related to the disaster to the public, including news media Crisis Management  Mobilize and Lead Crisis Response Team Leader  Authorize Move to Crisis Command Center  Co-ordinate All Departments  Gather Facts  Inform COMPANY President & CEO EHS Manager  Ensure Employee and On-Site Personnel Safety  Ensure Health and Safety Requirements are Met  Communicate Status with the Crisis Management Leader Facilities Manager  Assess Security / Secure the Physical Environment  Communications Liaison with Emergency Services  Locate Alternative Facilities (as appropriate)  Ensure Open Emergency Exit Passage Ways  Communicate Status with the Crisis Management Leader  Lead Facilities Assessment Team which: o Conducts initial assessment of facilities damage o Provides support to evacuated employees  Lead the Site Evaluation and Restoration Team which: o Assesses the impact of the disaster o Gathers information regarding the restoration of damaged facilities Finance  Provide Authorization for Emergency Purchases  Lead the Accounting Recovery Team which manages monetary needs associated with recovery operations  Lead the Travel and Lodging Recovery Team which is responsible for arranging all travel and lodging requirements for the recovery operations Human Resources (HR)  Ensure Health and Safety Requirements are Met  Work with Communications Manager to Provide All Emergency Employee Communications  Lead the Human Resources Recovery Team which provides support to personnel issues that are critical to controlling the recovery effort IM Applications  Activate IM Applications

15 Support Manager

Title Roles And Responsibilities IM Infrastructure  Reinstate IM Infrastructure Support Manager  Reinstate Databases  Redirect Telephone Lines  Install PC’s and Telephony at Crisis Command Center  Communicate Status with the IM Leader  Lead Information Management (IM) Recovery Team, which is responsible for the recovery of telecommunications, and key IT systems at the recovery location. IM Leader  Ensure appropriate IM Staff Assigned  Restore Mission Critical IM Systems  Implementation of Crisis Command Center  Secure the Systems Environment  Communicate Status with the Crisis Management Leader Legal Manager  Provide Legal Guidance Regarding Crisis to Crisis Management Leader and to COMPANY President & CEO  Lead the Risk Management Recovery Team, which is responsible for the coordination of legal and insurance issues related to business interruption. Marketing  In conjunction with the Communications Manager, develop customer-oriented communications Sales / Service  Communicate ONLY HQ-Authorized communications to customers  Reassure Customers of Proven Effectiveness of COMPANY Business Continuity Plans Security Manager  Ensure Protection of Facilities and Employees  Liaise with Law Enforcement Agencies Sourcing Manager  Ensure Viability of Supply Chain V.P. Operations  Initiate Recovery Plans for Mission Critical Processes  Assemble Team for Long Term Recovery Strategy  Communicate Status to Crisis Management Leader

16 E.2. COMPANY Global Team

8. Business Crisis Management Team Title Name Work Telephone Mobile Telephone Chief Information Officer Communications Crisis Management Leader Finance VP COMPANY-T CEO HR Legal Operations VP

9. Crisis Response (Damage Assessment and Recovery) Team Business Segment Name Title Pager / Mobile Home Backup Contact Backup Contact Telephone Telephone Telephone Communications & Spokesperson Compliance Facilities COMPANY Security Information Management Legal People Supply Chain COMPANY International Europe Crisis Asia Crisis Country Crisis

17 10. Global Crisis Command Center Contact Information COMPANY Global Crisis Command Center is XXXXX, located at YYYYY. The telephone number is: NNNNN.

11. Subject Matter Experts Business Segment Name Title Pager / Mobile Home Backup Contact Backup Contact Telephone Telephone Telephone Services Communications & Spokesperson Compliance Environment/Health/Sa fety Facilities Security Contract Security IM Applications Support Manager IM Infrastructure Support Manager IM Security Information Management (IM) Legal Medical People Service VP Supply Chain Asia Crisis Leader Europe Crisis Leader Country Crisis Leader

