List of Johnson County Compensation Board Members 3

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List of Johnson County Compensation Board Members 3


AGENDA...... 2 LIST OF JOHNSON COUNTY COMPENSATION BOARD MEMBERS...... 3 SECTIONS OF THE CODE OF IOWA REGARDING THE DUTIES OF THE COMPENSATION BOARD...... 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE JOHNSON COUNTY COMPENSATION BOARD: DECEMBER 17, 2003...... 7 EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE JOHNSON COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGARDING THE COMPENSATION BOARD’S FY 2005 RECOMMENDATION...... 19 PERCENT INCREASES TO JOHNSON COUNTY BARGAINING UNITS AND ELECTED OFFICIALS...... 21 (Step and Longevity Increases for Bargaining Unit Employees Not Included)...... 21 (Including Step, Cost of Living, and Longevity Increases)...... 23 SAMPLE 1% SALARY INCREASE FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS AND DEPUTIES...... 25 SALARY SURVEY Johnson County...... 27 City of Coralville...... 33 City of Iowa City...... 35 Iowa City Community Schools...... 46 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)...... 64 U.S. Post Office...... 75 CONSUMER PRICE INDEX...... 80 IOWA WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 2004 SURVEY OF OCCUPATIONAL WAGES ...... 81 Public Administration Iowa Statewide...... 81 Private Services Iowa Statewide...... 82 Total All Industries Johnson County...... 83 IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FISCAL YEAR 2005 SALARY SURVEY (Average)...84 ELECTED OFFICIALS' SALARIES FY 2005 (statewide)...... 85 DEPARTMENT HEAD SALARIES FY 2005 (statewide)...... 87 EMPLOYMENT IN ELECTED OFFICES...... 89


Board Room, Second Floor, County Administration Building 913 South Dubuque St., Iowa City

Monday, January 30, 2005

6:00 p.m.

1. Call to Order at 6:00 p.m.

2. Discussion/Action: Electing a Chair

3. Discussion/Action: Previous Minutes (January 6, 2005)

4. Discussion: Salary Information Packets Received by Compensation Board

5. Discussion: Salaries of Elected Officials

6. Discussion/Action: Salary Recommendations

7. Other

8. Business from the Public

9. Setting date and time of next meeting

10. Adjournment


Johnson County Attorney Johnson County Treasurer Laura J. Hahn Bob George 1223 Michelle Court 215 Raven St Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Iowa City, Iowa 52245 Home:338-3963 Home: 339-1277 Work: (319) 298-7451 Fax: (319) 298-7901 Term expires: June 30, 2005 Term expires: June 30, 2007

Johnson County Auditor Johnson County Sheriff Patrick Hughes Bill Kapp 3319 Eagle Avenue NW 5436 210th Street NE Oxford, Iowa 52322 Solon, Iowa 52333 Home: 828-4541 Home: 643-2265 Term expires: June 30, 2007 Cell: 331-4304 Term expires: June 30, 2009

Johnson County Board of Supervisors Johnson County Recorder Patricia Vunderink C. Joseph Holland 1152 Hunters Run 4636 Sharon Center Road SW Iowa City, Iowa 52246 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Home: 351-4961 Work: 354-0331 Term expires: June 30, 2009 Term expires: June 30, 2007

David Steen 16 Briar Ridge Drive NE Iowa City, IA 52240 Home: 338-9965 Term expires: June 30, 2009


331.905 County compensation board.

1. There is created in each county a county compensation board which shall be composed of seven members who are residents of the county. The members of the county compensation board shall be selected as follows: a. Two members shall be appointed by the board of supervisors. b. One member shall be appointed by each of the following county officers: the county auditor, county attorney, county recorder, county treasurer, and county sheriff. 2. The members of the county compensation board shall be appointed to four-year, staggered terms of office. The members of the county compensation board shall not be officers or employees of the state or a political subdivision of the state. A term shall be effective on the first of July of the year of appointment and a vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as the original appointment. 3. The members of the county compensation board shall receive no compensation, but they shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. 4. The county compensation board shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson annually from among its membership. The county compensation board shall meet at the call of the chairperson or upon written request of a majority of its membership. The concurrence of a majority of the members of the county compensation board shall determine any matter relating to its duties. 5. The board of supervisors shall provide the necessary office facilities and the technical and clerical assistance requested by the county compensation board to carry out its duties. 6. The expenses of the county compensation board members, the salaries and expenses of any technical and clerical assistance, and the cost of providing any facilities shall be paid from the general fund of the county.

4 331.907 Compensation schedule - preparation and adoption.

1. The annual compensation of the auditor, treasurer, recorder, sheriff, county attorney, and supervisors shall be determined as provided in this section. The county compensation board annually shall review the compensation paid to comparable officers in other counties of this state, other states, private enterprise, and the federal government. In setting the salary of the county sheriff, the county compensation board shall consider setting the sheriff's salary so that it is comparable to salaries paid to professional law enforcement administrators and command officers of the Iowa state patrol, the division of criminal investigation of the department of public safety, and city police agencies in this state. The county compensation board shall prepare a compensation schedule for the elective county officers for the succeeding fiscal year. A recommended compensation schedule requires a majority vote of the membership of the county compensation board. 2. At the public hearing held on the county budget as provided in section 331.434 , the county compensation board shall submit its recommended compensation schedule for the next fiscal year to the board of supervisors for inclusion in the county budget. The board of supervisors shall review the recommended compensation schedule for the elected county officers and determine the final compensation schedule which shall not exceed the compensation schedule recommended by the county compensation board. In determining the final compensation schedule if the board of supervisors wishes to reduce the amount of the recommended compensation schedule, the amount of salary increase proposed for each elected county officer shall be reduced an equal percentage. A copy of the final compensation schedule shall be filed with the county budget at the office of the director of the department of management. The final compensation schedule takes effect on July 1 following its adoption by the board of supervisors. 3. The elected county officers are also entitled to receive their actual and necessary expenses incurred in performance of official duties of their respective offices. 4. In counties having two courthouses, a principal elected county officer and the principal officer's first deputy or assistant may agree in writing to a division of their annual salaries. The division shall not allow for payment to the elected officer and the first deputy or assistant which is greater than the sum of the two salaries otherwise authorized by law. Upon certification to the board by the elected officer involved, the board shall certify to the auditor the annual salaries certified by the elected officer.

5 331.904 Salaries of deputies, assistants and clerks.

1. The annual salary of the first and second deputy officer of the office of auditor, treasurer, and recorder, and the deputy in charge of the motor vehicle registration and title division shall each be an amount not to exceed eighty percent of the annual salary of the deputy's principal officer. In offices where more than two deputies are required, each additional deputy shall be paid an amount not to exceed seventy-five percent of the principal officer's salary. The amount of the annual salary of each deputy shall be certified by the principal officer to the board and, if a deputy's salary does not exceed the limitations specified in this subsection, the board shall certify the salary to the auditor. The board shall not certify a deputy's salary which exceeds the limitations of this subsection. 2. Each deputy sheriff shall receive an annual base salary as follows: a. The annual base salary of a first or second deputy sheriff shall not exceed eighty-five percent of the annual base salary of the sheriff. b. The annual base salary of any other deputy sheriff shall not exceed the annual base salary of the first or second deputy sheriff. c. The sheriff shall set the annual base salary of each deputy sheriff who is classified as exempt under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, subject to the limitations specified in paragraphs "a" and "b" . The sheriff shall certify the annual base salaries of the exempt deputy sheriffs to the board and, if the limitations of paragraphs "a" and "b" are not exceeded, the board shall certify the annual base salaries to the county auditor. d. The board shall set the annual base salaries of any deputy sheriffs who are not classified as exempt under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended. Upon certification by the sheriff, the board shall review, and may modify, the annual base salaries of the deputy sheriffs who are not classified as exempt. The annual base salaries set by the board are subject to the limitations specified in paragraphs "a" and "b" . e. As used in this subsection, "base salary" means the basic compensation excluding overtime pay, longevity pay, shift differential pay, or other supplement pay and fringe benefits. 3. The annual salary of each assistant county attorney shall be determined by the county attorney within the budget set for the county attorney's office by the board. The salary of an assistant county attorney shall not exceed eighty-five percent of the maximum salary of a full-time county attorney. The county attorney shall inform the board of the full-time or part-time status of each assistant county attorney. In the case of a part-time assistant county attorney, the county attorney shall inform the board of the approximate number of hours per week the assistant county attorney shall devote to official duties. 4. The board shall determine the compensation of extra help and clerks appointed by the principal county officers. 5. The deputy officers, assistants, clerks, and other employees of the county are also entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Discussion/Action: Electing a Chair...... 7 Discussion/Action: Previous Minutes (December 17, 2003)...... 7 Discussion: Salaries of Elected Officials...... 8 County Supervisors Pat Harney, Mike Lehman, Sally Stutsman, and Rod Sullivan...... 8 County Recorder Kim Painter...... 10 County Treasurer Tom Kriz...... 10 County Auditor Tom Slockett...... 12 County Sheriff Lonnie Pulkrabek...... 13 Discussion: Salary Information Packets Received by Compensation Board...... 13 Discussion/Action: Salary Recommendations...... 13 Setting Date and Time of Next Meeting...... 18

Chairperson Hughes called the Johnson County Compensation Board to order in the Johnson County Administration Building at 6:05 p.m. Members present were: Bob George, C. Joseph Holland, Patrick Hughes, David Maupin, Carol Peters, and Patricia Vunderink; absent: Laura Hahn.


Hughes: I think I’m going to get started. The first part of the meeting is mostly introductions and protocol. When David gets here if there is anything substantive that has happened, we will bring him up to speed. I commented to Joe earlier, our meeting only took an hour last year and I’m going to try to break that record. Vunderink: I have faith in you. Hughes: We’ve got one new member tonight, Bob George, appointed by the County Treasurer. Everybody else here I think was here last year. Laura Hahn cannot be here. I believe she is out of town with family. So, I’m going to call the meeting to order as the previous chair and our first action item will be electing a chair. So, with that I would open up nominations for chair. Peters: Due to the fact that you did such a wonderful job I nominate you, Patrick. Vunderink: I second. Hughes: I don’t need a second for nominations. Patrick Hughes has been nominated for chair. Are there any other nominations? Are there any other nominations? Are there any other nominations? Hearing none nominations are closed. I will serve as chair for tonight’s meeting.


Hughes: The minutes were sent to all of you. You should have had time to look at them. Barring any incorrections I would entertain a motion that we approve the minutes as distributed. Someone needs to make that motion. Holland: So moved. Peters: Second.

7 Hughes: Motion’s been made and seconded to approve the minutes as distributed. Is there any discussion on that motion?

Motion by Holland, second by Peters, to approve the minutes of the Compensation Board meeting of December 17, 2003.

DISCUSSION: SALARIES OF ELECTED OFFICIALS County Supervisors Pat Harney, Mike Lehman, Sally Stutsman, and Rod Sullivan

Hughes: OK, any discussion on the information packets? I believe usually at this point in time we’ve let the elected officials offer any salt and pepper they might have on these packets as they’ve been distributed before we start our discussion. Is that OK with everybody? Anybody from the Board of Supervisors have any comments? We’ll start with the Supervisors. County Supervisor Mike Lehman: I would like to make a general comment. Our workload volume has increased as the County continues to grow and issues surface. We also challenge ourselves through our strategic planning efforts to increase the quality and the direction of our members. Our responsibilities continue to grow as well as the expectations of the taxpayers. That was a general statement. Some of the other Supervisors might have more specific comments of some of the things we have to tackle. Hughes: Anything Pat? County Supervisor Pat Harney: Yes, I’ll make a couple comments. We didn’t put together a letter like we did last year. Hughes: That’s fine. Harney: I just wanted to make note, and I’m not complaining, and I always feel uncomfortable coming in here like I’m begging for a pay raise and that’s not necessarily the case. But I just want to make you aware of some things that we are doing as Supervisors that really take up a lot more time than other issues that we deal with normally everyday. We began the Public Leadership Summit with Cedar Rapids, North Liberty, Coralville, and that area. That takes time. We meet once or twice a month working together with those entities trying to better relationships between the counties and the cities surrounding us. As you’re all aware we’re working steadily with the jail issues; the over crowding, what we’re going to do for the future of the jail, the situation that we have with space needs there as well as the crowded Sheriff’s Department. We’re looking into alternatives for what we can do in that particular area. As Mike had mentioned the strategic planning that we’ve been doing now long term for Johnson County, moving along, spending a lot of time on road issues in the North Corridor and the surrounding counties are growing so fast. We’ve spent some time going to Washington D.C. Sally and I are going in February. At that time we’re going to work on some issues, trying to get some money for the SEATS program, we’re working on that. They need space because they’re paying a tremendous amount of rent out there and we’re trying to obtain some dollars for that. Even more importantly to me is this issue with the National Guard Armory. Again, that was taking quite a bit of time. I’ve worked on that with Board members. We’re trying to obtain the money for the funding for the National Guard Armory. As you know the space here at this facility, we can’t put an addition on, the overcrowding for Tom Slockett’s Office, the Auditor’s Office, and some of the other offices that we need private offices for the Board that meet the criteria mandated by Code of being separated. With the National Guard, the State last year funded the money for the National Guard to put together their plans for the new facility. Currently the situation is that they are pushing the funding on that back to approximately 2008, maybe even 2010. We’re going to try to push that back up so it’s up where it should be. Our contract with the National Guard actually lapses

8 in ’06 where the contract is null and void if they don’t move along and start something out of that facility. We could extend that contract a little. The Army themselves are going to go with us to Washington D.C. or at least meet us out there and meet with the Congressmen and try to get funding going. These are some things we’re working on that’s taking a lot more time, some extraordinary time to do than our normal daily and monthly duties. Naturally some more legislative duties, we work with issues in Des Moines, we do a lot there, lately more than we had when I started. We’re going into Des Moines as well as locally and working on a lot of the issues and the funding issues that go along with the State budget crisis. As you know Johnson County is coming out pretty fortunate on that because of the growth that is here, and we’re maintaining our financial services here. We have a good Treasurer that’s doing a good job and a member of management that works well. The Auditor keeps track of all these things. I just wanted to bring you up to date that these are some of the things we’re working on and it’s taking a lot more time than it normally does and it’s going to go on for some time. Hughes: Thank you. Sally? Congratulations on your election as Chair. County Supervisor Sally Stutsman: Thank you. I’m looking forward to the year. I come at a little different angle. I agree with everything that Pat has said. We do, all of us, work very hard. Our plates are full and we have a lot to keep us busy. I for one love my job, but I don’t do my job necessarily for the pay raise. I always balance your work with what we have to do with the County budget. Trying to present a budget that reflects what the County services are and what the workers are doing and yet not to be out of line with what the taxpayers expect. My personal feeling is that I think you’ve done an outstanding job being pretty realistic and modest with increases. My feeling is if there’s going to be increases I would rather them go to line staff. We have tremendous people working for the County and our support staff in the Supervisor’s Office does a great job, which makes our job easier. Holland: Sally how does the budget look this year? We’re later than usual so you’re a little farther into the process this year. Stutsman: Right, it looks good. I think we’ve reaped the rewards of being a growing county plus being pretty conservative in what we have done. As I said before we have outstanding department heads and elected officials who do a terrific job of staying within budget, providing great services, and trying to keep costs within line. In talking to our Budget Coordinator Jeff Horne, he said that budgets that are coming in are pretty much status quo. There are not a lot of increases. There are some in some departments but for the most part most of the departments are pretty much keeping things the way they were last year. Vunderink: Last year we asked the question about whether you were negotiating any labor contracts and how those were progressing. That was helpful to us. I don’t know if any of you would like to comment on that? Human Resources Administrator Lora Shramek: We have six collective bargaining units. July 1 with AFSCME we’ll be in the third year of a 3 year agreement. That will be for a split 2% increase. That means 2% on July 1, 2005 and 2% on January 1, 2006. That coincides with contributions for healthcare coverage at single $5 per payroll and $12.50 for family. Regarding PPME, we have not reached any settlements but we will be looking at something close to that as well. Hughes: So that contract is open right now? Shramek: Right. The Sheriff's Office, Secondary Roads, and the Administrative. Hughes: Have there been proposals made on either side or is that confidential? Shramek: It’s not for public access. Hughes: All right. Harney: The only thing that I have concern about is not so much for myself but I do have concern for the elected official’s deputies. As the working staff get their pay raises the deputies don’t

9 necessarily always get the money they should get to keep up and stay ahead. In some situations it’s getting to the point where those deputies are actually better off if they’re in the work force without being a deputy because they are coming so close to the others. Hughes: Rod, I know you are pretty new at this game. Do you have anything to say? County Supervisor Rod Sullivan: The only thing I would throw out is that I appreciate your folks’ willingness to serve on this board. I think it’s somewhat thankless but I’m glad you folks are willing to take it on.

