Sample Coalition Strategic Plan

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Sample Coalition Strategic Plan

Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

Cochise, Graham, Greenlee, Pima, Santa Cruz, and Yuma Counties

AZ Health Care Coalition South Region 2016 Goals

Executive Policy Board HCC Committee HCC Sectors Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

Executive Summary

The Arizona Health Care Coalition – South Region (Az HCC South) is a network of health care organizations, providers and regional partners that are committed to strengthening the health care system for emergencies. The purpose of the Coalition is to enhance partner agency capabilities and develop coordinated and effective medical and public health system partnerships to manage all hazards through:  Effective communications systems and protocols.  Strategic management of resources.  Collaborative prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery strategies. Membership in the Coalition is open to all regional health care providers and partner organizations who work collaboratively to coordinate prevention, mitigation, preparedness, emergency response and recovery activities; and who willingly sign the memorandum of understanding agreeing to the same. The Coalition’s work to develop emergency preparedness protocols and resources will be of benefit to the entire community, not just Coalition members.

Purpose of Strategic Plan

The purpose of this strategic plan is to guide the work of the Az HCC South over the next year. It is intended to be a dynamic document which will continue to evolve as necessary to ensure the Coalition is effective and able to sustain its efforts. This plan will also serve to guide the coalition in evaluating the work to ensure it meets goals and expectations, and is effective and meaningful for the coalition.

Scope of Coalition Work Expand and Support Medical Surge Capacity and Capability through communication, collaboration, and coordination

Executive Policy Board

1. Coalition name a) AZ HCC South Region was approved by membership and does reflect coalition membership and mission 2. Determine if non-profit status is way to address funding for Coalition a) What type of Non Profit 3. Complete HVA 2016 a) Develop streamlined version template b) Educate on version Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

4. Develop communication between Coalition and all agency CEOs a) Introduction letter b) Annual report c) Ways coalition has benefit to CEOs 5. Complete Resource Coordination plan and tools 6. Develop template for CMS rule issues for members a) Communication b) Resource coordination 7. Make Pediatric planning an item with members who address Pediatric care 8. Address all regulatory and credentialing requirements as a group a) CMS b) Joint Commission c) DNV 9. Evaluate and update the bylaws, and develop schedule for regular evaluation and updating. 10.Board started but is still working on evaluating regional documents to be sure all sector, rural and reservation agencies are incorporated into plans and exercises

AzHCC Committee

Memorandum of Understanding 1. To amend regional Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) to be inclusive of integrated healthcare membership and to acknowledge name change.

Coalition Improvement, Maintenance and Management

1. Increase Participation/Engagement of Members a) Develop member commitments to projects, tasks or workgroups b) Encourage members to promote the Health Care Coalition and activities within their own organizations 2. Increase Coalition Membership a) Identify/Invite new partners as needed b) Develop tools for recruitment (e.g. letter to partner leadership, brochures, website, annual report) c) Encourage members to bring guests to meetings d) Develop member packets e) Create membership certificates for display in member offices Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

f) Review, update, and communicate information regarding the HCC’s operations to its members, guests, potential members, and allied support organizations

Goals, Objectives, Timeline 1.. To build a marketing plan for the coalition a) To compile metrics to share with stakeholders (partner CEOs, ADHS, potential funding sources, etc…) to show value of coalition participation b) To strategize marketing and outreach opportunities for the coalition to increase visibility, engage with potential funding sources, and to increase value for members 2.. To support Committee and Sector Goals/Objectives outlined in the attached document: 2016 Goals for the Arizona Health Care Coalition – South Region

Sector Goals Ambulatory Care 1. Incorporate the use of Communication (AzHAN) during an exercise. 2. Identify participant to meet with the Exercise Planning Committee to assure relevance to Ambulatory Sector participants. 3. Identify, as a group, how the Ambulatory Sector will participate in future exercises. Focus all energy on that participation, and refine. 4. Review regulatory requirements and determine methods to meet requirements that can be adopted by all agencies