18 E.3. COMPANY Local Teams and Local External Contacts

12. Business Crisis Management / Assessment / Recovery / Subject Matter Expert Teams – SITE Title Name Team Pager/Mobile Home Backup Contact Backup Role Telephone Telephone Contact Telephone Business CEO A/R Communications Leader A/R/S Compliance Leader S Crisis Management Leader A/R EHS A/R/S Facilities Leader A/R/S Finance Leader R HR Leader R/S IM Infrastructure Security A/R IM Infrastructure Support A/R Leader Info. Mgt. Leader A/R/S Legal Leader S Marketing & Sales Leader S Medical Leader S Operations Leader R People Leader S Security Leader A/S Service Leader S Supply Chain A/R/S WAN / LAN / Telecom R

(A) = Assessment Team (R) = Recovery Team (S) = Subject Matter Expert

13. SITE Crisis Command Center Contact Information COMPANY SITE Crisis Command Center is XXXXX, located at YYYYY. The telephone number is: NNNNN. 19 14. External Agencies / Action Contacts Agency Name Function Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Fax. Emergency Services Ambulance Emergency Services Fire Department Emergency Services Police / Bomb Squad Emergency Services Emerg. Mgt. Infrastructure Dept. of Transportation Infrastructure Gas Company Infrastructure Municipal Water Infrastructure Power Company Onyx Hazmat Transporter Federal Express Shippers/Transporters UPS Shippers/Transporters US Postal Service Shippers/Transporters Other Shippers Shippers/Transporters Cargo Airlines Cable Company Elevator Operators Corporate Travel Company Hospital Insurance Adjusters Landlord Local Newspaper Local TV Water Supplier Dept. of Public Health Health Services FEMA Emergency Aid Federal Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Regulatory Agency District Office Regulatory Agency Air Port Regulatory Agency Sea Port Regulatory Agency Office of Compliance Homeland Security Op. Ctr. Law Enforcement US Customs Import/Export Red Cross/Red Crescent Disaster Services 20 APPENDIX F – CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS PLAN

F.1. Crisis Calls

In all crisis situations, the site Crisis Team Leader should alert the appropriate COMPANY Pole Crisis Leader listed in §E2.2. The company Spokesperson is given in §E2.2 and §E2.4.

Follow the steps in the Crisis Process Map below:

Crisis Identified & Escalated Initial Risk Assessment Incident to Local Crisis Management Team by Local Crisis Management Team Occurs (Gather Facts) Who, What, Why, How, Where, When?

Activate Contain Notify Y Problem Region/Global Crisis Key COMPANY COMPANY level Resolved Communicate Crisis Team to Employees Leaders & Media Holding Statement Local

Region/ Global Deploy Emergency Procedures Initiate/Revise Recovery Team Initiate Appropriately Crisis Plan (Problem not resolved) Debrief Limited and/or Extensive What went Right? Operations and/or Resources Communicate Notify What went Wrong? to Employees Key What/How to Improve? & Media COMPANY Leaders Y Recovery Monitor and Assess Crisis Contained? Long Term Y N


G.1. SITE Facility Passport (Fire, Severe Weather, Medical Emergency, Hazardous Spills)

Facility Rules for Visitors/Vendors

 Posted speed limits must be observed.  Wearing of safety glasses and protective footwear are required at all times in designated areas.  Smoking is allowed in designated areas outside of the facility only.  Cameras are prohibited on COMPANY premises without prior approval of the security department.  All on-site injuries, no matter how slight, must be reported. Medical facilities are available on site.  If medical assistance is required, notify your COMPANY contact person or dial NNNNN from any phone.  In the event of a facility evacuation, all visitors/vendors are to use any external door convenient to your location (See map on inside of passport).  In the event of a severe weather emergency, proceed to the nearest shelter area. (See map on inside of passport and maps posted throughout the facility for severe weather shelter areas.)  Pedestrians on the shop floor must ALWAYS be aware of motorized equipment such as forklifts and handtrucks.  All chemicals brought into the facility must have prior site approval. Contact the COMPANY person in advance with a Material Safety Data Sheet.  The rules and regulations contained in this booklet are general and subject to change Specific safety rules, regulations and procedures will be brought to your attention as the need arises.  COMPANY insist on full cooperation and observance of all safety rules and regulations. Everyone will benefit from good safety practices.