County Recorder Kim Painter

Hughes: Kim? Got any thing? County Recorder Kim Painter: Just a little bit of an overview of the past year in the Recorder’s Office with a couple of the highlights that I selected on things that we’ve accomplished. A very comprehensive revision of our website has made it a lot more intuitive and a lot easier to navigate. It’s less clutter and I think it is a lot more helpful for people to use it. That has coincided with the completion of a long anticipated real estate project that has allowed us to do direct to web work right at the point of sale when we take deeds over our counter, to give a short index to people who can then search conveniently from their offices or home or wherever they might be to look at documents. That has been a long time coming. We also completed the scanning of records all the way back to 1983 for that site. I listed a couple of coming attractions. One is a statewide Recorder’s website. We’re looking to create some really innovative functionality in that both with the departments at the State who over see things like birth, death, and marriage records, and make it easier for people to get them anywhere in the State. I heard recently that we are also discussing with the Bar Association the possibility of having a statewide website become integrated in certain ways with the hot docs or the Iowa Bar Association’s document template system so that they can write items directly onto our statewide website. So, that’s exciting to do. I want to follow up on some things Sally said. Sally, as we’ve noted already, is going to be the Chair next year. She’s undertaken a process of visiting with people to talk about the roles for the County and I think it is terrific for us to do that. One of the things I highlight is that the operating budget which in the Recorder’s Office is fairly small, has been holding for a considerable amount of time right at about $30,000 a year. That is considerably less than the operating budget that the Recorder’s Office had ten years ago. We’re happy with the changes technology has allowed us to make in terms of saving funds for the County. I did visit with Sally about possibilities for the Board to consider creating some incentives for elected officials and/or department heads to spend less or to save money in certain ways and perhaps to do some percentage sharing of savings or unspent budget moneys to think outside of the box a little bit. Those conversations have been good as we move forward. The final pages show the office growth over the past four years in terms of fees collected and what it takes to run the office in terms of salaries and also in terms of the operating budget. The excess revenues, as I term it, are just the fees that we collect that go back to the General Fund over and above what it takes to run the office. These are fees that all come predominately from the real estate sector of the local economy and those who do business in that area. It is a considerable amount of money and we’re happy that we have the opportunity to work in that area, collect those fees, and try to be as efficient as possible and give some of that money back. The final page correlates strongly to that increase in moneys, how that document swell affects our income level. That is just a basic illustration. I’d be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

County Treasurer Tom Kriz

10 Hughes: Mr. Kriz? County Treasurer Tom Kriz: Just a couple comments, I did mail out to you ahead of time an executive summary that you could go through. It may sound redundant but we are really pleased that we are able to cut our operating budget each year while increasing our revenue and that takes good people and good management in various areas. It’s been a good year. I did mention the biggest challenge that we’ll face since I’ve been Treasurer since January 1999 is the new DOT conversion. I can tell you today it is an absolute nightmare. That will be an even bigger challenge than we thought when I was composing this letter. I handed out one thing today that highlights some things that will correlate a little bit with what Pat Harney said. Of course my deputy’s salaries are set by my salary. So I’m going to use this as an example; a Clerk II in my office, which is one of our lower grade clerks, the $30,000 a year salary Clerk II, looking at what some of the past contracts have been, like Lora said, have been like a 2%/2% split which is a 2% raise as the new contract starts and another 2% raise as the first of the year roles around. That comes to roughly between 3% and 3.05% if you put it together. On a $30,000 Clerk II in our office that would mean roughly a $915 raise. One thing the deputies cannot have, and it’s not part of the compensation package, but the County provides for non- deputies and other employees what’s called longevity pay. That ranges from $500-$900 every year. Now, that is not the salary, but that is a built-in amount of money they get once they’ve been here so long. As you can see for one of my Clerk II’s that would be an automatic built in 1.65% if they’d been there 4-10 years. If they’d been there 21 years or longer, it’s 3% and that is there every year. That’s an every year occurrence once you reach that scale. So when you move down further it shows that a Treasurer’s deputy and the deputies in my office would be paid similar to what Kim’s office or Tom’s office are because all our salaries are very close to the same. So, a deputy in my office would be at $48,000. A same type increase, 3% or 3.05, would mean an increase of $1,464 flat straight across the board. There would be no change based on the length of time they’d been there. To achieve what I would call parity there, and I think it is fair to try to keep salary increases in line with the elected officials, with the union bargaining, and with the non-union bargaining people we have. To really keep that on the same playing field, 1.05% to a deputy’s salary more would be $504. 1.88% percent would be $902, which parallels very closely to what those longevity things are. What that’s telling me that a raise the same for all bargaining units, all non-bargaining, all elected officials is not the same because the elected officials nor their deputies have any chance of sharing in that longevity system that’s built into the rest of the County system. It does amount to anywhere from one to just under 2% every year, which is a built in. If the Board gave no raise to anybody, that would still be a built in increase that they would all get. I thought maybe if we just charted it out and showed how that flows a little bit, it might make that a little more easier to understand. Not too many Counties have that longevity type thing but it does play into a factor here. Even though you can say well, one earns 48 and one earns 30 we have non-deputy positions that earn more than $48,000 and still get longevity pay built in plus their increases. So you can take it on any scale that you look at but it is definitely a factor when you figure that in. George: What happens with years 11-20? Kriz: 11 to 20 is graduated $600, $750, and I just took the lowest and the highest. It graduates any place in between that. George: And how long has it been at those dollar amounts? Kriz: Lora and Jen probably know that a little better, but it has been pretty close to that the last three or four years. The top end may be raised a little bit up to the $900 in the last years. George: How many employees is that? Kriz: I don’t know the total number. Shramek: Covered by the Administrative unit it would be about 71. George: 70 employees that have 21 years or more?

11 Shramek: That I do not know. Kriz: That would be 70 within our Administrative unit contract not Secondary Roads, not… George: They get the longevity? Kriz: Once they’re here, once they pass that four-year point they get that automatically. Human Resources Coordinator Jen Feldmann: There are 70 employees in the whole Administrative unit. That doesn’t mean all 70 of them get the $900. You have to be here four years before you get it. Hughes: Is the Administrative unit the only unit that gets longevity? Kriz: No, I think all units do. Hughes: OK, that’s what I thought. Kriz: So, once again, the reference points were just using an example of my salary or Kim’s salary or Tom Slockett’s salary. Stutsman: Lora, am I correct that longevity has increased in the last couple years the highest… Shramek: I think it’s four years ago for the Administrative unit and just this past year for the non- bargaining. Hughes: With the exception of the Sheriff’s Department are most of the employees for the County in the Administrative departments? I know we got that information in the packets somewhere, but just off the top of your head? County Sheriff Lonnie Pulkrabek: AFSCME has the Ambulance… Shramek: …Social Services and SEATS. Peters: Lora, when you were mentioning, and I don’t remember which unit you said, but they are going to start participating in the health insurance premium. It’s $5 for single and I forgot what you said for family. Shramek: $12.50 Peters: $12.50. Now, is that going to be passed on to those people who are not in a bargaining unit also? Shramek: The Board hasn’t made a decision on that yet because we are still negotiating with PPME. We’ll make a recommendation after that. Peters: OK.

County Auditor Tom Slockett

Hughes: Mr. Slockett. County Auditor Tom Slockett: I’ll point out additional supplementary information that was handed out. You got Pat White’s letter. There is also a calendar in case you want to look at that when we’re setting next year’s meeting. There are some blue bar graphs that indicate what Sally indicated earlier, that the County is in a strong position. Then there are three pages I printed off of the Iowa State Association of the County Auditor’s website that indicate what other counties have done at this point in time. You’ll see when you get a chance to look at it, that most counties haven’t posted anything and I think a lot of counties are meeting later this year for one reason or another. There aren’t really any comparable counties that have posted but there are some smaller, maybe 20 or so smaller counties that have posted their results and that is the question that often times comes up. The main thing I would like to talk about is to call your attention in support of what Tom Kriz was saying and what Pat said earlier. On page 27 in the booklet, this is a table that shows percentage increases to Johnson County bargaining units and elected officials including step, cost of living, and longevity increases. The bottom of the page is a compilation of all units. If you go over to the second column from the right and look at the very bottom number right above the page 27 number, 5.2%, that’s the average percentage increase of each of the positions in the bargaining unit last year, 5.2%. The

12 number to the right is the eight year average, 5.16% average over eight years. That compares with the 3% that the Board gave the deputies and elected officials last year and if you look on page 28 in the far right column, the bottom number is 2.58, that is the Consumer Price Index number. The next four numbers above that represent the eight-year average of elected officials. You can see they are all below 4%. That is another way of demonstrating what Tom was saying, that the raises that the elected officials and the deputies get are less each year than the raises the collective bargaining units are getting. It is cumulative overtime and I really think that our deputies, the top management people in our elected officials’ offices are not being paid enough. We need to pay them more for the good work that is being done by those long term deputies, but especially when we go out to the market place to hire new people in order to get quality people for these positions. Whatever weight you can give that would be appreciated. I’ll be happy to answer any questions that anyone has.

County Sheriff Lonnie Pulkrabek

Hughes: Lonnie? Pulkrabek: The nice thing about going last is that I get to repeat everything everybody else said. I did bring some things that the State Sheriffs and Deputies Association sent out. This is a handout on the Iowa Department of Public Safety which is the state troopers, fire inspectors, division of criminal investigation agents, etc. I would not be here asking for a raise myself, because considering the election I got a raise. But, I do have the same concerns. My command staff are based off of my salary as well. Obviously I want to see them keep pace and pay them well in comparison with what the bargaining unit does. We have a lot going on at the Sheriff’s Office. I was looking through the handout and the book and one of the counties we get compared to often is Story County and Ames because of being a college community. We have a significantly larger population here than they do. I have more staff to oversee than they do. The Sheriff there is paid significantly more than the Sheriff of Johnson County is. Be that as it may, like I said I am here more for the employees than I am myself. We want to get the command staff, there are a lot of them that have been there a long time, we want to make sure that we keep pace wage wise with them as well. The last thing is I would just like to thank you all for your service. Thank you.


Hughes: OK, does anybody else have any comments on the information packet? OK, that takes us directly into salaries of elected officials. By the way, I meant to say this at the very beginning of the meeting, whoever put this together did a great job. This has just gotten better every year. Slockett: That would be Casie. Hughes: You’re using bigger fonts. That was one of my complaints, the fonts were too small. Wonderful job, and I’m glad you’re here to hear me say that. Administrative Secretary Casie Kadlec: Thank you.


Hughes: In previous years we have either gone across the board or if we sensed that there was some sort of adjustment that needed to be made, we have not gone across the board. We are hearing from the elected officials that have administrative staff tell us that their staff is hitting a glass ceiling 13 because they can’t make more than their bosses make and that they annually have been receiving smaller raises than the bargaining unit generally has. And, as Pat White’s letter so eloquently notes, whatever we recommend is going to be less anyway because the Supervisors are always hesitant to give themselves a raise. Are you guys still working 3/4 time? Stutsman: Yes. That’s what the job says. Hughes: OK, that was a joke. Stutsman: Thank you. Peters: I was going to say, now let’s hear the truth. Hughes: We know what the truth is. So, what do you guys want to do? Holland: I’m curious, some of the officials maybe can tell us, has ISAC ever done anything to try to de-couple a deputy’s salary from an elected official’s? Because, as Sally said, I think the people who are elected choose to do that, not because they are necessarily looking for a livelihood, but because of interest in government, public spirit, there are a lot of other motivations, whereas, the people who are a step below that may have some of the same motivations but to a lesser degree. That is one of the difficulties of this is my recollection is that the deputies cannot exceed 80% of the elected official’s salary. So, in order to do as Tom suggests if you want to give the deputies a 5% bump you have to give the elected official probably something closer to a 6 1/2-7% bump. I’m sure that is a problem not just here, but statewide. I wondered if ISAC or any of the other bodies that represent public officials have looked to try to change that formula? Kriz: Let me tell you Joe, we talked about it at our last Treasurer’s meeting, collectively about that same problem. It was hard to get 99 Treasurers on the same page on that because some truly feel that is all their deputies are worth. So, it’s always a little tough to get to. What we came with and what many of the Treasurer’s Offices are doing, they’re removing their deputies as deputies, having their Board name them as administrative people and then it is wide open. So, they are actually circumventing the law by doing that. But, by taking the deputy and saying you are no longer a deputy, you’re an administrative treasurer, and now you earn 95% of what I earn, and their Boards are approving that. I don’t know that that is the right way to do it, but there is starting to be a trend in that because I think they’ve looked at it and they think it’d be a monumental task to get the Code to change. I think in some cases though it is 80% I know for the Auditor, Recorder, and Treasurer, I believe 85% for the Attorney and Sheriff so there is a little difference there. We tried it, and it was pretty well split. Holland: At a local level I would encourage people to look at that sort of thing because it is hard for a body like this or for the Supervisors to remove some of the inequities out of that. The example I think of is the Governor’s salary and the football coach’s salary where the Governor’s salary is about roughly 1/20th of what the football coach makes. That’s because of the public service element. I’d like to see the deputies have an increase in compensation but it is difficult because whatever we recommend, as Patrick noted, the Supervisors are likely to cut that. That has a ripple effect all the way down to those deputies. Slockett: Our Auditor’s Association has proposed legislation for a number of years to that effect and the main reason it usually is not passed, as we’re told by the lobbyists for ISAC, Iowa State Association of Counties, is that it’s seen as a tax increase and the Farm Bureau and other interest groups oppose it for that reason. Holland: I think you were going to say something Sally and I interrupted you. I’m sorry. Stutsman: I was going to say that Kim is on the ISAC Board and she probably could talk… It’s not one of the legislative priorities. Painter: It hasn’t been a legislative priority. As Tom said the Auditor’s have brought it forward and any affiliate is free to do that through the process that we use to generate legislative priorities in a given year. That tends to be one that doesn’t make it through the sieve. As Tom Kriz was saying

14 there comes to be some divided opinion and if and when it appears before the legislature they do not tend to pick that up and run with it but it is certainly something we can keep on the radar for ISAC as a potential and try to generate some better arguments for it collectively. Hughes: Has there been any discussion in the County at all about delinking like Tom said in any of the departments. Has Mr. White been asked about his opinion on that or is that way down the road. Kriz: I had talked to the County Attorney’s office a little bit and they thought that was a little strange way to do it but it has been tested and proved to work in other places. Probably that would be my next step to try to do something is to go that route. Painter: I know that in Scott County the Recorder’s Office has what they call an operations manager. That person in Scott County happens to make considerably more than the Recorder does. Slockett: Another thing that happens, when that happens and it is legal, the employee is technically an employee of the Board of Supervisors and not an employee of the elected official, which some people see as a good thing and some people see as a bad thing. The other thing that is happening is the Board of Supervisors is directly appointing people to do some of the functions previously done in elected official’s offices and paying those people significantly more than the deputies in the elected offices. Those are some of the trends that are happening. And some people see that as a good thing and some people don’t. Those are some of the trends happening. Hughes: Tom has that been happening mostly in the larger counties where they’ve been doing these delinkings or is it across… Kriz: No, Marshall County is a smaller county. Cerro Gordo would be smaller. Polk is larger. Scott is larger. I would say that they are probably linked in the biggest 20 counties or 25 counties. Slockett: I can give you the benefit of my institutional memory. Johnson County used to have what were called chief clerks. Cletus Redlinger, Ed Steinbrect were both in the past as deputies paid more than the percentage limit because they were classified as clerks. But there was some criticism that this was a way of getting around the law and they eventually changed back and went to keeping the deputies within the statutory limits. But other counties are doing it and especially the larger counties. For example in Polk County some of the administrative people are paid I think more than the Auditor is paid. So I haven’t really seen any kind of compilation of this information statewide but it would be interesting. Holland: I’m not necessarily advocating either that we use such a system here or that the deputies be paid more than the elected officials but to point out the constraints and the problem is when each person talks about their deputy at that 80%, 85% limitation and then the Board of Supervisors trimming that makes it difficult to do the kinds of things you are talking about doing. Hughes: Any motions? Do you want to just start with a number and keep working our way up or how do you want to do it? Peters: Or we could start with a number and work our way down. Hughes: Well we could do that too. Peters: We would have to start kind of high. Holland: Well there is also the issue of the Supervisors when they make a cut that is uniformly distributed. I can’t remember if it’s cut 10% everybody is cut 10% or if it is cut a dollar amount everybody is cut the same dollar. Hughes: It can be done two ways I think. Holland: That was my recollection. Hughes: It can be done either way. Slockett: I think it is believed that the law says an equal percent and that has been interpreted you could do it either as a percentage of the entire salary or a percent of the increase. Holland: I think that for simplicity’s sake it has typically been a percentage reduction of the increase because it is way too complicated to go through and figure out the effect the other way. I’ve been all

15 over the board on this. If you look at some of the past numbers I was prolifically responsible for the 10% recommendation increase of the Board of Supervisors and then last year I was the miser. I deal with County government on a regular basis. I don’t know about other people on the Board but I deal with a lot of the offices on a pretty regular basis and I would certainly agree that the quality of service and the efficiency in the offices has shown a remarkable increase, particularly in the past 3 to 5 years. I think some of it is application of technology and some of it is application of better management. The Board of Supervisors, it really is a joke to say that it is a 3/4 time job. If anything it probably is more like a 125% time job. I think it is important to advocate for some significant increases recognizing that the Legislature is looking at a 350 million deficit and unfortunately I suspect that one of the ways that is going to be dealt with is by shifting costs back to not just counties but all local governmental units which has been one of the standard techniques of dealing with that deficit over the last couple of years. We really don’t know what that impact is going to be until the Legislature has concluded its session. I also don’t know about the wisdom of singling out any particular group of people among the elected officials for a higher percentage increase because frankly I think that all of the elected officials have been doing a good job. When I say elected officials I essentially mean the department heads, Treasurer, Auditor, Recorder, Sheriff. I think that County government has become a lot more complex and I read in the newspaper about the constant cry in some other places for consolidation of government and in this county obviously there are people advocating for consolidation of Iowa City and Johnson County government and having a single unitary government. But frankly I think County government functions really pretty well and in a whole different mode than government in the two bigger cities in the County do. I would move a 5% increase for the Attorney, Auditor, Treasurer, and Recorder. Did I leave anybody out? Basically for all of those elected public officials and a 7.5% increase for the Board of Supervisors? Hughes: Is there a second to that for the sake of discussion? Vunderink: Could you repeat that Joe? Holland: 5% for each of the County Attorney, County Auditor, County Recorder, County Treasurer, and County Sheriff, and 7.5% for the Board of Supervisors. Hughes: Again is there a second to that for the sake of discussion? Vunderink: I’ll second it. Hughes: OK. A motion has been made and seconded. Is there any discussion on the motion? Holland: You aren’t going to make it in an hour. Hughes: Yes I am. Holland: You’re not anticipating discussion? Hughes: I’ve got the gavel here. George: Is there any thought given to the experience level of the elected official as well as their deputies if there has been change within the last year? I’m looking at that from the standpoint of a newly elected official maybe not having the experience of the person that they replaced as you look at this process or do they just automatically get the benefit of all of that past experience? Holland: Are you asking me? George: I’m asking anybody who wants to respond I guess. Holland: I wouldn’t say that the newly elected official is inexperienced. We have a range. I think that Tom is certainly the senior. He has been in County government longer than anybody else out there. What 25 years? Slockett: 28. Hughes: Pat White is right up there with you though. Slockett: Not as County Attorney but he was in the County Attorney’s Office. Hughes: Right.

16 Holland: And also for a considerable amount of time that was a part-time position, the County Attorney. Then you are all the way down to Lonnie, who, I guess you’ve taken office. Pulkrabek: Right. Hughes: And Rod. Holland: But he’s also been at the Sheriff’s Department for a long time. That’s a real hard thing to quantify because then you’ve got Tom Kriz and Kim who fit in between with varying lengths of service. It’s my personal inclination to kind of ignore that and figure that if you compensate people well and do a good job and if they don’t there is another election coming up before too long that will take care of that. Hughes: I would like to concur with your motion. It follows a strategy that we used about three or four years ago in that it some way forced the Board of Supervisors to accept a raise without placing any punishment or not to the detriment of the other offices because they weren’t going to cut so much from their raise to deny anybody else of getting a raise. It ensured that what our intent was which was to try to help out the deputies wouldn’t be impugned by the politics of the Board not really wanting to give themselves a raise. Peters: The other thing that does, if you remember a couple of years ago I brought in a chart showing that where the Supervisors had requested that they did not get the raise so this is bringing them up. Hughes: Pat do you have anything to offer. You seconded the motion in terms of discussion. Vunderink: I guess I always go with Joe. No. Holland: That’s a dangerous decision. Vunderink: No we usually do not see that. It was interesting that Bob brought up the experience issue because I wondered if that was going to be something that we would feel like we needed to deal with at all tonight. I know in the past we’ve not treated it as a separate issue. Holland: I don’t have any objection if other members of the Board want to vote on those on an individual basis. I started at 5%. You could vote for each office and say yay or nay. Hughes: I guess as Chair I would want to vote on the motion as is and if we vote the motion down we can have a motion to do it a piece at a time or several at a time. So if you don’t want to do it all at once you should vote no for the motion. Vunderink: Something to Bob I might say that when you look at that experience issue when you read through the packet and see comparable salaries around the State as well as within the City of Iowa City treating them that way does not make their salaries out of line with other similar types of skills, knowledge, and management of other issues. I think we’ve been sensitive in the past that the County pay has been less than the City of Iowa City pay and we don’t want to see that gap widen and we’ve tried to narrow that. Bob’s probably coming from an accounting point of view where you would deal with that issue. I guess having discussed this issue for the last three years it seems to be the fairest way to deal with it and to make things as equitable with other law enforcement officers within the City. Holland: I think particularly with the people who run for office that even though they do it out of public service, and I don’t think Lonnie was probably chasing a big salary given what he went through this year, but I think you can to a certain degree either reward or encourage people to take on public service by paying the position itself, independent of the person, but the office carrying a certain compensation with it. Hughes: Any other discussion? Hearing none all in favor of the motion indicate by saying aye. Peters: Aye. Vunderink: Aye. Holland: Aye. Hughes: Opposed, nay. George: Nay.

