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Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Jay County High School Agriculture Curriculum Guide Large Animal Science Grades 9 – 12 Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Large Animal Science

Animal Science is a two semester program that provides students with an overview of the field of animal science. Students participate in a large variety of activities and laboratory work including real and simulated animal science experiences and projects. All areas that the students study can be applied to both large and small animals. Topics to be addressed include: anatomy and physiology, genetics, reproduction; nutrition, careers in animal science, common diseases and parasites, social and political issues related to the industry, and management practices for the care and maintenance of animals.

 DOE Code: 5008  Recommended Grade Level: Grade 9-12  Recommended Prerequisites: Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. Animal Science semesters should be taken in sequential order, however are not required to be taken consecutively.  Credits: A 2-credit course over 2 semesters.  Counts as a Directed Elective or Elective for the General, Core 40, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Core 40 with Technical Honors diplomas.  One of the courses specified in the sequence of courses for all Career Clusters and all of Indiana’s College and Career Pathway Plans. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Plant Classification, Anatomy, and Physiology Core Standard 1 Students apply knowledge of plant classification, plant anatomy and plant physiology to the production and management of plants.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-1.1 Explain the importance of 11-12.RT.1 Cite specific textual Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) the binomial system of evidence to support analysis of covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) nomenclature. technical texts, attending to and lecture over the importance of Film summary/critique important distinctions the author the binomial system of Lab Reports makes and to any gaps or nomenclatures. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, inconsistencies in the account. Provided that taxonomists agree as Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper to the limits of a species, there can In class discussion q and a only be one name for it that is *Any or all assessments listed can correct under the various be utilized to effectively gauge nomenclature codes, students will student learning. identify students create their own kingdoms, etc. and design their own large animal science species. AS-1.2 Describe the functions of 11-12.RT.2 Determine the central Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) the animal body systems and ideas or conclusions of a text; covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) system components. summarize complex concepts, and lecture over the animal body Film summary/critique processes, or information and system components during the Lab Reports presented in a text by paraphrasing each animal species segment of the PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, them in simpler but still accurate Animal Science Industry. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper terms. Throughout the semester, students In class discussion q and a will identify the internal and *Any or all assessments listed can external of each animal species be utilized to effectively gauge covered. student learning.

AS-1.3 Compare and contrast organ 11-12.RT.6 Analyze the author’s Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) types and functions among animal purpose in providing an covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) species. explanation, describing a and lecture over organ types and Film summary/critique Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

procedure, or discussing an functions among animal species. Lab Reports experiment in a text, identifying Students will examine reproductive PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, important issues that remain systems in each animal species Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper unresolved. covered throughout the semester. In class discussion q and a Students will draw the *Any or all assessments listed can reproductive tracts of each of the be utilized to effectively gauge animal species covered throughout student learning. the semester. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Core Standard 2 Students recommend animals for specific purposes and maximum performance based on anatomy and physiology to conform to industry standards.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-2.1 Compare and contrast 11-12.RT.9 Synthesize information Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) desirable anatomical and from a range of sources (e.g., texts, covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) physiological characteristics of experiments, simulations) into a and lecture over the desirable Film summary/critique animals within and between coherent understanding of a anatomical and physiological Lab Reports species. process, phenomenon, or concept, characteristic of animals within and PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, resolving conflicting information between species. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper when possible. Students will utilize the livestock In class discussion q and a judging CDE to help determine the *Any or all assessments listed can desirable traits of each species be utilized to effectively gauge covered throughout the semester. student learning. AS-2.2 Evaluate animals to 11-12.WT.5 Develop and Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) maximize performance based on strengthen writing as needed by covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) anatomical and physiological planning, revising, editing, and lecture including proper Film summary/critique characteristics that affect health, rewriting, or trying a new maintenance of the animal that will Lab Reports growth and reproduction. approach, focusing on addressing affect health, growth, and PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, what is most significant for a reproduction. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper specific purpose and audience. Students will utilize the livestock In class discussion q and a judging CDE to help determine the *Any or all assessments listed can desirable traits of each species be utilized to effectively gauge covered throughout the semester. student learning. AS-2.3 Assess an animal to 11-12.WT.9 Draw evidence from Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) determine if it has reached its informational texts to support covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) optimal performance level based analysis, reflection, and research. and lecture over an animal to Film summary/critique on anatomical and physiological determine if it has reached its Lab Reports characteristics. optimal performance level based PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, on anatomical and physiological Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper characteristics. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Animal Health Core Standard 3 Students implement a prevention and treatment program for animal diseases, parasites and other disorders to maintain proper animal health.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-3.1 Explain methods of 11-12.WT.7 Conduct short as well Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) determining animal health and as more sustained research projects covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) disorders. to answer a question (including a and lecture covering methods of Film summary/critique self-generated question) or solve a determining animal health and Lab Reports problem; narrow or broaden the disorders. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, inquiry when appropriate; Students will create an educational Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper synthesize multiple sources on the visual aid over. In class discussion q and a subject, demonstrating *Any or all assessments listed can understanding of the subject under be utilized to effectively gauge investigation. student learning. AS-3.2 Perform simple health- 11-12.WT.10 Write routinely over Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) check evaluations on animals. extended time frames (time for covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) reflection and revision) and shorter and lecture covering perform Film summary/critique time frames (a single sitting or a simple health-check evaluations on Lab Reports day or two) for a range of animals. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, discipline-specific tasks, purposes, Throughout the semester students Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper and audiences. will utilize information covered to In class discussion q and a determine simple health-checks on *Any or all assessments listed can certain species. be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-3.3 Identify common diseases, 11-12.WT.7 Conduct short as well Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) parasites and physiological as more sustained research projects covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) disorders that affect animals. to answer a question (including a and lecture identifying common Film summary/critique self-generated question) or solve a diseases, parasites and Lab Reports problem; narrow or broaden the physiological disorders that affect PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, inquiry when appropriate; animals. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper synthesize multiple sources on the Students will create a visual aid In class discussion q and a subject, demonstrating over the specific species covered *Any or all assessments listed can Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