Behavioral Health 1. Continue to distribute the survey and cover letter community wide (include SNF’s, etc.) to gather information as to available resources in the event of a disaster, and compile the data 2. FEMA compliance - update CPG 101 (Community Preparedness Guide) and SLG 101 (State & Local Guidelines for 1st Responders) to include behavioral health input. Document incorporates both federal and state/local victim services 3. Examine Joint Commission and other accreditation standards for 2016 related to outpatient requirements for behavioral health providers to participate in Emergency Preparedness activities 4. Ongoing training in the area of Integrated Behavioral Health. Stressed importance of communication and coordination of care Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

5. Amend Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be inclusive of integrated health care (medical and behavioral health) 6. Enhance provider awareness and involvement in Emergency Preparedness table top exercise

Correctional Health 1. Seek out leadership for this sector 2. Increase membership 3. Identify gaps this sector could use support from the coalition to mitigate 4. Coordinate opportunities for correctional health partners to participate in exercises and drills. 5. Solicit HVAs from partners for incorporation into the regional HVA. 6. Assemble an Asset Inventory for correctional health partners. 7. Rebuild correctional health involvement in the coalition. Hospice/Home Care 1. Designate sector leadership 2. Identify gaps this sector could use support from the coalition to mitigate 3. Assemble list of potential partners from State licensing body 4. Support regular meetings 5. Draft goals for sector

Hospitals 1. Develop a standardized 96-Hour Sustainability Template: Update: Template was handed out at the last meeting. During our Joint Commission Survey a couple of weeks ago, they liked the format I used. 2. Identify Sector Chair and co chair 3. Support regular meetings 4. Develop healthcare resource coordination center process 5. Develop healthcare resource 96 hour sustainability inventory 6. Develop and test hospital reception site/ reunification plan 7. Decontamination Protocols: a) Standardizing equipment (PAPR’s, etc.) as much as possible between hospitals. b) Evaluate opportunities to develop a standardized training template for facilities to use. 8. Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA): Evaluate and simplify the reporting form to assist in identifying the top 5 threats/hazards. 9. Develop short training/awareness modules for the coalition members: (for new members, hospitals, clinics, OPSC, etc.) Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

a) Hospital Incident Command System (HICS-14) (including forms, JAS, duties) b) Recovery c) Alternate Care Sites

Long Term Care 1. For 2016, we plan to focus outreach in the short term on: Villa Maria and Catalina Foothills AL and Copper Health in Oro Valley – the three CopperSands properties in Tucson, which are probably our best bet for partnering without too much push back. The leadership of CopperSands: Cindy Leach and Mary Leach would be totally behind our efforts to bring them into the AzHCC-S (new name: Az Health Care Coalition) fold. 2. Attend exercise and training committee meetings to incorporate Long term care and skilled nursing agencies in all exercises 3. Draft goals for Sector 4. AZ HCC South Region membership started and is still working on: a. Develop and expand membership in sector b. Maintain education on HICS for long term care c. Review and determine methods for long term care and skilled nursing to meet new accreditation requirements 5. We are still in the growth stage, and would like to propose our 2016 goals as follows: a) Set a regular time for the Long Term Care group to meet (right after the AZHCC meeting) b) Get two new LTC facilities to partner with us at AZHCC. c) Create a plan for continuing outreach and networking with partner LTC centers.