17 Motion by Holland, second by Vunderink, that the Compensation Board recommend a 5% increase for the County Attorney, County Auditor, County Recorder, County Sheriff, and County Treasurer, and a 7.5% increase for the Board of Supervisors. The Chair declared the motion passed.

Hughes: Motion carried. Any other business that we need to bring before this body? Is there any business from the public that needs to be brought before this body?


Hughes: The next item on the agenda is setting a date and time for the next meeting. Are we legally obliged to do that Tom? Slockett: No. Hughes: OK. Joe pointed out that we’ve never met when we’ve planned it anyway and wondered if this was just kind of a fruitless exercise or whether we needed to do it. Holland: I would suggest Tom that your office start contacting people around the first of October and looking for November and December dates. Everybody’s schedule is hard to plan. What has happened is you with good intentions have helped plan that meeting and then you’ve had to change it because of demands in your office. The ISAC meeting, the Election this year and I think we might as well wait until next year to schedule it. Hughes: This year. Holland: This year, that’s right. Two meetings this year. Sullivan: Patrick I think there are a couple of terms that expire June 30, 2005. Hughes: That’s a very good point. Sullivan: So you’ll have a couple of other people that you’ll need. Hughes: What works for us might not work for them. Everybody is OK with that? All right. Not seeing that we have any other business on our agenda and it’s five till 7:00 I would accept a motion for adjournment.

Motion by George, second by Peters, that the meeting adjourn. The Chair declared the motion passed.

Adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

______Attest: Tom Slockett, Auditor By: On the ______day of ______, 2006 By Casie Kadlec, Recording Secretary


Board of Supervisors meeting minutes in their entirety may be viewed by going to the Auditor’s web site at


Employee Salaries Horne said that he is assuming a 4.5% salary increase for the Supervisors and a 3% increase for the deputies and elected officials. The Board discussed encouraging elected officials to reclassify the deputy positions in order to pay them more. The Board agreed to the 4.5% and 3% increase. The Board agreed that they would give the non-union employees the same increase as the union employees.


DISCUSSION: FISCAL YEAR 2006 COUNTY BUDGET Stutsman said that salaries are going to be a big issue. Lehman asked where they are right now with the wages. Horne said that right now they are at 4.5% for the Board and 3% for the elected officials. R. Sullivan said that this gets back to the block grant for the Fair Board because they said that they haven’t been asking all along for little bits of money here and there and that they really need it now. He added that he would like to reward departments who work hard to stay within their budgets with granting their requests when they really need it.


DISCUSSION: FISCAL YEAR 2006 COUNTY BUDGET Stutsman said that they need to talk about wages. Horne said that he has budgeted for 4.5% and 3% for the elected officials and deputies. Stutsman said that she is comfortable with 4.5% for the Board, and what the percentage is for other non-bargaining. Neuzil said that it is 4.25% plus merit, plus longevity. Horne said that they have to maintain a 3:2 ratio, and that would be 3.75% and 5%.


DISCUSSION: DEPUTY POSITIONS Neuzil said that during the budget process they discussed elected officials’ salaries, how the deputies are tied to their salaries, and how the deputies aren’t keeping up. R. Sullivan said that when there is a difficult budget situation the public looks to the elected officials to be the leaders and not take a raise, but that affects the deputies. R. Sullivan explained that some counties have changed deputy titles. Kriz said that a lot of Treasurers have started to create administrative positions rather than deputy positions. He explained that this changes who has control over the position. Slockett suggested they have this discussion when County Attorney J. Patrick White is present. Stutsman said that the public doesn’t understand the concept that the deputies are tied to the elected officials. Lehman pointed out that if an elected official leaves office there is no job security for the deputies. Slockett said that the Auditor’s affiliate has proposed for a number of years that the percentage limits be eliminated from the Code. Slockett said that a good place to bring this up is at the Compensation Board. Slockett said that the Compensation Board gave a larger increase to the Board. He said that it would be good if people would explain to the public the value of having well paid elected officials, the link of deputies’ salaries, and everybody supporting legislation that does away with the cap. R. Sullivan said that he wasn’t sure why the rule was created in the first place except to insure that the manager makes the most money. Harney said that they would like to see the deputies paid more. Slockett said that all kinds of methods have been used to demonstrate that to the public. Slockett said that it is good to explain to people the value of having good service. The elected officials agreed to keep discussing the issue.


RESOLUTION 03-28-05-B1 ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 COUNTY BUDGET AND CERTIFICATE OF TAXES Whereas, the Board of Supervisors conducted a public hearing on March 28, 2005 whereupon the proposed fiscal year 2005-2006 county budget was presented to the citizens of Johnson County; and Whereas, the citizens of Johnson County were invited to comment on the proposed fiscal year 2005-2006 county budget, as duly published in the official publications of Johnson County; and Whereas, the Board of Supervisors appreciates the attendance at the public hearings and the comments from citizens who spoke at the public hearings, and encourages all citizens to be informed and participate in county government; and Whereas, the Board of Supervisors has carefully taken into consideration the opinions expressed at the public hearing. Therefore, be it resolved that the fiscal year 2005-2006 county budget and certificate of taxes is adopted as per the Proposed Johnson County Budget Summary for fiscal year 2005-2006 Motion by Harney, second by Sullivan, to approve Resolution 03-28-05-B1.

20 PERCENT INCREASES TO JOHNSON COUNTY BARGAINING UNITS AND ELECTED OFFICIALS (Step and Longevity Increases for Bargaining Unit Employees Not Included)

FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Average BARGAINING UNIT

Administrative smallest increase 3.50%* 4.50% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 2.00% 3.75% 4.00% 3.50%* 4.00%* 4.00%* 3.50% biggest increase 3.50%* 6.50% 5.25% 3.00% 3.00% 2.00% 3.75% 4.00% 3.50%* 4.00%* 4.00%* 3.86%

Ambulance smallest increase 3.50% 4.00% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.25% 3.50% 3.21%* 3.00% 2.85%* 3.23% biggest increase 3.50% 4.00% 7.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 4.25% 4.50% 4.21%* 3.00% 2.85%* 3.85%

SEATS smallest increase 9.00% 4.00% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.25% 3.50% 3.75% 3.50%* 3.00% 4.00%* 3.93% biggest increase 10.00% 4.00% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.25% 3.50% 3.75% 3.50%* 3.00% 4.00%* 4.02%

Secondary Roads smallest increase 3.50% 4.00% 3.00% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.75% 4.00% 3.50% 2.75% 3.25% 3.36% biggest increase 3.50% 4.00% 3.00% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.75% 4.00% 3.50% 2.75% 3.25% 3.36%

Sheriff smallest increase 3.25% 3.50% 4.00%* 3.50% 4.00%* 3.50%* 3.50%* 3.375% 3.58% biggest increase 3.25% 3.50% 4.00%* 3.50% 4.00%* 3.50%* 3.50%* 3.375% 3.58%

Social Services smallest increase 3.50% 4.00% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.25% 3.50% 3.75% 3.50%* 3.00% 4.00%* 3.43% biggest increase 3.50% 4.00% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.25% 3.50% 3.75% 3.50%* 3.00% 4.00%* 3.43%

21 FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY Average 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 ELECTED OFFICIALS

Compensation Board Recommendation Attorney and Auditor 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 5.00% 4.73% Board of Supervisors 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 10.00% 5.00% 4.00% 7.50% 5.31% Recorder and Treasurer 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 5.00% 4.73% Sheriff 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 5.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 5.00% 4.91%

Board of Supervisors Action Attorney and Auditor 3.50% 3.50% 3.25% 4.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 3.75% 3.57% Board of Supervisors 3.50% 3.50% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 6.50% 3.00% 3.00% 5.00% 3.89% Recorder and Treasurer 3.50% 3.50% 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 3.90% 3.00% 3.00% 3.75% 3.51% Sheriff 3.50% 3.50% 3.25% 5.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 3.90% 3.00% 3.00% 3.75% 3.72%

Increase in the 2.80% 2.90% 2.20% 1.60% 2.60% 3.50% 3.20% 2.40% 2.20% 2.73% 3.83% 2.69% Consumer Price Index Based on the most recent CPI -u (for all workers).

* increase represents the aggregate of increases July 1 and January 1 in given fiscal year


FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 8 Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Average BARGAINING UNIT

Administrative * smallest increase 2.80% 2.90% 2.50% 2.00% 3.50% 3.90% 3.40% 3.50% 3.06% biggest increase 13.30% 11.40% 12.90% 9.40% 12.20% 12.40% 13.60% 12.7% 12.24% average** 4.50% 4.10% 4.60% 4.20% 5.30% 5.40% 5.00% 5.30% 4.80%

Ambulance * smallest increase 3.10% 3.00% 2.50% 3.80% 3.30% 3.50% 2.50% 3.10% 3.10% biggest increase 11.40% 10.80% 7.30% 11.40% 7.60% 11.40% 7.50% 10.80% 9.78% average** 7.30% 5.10% 4.40% 5.70% 5.40% 6.60% 5.90% 6.40% 5.85%

SEATS * smallest increase 3.10% 2.90% 2.90% 3.20% 3.40% 3.70% 3.40% 2.90% 3.19% biggest increase 3.50% 3.40% 3.30% 3.60% 7.60% 7.90% 6.80% 7.10% 5.40% average** 3.20% 3.00% 3.00% 3.30% 3.90% 4.70% 4.10% 3.50% 3.59%

Secondary Roads * smallest increase 2.90% 3.10% 3.10% 3.00% 3.60% 3.90% 3.40% 2.60% 3.20% biggest increase 10.20% 10.90% 10.60% 11.50% 11.30% 11.60% 11.90% 11.20% 11.15% average** 4.00% 4.70% 4.80% 4.60% 5.50% 5.20% 4.50% 4.50% 4.73%

Sheriff* smallest increase 3.10% 3.30% 3.90% 3.30% 4.00% 3.40% 3.40% 3.49% biggest increase 18.90% 19.10% 23.10% 22.50% 19.90% 16.90% 22.60% 20.43% average** 4.80% 5.60% 6.30% 5.20% 7.20% 5.90% 5.70% 5.81%

Social Services * smallest increase 2.90% 2.90% 2.80% 3.10% 3.40% 3.70% 3.40% 2.90% 3.14% biggest increase 10.80% 11.80% 8.90% 12.00% 9.40% 9.50% 8.30% 8.70% 9.93% average** 5.80% 5.60% 5.00% 5.80% 6.00% 6.70% 6.20% 5.30% 5.80%

Non-bargaining unit* smallest increase 2.30% 2.90% 3.20% 3.90% 2.90% 3.40% 3.20% 3.11% biggest increase 24.00% 10.40% 8.40% 13.50% 19.10% 21.10% 14.50% 15.86% average** 7.10% 7.10% 4.10% 6.20% 4.80% 4.90% 5.30% 5.64%

All Units * smallest increase 2.80% 2.30% 2.50% 2.00% 3.30% 2.90% 2.50% 2.60% 2.61% biggest increase 13.30% 24.00% 19.10% 23.10% 22.50% 19.90% 21.10% 22.60% 20.70% average** 4.70% 5.10% 4.60% 4.90% 5.50% 5.70% 5.20% 5.30% 5.13%

23 ELECTED OFFICIALS FY FY FY FY FY FY FY FY 8 Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Average Compensation Board Recommendation Attorney and Auditor 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 5.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.63% Supervisors 4.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 10.00% 5.00% 4.00% 8.88% Recorder, & Treasurer 4.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.63% Sheriff 4.00% 5.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.88%

Board of Supervisors Action Attorney and Auditor 3.25% 4.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 3.25% 3.00% 3.75% 3.66% Board of Supervisors 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 6.50% 3.00% 5.00% 3.61% Recorder, & Treasurer 3.25% 3.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 3.90% 3.00% 3.75% 3.61% Sheriff 3.25% 5.00% 3.00% 4.50% 4.50% 3.90% 3.00% 3.75% 3.86%

Increase in the Consumer Price 2.20% 1.60% 2.60% 3.50% 3.20% 2.40% 2.20% 3.20% 2.61% Index***

*Bargaining unit increases are the difference between adjusted year-end wage rates for the fiscal year listed in the heading and adjusted year-end rates for the previous year. These wage rates include step raises, cost of living increases, and longevity payments pro rated as an hourly wage rate. Non-bargaining unit increases are calculated in the same manner for individuals covered by the salary survey.

**Averages each year were calculated by adding all individual increases within the unit and dividing by the number of employees

***Based on CPI-u issued July 2004.



WHITE J ATTORNEY 99,440 3.75% 103,169 1% 104,201 1,032 138 1,170

SLOCKETT T AUDITOR 60,106 3.75% 62,360 1% 62,984 624 84 708 ASCHENBRENNER DEPUTY 45,080 3.75% 46,770 1% 47,238 468 63 531 D AUDITOR EDWARDS C DEPUTY 48,085 3.75% 49,888 1% 50,387 499 67 566 AUDITOR GILMERE J DEPUTY 45,080 3.75% 46,770 1% 47,238 468 63 531 AUDITOR KISTLER M DEPUTY 45,080 3.75% 46,770 1% 47,238 468 63 531 AUDITOR SHAW M DEPUTY 45,080 3.75% 46,770 1% 47,238 468 63 531 AUDITOR

HARNEY P BOARD OF 40,564 5% 42,592 1% 43,018 426 57 483 SUPERVISOR LEHMAN M BOARD OF 40,564 5% 42,592 1% 43,018 426 57 483 SUPERVISOR NEUZIL T BOARD OF 40,564 5% 42,592 1% 43,018 426 57 483 SUPERVISOR STUTSMAN S BOARD OF 40,564 5% 42,592 1% 43,018 426 57 483 SUPERVISOR SULLIVAN R BOARD OF 40,564 5% 42,592 1% 43,018 426 57 483 SUPERVISOR

PULKRABEK L SHERIFF 77,417 3.75% 80,320 1% 81,123 803 127 930 DOLEZAL S MAJOR 65,804 3.75% 68,272 1% 68,955 683 108 791



PAINTER K RECORDER 59,904 3.75% 62,150 1% 62,772 622 83 705 COURTNEY S DEPUTY 47,923 3.75% 49,720 1% 50,217 497 67 564 RECORDER THERME E DEPUTY 44,928 3.75% 46,613 1% 47,079 466 62 528 RECORDER

KRIZ T TREASURER 59,904 3.75% 62,150 1% 62,772 622 83 705 HOFFMAN K DEPUTY 44,928 3.75% 46,613 1% 47,079 466 62 528 TREASURER PREGON J DEPUTY 47,923 3.75% 49,720 1% 50,217 497 67 564 TREASURER SASS B DEPUTY 47,923 3.75% 49,720 1% 50,217 497 67 564 TREASURER

GRAND TOTAL 1,087,425 1,130,735 1,142,045 11,310 1,552 12,862

26 SALARY SURVEY 2005 Johnson County

Last Name First Name Title Salary WHITE J. Patrick County Attorney 99,440 PARKER Gregory S. County Engineer 89,000 WILMOTH Ralph O. Health Director 87,242 LAHEY Anne M. Assist Atty V 78,310 SCHULTZ Jean K. Is Director 77,420 PULKRABEK Lonny L. County Sheriff 77,417 GREAZEL William T. County Assessor 76,622 MILLER Alan A. Assistant County Engineer 73,465 LYNESS Janet M. Assist Atty V 72,734 MINOT Deborah F. Assist Atty V 72,734 GRAVES Harry L. Conservation Director 71,537 BALDRIDGE Dennis J. City Assessor 69,560 WINSTEAD Robert D. Assistant County Engineer 68,028 SWEET Margaret E. Mh/Dd Director 67,908 NEUMANN Jinyeene M. Assistant County Engineer 67,821 HORNING William P. Network Administrator 66,990 YODER Gary J. Asst Is Director 66,990 SULLIVAN Michael P. Executive Assistant 66,779 DOLEZAL Steve S. Major 65,804 FLORA Kathryn M. Asst Director/Dis Prev Mgr 64,219 DVORAK Richard J. Zoning Administrator 63,649 HENDERSON David W. Captain 63,573 SLAUGHTER Keith A. Captain 63,573 SVATOS Gayle C. Captain 63,573 WAGNER David M. Captain 63,573 TIFFANY David V. Assist Atty IV 63,480 KELLY Lois M. Chief Deputy Assessor 63,139 SPENLER Stephen L. Ambulance Director 60,936 UNTERNAHRER Carl D. Programmer Analyst II 60,901 ETTINGER Rivka Assist Atty IV 60,400 CHAPPELL Andrew B. Assist Atty IV 60,202 SLOCKETT Thomas S. Auditor 60,107 BRASE Thomas P. Seats Director 60,005 KRIZ Thomas L. Treasurer 59,904 PAINTER Kimberly A. Recorder 59,904

27 Johnson County

Last Name First Name Title Salary

HAYSLETT Stephen M. Lieutenant 59,563 LALLA Joseph V. Lieutenant - 2nd Chief Deputy 59,563 WALDSCHMIDT James G. Lieutenant 59,563 BRENNAN Michael D. Assist Atty IV 59,209 BURKE Carolyn R. Chief Deputy City Assessor 59,130 SHRAMEK Lora A. Human Resources Administrator 58,940 HACKATHORN Kevin A. Maintenance Superintendent 57,956 BARKER Shirley R. Programmer Analyst II 56,555 ADOLPH Brian T. Sergeant 56,464 BELL Kevin L. Sergeant 56,464 DEATSCH William A. Sergeant 56,464 GWINN Douglas P. Sergeant 56,464 HIPPLE Gregory A. Sergeant 56,464 KINNEY Kevin J. Sergeant - Detective 56,464 KRAMER Gary J. Sergeant 56,464 OCKENFELS Douglas J. Sergeant 56,464 SCHEETZ Michael J. Sergeant - Detective 56,464 VANNOY Douglas E. Sergeant - Detective 56,464 WRAY Raquel L. Sergeant 56,464 HAVEL Richard W. Gis Coord 56,047 COLE Maria V. Assist Atty IV 55,080 MOORE Ronald J. Asst Zoning Administrator 55,017 KEMPF David G. Facilities Manager 54,660 MCCARTY Gwendolyn J. Assist Atty IV 54,468 LYNCH Katherine A. Accountant 54,035 COMER Brad Deputy City Assessor 52,990 FISHER Nadine K. Wic/Mch Manager 52,687 BROWN Fred W. Network Support Technician 51,909 GOOD John D. Sergeant 51,899 HORNE Jeffrey R. Budget Coordinator 50,967 KNIPPER Timothy J. Webmaster/Training Coordinator 50,939 HAWN Sharon K. Assessment/Health Prom Mgr 50,873 DVORSKY David J. Assistant Ambulance Director 50,786 BRECHT Larry E. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 ELLIOTT Kevin A. Deputy Sheriff 49,904