understanding of the subject under during the semester. be utilized to effectively gauge investigation. student learning. AS-3.4 Explain the health risk of 11-12.WT.4 Produce clear and Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) zoonotic diseases to humans and coherent writing in which the covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) their historical significance and development, organization, and and lecture health risks linked Film summary/critique future implications. style are appropriate to task, between animals and humans. Lab Reports purpose, and audience. About 75% of the new diseases PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, that have affected humans over the Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper past 10 years have been caused by In class discussion q and a pathogens originating from an *Any or all assessments listed can animal or from products of animal be utilized to effectively gauge origin. Students will research a student learning. nationwide epidemic that has occurred over the past century.

Domain - Animal Nutrition Core Standard 4 Students analyze a feed ration to provide for the nutritional needs of animals.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-4.1 Compare and contrast 11-12.RT.9 Synthesize information Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) common types of feedstuffs and the from a range of sources (e.g., texts, covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) roles they play in the diets of experiments, simulations) into a and lecture covering types of Film summary/critique animals. coherent understanding of a feedstuffs and their roles they play Lab Reports process, phenomenon, or concept, in the diets of animals. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, resolving conflicting information Students will take feed tags from Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper when possible. different species and determine the In class discussion q and a types of feedstuffs added. *Any or all assessments listed can Students will conduct a feed be utilized to effectively gauge analysis in the agriscience lab. student learning. AS-4.2 Explain the purpose and 11-12.RT.5 Analyze how the text Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) benefits of feed additives. structures information or ideas into covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) categories or hierarchies, and lecture over the benefits of Film summary/critique demonstrating understanding of the feed additives. Lab Reports Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