22 SITE Facility Passport EMERGENCIES CALL NNNNNN FIRE SEVERE WEATHER MEDICAL EMERGENCY HAZARDOUS SPILLS All calls will be answered by the guard at the Main Guardhouse. You will need to provide the following information:



The guard will notify the appropriate emergency response personnel.





25 G.2. Crisis Command Center – COMPANY CRISIS ROOM

COMPANY SITE has designated XXXXX as its Crisis Room.

Should the Primary Crisis Room for any reason be inaccessible (power failure, physical damage, etc.), the Secondary is pre-designated as the alternate Crisis Room. The room and all of its equipment is configured so that it can become fully operational at any time 24/7. Provisions are in place to supply ventilation, power and computer network access 24/7.

Primary and Secondary locations are used as regular conference rooms, to maximize the cost efficiency of the space. Because a crisis could occur at any time and because the primary purpose of the room is for crisis purposes, all staff booking the room should understand they could be pre-empted at any time and on very short notice.

NOTE: All crisis-related equipment (phones, display walls, other equipment) is secured and designed so that all of this equipment can be unlocked, put in place and activated as quickly as possible.

The general parameters for the equipment in the Crisis Room are:  Laptop port with full access to COMPANY network at each seat  Multi-directional speakerphone in the ceiling  Electronic display wall which includes facilities for video playback or broadcast monitoring; maps; crisis log; PowerPoint; technical diagrams; videoconferencing; etc.  Easels with flip charts; or chalk board with print capability

and Proximity to:  Fax machine  Copier  Printer  Facilities for refreshments

In the case of a crisis, the room should be staffed with at least 2 to 3 support personnel to handle phone calls, copying and fax and IT support. The maintenance and activation protocol is established along the following guidelines:  Generally, Facilities management personnel has responsibility for activation  Periodic walk-through of the room is performed to be certain that all facilities are intact and operable.

26 G.3. Network Connectivity The Recovery Team Leaders will ensure that the following are contacted. Contact Name Organization Contact Telephone Contact Fax. Helpdesk Backup Transporter

G.4. Post Office and Courier Recovery The Recovery Team Leaders will inform those companies of any changes of address using the information in §E2.3 or §E3.2. Contact Name Courier Company Contact Telephone Contact Fax. US Postal Service FED-EX UPS DHL Airborne Express

G.5. Business Critical Suppliers The Recovery Team Leaders will inform those companies of any changes of address using the information in §E2.3 or §E3.2. Contact Name Supplier Contact Telephone Contact Fax Port US Customs

G.6. Software Vendors The Recovery Team Leaders will inform those companies of any changes of address using the information in §E2.3 or §E3.2. Contact Name Software Vendor Contact Telephone Contact Fax.

G.7. Supplier Communications The Recovery Team Leaders will inform those companies of any changes of address using the information in §E2.3 or §E3.2. Contact Name Supplier Contact Telephone Contact Fax.

27 G.8. IT Team The Recovery Team Leaders will inform those companies of any changes of address using the information in §E2.3 or §E3.2. Critical Process for Rebuild Critical Staff NT Server Rebuild Oracle Server Rebuild Exchange Server Rebuild Telecoms Recovery Network Recovery Unix Recovery

G.9. External Agencies / Action Contacts Agency Name Function Contact Name Contact Telephone Contact Fax Ambulance Fire Department Police / Bomb Squad Elevator Operators Hospital Landlord Newspaper Newspaper Local Radio Local Radio Local Radio Local Radio Local Radio Local TV (4) - NBC Local TV (6) - Fox Local TV (12) - ABC Local TV (12) - CBS Port of Milwaukee Port of Chicago

28 G.10. Business Unit Plans

15. Communications Plan 

16. Information Management Plan: 

17. Facility Plan:  Site Name Site Security Manual

18. Human Resources Plan: 

19. Supply Chain Plan: 

20. Security Requirements Plan: If this is a multi-tenant site, the site is managed by XXXXX. XXXXX are employed by the YYYYY through their Agent ZZZZZ. The reporting lines are that XXXXX will contact their own Management & YYYYY first with tenants notified immediately afterwards.