28 Johnson County

Last Name First Name Title Salary

FISHER Bradley D. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 HRUBY Luke J. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 KOSHATKA Susie J. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 LANGENBERG Christopher L. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 PRENTICE Mark L. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 QUILES Danny W. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 RICHARDSON Gregory J. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 ROBERTS James L. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 ROCKAFELLOW William J. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 SCHINTLER Phillip J. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 SHURSON Joseph T. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 SMITH Lyle D. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 SMITH Rory D. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 STANTON David M. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 STEEN Catherine M. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 STOTLER Terry E. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 VINCENT Daniel S. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 WATTS Virginia D. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 WELSH David A. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 WERNER Jr. George R. Deputy Sheriff 49,904 FLOERCHINGER JR Frank M. Asst Maint Superintendent 49,867 MOONSAMMY Albert G. Env Health Spec 49,795 LOVETINSKY Larry E. Field Superintendent 48,778 WEIR Patricia A. Assist Atty III 48,218 BRADLEY David L. Deputy Sheriff 47,961 LAMM Randall A. Deputy Sheriff 47,961 SNOW Dan N. Deputy Sheriff 47,961 UNGARO Peter M. Deputy Sheriff 47,961 COURTNEY Sylvia J. Deputy Recorder 47,923 PREGON James D. Deputy Treasurer 47,923 SASS Betty L. Deputy Treasurer 47,923 HANSEN Thomas L. Emergency Mgmt Coordinator 47,652 ARSATE Ruben G. Senior Building Inspector 46,580 EDWARDS Chris R. Deputy Auditor 46,572 KRAMER Dan J. Env Health Spec 46,301

29 Johnson County

Last Name First Name Title Salary

JUETTEN Bruce G. Clinical Supervisor 46,125 FROST Iris B. Assist Atty III 45,900 GUARD Deborah L. Financial & Statistical Supvr 45,895 DOWNES Christopher J. Deputy Sheriff 45,798 KUNKEL Bradley E. Deputy Sheriff 45,798 RUDISH Katrina M. Deputy Sheriff 45,798 SMITH Thomas J. Park Ranger II 45,608 BONNETT Cory W. Field Supervisor 45,323 SHAW Jan D. Quality Assurance Fin Elig Spe 45,252 STEWART Mark R. Leadperson/Structure Erosion 45,136 ZIMMERMAN Patrick J. Leadperson/Structure Ditching 45,136 ASCHENBRENN ER Dana W. Deputy Auditor 2nd 45,080 GILMERE Julie A. Deputy Auditor 2nd 45,080 KISTLER Mark A. Deputy Auditor 2nd 45,080 MILLER Steven D. Deputy Auditor 2nd 45,080 DENNIS James F. Engineering Techn II 44,949 HENNES Mike Leadperson/Concrete 44,949 MAHONEY Robert J. Leadperson/Shop 44,949 TIGGES Gary E. Leadperson/Sign 44,949 HOFFMAN Koleen A. Deputy Treasurer - 2nd 44,928 THERME Erik C. 2nd Deputy Recorder 44,928 VILLHAUER Tom M. Leadperson/Asphalt Oil 44,762 ESSING Danelle R. Managing Secretary 44,721 FEVOLD An L. Social Worker II 44,365 MAGEE-SWIM Margo E. Social Worker II 44,365 MARGULIS Craig L. Social Worker II 44,365 MORAN David M. Social Worker II 44,365 TROUTEN Ronald J. Social Worker II 44,365 WAUL Lisa A. Social Worker II 44,365 WOLLARD Deborah E. Social Worker II 44,365 MILLS Becky A. Admin Asst II/Manager 43,702 HENZE Christopher D. Roadside Vegetation Manager 43,618 PIDGEON Gary L. Senior Maintenance Specialist 43,597 KINNEY Timothy R. Utility Person 43,430 RICH-CHAPPELL Meredith L. Assist Atty II 43,400

30 Johnson County

Last Name First Name Title Salary

THAYER James C. Communications Supervisor 43,389 ARN Robert J. District Partrol Person 43,243 BRYANT Richard W. District Patrol Person 43,243 CONNELL Steven L. District Patrol Person 43,243 KRON Jerry J. District Patrol Person 43,243 LOYD Rebecca A. Field Supervisor 43,118 THOMPSON Stacey D. Environmental Health Coord 43,118 STRUZYNSKI Michael J. District Patrol Person 43,056 TOMAS Allen R. District Patrol Person 43,056 CONNER John A. Operator/Fabricator 42,869 PETERS Mitchell J. District Patrol Person 42,869 POTTORFF Michael V. Operator/Fabricator 42,869 BRECKNER Chris J. Operator/Fabricator 42,682 CAMPBELL Brett A. District Patrol Person 42,682 LAMPE Fred R. District Patrol Person 42,682 OLLINGER Nick A. District Patrol Person 42,682 PENCE Jr. Chuck W. Operator/Fabricator 42,682 LIBBY Robert D. Field Supervisor 42,661 CAMPBELL Daniel P. Park Ranger I 42,640 ROBINSON Karen L. Hiv Progrm Coor 42,619 ESSINGTON Brenda S. Social Worker II 42,558 GOOD Troy A. Social Worker II 42,558 SHELDON Nicole R. Social Worker II 42,558 NASH Laurie A. Early Childhood Specialist 42,538 LAMB Malinda R. Mobile Crisis Coordinator 42,500 LANGENBERG Kay F. Adm Secretary 42,479 DONOVAN Raymond R. Operator/Fabricator 42,328 LOVETINSKY John R. Roadside Technician 42,328 MADDEN Scott L. Mechanic 42,328 FELDMANN Jennifer M. Human Resources Coordinator 42,240 KASTER Diane K. Administrative Assistant Roads 41,897 DUFANO Charles W. Nutritionist 41,725 CHRISTENSON Barbara J. Admin Assist - Ambulance 41,596 HAMMES Aaron R. Deputy Sheriff 41,496 KISNER Tyler S. Deputy Sheriff 41,496 MARLOWE Demetrius A. Deputy Sheriff 41,496

31 Johnson County

Last Name First Name Title Salary

PHILLIPS Lora L. Lead Dispatcher 41,388 SCHEIB Annette M. Dis Prev Spec/Mch Coordinator 41,382 WYATT Mark A. Field Supervisor 41,184 EVANS Ed C. Systems Administrator 41,088 DAVIS Kathy D. Operations Supervisor 40,953 FEDDERSEN Steven L. Road Maintenance Person 40,934 HURLA Christopher J. Social Worker II 40,824 MAHER Amber D. Social Worker II 40,824 REGENWETHER Scott L. Social Worker II 40,824 SEALE Shelli K. Social Worker II 40,824 WENGER Kristal R. Social Worker II 40,824 BRADDOCK Kevin W. Operator/Fabricator 40,685 HARNEY Patrick L. Board Of Supervisor 40,564 LEHMAN Michael E. Board Of Supervisor 40,564 NEUZIL Terrence L. Board Of Supervisor 40,564 STUTSMAN Sally A. Board Of Supervisor 40,564 SULLIVAN Rod E. Board Of Supervisor 40,564 SMITH Shannon O. Road Maintenance Person 40,394 WEBB Jarod L. Sign Person 40,394 PITLICK Jeff A. Road Maintenance Person 40,061 ROBINSON Nathan J. Road Maintenance Person 40,061 KRUSE Todd R. Real Estate Clerk 40,040

32 City of Coralville

Last Name First Name Title Salary

HAYWORTH Kelly J. City Admin. 114,363 HOLDERNESS Daniel R. City Engineer 86,082 BEDFORD Barry W. Police Chief 78,862 WENMAN Ronald L. Pol Lieutenant 68,518 LAMANSKY Brian T. Wwtp Supt. 64,879 GALSTAD Alison A. Lib. Director 64,197 JOHNSON Julianne S. Director Of P&R 62,634 CALLAHAN Kevin C. Wtr Plant Supt. 62,564 STANNARD David K. Fire Chief 61,406 KRON Shane A. Police Lt 61,030 WILLIAMS John K. Police Sergeant 59,776 FREEMAN Bruce E. Police Sergeant 59,066 LARSON Scott E. Asst City Eng 58,978 CARDEN Douglas L. Police Sergeant 58,469 SEARLS William S. Police Sergeant 58,465 VEST Timothy R. Police Sergeant 57,507 MCCOY Patrick L. Police Sgt 57,353 KAEDING Teresa A. Finance Officer 57,145 KESSLER James E. Bldg. Official 57,103 FUNKE Michael A. H. R. Manager 53,350 MURRAY Charles R. Police Officer 52,531 BARKHOFF Jeffrey A. Police Officer 51,325 PRICE David R. Str/Sw Superint 51,284 ROBROCK Vicky Transit Op Mgr 51,284 SWANK Rob L. Police Officer 51,095 CLARAHAN William J. Police Officer 50,464 PROUD Sherri L. Recreation Supt 49,937 BUSZKA Brent A. Police Officer 49,928 CLARK Steven J. Police Officer 49,909 SMITH Richard A. Police Officer 49,877 BARNEY Michael S. Police Officer 49,839 MCNULTY John G. Asst Wtr Pl Sup 49,725 WRIGHT David M. Police Officer 49,338 VANCE Douglas C. Police Officer 49,303 BENDER Chad D. Police Officer 49,255 ROSKOS Thomas P. Golf Supt. 48,868 COBERLY Scott A. Parks Superint 48,596 SUTTON Jereme L. Police Officer 48,533 DEBOER Brian L. Police Officer 48,513

33 City of Coralville

Last Name First Name Title Salary

ALEXANDER Douglas E. Police Officer 48,085 VILETA Trent E. Police Officer 44,886 MCATEE JR. Jerry L. Asst Wwtp Supt. 44,574 HAMPE Ellen L. Asst Lib Direct 44,536 RICH Jaclyn Police Officer 44,016 CHANDLER Samuel S. Police Officer 43,561 DROLL Meleah Police Officer 43,405 BAILEY Megan M. Golf Facility 42,004 BOGAARD Nolan R. Building Inspec 41,986 BEUTER Nancy J. City Clerk 41,628 POOK-JOHNSON Florence W. Utlty Bill Coor 41,567 BOWERS Glen E. Sw/Recycle Coor 41,413 LAGRANGE Edward M. P&B Main Coord 41,327 ANDERSON Troy K. Athletic Super. 41,162 VAN NOSTRAND JR. Faron Aqua Supervisor 41,162 WICKSTROM Ryan D. Telec Prod Coor 41,162 MAI Travis D. Rec Prg Super 40,961 SCHWITZER Orey Fire Prevention 40,453 FAULKNER Amy L. Rec Prg Super 40,284 LANCASTER Alan J. Parks Coord. 40,262 BAACK Craig A. Water Plant Op 40,182

34 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

ATKINS Stephen City Manager 140,855 HELLING Dale Asst City Manager 113,795 CRAIG Susan Library Director 105,356 BOOTHROY Doug His Director 102,088 FOWLER Jr. Joseph Parking And Transit Director 102,088 TRUEBLOOD Terry Parks & Recreation Director 102,072 O'MALLEY Kevin Finance Director 101,906 FRANKLIN Karin Pcd Director 101,838 FOSSE Richard Public Works Director 101,258 ROCCA Andrew Fire Chief 100,890 WINKELHAKE Ralph Police Chief 95,366 DAVIDSON Jeffrey Asst Pcd Director/Jccog Ex Dir 85,765 JOHNSON Matt Police Captain 85,693 MEJIA Sylvia Personnel Administrator 85,693 WIDMER Tommy Police Captain 85,693 MORAN Michael Recreation Supt 85,443 COHN Gary Its Coordinator 84,643 LIPPOLD Erik Police Officer 81,534 MIKLO Robert Senior Planner 80,305 STUTZMAN Ronald Battalion Chief 79,730 SELLERS Danny Police Lieutenant 79,399 HERTING Erin Asst Finance Director 79,233 ROBINSON Terryl Superintendent Parks/Forestry 78,694 CLARK Maeve Library Coordinator 78,566 STOCKMAN Gerald Supt Streets/Solid Waste 78,463 ELIAS David Wastewater Treatment Supt 78,375 WYSS Richard Police Lieutenant 78,213 GREEN Deborah Library Coordinator 78,063 HUMSTON James Battalion Chief 78,006 BLACK Barbara Library Coordinator 77,951 MORENO Edward Water Superintendent 77,713 HOLECEK Sarah First Asst City Attorney 77,527 STEFFEN James Police Lieutenant 77,395 JACKSON, Jr. Sidney Police Lieutenant 76,951 KARR Marian City Clerk 76,680

35 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

LEIK Martin Police Officer 75,301 JENSEN Roger Battalion Chief 75,063 KOPPING Linda Senior Center Coordinator 73,557 BRADBURY Shaun Spec Project Administrator 73,302 KNOCHE Ronald City Engineer 72,759 GANNON Dennis Sr Engineer 72,725 LALLA Vicki Police Sergeant 72,517 BROTHERTON Michael Police Sergeant 72,293 MILLER Joel Spec Project Administrator 72,064 NASBY Steven Community Development Coord 71,523 LORD Michael Police Sergeant 71,381 LOGSDEN Ronald Transit Manager 71,335 HEICK Kevin Police Sergeant 71,098 CAMPBELL William Police Sergeant 70,942 GOODMAN- HERBST Misha Animal Control Supervisor 70,503 LAURITZEN Heidi Library Coordinator 69,490 LOGSDEN Kara Library Coordinator 68,099 HURD Kevin Police Sergeant 67,598 HUFF Harry Police Officer 67,237 MILLER Steven Sr Construction Inspector 66,873 KREI Brian Police Sergeant 66,698 AKERS Christopher Police Officer 66,582 SMITH Daniel Battalion Chief 66,091 SHANK Heather Human Rights Coordinator 66,069 HANSEN Thomas Equipment Superintendent 65,690 O'BRIEN Christopher Parking Manager 65,049 MILLER Scott Police Officer 64,687 PENICK Hal Library Systems Manager 64,358 SCOTT Daniel Sr Engineer 63,695 BLANK Jerry Fire Captain 63,666 HART Douglas Police Sergeant 63,205 HENNES Timothy Sr Building Inspector 62,877 STIMMEL Steven Fire Lieutenant 62,270 BLOMGREN Jerry Police Officer 62,112 HUMRICHOUSE Greg Police Officer 61,931

36 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

DILKES Eleanor City Attorney 61,896 KELSAY Troy Police Sergeant 61,724 MATTHEWS Andrew Asst City Attorney 61,353 BATCHELLER Paul Police Officer 61,118 SCHLUETER Leon Sr M.W. - Water Distribution 61,107 NIICHEL Mary Central Services Administrator 61,046 COFFEY Barbara Document Services Supv 60,956 ROBERTS Stephen Rec. Maint. Supr 60,727 GRIER John Fire Captain 60,544 HANSEN Matthew Police Officer 60,482 KAHLER Larry Fire Captain 60,430 SLUTTS Kevin Asst Supt - Water 60,030 SOBASKI John Asst Supt Streets/Solid Waste 60,030 BLIVEN Kent Web Developer 59,843 THOMAS Jon Assist Supt - Landfill 59,571 GONZALEZ David Police Officer 59,545 AMIN Manouchehr Transit Operations Supv 58,956 NORTHAM Richard Asst Supt - Wastewater Trmt 58,812 REICHLE Randy Chemist 58,556 SMITHEY Michael Police Officer 58,385 WONICK James Cemetery Supr 58,252 BERG Kevin Police Officer 57,992 FAY Mark Parking Operations Supervisor 57,507 GOOLSBY Scott Fire Lieutenant 57,060 NIXON David Police Officer 56,973 KIVI Steven Police Officer 56,862 CATE Norman Sr Housing Inspector 56,814 RACKIS Steven Housing Administrator 56,749 AMLONG Scott Transit Operations Supv 56,706 ROHR Brian Fire Lieutenant 56,599 FINK Jeffrey Police Officer 56,330 DECKER Robert Construction Inspector Ii 56,276 DOLAN Steve Fire Lieutenant 56,109 JACOBS Paul Police Officer 56,005

37 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

IRVIN Guy Electronics Tech/Traffic Eng 55,970 GASS Robert Police Officer 55,962 KOCH Kelly Firefighter 55,728 DULEK Susan Asst City Attorney 55,721 GILSTRAP Christopher Sr M.W. - Wastewater Plant 55,703 GIST Ronald Police Officer 55,673 MICHEL Brian Sr M.W. - Streets 55,649 BOK Christopher Fire Lieutenant 55,598 BAKER James Computer Syst Analyst - Police 55,517 LACINA Thomas Fire Lieutenant 55,479 ZACHARIAS Darin Police Officer 55,437 PRESTEGARD Kevin Police Officer 55,218 SEREDUCK Nancy Emergency Communications Super 55,180 HARDY Robert Production Coordinator - Btc 55,176 GREER Brian Fire Lieutenant 55,146 REYHONS Marc Firefighter 55,021 BEHR Mitchel Asst City Attorney 54,987 SUCHOMEL Mary Sr Programmer/Analyst 54,930 FORTMANN Steven Police Officer 54,927 CLARAHAN Jennifer Police Officer 54,834 STIMMEL Andy M.W. III - Streets 54,797 CAHILL Kathleen Sr Programmer/Analyst 54,780 MANSFIELD Debra Budget Management Analyst 54,780 GULLAND James Occ. Health & Safety Specialst 54,702 MCCHRISTY Mary Legal Assistant 54,597 JENN Steve Sr M.W. - Streets 54,341 PLATZ Brian Fire Lieutenant 54,320 BROWN Kenneth Fire Lieutenant 54,278 SPROULE Sara Assistant Controller 54,205 SUEDKAMP Paul Firefighter 54,009 GAARDE Scott Police Officer 53,962 WELCH William Police Officer 53,957 SHAFFER William Cable TV Administrator 53,938 DROLL David Police Officer 53,924 HENRY Robert Fire Lieutenant 53,719 SWARTZENDRUBER Darwin Equipment Shop Supervisor 53,674

38 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

KNIGHT Roger Firefighter 53,673 STEVA Donald Police Officer 53,634 MEBUS R Police Officer 53,621 HEWLETT Mark Police Officer 53,450 FRANK Derek Police Officer 53,443 JULIUS Steven Sr TPO - Wastewater 53,191 DEVALK Scot Firefighter 53,065 HANSEN Dennis Firefighter 53,030 DINGBAUM Timothy Sr Mw Water Plant 53,013 BUCKMAN Christopher Firefighter 52,968 BRICK Darrall Firefighter 52,848 BRIGGS Debbie Public Hsg. Coord 52,835 WOOD Robert M.W. III - Streets 52,834 GILLHAM David M.W. III - Streets 52,821 SEVERSON Linda Human Services Coordinator 52,748 HIETT John Sr Librarian 52,654 NORENBERG George Firefighter 52,568 DOYLE Kevin Associate Planner 52,504 KLINGAMAN Marcia Associate Planner 52,504 SCHABILION Abe Police Officer 52,501 DYKSTRA Robert Construction Inspector II 52,449 PROTASKEY James Special Projects Inspector 52,385 BOELK Brian Sr Engineer 52,368 LONG Stephen Associate Planner 52,354 NEUMANN Brad Solid Waste Planner 52,354 BAILEY Paul Police Officer 52,196 YAPP John Associate Planner 52,179 TACK Terry Police Officer 52,109 FOWLER Colin Police Officer 52,045 LOVETINSKY Steven Mechanic III - Equipment (Eve) 51,801 MEACHAM Craig Sr. TPO - Water 51,749 MCMARTIN Edwin Police Officer 51,534 COOK Gabriel Police Officer 51,402 COOK Steven Firefighter 51,364 LORENCE Troy Police Officer 51,337