information or ideas. Student will conduct an evaluating PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, nutrient content lab. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-4.3 Formulate animal feeds 11-12.RT.5 Analyze how the text Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) based on nutritional requirements, structures information or ideas into covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) using feed ingredients for categories or hierarchies, and lecture covering types of Film summary/critique maximum nutrition and optimal demonstrating understanding of the feedstuffs and their roles they play Lab Reports economic production. information or ideas. in the diets of animals. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Students will take feed tags from Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper different species and determine the In class discussion q and a types of feedstuffs added. *Any or all assessments listed can Students will conduct a feed be utilized to effectively gauge analysis in the agriscience lab student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Animal Reproduction Core Standard 5 Students evaluate the male and female reproductive systems in selecting animals to manage breeding stock.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-5.1 Explain the functions of 11-12.RT.3 Follow precisely a Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) major organs in the male and complex multistep procedure when covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) female reproductive systems. performing technical tasks; analyze and lecture over the major organs Film summary/critique the specific results based on in the male and female Lab Reports explanations in the text. reproductive system. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Students conduct an artificial Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper insemination lab. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-5.2 Evaluate animals for 11-12.RT.9 Synthesize information Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) reproductive readiness and from a range of sources (e.g., texts, covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) soundness. experiments, simulations) into a and lecture over evaluating animals Film summary/critique coherent understanding of a for reproductive readiness and Lab Reports process, phenomenon, or concept, soundness. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, resolving conflicting information Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper when possible. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-5.3 Select breeding animals 11-12.WT.5 Develop and Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) based on characteristics of the strengthen writing as needed by covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) reproductive organs. planning, revising, editing, and lecture over selecting breed Film summary/critique rewriting, or trying a new animals based on characteristics of Lab Reports approach, focusing on addressing the reproductive organs. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, what is most significant for a Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper specific purpose and audience. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Core Standard 6 Students apply scientific principles in the selection and breeding of animals to increase reproductive rates.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-6.1 Explain genetic inheritance 11-12.WT.7 Conduct short as well Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) in animals. as more sustained research projects covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) to answer a question (including a and lecture genetic inheritance in Film summary/critique self-generated question) or solve a animals. Lab Reports problem; narrow or broaden the Students will create a Pundit PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, inquiry when appropriate; Square. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper synthesize multiple sources on the In class discussion q and a subject, demonstrating *Any or all assessments listed can understanding of the subject under be utilized to effectively gauge investigation. student learning. AS-6.2 Define natural and artificial 11-12.WT.9 Draw evidence from Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) breeding methods. informational texts to support covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) analysis, reflection, and research. and lecture over natural and Film summary/critique artificial breeding methods. Lab Reports Students will conduct an artificial PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, insemination lab. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-6.3 Select animal breeding 11-12.RT.5 Analyze how the text Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) methods based on reproductive and structures information or ideas into covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) economic efficiency. categories or hierarchies, and lecture covering animal Film summary/critique demonstrating understanding of the breeding methods based on Lab Reports information or ideas. reproductive and economic PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, efficiency. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Animal Safety Core Standard 7 Students establish safe animal handling and management techniques to eliminate harm to the handlers and animals.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-7.1 Discuss the dangers 11-12.RT.7 Integrate and evaluate Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) involved in working with animals. multiple sources of information covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) presented in diverse formats and and lecture the dangers involved in Film summary/critique media (e.g., quantitative data, working with animals. Lab Reports video, multimedia) in order to Students will create an educational PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, address a question or solve a visual aid. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper problem. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-7.2 Outline safety procedures 11-12.WT.5 Develop and Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) for working with animals by strengthen writing as needed by covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) species. planning, revising, editing, and lecture safety procedures for Film summary/critique rewriting, or trying a new working with animals by species Lab Reports approach, focusing on addressing covered throughout the semester. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, what is most significant for a Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper specific purpose and audience. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-7.3 Interpret animal behaviors 11-12.WT.10 Write routinely over Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) and execute protocols for safe extended time frames (time for covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) handling of animals. reflection and revision) and shorter and lecture interprets animal Film summary/critique time frames (a single sitting or a behaviors and executes protocols Lab Reports day or two) for a range of for safe handling of animals. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, discipline-specific tasks, purposes, Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper and audiences. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-7.4 Explain the implications of 11-12.WT.8 Gather relevant Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) animal welfare and animal rights. information from multiple covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) authoritative print and digital and lecture the implications of Film summary/critique sources, using advanced searches animal welfare and animal rights. Lab Reports effectively; assess the strengths and Students will be broken down into PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, limitations of each source in terms two groups. Students will be Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper of the specific task, purpose, and assigned a side to debate. Once In class discussion q and a audience; integrate information students complete research. *Any or all assessments listed can into the text selectivity to maintain Students will debate their sides for be utilized to effectively gauge the flow of ideas, avoiding at least 2 minutes each. student learning. plagiarism and overreliance on any once source and following a standard format for citation. AS-7.5 Design programs that 11-12.WT.5 Develop and Students will design programs that Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) assure the welfare of animals and strengthen writing as needed by assure the welfare of animals and Quiz (vocab, concept, section) prevent abuse or mistreatment. planning, revising, editing, prevent abuse or mistreatment. Film summary/critique rewriting, or trying a new Lab Reports approach, focusing on addressing PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, what is most significant for a Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper specific purpose and audience. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Animal Products and Services Core Standard 8 Students evaluate animal products and services to demonstrate the importance of animals.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-8.1 Identify products or 11-12.WT.6 Use technology, Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) services that animals provide including the Internet, to produce, covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) humans. publish, and update individual or and lectures identify products or Film summary/critique shared writing products in response services that animals provide Lab Reports to ongoing feedback, including humans. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, new arguments or information. Students will research the many Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper uses of large animal for this In class discussion q and a purpose. *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-8.2 Identify animal production 11-12.WT.7 Conduct short as well Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) practices that could pose health as more sustained research projects covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) risks or are considered to pose risks to answer a question (including a and lecture covering animal Film summary/critique by some. self-generated question) or solve a production practices that could Lab Reports problem; narrow or broaden the pose health risks or are considered PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, inquiry when appropriate; to pose risks by some. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper synthesize multiple sources on the In class discussion q and a subject, demonstrating *Any or all assessments listed can understanding of the subject under be utilized to effectively gauge investigation. student learning.