XXXXX Tel. No.

The security response procedure is provided to the security guard though their assignment instructions:  If security sounds an alarm, police are automatically informed  If situation escalates, contact Facilities and Security managers – AAAAA&BBBBB IM Contact currently assigned – CCCCC

21. Medical Response Plan

COMPANY Medical Emergency Response: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Environmental (CBRNE)


Preparedness and Prevention:

Detection and Surveillance:

Diagnosis and Characterization of Biological and Chemical Agents:


Communication Systems:

29 Below are the options for the local site for communication and information dissemination.

Telephone: will be primary with teleconference for company meetings

Web: Instant Messaging Service, Web Meeting, in COMPANY and web page information in addition to local radio.

Local radio net (hand held): will be used for emergency and urgent communications with response teams (medical, spill, fire, security).

Cell phones: Will be used for both emergency communications as well as more routine communications. This may become primary with a local telephone system failure.

Runners: With local failures of multiple communications systems “runners” may become necessary to keep command and control of resources.

Other: Access to other systems including community radios (fire/police), Federal radio (National Guard), HAM radio, etc. may vary widely and be unavailable.

External communications will be carefully channelled through the CML team communications team. Medical staff will not directly communicate with press or external community organizations without the knowledge and approval of the CML communications team. This is a critical element of the response plan to assure that all communications are accurate, coordinated and timely.

Community Partnerships and Contacts:

State Homeland Defense Council:

State Division of Public Health:

30 State Laboratories:

Regional Department of Public Health

County Department of Public Health:

SITE County Department of Public Health

State and Federal Resources

State Public Health Departments

State Domestic Preparedness

Poison Control Centers  State: toll-free telephone  National: toll-free telephone 1-800-222-1222

City Health Dept.

State Laboratory

US Homeland Security

Center for Disease Control (CDC)

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)

Index of FEMA Web Site

Homeland Defense

SITE County Sheriff

Crisis Emergency Phone Line  Toll Free (US)  From Outside (US) Passcode:

31 32 Facility Crisis Communications Information

Date______I Facility/Location______First Response Call______On-site EHS/phone/Email______On-site Security Lead/phone/Email______Plant Manager/phone/Email______EAP Contact/phone/Email______On-site Communications Contact/phone/Email______Companies with Contractors on site/Phone______Is there a facility emergency response plan?______Where?______II Business Contacts Business Medical Director/phone/Email______Backup Medical Lead/phone/Email______Business Security Lead/phone/Email______Business EHS Lead/phone/Email______Business EAP contact/phone/Email______Business Communications contact/phone/Email______III Corporate Contacts

IV Site Community Contacts EMS contact______Phone______Local Public Health contact______Phone______Local Hospital Name______ER Contact/phone______Local Pharmacy/Phone______State Health Department Phone______State Health Department Email______

CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response Branch 1-770-488-7100 CDC Health Emergency and Preparedness Web Site

33 CBRNE Preparedness Checklist: Phase I

This checklist summarizes the scorecard requirements for Phase I of CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, Radiological, and Environmental) Preparedness that must be completed by the end of the first Quarter of 2004. As you review your site EOP (Emergency Operating Plan), use this checklist to ensure that you have completed all of the required actions. Completing the checklist does NOT meet the requirements. You must maintain the actual documents in the medical center.

Identify Facility Incident Commander/Crisis Management Leader

Identify Business Medical Lead and/or Regional Medical Director

Obtain a copy of the site EOP

Review the Site EOP Site EOP addresses the role of medical center staff in the event of a CBRNE emergency OR Site EOP is amended to address the role of medical center staff in the event of a CBRNE emergency

Site EOP addresses: Medical Center roles and responsibilities Medical staff evacuation plan Pre-determined rallying point(s) Medical staff emergency communication scheme Establishment of triage or emergency care center(s)

Site Emergency Medical Notification Directory includes contact information (including home and mobile telephone numbers) for: All on-site practitioners Business Medical Lead and/or Regional Medical Director

Site Emergency Medical Communications Process Map clearly links to the facility incident commander/crisis management leader and the business Medical lead and/or regional medical director


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