39 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

CARROLL Joyce Rec Program Supervisor 51,322 PEAK William Mechanic III - Equipment (Day) 51,274 SAMMONS Becki Police Officer 51,184 BURNS Patrick M.W. III - Streets 51,177 WIELAND Gary Mechanic III - Transit 51,050 SCHEPERS Rae Sr MW - Forestry 51,045 ROTH Daniel Police Officer 50,948 LANGSTAFF Darrel Firefighter 50,925 COFFIN Cynthia Rec Program Supervisor 50,846 VEST Janet Firefighter 50,791 ARENSDORF Edward Library Building Mgr 50,753 SALM Randy M.W. III - Streets 50,742 ROGUSKY Susan Volunteer Specialist-Sr Cntr 50,696 SINGLEMAN Charles Police Officer 50,688 FISHER Elizabeth Librarian II 50,667 SLOAN Leigh Programmer/Analyst 50,627 THOMAS Sheri Sr M.W. - Cbd 50,607 PARRIS Timothy M.W. III - Streets 50,549 BLANCHARD William Rec Program Supervisor 50,546 TINNES Gregory Firefighter 50,480 DUFFY Steven Police Officer 50,463 SEAL Julienne Program Specialist - Sr Center 50,371 SCHUCKERT Michael Special Projects Inspector 50,254 DEEDS Lyle Firefighter 50,206 SPITZ Ross Civil Engineer 50,135 BEATTIE Jay Network Database Specialist 50,064 LUBAROFF Martha Office Manager - Library 50,058 HOWARD Karen Associate Planner 49,899 BROWN Todd Librarian Ii 49,850 BROTHERTON Denise Police Officer 49,595 DYER Linda Librarian II 49,559 ROOKS Merry Emergency Comm Dispatcher 49,511 JOENS James Firefighter 49,466 LACY Chris Firefighter 49,417 ENDRIS Bruce Maint Operator - Wastewater 49,340

40 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

HARTMAN Robert Police Officer 49,328 OVERTON Roger Sr M.W. - Wastewater Collect 49,285 JOHNSON Craig Librarian Ii 49,160 MAURER Ann Sr Accountant - Accounting 49,159 EXLINE David M.W. III - Water Dist 49,066 WAGNER Albert Sr Mw - Turfgrass Specialist 49,066 TALLMAN Julie Development Reg Specialist 49,009 SMITH Solomon PC Desktop Analyst 48,963 SMOTHERS James Firefighter 48,955 WORBY David M.W. III - Water Dist 48,950 MCCAFFERTY Shelley Associate Planner 48,850 EIDAHL Matthew Rec Program Supervisor 48,805 STOCKMAN Earlis Sr MW - Parks 48,800 COPPER Colleen Fss Program Coordinator 48,747 PAULEY III Glenn Firefighter 48,740 FAY Nile Electrician 48,702 MARTIN Andrew Police Officer 48,622 PLATZ Lance Firefighter 48,524 ROTH Troy Firefighter 48,491 WORRELL Anthony M.W. II - Landfill 48,436 GREEN Thomas Mechanic III - Transit 48,401 SWANSON Axel Firefighter 48,394 BENNETT Roxann Utilities Technician 48,291 HIGHTSHOE Tracy Associate Planner 48,280 BUSER Daniel Firefighter 48,276 ROCKENSIES John Firefighter 48,205 JENNINGS Karen Personnel Generalist 48,127 RISS Adam Firefighter 48,111 WAGNER Thomas M.W. III - Streets 48,080 SCHWINDT David Police Officer 47,925 BRICK Gerry Firefighter 47,894 WHITE Larry Firefighter 47,834 SMITH Brandon Firefighter 47,743 MCDERMOTT Tina Firefighter 47,724 NURNBERG Eric Firefighter 47,686

41 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

KOVACINY Gregory Microcomputer Specialist 47,660 SHELLADY Chris Mechanic II - Equipment 47,540 FISHER David M.W. III – Landfill 47,499 MOSS Jude Customer Service Coord 47,493 CORBIN Joseph Firefighter 47,482 MEISNER Thomas Maint Operator - Wastewater 47,435 MARAK Brian Firefighter 47,240 KEATING Kevin Electrician 47,171 DALY James Electronics Tech - Wastewater 47,149 WHETSTINE Susan Operations Specialist 47,136 BOVEY John Building Inspector 47,128 CHILDS Rick Firefighter 47,098 HANSEN Timothy Firefighter 47,095 O'CONNOR Charles Sr Mw - Parking & Transit 46,826 CAROLAN Lance Firefighter 46,792 DIERSEN Zachary Police Officer 46,742 OSVALD Bernard Building Inspector 46,713 SORRENSON Rozella M.W. II - Streets 46,663 FORBES Robert Maintenance Operator - Water 46,549 BRUMM Loren Building Inspector 46,538 CAMPBELL David Building Inspector 46,538 GOERDT Terry Building Inspector 46,538 HANSEN Patrick Building Inspector 46,538 OXLEY Marcus M.W. II - Streets 46,477 COVER Brian Sr Accountant - Treasury 46,448 EVANS Todd Emergency Comm Dispatcher 46,414 BAILEY Jorey Police Officer 46,343 GAINES Ronald Civil Engineer 46,307 HEICK Sandra Emergency Comm Dispatcher 46,287 PERRY Ronald M.W. III - Wastewater 46,271 KRIZ Marilyn Administrative Secretary 46,239 DRUIVENGA Paul M.W. III - Wastewater Collect 46,216 BOWANS Robert Maintenance Operator - Water 46,170 MORRISON James Maint Operator - Wastewater 46,159 ESTLE-SMITH Mary Page Supervisor 46,088

42 City of Iowa City

Last Name First Name Title Salary

THODOS Pamela Accountant - Payroll 45,952 VOPARIL Julie Deputy City Clerk 45,939 HARDING Jon Firefighter 45,719 PEDERSEN Anne Administrative Secretary 45,717 REICHARDT Steven Mechanic II - Equipment 45,659 JOHNSON Kimberly Administrative Secretary 45,592 JELINEK Travis Police Officer 45,571 HICKMAN Zach Firefighter 45,545 TANDY James M.W. II – Streets 45,475 RALPH Steve Tpo - Wastewater Treatment 45,388 POWERS David Housing Rehab Specialist 45,363 WILLIAMS Anissa Associate Planner 45,181 WHITE Linda Administrative Secretary 45,140 UITERMARK Dwayne M.W. III - Landfill 45,079 POWILLS Michelle Police Officer 45,075 CHENEY Todd Police Officer 44,914 CORSO David M.W. II - Streets 44,888 GRINGER Randy M.W. II - Streets 44,871 QUINLAN William Mechanic II - Transit 44,841 CARLSON Scott M.W. II - Landfill 44,829 GRIZEL Frank Mechanic II - Equipment 44,764 VANATTER Thomas Housing Rehab Specialist 44,756 KUENSTER Rodney MW II - Landfill/Recycle 44,594 DROLL Katherine Emergency Comm Dispatcher 44,568 MCCALLA Desmond MWII - Water Distribution 44,516 JORDAN Jason Firefighter 44,507 LEWIS Philip Maintenance Operator - Water 44,386 HARDIN Bryan Firefighter 44,343 SWEETING Carol Public Info/Ed Coord - Water 44,233 HINING Arthur TPO - Water 44,171 WENGER Jill Sr. Document Specialist 44,080 THIES Mark Tpo - Wastewater Treatment 44,002 MURRELL Romona Library Assistant II 43,920 DEKRAKER Joel Police Officer 43,852 HUBER Matthew Police Officer 43,803

43 City of Iowa City Last Name First Name Title Salary

DULL Clay Tpo - Wastewater Treatment 43,685 BUHMAN Craig MWIII - Senior Center 43,645 STROUD Virginia Housing Office Manager 43,579 BAILEY Brian MWII - Water Distribution 43,555 BOGS Donna Emergency Comm Dispatcher 43,498 O'NEIL Ronald Airport Manager 43,487 FIGUEROA, Jr. Albert Tpo - Wastewater Treatment 43,481 GAFFEY Brian Tpo - Wastewater Treatment 43,465 LEWIS Laurel TPO - Water 43,314 BUTLER Robin Housing Program Assistant 43,272 MEREDITH Barbara Sr Engineering Tech 43,065 JONES Bruce Laboratory Technician 42,958 ANDERSON Arthur Housing Inspector 42,863 ECKRICH Jason M.W. III - Landfill 42,776 LOOFBOURROW Donald TPO - Water 42,775 GRINGER Eric MWII - Water Distribution 42,744 SHAVER Robert Housing Inspector 42,713 MORRIS-JARVIS Diana Sr Library Assistant 42,655 FISCHER Daniel Mw II - Wastewater Trtmnt Plnt 42,648 ZENDER Victor Body Repair Mechanic 42,588 KENNEDY Joan Sr Clerk/Typist - Streets 42,512 PRICE Tyna Document Specialist 42,500 GUSTAVESON Roxanne Customer Service Rep 42,476 MILLER Brenda Administrative Clerk/Typist 42,421 PROSSER Ronald Sr Library Assistant 42,375 NASH David M.W. II - Water Service 42,354 ADAMS Blythe Buyer II 42,255 MACKAY Patricia Housing Inspector 42,213 FARNSWORTH Betty Records Supervisor 42,188 HEICK Mark M.W. III - Parks 42,169 GUNDERSON Jenny Personnel Assistant 42,128 MILLER Dawn Emergency Comm Dispatcher 42,126 CONNELL Lori Emergency Comm Dispatcher 42,064 FORT Sondrae License Specialist 41,871 BURNSIDE Anne Human Rights Investigator 41,768

44 City of Iowa City Last Name First Name Title Salary

MEADE Jarret M.W. III - Parks 41,683 DEATSCH George M.W. III - Cemetery 41,540 CRAWLEY Kevin Communications Tech - Cable 41,530 HUBLER Stephanie Housing Program Assistant 41,530 NASBY June Buyer II 41,530 NEUMANN Tamara Office Coord - Recreation 41,530 SUNSHINE Diane Library Assistant III 41,491 COBLENTZ Duane M.W. III - Parks 41,457 STEVENS Scott Police Officer 41,371 NIXON Jerry Production Assistant 41,370 REAM Jann Code Enforcement Assistant 41,335 YETLEY Judson M.W. II - Forestry 41,317 FUHRMEISTER Susan Emergency Comm Dispatcher 41,266 SCHMIDT Kevin M.W. II - Landfill 41,262 DANNER David Mass Transit Operator 41,056 WHITE Steve Utilities Technician 41,044 YAGER Dave TPO - Water 41,041 DELANEY Maureen Library Assistant Iii 41,039 FUHRMEISTER John Mechanic I - Equipment 41,027 KINNISON Denise Housing Program Assistant 40,966 LAMB Laura M.W. II - Water Service 40,925 DENNIS Ernest M.W. II - Refuse 40,924 SALM Jeffrey M.W. II - Water Service 40,769 MAHER Steve M.W. II - Refuse 40,743 PETERSON William Mass Transit Operator 40,712 BOLLINGER John M.W. II - Refuse 40,632 IRELAN Kay Engineering Technician 40,605 HELMS Steven Mechanic II - Transit 40,601 BOGS Robert M.W. II - Recreation 40,560 BERWALD Gerald Mass Transit Operator 40,545 EISTER Becky Recycle Clerk - Landfill 40,487 COLEMAN Ty Community Programmer 40,331 FOX- RUMMELHART Carri Housing Program Assistant 40,183 SWENKA Alice Mass Transit Operator 40,131 OLSON Ryan Building Inspector 40,103 JOHANSEN Kathryn Adm Assistant To City Manager 40,016

45 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

PLUGGE Lane Superintendent 138,526 BEHLE James Administrator 116,222 ARGANBRIGHT Jerry Principal 111,499 BOBEK Paul Administrator 111,104 HANSON Mark Principal 105,080 PEDERSEN James Administrator 101,584 EHLY Pamela Administrator 99,522 ROSS Perry Administrator 97,180 WRETMAN Debra Principal 95,976 O'LEARY Michael Principal 93,462 LAWRENCE Sandra Principal 92,144 HARVEY Janadene Principal 91,478 KOLARIK Christine Principal 91,478 COLEMAN Marian Administrator 90,859 SHOULTZ Gregg Principal 89,459 SAEHLER John Principal 87,353 FRY Jane Administrator 86,620 REILAND Marvin Athletic Director 85,955 KELLEY Michael Principal 85,864 WIRTZ Marilyn Principal 85,401 TOWERS Greg Principal 84,835 KIEFFER- HAVERKAMP Lisa Principal 84,741 DISSELHORST Frances Principal 83,666 BROWN Larry Athletic Director 83,350 MASKE Mary Principal 82,016 ROBINSON Julie Principal 81,107 LEHMANN Brian Principal 80,834 PAULSEN Melinda Principal 80,126 DAILY Lora Principal 79,594 LAURES Bradley Principal 79,475 RICKELS Joellyn Principal 79,322 CALLAHAN Kate Principal 79,119 HOLLANDER William Principal 74,909 KROGMAN Carla Principal 73,656 PHILLIPS Stephanie Principal 73,215

46 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

BEHNKE Lawrence Principal 73,074 BARNEY,JR Willie Principal 71,368 ABRAHAM Molly Principal 69,318 POULTON Susan Administrator 68,500 WENTZIEN Herbert Network Administrator 66,615 SCHULTZ Paul Director Physical Plant 64,964 WIEBENER Candace Teacher 63,819 BROCKMEYER Mark Teacher 62,545 COLEMAN Carla Teacher 62,496 FETT Sue Teacher 62,496 HIGHLAND Patrick Coordinator 62,495 BURNS Joan Administrator 62,176 FINGER Leslie Director Bus Services 61,964 GROVE Gregory Teacher 61,396 CROWLEY Lois Teacher 61,252 COLEMAN Terence Teacher 61,179 RYAN Elaine Teacher 61,036 SKAY Jayme Teacher 60,796 MCREYNOLDS Myron Teacher 60,781 WHITE Carolyn Coordinator 60,663 REHMKE Denise Teacher 60,234 SABERS Daniel Teacher 60,176 DVORAK Daniel Teacher 59,896 BRENDLER Karla Teacher 59,396 KIPP-SUTLIFF Kim Teacher 59,396 DUNCAN- GOLDSMITH Diane Director Food Service 59,291 KANELLIS Amelia Counselor 59,207 NELSON Linda Counselor 59,153 DELEON Renato Counselor 59,147 MOODY Mark Teacher 59,107 GOODFELLOW Mary Teacher 59,063 PROCTOR Nancy Teacher 58,646 MUELLER Anna Teacher 58,620 KEETTEL Tascha Teacher 58,506 TUCKER Phyllis Teacher 58,471

47 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

SCHOLLMEIER Peggy Counselor 58,434 MITCHELL William Teacher 58,196 RETISH Esther Teacher 58,063 KAUTZ Pamela Teacher 58,039 MCALISTER Deborah Teacher 57,852 RICHARDS Susan Teacher 57,765 SAEUGLING Margaret Teacher 57,730 AUNAN Thomas Teacher 57,718 HUTTON Anita Teacher 57,718 FREDERICKSON Andrea Teacher 57,677 STOKELY Anne Teacher 57,644 BUSCH Julie Teacher 57,563 KOEPNICK Tina Teacher 57,533 SHOEMAKER Joel Teacher 57,512 CAREY Thomas Counselor 57,406 BARRERA Susan Teacher 57,396 BURKETTA Vicki Teacher 57,396 ELKADI Hani Teacher 57,396 GRAHAM Linda Teacher 57,396 WITINOK Patricia Teacher 57,396 YODER Denise Teacher 57,396 COFFMAN Jill Counselor 57,269 HOEL Roger Teacher 57,183 BALVANZ Jane Teacher 57,063 ERTLE Rebecca Teacher 57,063 REILAND Marlys Counselor 57,063 ROHRET Christine Teacher 57,063 TARNUTZER Elaine Teacher 57,063 HELT Bryon Teacher 57,041 DODGE Steve Teacher 56,947 GARRITY Joan Teacher 56,930 GRUNDSTAD Donna Teacher 56,930 HERMAN Douglas Teacher 56,930 MARSHALL Ronda Teacher 56,930 PETERSEN Michael Teacher 56,930

48 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

RECKER Mike Teacher 56,930 YATES James Teacher 56,930 BROWN Randy Teacher 56,910 MONSERUD Adele Teacher 56,910 ASHMAN Claire Teacher 56,896 ROBERTS Lisa Teacher 56,896 WILSON Catherine Teacher 56,853 ELMER Tracy Teacher 56,842 OSTROFF Frann Teacher 56,806 MERKEL-HESS Stephen Teacher 56,780 BERGMAN Steven Teacher 56,776 JOHANSEN Curtis Teacher 56,776 KLUBER Mark Teacher 56,716 KUEPKER Jeffrey Teacher 56,697 FELDMANN Keith Teacher 56,663 MCGEE Barbara Teacher 56,663 WALTON Victoria Teacher 56,663 BALL Mona Teacher 56,646 BRYANT Olivia Teacher 56,646 HENRY Diana Teacher 56,646 HEYING Lisa Teacher 56,646 JEPSEN Mary Teacher 56,646 JOHNSON Lynda Teacher 56,646 LOWER Robert Teacher 56,646 MUILENBURG Gregory Teacher 56,646 PIPER Susan Teacher 56,646 TIFFANY Denise Teacher 56,646 TORNER Robin Teacher 56,646 TOWERS Margaret Teacher 56,646 WIELERT Jan Teacher 56,646 SWAN Sharon Teacher 56,640 HOOD Margie Teacher 56,509 ANDERSEN Katharine Teacher 56,412 ANCIAUX May Teacher 56,396 ARGANBRIGHT Glenda Teacher 56,396 ARMSTRONG Michaela Teacher 56,396

49 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

BAGBY Karen Teacher 56,396 BALL Terrill Teacher 56,396 BENEWICH Michael Teacher 56,396 BIRR Rebecca Teacher 56,396 BOUSFIELD David Teacher 56,396 BRAUNGER Patricia Teacher 56,396 BREMS Robert Teacher 56,396 BROWNING Ann Teacher 56,396 CURLEY Patricia Teacher 56,396 DALTON Jean Teacher 56,396 DENNIS Anne Teacher 56,396 DERVRICH Theresa Teacher 56,396 EICHELBERGER Jo Anne Teacher 56,396 FAUSCH Christine Teacher 56,396 FORKE Lila Teacher 56,396 GLEAVES Sandra Teacher 56,396 GOMEZ-STREAM Priscilla Teacher 56,396 GORMAN Ann Teacher 56,396 GORSCH,JR Carroll Teacher 56,396 GREENE Barbara Teacher 56,396 GREENE Linda Teacher 56,396 GREENLEAF Connie Teacher 56,396 HAACK Barbara Teacher 56,396 HALL Bonnie Teacher 56,396 HEFFRON Margaret Teacher 56,396 HERREN-WEGMAN Dawn Teacher 56,396 HUFF Charles Teacher 56,396 JEFFRIES Mary Teacher 56,396 JOHANNES Pamela Teacher 56,396 JONES Joni Teacher 56,396 KALSEM Sarah Teacher 56,396 KENNEDY-MCBREEN Vicki Teacher 56,396 KERR Anita Teacher 56,396 KESSLER Ann Teacher 56,396 KOEPNICK Kevin Teacher 56,396 KRAUS Anne Teacher 56,396