Public Health 1. Create local public health common operating guide for basis of regional plan and ESF 8 activation 2. Establish electronic collection of situational awareness for regional healthcare (WebEOC or other platform) 3. Coordinate 96-hour healthcare sustainability assessment with regional healthcare institutions 4. Define Sector role Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

5. Develop All County Public Health Department communications strategy for disaster 6. Develop Strategic plan with Az HCC South Chair and Co-Chair and define goals 7. Work with counties to build border response and intelligence network 8. AZ HCC South Region membership started and is still working on: a. Complete regional plans

Community Resources 1. Identify community resources 2. Determine method for bringing all community resources to table in event 3. Build community call center operation 4. AZ HCC South Region membership started and is still working on: a. Build pre credentialed volunteers b. Develop volunteer coordinator center process and staffing

Committee Goals Communications 1. train all sector leads on how to send a message on AZHAN 2. Test approved AZ HCC South Region communication plan 3. Continue Azhan drills in 2016 and for any planned functional exercises for our region 4. Complete annual communications drill for AZHAN and Communications plan

Website 1. Change URL to be consistent with AZ HCC South Region name change Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

2. Build out the existing website to be a resource and portal to training for AzHCC South partners 3. Obtain input from each of the committees and sectors to build out their pages 4. To set up the website to house documents and resources for coalition membership as well as to share links to partner websites including Tracie

Policies and Procedures 1. Build regional Mass Fatalities Plan 2. Build regional EVD/infectious disease plan 3. Evaluate additional regional plans 4. Build administrative plans

Training and Exercise 1. An annual review should be conducted to measure the improvements of training & exercise programs and to further develop programs (training and/or exercises) to address the Coalition compliance needs. 2. To establish a Corrective Action Program to monitor and manage needed improvements identified in HCC After Action Reports (AARs)/Improvement Plans 3. To train membership on planning, preparing for, and participating in a regional full scale exercise by executing a progressive series of educational opportunities and coalition-wide drills and exercises using regional HVA 4. To hold a TEPW and from the information gathered, develop a 3 year MYTEP to be published and shared with the HCC 5. To continue to address the Training & Exercise needs of the HCC 6. To complete EM 101/EM Boot camp resources and make them available on the website 7. To evaluate training needs and develop training plan for coalition meetings and other training opportunities 8. To develop training and exercise goals and resources

Strategic Planning 1. Develop 3, 5, and 10 year Strategic Plans to ensure continuity and sustainability 2. Work with ADHS Strategic Planning consultant to refine plan and contribute to statewide planning Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016

Health Care Resource Coordination Plan 1.. To develop a 96-hour Sustainability Chart that identifies sustainability capabilities of key partners in the region 2.. To complete the regional Communication Plan

3. To build a Regional Asset Inventory and design a process for the sharing of assets in anticipation of an official emergency declaration

Regional HVA 1. Complete 2016 version of HVA 2. Submit annual HVA to Region 3. Submit Regional HVA to training and exercise committee and TEPW 4. Determine top 5 hazards from HVA for Region

Non-Profit Status 1. Determine funding from HPP 2. Determine capability and timeline to build non profit status 3. Determine process

Credentialing 1. Complete credentialing process 2. Gave completed process submitted to state association of credentialing for approval 3. Complete Human Resources credentialing process Arizona HealthCare Coalition – South Region Strategic Plan January 2016


Mitigation : The activities designed to reduce or eliminate risks to persons or property or to lessen the actual or potential effects or consequences of an incident.

MOU: Memorandum of Understanding - A legal document describing a bilateral or multilateral agreement between parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action and may not imply a legal commitment.

Preparedness: The range of deliberate, critical tasks and activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the operational capability to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents.

Prevention: Actions to avoid an incident or to intervene to stop an incident from occurring

Recovery: The development, coordination, and execution of service- and site- restoration plans; the reconstitution of government operations and services; individual, private- sector, nongovernmental, and public-assistance programs to provide housing and to promote restoration; long-term care and treatment of affected persons; additional measures for social, political, environmental, and economic restoration; evaluation of the incident to identify lessons learned; post-incident reporting; and development of initiatives to mitigate the effects of future incidents.

Response: Activities that address the short-term, direct effects of an incident. Response includes immediate actions to save lives, protect property, and meet basic human needs. Response also includes the execution of emergency operations plans and of mitigation activities designed to limit the loss of life, personal injury, property damage, and other unfavorable outcomes.

Surge: 2-3 times above baseline for patient admissions, infectious disease incidents

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