AS-8.3 Discuss consumer concerns 11-12.RT.6 Analyze the author’s Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) with animal production practices purpose in providing an covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) relative to human health. explanation, describing a and lecture, discuss consumer Film summary/critique procedure, or discussing an concerns with animal production Lab Reports experiment in a text, identifying practices relative to human health. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, important issues that remain Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper unresolved. In class discussion q and a Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

*Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Animal Management Core Standard 9 Students evaluate housing, equipment and handling facilities for the animal systems to provide for the needs of animals.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-9.1 Identify facilities needed to 11-12.RT.2 Determine the central Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) house and produce each animal ideas or conclusions of a text; covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) species safely and efficiently. summarize complex concepts, and lecture identifying facilities Film summary/critique processes, or information presented needed to house and produce each Lab Reports in a text by paraphrasing them in animal species safely and PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, simpler but still accurate terms. efficiently for species covered Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper throughout the semester. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-9.2 Select equipment and 11-12.WT.9 Draw evidence from Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) implement animal handling informational texts to support covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) procedures and improvements. analysis, reflection, and research. and lecture selecting equipment Film summary/critique and implement animal handling Lab Reports procedures and improvements. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-9.3 Identify optimal 11-12.WT.7 Conduct short as well Students will record ideas and facts Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) environmental conditions for as more sustained research projects covered during class discussion Quiz (vocab, concept, section) animals. to answer a question (including a and lecture identifying optimal Film summary/critique self-generated question) or solve a environmental conditions for Lab Reports problem; narrow or broaden the animals. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, inquiry when appropriate; Students will take a field trip to Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper synthesize multiple sources on the animal operation. In class discussion q and a subject, demonstrating *Any or all assessments listed can Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

understanding of the subject under be utilized to effectively gauge investigation. student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Careers Core Standard 10 Students examine the scope of career opportunities in and the importance of agriculture to the economy.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-10.1 Define and explore animal 11-12.WT.4 Produce clear and Students will explore animal Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) agriculture and animal agribusiness coherent writing in which the agriculture and animal agribusiness Quiz (vocab, concept, section) and their role in the economy. development, organization, and and their role in the economy in a Film summary/critique style are appropriate to task, short essay form and present their Lab Reports purpose, and audience. information to the class. PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-10.2 Evaluate and explore the 11-12.WT.7 Conduct short as well Students will choose career Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) animal science career opportunities as more sustained research projects opportunities in the agriculture Quiz (vocab, concept, section) in agriculture. to answer a question (including a industry and research it. Students Film summary/critique self-generated question) or solve a will create a short essay including Lab Reports problem; narrow or broaden the job description, salary, working PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, inquiry when appropriate; conditions, and educational needs. Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper synthesize multiple sources on the Students will present their findings In class discussion q and a subject, demonstrating to the class. *Any or all assessments listed can understanding of the subject under be utilized to effectively gauge investigation. student learning.

AS-10.3 Explain the nature of and 11-12.RT.9 Synthesize information Students will cover a short segment Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) become familiar with those terms from a range of sources (e.g., texts, over the importance of SAE in the Quiz (vocab, concept, section) related to an SAE program. experiments, simulations) into a Large Animal Science Industry. Film summary/critique coherent understanding of a Lab Reports process, phenomenon, or concept, PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, resolving conflicting information Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

when possible. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-10.4 Explore the numerous 11-12.WT.9 Draw evidence from Students will cover a short segment Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) possibilities for an SAE program informational texts to support over the importance of SAE in the Quiz (vocab, concept, section) which a student might develop. analysis, reflection, and research. Large Animal Science Industry. Film summary/critique Lab Reports PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning.