50 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

KRON Kathy Teacher 56,396 KUNDE Cynthia Teacher 56,396 LAWRENSON Margaret Teacher 56,396 LILLY Elizabeth Teacher 56,396 MARGESON Laura Teacher 56,396 MCKAY Jill Teacher 56,396 MCNULTY Debra Teacher 56,396 MILLER Kayleen Teacher 56,396 MONTAG Gwen Teacher 56,396 MORGAN Joanna Teacher 56,396 PALMER Sharon Teacher 56,396 PESTOTNIK Constance Teacher 56,396 POLMAN Pamela Teacher 56,396 PORTER Nancy Teacher 56,396 PRICE Priscilla Teacher 56,396 REDLINGER M Teacher 56,396 RITTER Nancy Teacher 56,396 SCHROEDER Michael Teacher 56,396 SCOTT Nicole Teacher 56,396 SHULTZ Rosemary Teacher 56,396 SOBOTTA Candace Teacher 56,396 STADTLANDER Judie Teacher 56,396 STEIN Barbara Teacher 56,396 TEDESCO- SPANHEIMER Paula Teacher 56,396 THOMAS Sharon Teacher 56,396 VANDERLINDEN Stanley Teacher 56,396 VANZANTE Carolyn Teacher 56,396 VOLKERT Helene Teacher 56,396 WALKER Marlys Teacher 56,396 WILSON Bruce Teacher 56,396 WINGATE Kristin Teacher 56,396 WINKELMANN Susan Teacher 56,396 ZOECKLER Mark Teacher 56,396 JENSEN Tamara Teacher 56,383 LESLIE Gwen Teacher 56,383

51 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

LEPIC Ted Teacher 56,370 QUINN Kristine Teacher 56,367 WENO James Teacher 56,360 MASCAL Daniel Teacher 56,352 DORAN Rick Teacher 56,298 HIERONYMUS John Teacher 56,281 DODGE Elizabeth Teacher 56,140 MESKIMEN Jon Teacher 55,909 DONALDSON Paul Teacher 55,892 ELMER Cynthia Teacher 55,892 HILL Laura Teacher 55,892 JACOBSON Kathryn Teacher 55,892 GURWELL David Asst Director Physical Plant 55,517 JORGENSEN Mary Teacher 55,456 BANDY Jody Teacher 55,309 McTAGGART William Teacher 55,232 PETERSON Eric Counselor 55,217 SAX Susan Teacher 55,188 STOLE Morris Counselor 55,176 SAYLOR Jennifer Teacher 55,046 THORSON Kris Teacher 54,976 URBAN Phyllis Teacher 54,769 RICH Wesley Facilities Projects Manager 54,756 STUMPFF Charles Teacher 54,755 SMITH Bradford Teacher 54,549 MEDD Stacey Teacher 54,470 ALBERTS Melanie Teacher 54,429 HOLLIS Janet Teacher 54,376 ROSENTHAL David Teacher 54,376 FALK Suzanne Teacher 54,369 MCFARLAND John Teacher 54,278 GWYN Lawrence Teacher 54,259 MCDERMOTT Mark Teacher 54,192 DESCHENES Cathy Teacher 54,110 FICKEL Diane Teacher 53,922

52 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

WICKS Connie Teacher 53,709 DILEO Kay Teacher 53,636 MORRISON Mary Teacher 53,440 ARNOLD Victoria Teacher 53,416 BALKE Norman Teacher 53,368 BREITBACH Paul Teacher 53,292 GENTZSCH Gae Teacher 53,252 BEVELACQUA Michael Teacher 53,206 HOEL Linda Counselor 52,987 ZAPF Thomas Teacher 52,910 HANCOX Richard Teacher 52,852 BAUR McGUIRE Lore Teacher 52,753 ZINN Jerry Teacher 52,745 THELANDER Wayne Teacher 52,643 MEDD Robert Teacher 52,511 LANGOS Troy Teacher 52,406 BOCKELMAN Tarryl Teacher 52,339 MOORE Dawn Teacher 52,339 HANCOX Richard Teacher 52,852 BAUR McGUIRE Lore Teacher 52,753 WIKNER Michelle Teacher 52,339 REMLEY James Teacher 52,310 BRESNAHAN Kathy Teacher 52,302 HORA Jerry Teacher 52,299 HENSON John Teacher 52,243 KLOPP Louise Teacher 52,243 MICHALSKI Paul Teacher 52,243 HANSEN Renee Teacher 52,110 SPROULE Steven Teacher 51,920 PIPER Michael Teacher 51,910 CARHOFF John Teacher 51,851 GIBSON Christine Teacher 51,607 GIBSON Christine Teacher 51,444 DeSALME Margaret Teacher 51,443 SAUNDERS Vicki Teacher 51,276

53 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

MARTZ Brian Teacher 51,233 NORTON Robert Teacher 51,219 VANDENBERG Joan Family Service Coordinator 51,214 DAVIS James Teacher 51,176 COOPER John Counselor 51,145 CARMICHAEL Candace Teacher 51,110 MOORHEAD Helen Teacher 51,053 ALLAIRE Ann Teacher 51,020 STRANG Sally Teacher 50,970 DELOZIER LAHR Diane Teacher 50,966 GROUT Wayne Plumber 50,924 GREEN Jane Teacher 50,910 ANDERSON Nancy Teacher 50,777 BOHNSACK Janice Teacher 50,776 MCCARVILLE Sheila Teacher 50,776 ROUDABUSH Cecilia Teacher 50,776 MITCHELL Theresa Teacher 50,697 BAUM Amelia Teacher 50,643 CHELF Susanne Teacher 50,643 NEUZIL Gary Teacher 50,643 REEVE Michael Teacher 50,643 DEPRENGER Joan Teacher 50,610 HALL Lisa Teacher 50,610 HILL Yukiko Teacher 50,610 JACKSON Mary Teacher 50,610 SAYRE Linda Teacher 50,610 STIGGE Alexis Teacher 50,610 DVORSKY Susan Teacher 50,579 HENKE Barbara Teacher 50,567 NIGG Kay Teacher 50,567 AHEE Donna Teacher 50,562 BELL Patricia Teacher 50,562 COX Margaret Teacher 50,562 DUFF Myrna Teacher 50,562 FITZGERALD Pamela Teacher 50,538

54 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

CORBIN-MUIR Susan Teacher 50,510 FLETCHER Karen Teacher 50,377 LITTLE Sheryl Teacher 50,377 MACNEIL Mary Teacher 50,377 MADDEN Dolores Teacher 50,377 HIGHTSHOE Jeffrey Teacher 50,369 REKWARD Susan Teacher 50,316 MOORE Michael Teacher 50,280 SCHINTLER Michele Teacher 50,239 VRASPIER Gregory Teacher 50,147 BACHMAN Victoria Teacher 50,110 BANCROFT Craig Teacher 50,110 BENEWICH Deborah Teacher 50,110 BONNER Beth Teacher 50,110 BONTRAGER Mary Teacher 50,110 BORK Suzanne Teacher 50,110 BOYCE Catherine Teacher 50,110 CALLAWAY Karen Teacher 50,110 CONSIDINE Lois Teacher 50,110 COOK Karla Teacher 50,110 CORY Martin Teacher 50,110 DOHERTY Barbara Teacher 50,110 FLECKENSTEIN Barbara Nurse 50,110 FRIES Nancy Teacher 50,110 FUMERTON Patricia Teacher 50,110 GALBRETH Janet Teacher 50,110 GELMAN Rebecca Teacher 50,110 GREEN Jacquelyn Teacher 50,110 GRIFFITH Dan Teacher 50,110 GRIGSBY Linda Teacher 50,110 HALVORSEN Rhonda Teacher 50,110 HANSEN Lynn Teacher 50,110 HEITMAN Stephanie Teacher 50,110 HOCKING Sheila Teacher 50,110 JAMES Bonnie Teacher 50,110

55 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

JENSEN Judith Teacher 50,110 JONES Lisa Teacher 50,110 JUNGE Susan Teacher 50,110 KACHINGWE Geri Teacher 50,110 KAMPLING Mary Teacher 50,110 KLEINMEYER Theresa Teacher 50,110 KURTZ Alice Teacher 50,110 LARSON Julie Coordinator 50,110 LAWRENCE Linda Teacher 50,110 LETIZIO Maryann Teacher 50,110 LUEDTKA Janet Teacher 50,110 MAJERICK Sarah Teacher 50,110 MARTIN Michael Teacher 50,110 MASCHER Mary Teacher 50,110 MAY Rachel Teacher 50,110 McANDREW Martha Teacher 50,110 MCCLURE Jo Lynn Teacher 50,110 MILLER Judith Teacher 50,110 MURGUIA Faye Teacher 50,110 MURPHY Shirley Teacher 50,110 MUSSON Barbara Teacher 50,110 NEUMANN Margaret Teacher 50,110 O'HARRA Annette Teacher 50,110 PECK Dana Teacher 50,110 PETERS Pamela Teacher 50,110 PETERSON Beth Teacher 50,110 RANDLEMAN William Teacher 50,110 RECKNOR Kevin Teacher 50,110 ROGERS Joyce Teacher 50,110 ROLENC Edward Teacher 50,110 SMITH Joyce Teacher 50,110 SOBOCINSKI Sarah Teacher 50,110 SODETANI-SHIBATA Aimee Nurse 50,110 STROM Melody Teacher 50,110 SULLIVAN-CHANNON Shannon Teacher 50,110

56 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

SWARTZENDRUBER Gail Teacher 50,110 SWESEY Marla Teacher 50,110 WALDEN James Teacher 50,110 WEBER Nancy Teacher 50,110 WICKLUND Ladonna Teacher 50,110 WILEY Paula Teacher 50,110 WILLIAMS Patricia Teacher 50,110 WILLIAMS Robert Teacher 50,110 WINKLER Margaret Teacher 50,110 ZIMMERMAN Mary Teacher 50,110 PHILLIPS Harry Teacher 50,103 BUCKWALTER Christine Teacher 50,099 LOWE Beverly Teacher 50,097 JAMES Patricia Teacher 50,075 PEDERSEN Victoria Teacher 50,059 QUAINTANCE Maura Teacher 49,725 BURGER Patricia Teacher 49,607 CORBIN Margaret Teacher 49,607 FLORY Karen Teacher 49,607 HAMMER Lisa Teacher 49,607 MAZURE Mary Teacher 49,607 PERKINS Jill Teacher 49,607 JENSEN Mark Counselor 49,508 PITCHER Craig Teacher 49,293 MEYER Karen Teacher 49,223 SHUTT Brady Teacher 49,116 MURPHY Stephen Teacher 49,099 LOWRY Chad Teacher 49,089 MORRIS Jeffrey Teacher 48,926 FRISBIE Diana Teacher 48,746 BEUTER Margaret Teacher 48,707 NORTON Mark Teacher 48,635 POTTER Kerri Teacher 48,635 HEFFNER Kristy Coach 48,514 WEHRHEIM Nancy Teacher 48,514

57 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

GRENKO LEHMAN Janice Teacher 48,463 MUIR Peter Teacher 48,416 MARTIN Lisa Teacher 48,296 SLUSHER Linda Counselor 48,283 HANSEN Marilyn Teacher 48,102 HUGHES Roxanne Teacher 48,102 KEECH Andrea Teacher 48,102 MERKLE Steven Teacher 48,102 McHENRY Jennifer Athletic Trainer 48,094 SHOPE Christine Teacher 48,047 BRANSTETTER Keith Teacher 47,790 INGRAM Brian Counselor 47,787 MEDD Richard Teacher 47,689 KOBOS Rebecca Teacher 47,657 GLENN Gary Teacher 47,572 BRENNER Rochelle Teacher 47,500 BROWN Teresa Teacher 47,466 JENSEN Kathy Teacher 47,466 HOCKING Thomas Teacher 47,208 YANECEK Kay Teacher 47,208 WITTHOFT Darci Teacher 47,147 PRINGLE William Teacher 47,023 FERREL Gina Teacher 47,010 GUEDON Therese Teacher 46,997 ADDINK Agnes Teacher 46,966 AUPPERLE Denise Teacher 46,966 BENEGAS Denise Teacher 46,966 BROGHAMER Kari Teacher 46,966 CILEK Cheryl Teacher 46,966 CLARK Diane Teacher 46,966 DANE Mary Teacher 46,966 DANE Ruth Teacher 46,966 ELLIOTT Linda Teacher 46,966 FERGUSON Linda Teacher 46,966 GIBBENS Melanie Teacher 46,966

58 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

GINGERICH Barbara Teacher 46,966 HALL Rebecca Teacher 46,966 HENNING Lori Teacher 46,966 HUISENGA Teresa Teacher 46,966 JEPSON Kathleen Teacher 46,966 JUNIS Jean Teacher 46,966 KISSNER Debbie Teacher 46,966 KOSIER Jeffrey Teacher 46,966 LANAGHAN Kimberly Teacher 46,966 LANE Diana Teacher 46,966 LINDER Tim Teacher 46,966 LOOPS Carolyn Teacher 46,966 MILLER Margaret Teacher 46,966 MILLER Steven Teacher 46,966 MORGAN Cristan Teacher 46,966 MORSCH Jean Teacher 46,966 PRINGLE Sarah Teacher 46,966 RAJAGOPAL Carol Teacher 46,966 RICE Linda Teacher 46,966 ROSE Michael Teacher 46,966 SAEHLER Kathryn Teacher 46,966 SANDERS Cinda Teacher 46,966 SHOPPA Celeste Teacher 46,966 SPARROW Nancy Teacher 46,966 SWENSON Teresa Teacher 46,966 TEMPLE Ruth Teacher 46,966 TSCHANTZ Jan Teacher 46,966 WHITE Janet Teacher 46,966 ZIMMERMAN Sharon Teacher 46,966 DIXON Alfreda Teacher 46,960 SCOTT Kelly Teacher 46,871 DAVIS Neil Teacher 46,756 DeNEICE Brent Teacher 46,726 CROUCH William Teacher 46,599 KOSTENBADER Kathryn Teacher 46,599

59 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

KOSTENBADER Kellie Teacher 46,599 NICKLAUS Laura Teacher 46,599 SHULLAW Steven Teacher 46,599 COLLINGWOOD Lorraine Teacher 46,463 CONNOLLY Amy Teacher 46,463 HACKBARTH Sharon Teacher 46,463 VERNON Dana Teacher 46,463 MARTIN Traci Teacher 46,457 O'LEARY Terri Teacher 46,457 WATTS Michelle Teacher 46,429 WELLS Jeremy Teacher 46,388 KIRPES James Teacher 46,163 BURGER Sue Teacher 45,974 WYMER Brad Teacher 45,806 MCNALLY Valerie Teacher 45,657 CAMERON Dell Teacher 45,596 NELSON Peggy Counselor 45,541 ANDERSON Jill Teacher 45,423 DOTZEL Stephanie Teacher 45,423 MCGOFF Alison Teacher 45,317 KNOER Joseph Teacher 45,233 FINGER Teresa Teacher 45,193 ABELS Debra Teacher 45,097 HUBBARD Pamela Teacher 45,096 McDONALD Erin Teacher 45,096 RUPPENKAMP Jane Teacher 45,096 WYATT-HANES Kathy Teacher 45,096 DIXON Carmen Teacher 45,091 SPENCER Anne Teacher 45,091 HAVERKAMP Michael Teacher 45,088 RAAF David Teacher 44,954 WILSON Michele Teacher 44,949 MCDOWELL Cindy Teacher 44,818 WALKER Joye Teacher 44,797 GENTZSCH Donald Teacher 44,726

60 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

PORTER Robert Safety Coordinator 44,682 LEYDEN Michael Electrician 44,680 KOHL Nancy Teacher 44,623 SEAGREN Kay Secretary 44,615 MIHALOPOULOS Marijo Teacher 44,490 MURPHY Anne Teacher 44,490 RITTER Curtis Teacher 44,490 TAYLOR-MCBURNEY Theresa Teacher 44,410 STEVENSON Lisa Teacher 44,380 LINDSEY Thomas Teacher 44,320 McLAUGHLIN Stephanie Teacher 44,263 COVINGTON Cathy Teacher 44,126 WHITTINGTON Lorraine Teacher 44,100 POWELL Lance Teacher 43,860 BARNHOUSE Kerri Teacher 43,823 CASE Alesa Teacher 43,823 CHRISTIANSON Lavonne Teacher 43,823 DOSTAL Suzette Teacher 43,823 HANSON Mary Teacher 43,823 HERBERT Patricia Teacher 43,823 HOLTON Ann Teacher 43,823 HYNES Kimberly Teacher 43,823 MCCARRAGHER Marilyn Teacher 43,823 PHIPPS Diana Teacher 43,823 RIECKENS Amy Teacher 43,823 THRAMS Susan Teacher 43,823 WAGNER Mary Teacher 43,823 DUTHIE James Teacher 43,743 MOSHER Benjamin Teacher 43,698 FARMER Sean Teacher 43,664 NOVAK-CICHA Teresa Teacher 43,635 DURLAM Zachary Teacher 43,629 BERNING John Teacher 43,593 CHEN Karen Teacher 43,593 PUETTMANN Karla Teacher 43,593

61 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

SHOPPA Tyler Teacher 43,593 SOUKUP Latrenda Teacher 43,593 SCHNOEBELEN Carolyn Network Specialist 43,558 WALTHART Laura Teacher 43,486 KEMP Sandra Teacher 43,455 FELDMANN Lisa Teacher 43,320 KLOPP Jo Teacher 43,320 PHELPS Dana Teacher 43,320 CASEY Timothy Teacher 43,251 BARNES Jeffrey Electrician 43,208 CLARK Donald Teacher 42,756 FUNK Kenneth Maintenance 42,738 STERBA Donald Maintenance 42,738 CHEZUM Larry Hvac 42,709 HILL Daniel Teacher 42,623 DICKEL Daniel Teacher 42,468 GREEN Lance Teacher 42,364 WELCH Tricia Teacher 42,364 BUTCHER Kelly Teacher 42,356 FOREMAN Daphne Teacher 42,346 SCHLAPKOHL Janet Teacher 42,241 KEELY Terry Maintenance 42,218 CASTER Pamela Teacher 42,090 KREUTNER Becky Teacher 42,090 PEDERSEN Rebecca Teacher 42,090 KNOCHE Danelle Teacher 42,073 COLEMAN Gerald Family Resource Services 42,070 ENKE Amy Teacher 42,006 GARDNER-HOWSARE Vickie Teacher 42,006 LINDERBAUM Todd Teacher 42,000 BOBENHOUSE Sarah Teacher 41,911 WELU-REYNOLDS Christina Teacher 41,903 BUSER Thomas Mechanic 41,497

62 Iowa City Community Schools

Last Name First Name Title Salary

HOARD John Cabinetmaker 41,497 NELSON Pamela Teacher 41,459 WILLIAMS Donna Teacher 41,420 BACH Jon Teacher 41,419 BROWN S Teacher 41,367 JETTER Diane Teacher 41,360 WADE Cerina Teacher 41,360 OHLMANN Amie Teacher 41,283 ALLEN Gwen Teacher 41,175 HOLLANDER Sara Counselor 41,086 LEWIS Daryl Food Driver 41,074 CURRIE Linda Teacher 41,004 ARMSTRONG Judith Teacher 40,997 CONRAD Dean Teacher 40,860 MERULLA Michael Teacher 40,649 HARTWIG Brad Teacher 40,600 ZIMMERMAN Jennifer Teacher 40,587 ANDERSON Lynn Teacher 40,584 WATSON Carrie Teacher 40,583 BROWN David Teacher 40,576 PERDUE Rodney Warehouseman 40,450 OLNEY Michael Hvac 40,352 HILEMAN Lu Teacher 40,312 SMITH Douglas Teacher 40,150 LESTINA Douglas Teacher 40,147 GAST Benjamin Teacher 40,144 SMITH Teresa Teacher 40,130 LINDENBOOM Betty Teacher 40,087 MICHALSKI Debra Teacher 40,087 BALDWIN Cindy Teacher 40,058

63 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary ROBILLARD Jean E Dean 390,000 MARK Allyn L Associate Dean 375,000 KATEN-BAHENSKY Donna M Director/CEO,UIHC 367,500 SKORTON David J President 293,250 EVERETT Linda Q Sr Assoc Dir/Assoc Dir,UIHC 250,275 MERCHANT James A Dean 245,280 JONES Carolyn C Dean 245,000 DEFURIO Anthony Charles Sr Assoc Dir/Assoc Dir,UIHC 238,500 JOHNSEN David C Dean 237,276 THOMPSON Patrick Ambrose Associate Dean 230,000 DOMSIC Dennis M Associate Vice President 225,113 STALEY John H Sr Assoc Dir/Assoc Dir,UIHC 217,880 COHEN Jordan L Dean 213,638 FETHKE Gary Craig Dean 212,171 MAXSON Linda Dean 206,796 HAND Jed Stephen Associate Dean 203,000 BUTLER P Barry Dean 200,326 DECKER William Frank Associate Vice President 188,860 KELLER John C Dean 188,430 DREHER Melanie Dean 184,542 SCHANTZ Mark E General Counsel 182,879 HESSON William Wayne Sr Assoc Dir/Assoc Dir,UIHC 176,400 GILCHRIST Mary Joyce Director 172,674 DAMICO Sandra Bowman Dean 170,648 COULTER Joe D Associate Dean 164,977 BURMEISTER Leon F Associate Dean 164,148 PRYBIL Lawrence Associate Dean 163,478 WYNES David L Associate Vice President 152,977 CHALKLEY Yvonne M Associate Dean 152,500 GUCKERT Donald J Associate Vice President 151,884 ATCHISON Christopher Associate Dean 143,971 WILLARD Derek Hunt Associate Vice President 143,670 NELSON Vincent C Director 134,435 IVES JR Andrew M University Business Manager 132,659 GAETH Gary J Associate Dean 132,443 SCRANTON Alec B Associate Dean 132,300

64 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

MURPHY Michael Bryan Senior Assistant Director 131,000 YOUNG Douglas Max Director,Fin Mgt,Secy 130,591 JOHNSON Terry Lynn Controller & Asst VP,Finance 130,368 MILLER Christine Ann Senior Assistant Director 130,000 BUCKLEY Susan C Associate Vice President 129,014 WURSTER Dale Eric Associate Dean 128,816 DUFFEL Michael W Associate Dean 127,180 BEACH Mary Jane Parker Assistant Vice President 127,122 RHODES Ann Marie Asst To The Vice President 126,360 TRACY Roger D Asst Dean,Financial Affairs 125,870 HAUSERMAN Nancy Russell Associate Dean 120,194 REIGHLEY Twila Fisher Assistant Vice President 120,000 O'DEEN Amy B Senior Assistant Director 119,068 HENDERSON James D Asst Dean,Financial Affairs 118,438 MARSHALL James D Associate Dean 112,200 CERONE Shane Michael Senior Assistant Director 112,000 Deborah Jeanne THOMAN Swisher Senior Assistant Director 109,009 CYPHERT Stacey Todd Senior Assistant Director 107,625 DUNGY Madgetta T Asst Dean,Financial Affairs 107,156 GAILLARD Timothy M Senior Assistant Director 106,000 MARAVETZ Steven J Senior Assistant Director 105,060 GREEN Charles D Assistant Vice President 104,112 HENRICHS Mark Assoc Dir,Fin Mgmt & Control 103,465 MARTIN Grainne Marie Prince Senior Associate Counsel 103,465 MILLS Marcus M Senior Associate Counsel 103,465 MCGUIRE Linda Ann Associate Dean 103,020 KRAPF Gerhild Ina Asst To The Vice President 99,989 YANECEK Ted O Asst To The Vice President 97,842 CHASE Linda Kay Senior Assistant Director 97,625 SOBOTKA Jolene Jan Senior Assistant Director 96,975 RIEBER Christopher Daniel Assoc Dir,Fin Mgmt & Control 95,000 LEO Ken Charles Director/Assistant Director 94,326 MOORE Kenneth C Director/Assistant Director 93,703 FINNEGAN Michael J Asst To The Vice President 92,375 PELZER Gay D Senior Associate Counsel 91,240 KLATT Richard Thomas Director/Assistant Director 89,954

65 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

FEDERICI Paul Edward Associate Director 88,396 AUSTIN Dennis R Director,Budget Development 88,386 BAUER Thomas Kerry Associate Director 88,386 BROWNING Jo Ellen W Manager,Financial Analysts 88,386 MCDERMOTT Mark J Manager,Financial Analysts 88,386 PENNEY Cindy Lou Director/Assistant Director 87,125 JEPPSEN Cordell E Director/Assistant Director 86,828 STREICHER Fred W Associate Director 86,755 FRUDDEN Brian Stanley Manager,Financial Analysts 84,882 STEWART Todd Thomas Dir,Accounting Services 84,700 COLVIN Carolyn Associate Dean 84,348 BARKAN Sandra Hackman Associate Dean 83,596 TALMAN Charlotte Lepley Director/Assistant Director 82,370 HAGEN Catherine R Snyder Director,Budget Development 82,190 DOWNIE-GALINDO Colleen Marie Assistant/Associate Dean 81,659 BASSLER Loretta Faye Beede Contracts Administrator II 80,875 KLATT Susan A Director,Administrative Svcs 80,800 MASSA John S Director/Assistant Director 80,785 VOGT Debra J Assoc Dir,Fin Mgmt & Control 80,493 MEYER Roseanne Shea Manager,Financial Analysts 80,125 AKINS Brenda Lee Director/Assistant Director 78,790 SOLOW Catherine Mitiguy Assistant/Associate Dean 78,570 MCGEE Eugenia Twitty Director/Assistant Director 78,000 WALTMAN FRISBIE Kris Associate Director 77,801 RUBACK Chad Associate Director 77,570 ASSOULINE Susan Lynn Goodsell Associate Director 77,184 BEAVER Wendy Lou Director/Assistant Director 76,880 CROWLEY Edward Thomas Associate Director 75,792 JOHNSON Gregory M Associate Director 75,675 FOSTER Susan K Administrative Associate 75,506 NELSON Jacqueline Joan Administrative Associate 75,506 WUNDER Mark V Assistant/Associate Dean 75,346 AMECHE Mary Burmeister Associate Director 75,221 WESSELS Jana Sue Contracts Administrator II 74,250 ROMONT Steven David Assoc Dir,Accounting Services 74,000 SCHOTT Mary M Manager,Financial Analysts 73,950

66 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

FARLAND Ann Louise Assoc Dir,Fin Mgmt & Control 73,670 WILHELM Rosemary W Assoc Dir,Social Service 72,334 WALKER Michael F Director,Administrative Svcs 72,114 MYERS Pamela Lynne Administrative Associate 71,914 MODESTOU Jennifer Ann Associate Director 71,400 FLAHERTY Luke J Associate Director 71,300 SMITH Lori A Business Manager II 71,011 PETERS Martha M Associate Director 70,700 SCHIELE M Janann Assoc Dir,Fin Mgmt & Control 70,617 BARBER Kristina K Associate Director 70,433 PAPKE Duane E Assoc Dir,Public Safety 70,372 HOLUB Daniel J Associate Director 70,110 BROWN Marilyn J Special Asst to the President 70,100 RICKLEFS Janice E Administrative Associate 70,100 BAKER Thomas Robert Assistant/Associate Dean 70,000 TRIBBEY Gordon Scott Business Manager II 69,360 ASELL Lyle W Director/Assistant Director 69,300 KARR George Thomas Business Manager I 69,124 KELLEY Richard D Director/Assistant Director 68,852 DAVIES Diana K Director 68,000 WEYER Peter J Associate Director 67,860 JONES Martha F Director/Assistant Director 67,480 LENZ Pamela Jo Business Manager I 67,194 BEADLE Susan Sterling Associate Director 67,044 SPIELMAN Jan A Administrative Associate 66,984 HADDY Audra W Willey Manager,Grant Accounting 66,700 SEAGREN Scott Dale Business Mgr,Residence Svcs 66,357 SMITH Patricia A Administrative Associate 66,300 MISSEN Clifford Charles Associate Director 66,240 Sr Fin Sys Analyst,Fin SMITH Jeri Buol Mgmt/Co 65,895 TEMPLETON Richard Frank Administrative Associate 65,290 REINSAGER Terry Business Manager II 65,000 PALMER Susan Elizabeth Associate Director 64,960 SIDWELL Pete R Admin Dir,Sys/Pell/Grant/Sch 64,327 WATERHOUSE Janette Cheri Associate Counsel 64,260

67 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

CONSTANTINE Elizabeth A Associate Director 64,000 STREIF John G Administrative Assistant II 63,552 CUMMINGS Rhoda M Administrative Associate 63,400 ANDERSON Susan Elaine Asst Dir,Legal Affairs,HR 63,000 EDGAR Gordon R Business Manager I 62,756 JACKSON Wendy Kae Walker Administrative Associate 62,545 LENSINK Stephen C Associate Director 62,272 PERKINS Janis Associate Director 62,110 FISHBAUGH Jill A Associate Director 62,000 HARRISON Richard L Administrative Associate 62,000 GROUT Nancy Administrative Associate 61,433 ROBERTSON Gayle Renee Senior Accountant 61,418 JAHN Lynn Michelle Director/Assistant Director 61,157 STECKROTH Sherri Ann Business Manager I 61,000 ARKEMA Patricia L Administrative Associate 60,795 YODER Phillip G Business Manager II 60,250 SLEZAK Stephen Lynn Administrative Accountant 60,096 HADDY Jason Andrew Manager,Financial Analysts 60,033 HESSION Charles A Administrative Accountant 60,000 ROHRET Lucinda Marie Administrative Associate 60,000 MOLINA Deanna Kay Administrative Accountant 59,903 BROADSTON Lucy Ann Wyse Administrative Associate 59,823 BELOW Paul Charles Contracts Administrator II 59,670 COX Caren Elizabeth Associate Director 59,230 STEENLAGE Leslie Wayne Administrative Associate 59,219 ALEXANDER Peter M Arts Center Relations Director 58,793 ANNIS Linda Ann Administrative Associate 58,495 KOOPMAN Janet M Administrative Assistant II 58,407 NEPPL Robert L Administrative Assistant II 58,100 HORNER Karen Sue Administrative Assistant II 58,055 MCELVAIN Rodney D Contracts Administrator 57,833 ZALENSKI Anne Whitehead Associate Director 57,825 NETOLICKY Thomas J Senior Financial Analyst 57,820 KNIPFER Sally J Administrative Assistant II 57,748 JONES Kristine K Administrative Assistant II 57,731 PHYE Julie Michelle Associate Director 57,700

68 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

BIGGINS Marian Administrative Associate 57,646 CRANSTON Lori Jo Business Manager I 57,435 LUNDBERG Dean H Senior Accountant 57,300 FRITZ Diana Lynn Administrative Assistant II 57,104 KULA Jerome Christopher Business Manager II 57,073 MAHAFFA Gregory Andrew Business Manager I 57,000 STEELE Joel Scott Contracts Administrator II 57,000 SWENSON Karen M Senior Financial Analyst 57,000 WIESE Barbara C Business Manager I 56,955 MILLER Dennis Dean Business Manager I 56,780 ANDERSON Michael Clarence Senior Financial Analyst 56,262 REBAL Katherine J Administrative Specialist 56,250 BRUNS Nancy S Senior Financial Analyst 56,228 FOUBERT Vicki J Administrative Assistant II 56,220 DOOLEY Nancy A Administrative Assistant II 56,091 SUTER Anne H Administrative Associate 56,000 HINRICHSEN Jan M Administrative Assistant II 55,682 HANSEN Gary K Administrative Assistant I 55,354 WEHBY Carol L Administrative Assistant I 55,354 LEWIS Carolyn S Administrative Assistant II 55,300 ILES Carolyn H Administrative Accountant 55,217 BENTON Daniel Joseph Contracts Administrator 55,100 HAMERS Corrine N Manager,Financial Analysts 55,000 STRIKE James M Senior Financial Analyst 55,000 KIRKPATRICK Nancy L Administrative Assistant II 54,825 GREENBERG Barry A Administrative Associate 54,755 BALLANDBY Richard A Administrative Associate 54,662 LIEDTKE Linda S Administrative Assistant II 54,468 BRUS Donna Kaye Administrative Assistant II 54,428 HENNES Robin Kay Administrative Specialist 54,325 O'MALLEY Kathleen J Business Manager I 54,250 BUETTNER Carol M Administrative Assistant II 54,107 BENDER Mary K Administrative Associate 54,031 SCHMITZ John A Administrative Associate 54,026 LANGLEY Lawrence Miller Captain,Public Safety 53,593

69 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

SHANNON Richard Arthur Administrative Associate 53,274 KURTH Kathryn Administrative Assistant II 53,250 WELTER Donna R Administrative Associate 53,179 KINNEY Mary Jo Becker Administrative Assistant II 52,910 KRAPFL Kathleen Business Manager I 52,875 KEYS Janice Marie Senior Financial Analyst 52,664 KOSKEY Joann Marie Senior Financial Analyst 52,664 KRUSE Diana L Business Manager I 52,583 CANFIELD Kris M Payroll Assistant 52,573 HARNEY Nancy L Administrative Assistant I 52,542 LENOCH Geralyn Marie Dean Contracts Administrator 52,369 HEICK Cynthia S Public Safety Lieutenant 52,263 HYCHE Derek Public Safety Lieutenant 52,263 LAING Harold M Public Safety Lieutenant 52,263 SCOTT Ian J Public Safety Lieutenant 52,263 WIEDERHOLT Lucy A Public Safety Lieutenant 52,263 DEAN Thomas Keith Special Asst to the President 52,041 BORCHERDING Kay M Administrative Assistant II 52,000 RAPP Janet M Administrative Associate 51,900 JONES Jo Lavera Administrative Associate 51,864 GALBRAITH Rochelle A Financial Analyst II 51,702 PARKER Rae Louise Administrative Assistant I 51,691 ACHRAZOGLOU Jamie Lou Orton Administrative Accountant 51,500 HOLETON Kathy Mae Administrative Assistant II 51,500 MURDOCK Joanne F Administrative Assistant I 51,500 WOODS Erin L Administrative Associate 51,405 STREB Peggy Ann Administrative Assistant II 51,332 TALLMAN Sarah Stewart Administrative Associate 51,250 SCOTT Melody M Accountant 51,180 HAUTH Mary Ann Esther Administrative Assistant I 50,645 GOLDAMMER Mary A Administrative Assistant I 50,601 DAVIS R Elaine Administrative Associate 50,563 FRANK Jane S Administrative Assistant I 50,400 STROTTMAN Mary E Administrative Assistant I 50,300 STEWART Karen A Administrative Assistant I 50,100 BENEY David Robert Administrative Accountant 50,000

70 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

SHERMAN James Russell Administrative Assistant II 50,000 STANGE Steven R Public Safety Lieutenant 49,987 BALDUF Lisa A Administrative Specialist 49,972 STUMPF Mary J Administrative Accountant 49,815 UFKES Frances Marie Business Manager I 49,713 GRITSCH Brenda Sue Administrative Assistant II 49,700 MARSH Jeanette A Administrative Assistant II 49,638 ROWE Rebecca S Administrative Assistant II 49,520 LOVELACE Carmela Frances Administrative Associate 49,400 SQUIER Shelley Marie Administrative Accountant 49,400 MILLER Tadd K Business Manager I 49,250 SVETLY Robert William Administrative Assistant II 49,218 TATE Nancy A Administrative Assistant II 49,000 BURKLE Kathryn A Financial Analyst I 48,975 MALABY Jane E Senior Accountant 48,900 REAM Nancy Ann Administrative Assistant I 48,862 LOUVAR Nicole E Contracts Administrator 48,854 ANANIA Andrea L Asst Dir,Business and Finance 48,650 ELDER Joseph Michael Senior Accountant 48,500 NUGENT Daniel Brian Administrative Accountant 48,350 FRIEDRICH Jean Financial Analyst II 48,300 HANKS Michael A Public Safety Lieutenant 48,149 VISIN David Allan Public Safety Lieutenant 48,149 MOHR Mary Jo C Administrative Assistant I 48,080 LOOMER Julie L Financial Analyst II 48,044 DENNENY N Diane Administrative Assistant II 48,000 ANDREWS Kathryn Ann Administrative Assistant I 47,935 O'NEIL Monica Kathryn Administrative Associate 47,816 TERRILL Teresa Ludwig Administrative Associate 47,816 REW Tracy Ann Administrative Accountant 47,500 FRISBIE Carolyn A Administrative Assistant I 47,445 PATERSON George Richard Administrative Assistant II 47,400 GRITTON Carolyn Kohl Administrative Accountant 47,389 SABERS Debra Lynn Business Manager II 47,348 LEMBKE Lois A Administrative Assistant II 47,100 CARR Carla Associate Director 47,017

71 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

HASS Bettina A Administrative Assistant I 47,000 ARNESON Cheri Ann Senior Accountant 46,990 JOHNSON Brandon Lee Administrative Assistant II 46,920 DAWSON Doris A Business Manager I 46,900 ZOBECK Brenda Lea Administrative Assistant II 46,832 BOWDEN William E Administrative Assistant II 46,750 HAUGHTON Rose Marie Administrative Assistant I 46,728 SCHAEFFER Diane L Administrative Assistant II 46,550 SANDBERG Britta B Senior Accountant 46,542 YAKISH Elizabeth S Administrative Assistant I 46,458 KOOKER Jennifer Anne Administrative Accountant 46,200 FORBES Anita M Administrative Assistant I 46,040 KING Charlotte Jane Administrative Assistant I 46,040 REDLINGER Jean R Administrative Assistant I 46,040 SEVCIK Mary A Administrative Assistant I 46,040 ZOUSEL Pat Lee Administrative Assistant I 46,040 MATTES Donna J Administrative Assistant I 46,018 PRESSLER Dawn Lea Administrative Assistant I 46,000 VAN ALLEN- SHALASH Evalyn O Administrative Assistant I 46,000 LAWRENCE Gloria J Administrative Assistant I 45,982 HOYLE Kay D Accountant 45,900 CASEY Carol Dehne Administrative Assistant II 45,816 LANG Joe Lee Ii Public Safety Patrol Officer 45,790 POOLE Alton Public Safety Patrol Officer 45,790 SHIPLEY Gary Public Safety Patrol Officer 45,790 SCOTT Julie K Administrative Assistant I 45,764 WEYER Lynn M Administrative Accountant 45,659 DEWITTE Jennifer K Contracts Administrator 45,652 DOLEZAL Kristine Frances Administrative Assistant I 45,630 HUSTED Nancy L Administrative Assistant I 45,500 MATLOCK James Adam Senior Financial Analyst 45,500 ROCKAFELLOW Judy Lynn Administrative Assistant II 45,385 TILL M Catherine Administrative Assistant II 45,250 PIERE Sara L Administrative Assistant I 45,205 CERVEN-JENN Diane Lynn Cerven Administrative Assistant I 45,175 TAYLOR Jalice Administrative Assistant II 45,130