Domain - Leadership Core Standard 11 Students validate the necessity of leadership skills development in conjunction with participation in The National FFA Organization (FFA) as a critical component to a well rounded agricultural education.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-11.1 Acquire and demonstrate 11-12.WT.5 Develop and Students will gain this knowledge Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) communication skills such as strengthen writing as needed by in completing several class Quiz (vocab, concept, section) writing, public speaking, and planning, revising, editing, discussions, class presentations, Film summary/critique listening while refining oral, rewriting, or trying a new group work, planning and Lab Reports written, and verbal skills. approach, focusing on addressing evaluating situations, etc. Students PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, what is most significant for a will be evaluated based on their Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper specific purpose and audience. performance during various In class discussion q and a activities throughout the semester. *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-11.2 Recognize and explain the 11-12.WT.8 Gather relevant Students will gain this knowledge Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) role of the FFA in the development information from multiple in completing several class Quiz (vocab, concept, section) of leadership, education, authoritative print and digital discussions, class presentations, Film summary/critique Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018 employability, communications sources, using advanced searches group work, planning and Lab Reports and human relations skills. effectively; assess the strengths and evaluating situations, etc. Students PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, limitations of each source in terms will be evaluated based on their Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper of the specific task, purpose, and performance during various In class discussion q and a audience; integrate information activities throughout the semester. *Any or all assessments listed can into the text selectivity to maintain be utilized to effectively gauge the flow of ideas, avoiding student learning. plagiarism and overreliance on any once source and following a standard format for citation. AS-11.3 Examine roles within 11-12.WT.4 Produce clear and Students will gain this knowledge Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) teams, work units, departments, coherent writing in which the in completing several class Quiz (vocab, concept, section) organizations, inter-organizational development, organization, and discussions, class presentations, Film summary/critique systems, and the larger style are appropriate to task, group work, planning and Lab Reports environment. purpose, and audience. evaluating situations, etc. Students PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, will be evaluated based on their Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper performance during various In class discussion q and a activities throughout the semester. *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-11.4 Acquire the skills 11-12.WT.5 Develop and Students will gain this knowledge Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) necessary to positively influence strengthen writing as needed by in completing several class Quiz (vocab, concept, section) others. planning, revising, editing, discussions, class presentations, Film summary/critique rewriting, or trying a new group work, planning and Lab Reports approach, focusing on addressing evaluating situations, etc. Students PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, what is most significant for a will be evaluated based on their Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper specific purpose and audience. performance during various In class discussion q and a activities throughout the semester *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-11.5 Develop a skill set to 11-12.WT.5 Develop and Students will gain this knowledge Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) enhance the positive evolution of strengthen writing as needed by in completing several class Quiz (vocab, concept, section) the whole person. planning, revising, editing, discussions, class presentations, Film summary/critique rewriting, or trying a new group work, planning and Lab Reports approach, focusing on addressing evaluating situations, etc. Students PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

what is most significant for a will be evaluated based on their Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper specific purpose and audience. performance during various In class discussion q and a activities throughout the semester. *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

Domain - Supervised Agriculture Experience Core Standard 12 Students validate the necessity of a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program as a critical component to a well rounded agricultural education.

Academic Standard Literacy Embedded Standard Learning Activities Assessment(s) AS-12.1 Explain the nature of and 11-12.RT.9 Synthesize information Students will cover a short segment Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) become familiar with those terms from a range of sources (e.g., texts, over the importance of SAE in the Quiz (vocab, concept, section) related to an SAE program. experiments, simulations) into a Natural Resource Management Film summary/critique coherent understanding of a Industry Lab Reports process, phenomenon, or concept, PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, resolving conflicting information Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper when possible. In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-12.2 Explore the numerous 11-12.WT.9 Draw evidence from Students will cover a short segment Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) possibilities for an SAE program informational texts to support over the importance of SAE in the Quiz (vocab, concept, section) which a student might develop. analysis, reflection, and research. Natural Resource Management Film summary/critique Industry. Lab Reports PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a *Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning. AS-12.3 Develop an individual 11-12.WT.9 Draw evidence from Students will cover a short segment Tests (essay, multi-choice, t/f, etc) SAE program and implement informational texts to support over the importance of SAE in the Quiz (vocab, concept, section) record keeping skills. analysis, reflection, and research. Natural Resource Management Film summary/critique Industry. Lab Reports PowerPoint Presentation, Posters, Pamphlets, Essay, Research Paper In class discussion q and a Jay School Corporation Agriculture Curriculum Guide – Large Animal Science 2012 – 2018

*Any or all assessments listed can be utilized to effectively gauge student learning.

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