72 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

WAGNER Dana A Assistant Manager,Bookstore 45,009 DRISCOL Margaret A Administrative Assistant I 44,800 GUSSMAN Sydney Janine Accountant 44,784 KRAUSE Lisa J Administrative Assistant I 44,747 QUINLAN Rachel A Senior Accountant 44,694 WORRELL Michelle Lynn Accountant 44,606 PIERCE Cinda S Financial Analyst II 44,500 SCHAFFNER Rebecca Ann Senior Accountant 44,360 LARSON Karlyn R Accountant 44,282 KLEIN Angela Jeanne Contracts Administrator 44,277 STRATTON Rosemary E Contracts Administrator 44,234 MIXON Tracy Ann Administrative Assistant I 44,169 BURKETT Lois A Administrative Assistant II 43,800 BETTS SR Jeffrey R Public Safety Lieutenant 43,681 COLE Jolene A Administrative Assistant I 43,675 VAN FOSSEN Bronwyn Sue Administrative Assistant I 43,567 HIGGINS John Steven Administrative Accountant 43,500 DONNELLY Michael Edward Senior Financial Analyst 43,251 STUCKEY Ross H Public Safety Patrol Officer 43,201 SIRVID Kathy J Senior Financial Analyst 43,100 GREENE Michelle A Administrative Assistant I 43,050 WHEELER Faye E Accountant 43,013 SMITH Mary A Administrative Assistant I 43,000 MILLER Virginia K Administrative Assistant I 42,945 DOUGLAS Christine Marie Administrative Assistant I 42,800 BURAK Heidi C Administrative Assistant II 42,727 BERKSON Peter Michael Public Safety Lieutenant 42,219 OLSON Judith Kay Assistant Manager,Bookstore 42,194 LORDS Tina D Financial Analyst II 42,000 MEYER Brian John Public Safety Patrol Officer 41,802 SHARP Shawn P Public Safety Patrol Officer 41,802 STRATTON Suzanne E Senior Accountant 41,790 LANG Lisa Renee Accountant 41,700 MANRIQUE Lenore Strabala Senior Accountant 41,700 MOLLENHAUER Pamela K Accountant 41,372

73 University of Iowa (selected management personnel)

Last Name First Name Title Salary

HAUENSTEIN Janis Ruth Administrative Accountant 41,300 STOUT Norma J Administrative Assistant I 41,114 EVANS Margaret J Administrative Assistant I 41,070 MCNIEL Linda Leann Senior Accountant 41,000 DROLL Joanna Kay Financial Analyst II 40,628 LENSING Mindy Mae Senior Accountant 40,595 KROON Linda S Administrative Assistant II 40,498 TROTTER Katherine Anne Public Safety Patrol Officer 40,403 WOLFSWINKEL Shiree Ann Administrative Assistant II 40,230 SMITH Cynthia Anne Senior Accountant 40,200 IPSEN Laureen Mary Rose Public Safety Dispatcher 40,152 RUSSELL Eileen K Public Safety Dispatcher 40,152 SCHOOLEY Cindy L Public Safety Dispatcher 40,152 ANDERSON Christine M Senior Accountant 40,050 THOMAS Diane M Administrative Assistant I 40,000 WIELAND Charles R Administrative Assistant II 40,000

74 U.S. Post Office

Last Name First Name Title Salary

CURTISS Douglas Postmaster 82,782 MCCLARY Janet Postmaster 69,945 LEYENDECKER Richard Mgr Cust Servcs 67,439 SHELTON Barbara Postmaster 65,123 BECKER John Supv Cust Svcs 63,703 MURPHY Charles Supv Cust Svcs 61,795 SCHLUTER Donald Postmaster 59,363 BURIANEK Colleen Postmaster 58,957 BROWN Shirleen Rural Carrier 58,015 CROOK Carol Postmaster 56,924 WILSON Judith Rural Carrier 56,340 ELAND Bradley Rural Carrier 54,661 HIRL Steven Rural Carrier 54,661 PETERS Kathleen Supv Cust Svcs 53,628 WALTON Gae Supv Cust Svcs 53,085 MURPHY Gerald Rural Carrier 52,993 POSSEHL-BOERJAN Connie Rural Carrier 52,993 SEDREL Mary Rural Carrier 52,993 SMITH Jeffrey Rural Carrier 52,993 RUPPERT Karen Postmaster 52,289 RUMMELLS Larry Rural Carrier 51,324 SNYDER William Rural Carrier 51,324 DUFFY Susan Rural Carrier 50,656 KELLOGG Brenda Supv Cust Svcs 50,484 DONOHOE Thomas Rural Carrier 50,401 GINGERICH Linda Rural Carrier 50,204 TORRES Danny Supv Cust Svcs 50,188 RAINS Kerri Rural Carrier 50,067 WOLLRAB Vida Rural Carrier 49,644 FOWLER Stephen Postmaster 49,590 MILLER Ross Rural Carrier 49,534 HARDER Brian Rural Carrier 47,972 GARDNER Douglas Carrier Technician 47,545 JOHNSON Jacqueline Carrier Technician 47,545

75 U.S. Post Office

Last Name First Name Title Salary

KAUPPI Kenneth Carrier Technician 47,545 BROGAARD Judith Rural Carrier 46,809 FISCHER Gregory Rural Carrier 46,717 BARTELS James Carrier (City) 46,460 BEELNER Gerald Carrier (City) 46,460 BOEKE James Carrier (City) 46,460 CADY Donald Carrier (City) 46,460 CARIENS Kathleen Carrier (City) 46,460 CRONIN Michael Carrier (City) 46,460 CROOKS Leroy Carrier (City) 46,460 FANGMANN Thomas Carrier (City) 46,460 GARDNER Kurt Carrier (City) 46,460 GEERS John Carrier (City) 46,460 GOERING Richard Carrier (City) 46,460 GOLDSMITH Jeffrey Carrier (City) 46,460 GREAZEL John Carrier (City) 46,460 GREIF Kimberley Carrier (City) 46,460 HALSRUD Ronald Carrier (City) 46,460 HANSON Garry Carrier (City) 46,460 HILL David Veh Op & Maint Asst 46,460 HINSCHBERGER James Carrier (City) 46,460 HUNTINGTON James Carrier (City) 46,460 JENKINS Kerry Carrier (City) 46,460 KIRKMAN David Carrier (City) 46,460 KIRSTEIN Brian Carrier (City) 46,460 KISSINGER Sandra Carrier (City) 46,460 KISSINGER JR Delbert Carrier (City) 46,460 KUNZ Leonard Carrier (City) 46,460 LAKE William Carrier (City) 46,460 LINK Kevin Carrier (City) 46,460 LIPPOLD-OWEN Cynthia Carrier (City) 46,460 MASKE Gary Carrier (City) 46,460 MCCOMAS Gerry Carrier (City) 46,460 MCGARRY Dale Carrier (City) 46,460 MOSELEY Christopher Carrier (City) 46,460

76 U.S. Post Office

Last Name First Name Title Salary

NIDEY Roger Carrier (City) 46,460 NYE Thomas Carrier (City) 46,460 OLSON James Carrier (City) 46,460 PIPER Gary Carrier (City) 46,460 REBAL Ann Carrier (City) 46,460 RICKLEFS David Carrier (City) 46,460 RUMMELHART Larry Carrier (City) 46,460 SCHOLL Phillip Carrier (City) 46,460 SCHULTE Chester Carrier (City) 46,460 SISLEY Barbara Carrier (City) 46,460 SKAY Curtis Carrier (City) 46,460 SORDEN Gary Carrier (City) 46,460 STAHMER Melvin Carrier (City) 46,460 STREFF Scott Carrier (City) 46,460 VILLHAUER Edward Carrier (City) 46,460 WHITE Stephen Carrier (City) 46,460 WOMBACHER Roger Carrier (City) 46,460 WORRELL Lynn Carrier (City) 46,460 DOHRER Julia Carrier Technician 46,416 BAKER Lowell Rural Carrier 46,298 ESCHER Lori Bulk Ml Tech 46,132 GOLDSMITH John Postage Due Techn 46,132 GRAFT James Slf Srv Pst Ctr Tch 46,132 KROGH Leroy Clerk Finance St 46,132 PATTERSON Danny Lead Sls/Svcs Assoc 46,132 RAWSON Charles Lead Sls/Svcs Assoc 46,132 TOMPKIN Aaron Sr Mail Processor 46,132 WOODIWISS Catherine Info Clk 46,132 STRICKLER Thomas Rural Carrier 46,008 BECKER Donald Carrier (City) 45,764 HARDWICK Darla Carrier (City) 45,764 NEPPEL Craig Carrier (City) 45,764 STAUDT Gary Carrier (City) 45,764 HANSEN Daniel Carrier Technician 45,660 PAYNE Cindy Carrier Technician 45,660

77 U.S. Post Office

Last Name First Name Title Salary

PIPER Paula Carrier Technician 45,660 COOK Ronald Rural Carrier 45,372 PATTERSON Linda Sr Mail Processor 45,340 MILLER Andy Carrier Technician 45,293 BENN Terry Carrier (City) 45,068 GREAZEL Ronald Carrier (City) 45,068 SCHAMBERGER Scott Carrier (City) 45,068 WINGERT Philip Carrier (City) 45,068 WRIGHT Lynn Carrier (City) 45,068 ARWINE Swen Sales,Svc/Dist Asoc 45,061 BALLANTYNE Darrel Mail Proc Clk 45,061 BEEMER Lori Sales/Svcs Assoc 45,061 BRAVICK David Maintenance Mech 45,061 BYERS Delinda Mail Proc Clk 45,061 CAMPBELL Ruth Mail Proc Clk 45,061 CLEMENS Randy Mail Proc Clk 45,061 DUNN Roger Mail Proc Clk 45,061 FLOOD-CRUISE Jamie Dist Window Clk 45,061 FOBIAN Vicki Sales,Svc/Dist Asoc 45,061 FODGE David Mail Proc Clk 45,061 FOX Theodore Sales/Svcs Assoc 45,061 FREEL Jan Mail Proc Clk 45,061 GOSS Shirley Mail Proc Clk 45,061 GREENE Pamela Window Clk 45,061 HACKETT Karen Window Clk 45,061 HAFFNER Jay Mail Proc Clk 45,061 HARMAN Sandra Mail Proc Clk 45,061 KASPER Vicki Mail Proc Clk 45,061 MACDONALD Steven Mail Proc Clk 45,061 MEYER Duane Mail Proc Clk 45,061 MOHAMMAD Fatimah Sales/Svcs Assoc 45,061 RASH Dennis Mail Proc Clk 45,061 RAWSON Denise Sales,Svc/Dist Asoc 45,061 RECTOR John Mail Proc Clk 45,061 ROBERTS Phyllis Mail Proc Clk 45,061

78 U.S. Post Office

Last Name First Name Title Salary

ROY Todd Sales/Svcs Assoc 45,061 RUPPERT Garry Mail Proc Clk 45,061 SELL Rodney Sales/Svcs Assoc 45,061 SNEED Tish Mail Proc Clk 45,061 STOURAC Gary Sales,Svc/Dist Asoc 45,061 TURNER Ginger Sales/Svcs Assoc 45,061 WHITTLE Linda Mail Proc Clk 45,061 HAHN Sharon Postmaster 44,800 ARMSTRONG Steven Carrier (City) 44,718 JOHNSON Joel Carrier (City) 44,718 MILLER Brett Carrier Technician 44,540 ECKERMANN David Rural Carrier 44,406 COVINGTON James Carrier Technician 44,168 KAUFFMAN Dean Carrier Technician 44,168 DINGBAUM Leon Sr Mail Processor 43,756 WEST Darren Carrier (City) 43,332 ROBINSON Sherman Mail Handler 43,245 LUNDIN-CASON Phyllis Laborer Custodial 43,194 EPPINGA Sara Carrier (City) 42,982 FUHR James Carrier (City) 42,633 GENKINGER Sherri Carrier (City) 42,633 JONES Randall Carrier (City) 42,633 OLSON Sheri Sales/Svcs Assoc 42,541 PORTWOOD JR Ivan Mail Proc Clk 41,701 WILLIS William Rural Carrier 41,387 MACEJAK Timothy Mail Proc Clk 40,861 SPRAGUE Steven Sales/Svcs Assoc 40,861 BELL Michael Mail Handler 40,370 WILSON Troy Rural Carrier 40,118 POLINA Joseph Carrier (City) 40,102 CHRIST Jodi Sales,Svc/Dist Asoc 40,021 KREUTZER Jason Mail Proc Clk 40,021

79 Fiscal Year 2006 County Salary Survey Iowa State Association of Counties

CONSUMER PRICE INDEX CPI-U (ALL URBAN CONSUMERS) US City Average (Inflation Measurement) Base Period: 1982-84 = 100

FISCAL Avg. Annual Avg. Annual CALENDAR Avg. 3rd Qrtr. Avg. 3rd Qtr. to 3rd YEAR Qtr. YEAR CPI Index Growth Rate CPI Index Growth Rate (Ending June 30) during fiscal year of CPI Index * (July - Sept.) of CPI Index ** 1996 154.5 2.73% 1996 157.4 2.94% 1997 158.9 2.85% 1997 160.8 2.20% 1998 161.8 1.79% 1998 163.4 1.60% 1999 164.6 1.73% 1999 167.2 2.35% 2000 169.3 2.89% 2000 173.1 3.51% 2001 175.1 3.43% 2001 177.8 2.70% 2002 178.2 1.77% 2002 180.6 1.59% 2003 182.1 2.19% 2003 184.6 2.20% 2004 186.1 2.20% 2004 189.6 2.73% 2005 191.7 3.01% 2005 196.9 3.83%*** Average ('96 - '05) - 2.46% Average ('96 - '05) - 2.56%

* Average Growth Rate is determined by ** Average Growth Rate is determined by calculating the annual growth of the 12 month calculating the annual growth in the CPI index average CPI index from one fiscal year to the from the 3rd quarter-average in one year to the next fiscal year. 3rd quarter-average in the next year.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Labor World Wide Web address for CPI Index Bureau of Labor Statistics 911 Walnut St. Kansas City, Mo. 64106 ***Current COLA


Public Administration Iowa Statewide

Occupation Est. Mean Entry Exp. 10th 25th Median 75th 90th empl. wage wage wage pct pct wage pct pct Accountants and Auditors 700 22.02 16.22 24.92 15.16 17.54 21.16 25.99 31.21 Administrative Services Managers 730 33.80 23.28 39.06 20.21 27.54 34.14 41.36 47.54 Chief Executives 350 23.16 8.44 30.53 6.61 10.66 14.58 33.86 54.49 Compensation and Benefits Managers 20 30.99 24.73 34.12 23.34 25.59 30.09 37.02 41.74 Engineering Managers 160 38.75 29.15 43.55 26.68 33.56 39.86 44.81 50.11 Financial Managers 310 28.90 17.50 34.59 16.07 19.70 27.58 38.19 44.35 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Office and Support 670 21.96 16.07 24.90 15.07 17.67 21.53 25.64 28.47 Workers General and Operations Managers 460 30.38 19.39 35.86 18.42 22.66 29.41 35.93 47.30 Human Resources Managers 40 34.31 26.59 38.15 24.48 29.41 34.38 40.28 44.81 Lawyers 760 34.70 23.13 40.48 20.85 26.49 33.61 41.79 51.42 Legislators 1,640 8.89 6.06 10.31 5.63 6.00 6.56 7.44 17.95 Managers, All Other 510 29.28 16.13 35.85 14.71 19.16 28.31 38.66 45.83 Marketing Managers 10 34.37 24.00 39.55 18.61 30.26 36.54 41.59 44.75 Purchasing Managers 20 31.76 24.09 35.60 22.22 25.64 29.79 39.22 44.42 Transportation, Storage, and Distribution Managers 70 36.43 22.10 43.60 19.71 25.31 35.65 47.89 55.07


Private Services Iowa Statewide

Occupation Est. Mean Entry Exp. 10th 25th Median 75th 90th empl. wage wage wage pct pct wage pct pct Accountants and Auditors 90 23.10 18.09 25.61 16.44 19.68 23.38 26.60 29.24 Administrative Services Managers 50 30.93 15.07 38.86 14.12 16.58 23.36 33.48 60.64 Chief Executives 90 69.87 36.17 36.73 30.39 50.32 >70.00 N/A N/A Engineering Managers 10 38.80 33.54 41.42 31.88 34.87 39.14 43.74 47.29 Financial Managers 40 40.03 24.57 47.75 23.33 27.49 33.99 43.53 >70.00 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Office Support Workers 320 16.83 9.17 20.66 7.65 11.28 16.34 21.99 26.94 General and Operations Managers 380 35.62 19.19 43.84 16.58 22.39 29.08 43.75 62.92 Lawyers 20 40.96 36.66 43.12 33.58 37.96 41.18 44.40 47.26 Managers, All Other 90 38.30 25.41 44.74 21.06 29.72 36.26 51.02 57.25 Marketing Managers 20 31.24 19.60 37.05 17.11 22.45 28.29 34.42 44.31


Total All Industries Johnson County

Occupation Est. Mean Entry Exp. 10th 25th Median 75th 90th empl. wage wage wage pct pct wage pct pct Accountants and Auditors 410 22.82 16.98 25.74 15.58 18.40 21.18 25.79 32.74 Administrative Services Managers 130 35.23 19.47 43.10 17.16 22.37 30.89 43.69 56.00 Chief Executives 150 62.83 35.89 76.30 33.54 39.81 54.01 N/A N/A Compensation and Benefits Managers 20 29.91 21.59 34.08 19.76 23.25 29.11 34.55 40.92 Engineering Managers 30 36.22 28.61 40.02 26.64 30.32 36.35 42.49 47.09 Financial Managers 160 39.18 21.98 47.78 17.12 26.88 36.56 47.13 59.97 First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Office Support Workers 420 20.20 13.41 23.60 11.82 15.55 19.65 23.89 27.61 General and Operations Managers 560 39.09 18.87 49.20 15.99 23.78 36.53 48.78 66.93 Human Resources Managers 20 34.60 21.18 41.31 16.14 26.71 34.61 44.06 52.91 Lawyers 100 26.91 15.99 32.38 15.15 16.42 20.85 33.22 46.96 Legislators 20 10.02 6.10 11.98 5.70 6.10 6.69 18.28 20.83 Managers, All Other 110 33.24 18.68 40.51 13.53 24.83 33.17 43.15 52.68 Marketing Managers 40 29.89 15.44 37.13 11.07 20.11 31.22 36.50 49.52 Purchasing Managers 30 33.11 21.37 38.98 19.09 23.84 33.29 42.00 49.04 Transportation, Storage and Distribution Managers 30 29.76 20.12 34.57 18.93 21.60 27.67 34.11 47.83


COMMISSIONER $79,405 - $119,107 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR $80,163 - $114,025 SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE $53,892 - $82,888 SPECIAL AGENT $43,680 – $61,651 COLONEL (CHIEF) $80,163 - $114,025 MAJOR $63,398 - $90,209 CAPTAIN $53,892 - $82,888 LIEUTENANT $48,900 - $75,379 SERGEANT $44,366 - $68,702 TROOPER PILOT, SENIOR $39,041 - $56,180 TROOPER PILOT $39,041 - $55,078 TROOPER, SENIOR $37,398 - $53,788 TROOPER $37,398 - $52,728 GAMING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER $37,398 - $52,728 STATE PATROL OFFICER $33,238 - $46,820 FIRE MARSHAL $76,460 - $108,784 ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL $56,576 - $86,715 FIRE PREVENTION SUPV $53,892 - $82,888 FIRE INSPECTOR 2 $39,041 - $55,078 FIRE INSPECTOR 1 $35,942 - $50,668

84 Elected Officials’ Salaries FY 2006 (statewide)

Department Head Salaries FY 2006 (statewide)

Employment In Elected Offices (statewide) Employment06.pdf


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