Online Math 128 Precalculus & Trigonometry Section 1001 5 Credits

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Online Math 128 Precalculus & Trigonometry Section 1001 5 Credits

GREAT BASIN COLLEGE FALL SEMESTER 2015 Online Math 128 Precalculus & Trigonometry Section 1001 5 credits Course ID: owens96767 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Includes equations, relations, functions, graphing; polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and circular functions with applications; coordinate geometry of lines and conics; analytic trigonometry; matrices, determinants; and binomial theorem. It is recommended that students have completed prerequisites within two years of enrolling in this course. Prerequisite: Must have completed Math 96 or Math 97 or earned a satisfactory score in Accuplacer, or SAT/ACT tests for placement into Math 126 or Math 128.

COURSE DESCRIPTION The overarching goal of this course is to provide you with a solid foundation for the study of calculus. We spend a good portion of the course studying basic functions that will appear in calculus as well as familiarizing ourselves with topics from analytic geometry such as the study of conic sections and the binomial theorem. We will also touch on some topics from linear algebra: matrices and determinants. In order to cover the material, we will be completing 4 sections a week. This is a 5-credit course, so as you would expect, it is intense and comes with a hefty workload, so it is not recommended for students who experience great difficulty with math.

LEARNING OUTCOMES & MEASURES Learning Outcome Measure Communicate mathematical concepts in writing All exams Solve polynomial and rational inequalities Chapters 1 & 2 Exam Solve absolute value equations and inequalities Ch 1 & 2 Exam Distinguish and obtain the equations of conic sections Ch 1 & 2 Exam (circles only), Ch 9 & 10 Exam (parabolas, ellipses, hyperbolas), Final Distinguish a function from a relation Ch 1 & 2 Exam Graph basic functions, including linear functions, the Ch 1 & 2 Exam, Final identity function, squaring and square root functions, cubing and cube root functions, the absolute value function, the greatest integer function, and piecewise-defined functions and their transformations Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, Ch 1 & 2 Exam, Final division, and composition of functions and find the domains of the new functions Find the difference quotient Ch 1 & 2 Exam Find domain and range of functions Ch 1 & 2 Exam, Final Find real and complex roots of polynomial functions Ch 3 & 4 Exam, Final Ch 3 & 4 Exam, Final Graph polynomial and rational functions including finding zeros and asymptotes (for rational functions) Apply polynomials and rational functions to the real Ch 3 & 4 Exam

1 world Find the inverse of a function Ch 3 & 4 Exam, Final Graph exponential and logarithmic functions Ch 3 & 4 Exam, Final Solve exponential and logarithmic equations using Ch 3 & 4 Exam properties of logarithms Use exponential/logarithmic functions to model real- Ch 3 & 4 Exam, Final life applications Convert between degree and radian measure Ch 5 & 6 Exam Derive basic trigonometric functions using right Ch 5 & 6 Exam triangles Evaluate the trigonometric functions at special values Ch 5 & 6 Exam Solve right triangles using trig functions Ch 5 & 6 Exam, Final Graph the basic trigonometric functions and their Ch 5 & 6 Exam, Final transformations Solve trigonometric equations Ch 5 & 6, Ch 7 & 8 Exam, Final Verify trigonometric identities Ch 7 & 8 Exam Apply the sum and difference, double-angle and half- Ch 7 & 8 Exam angle, and other relational formulas Demonstrate familiarity with the inverse Ch 7 & 8 Exam trigonometric functions Solve triangles using the Law of Sines and the Law of Ch 7 & 8 Exam, Final Cosines Demonstrate knowledge of vectors and vector Ch 7 & 8 Exam, Final operations Apply trigonometry and vectors to real-world Ch 7 & 8 Exam problems Express complex numbers in rectangular or polar Ch 1 & 2 (operations with complex numbers form and perform operations with complex numbers only) Ch 7 & 8 Exam Graph polar equations Ch 7 & 8 Exam, Final Convert to and from parametric equations and Ch 7 & 8 Exam, Final rectangular equations Graph parametric equations Ch 7 & 8 Exam, Final Solve systems of linear equation using substitution, Ch 9 & 10 Exam, Final elimination, matrices, determinants (Cramer’s Rule), or the inverse of a matrix Find determinants Ch 9 & 10 Exam, Final Find the partial fraction decomposition of a rational Ch 9 & 10 Exam, Final expression Solve nonlinear systems of equations Ch 9 & 10 Exam Perform operations with matrices Ch 9 & 10 Exam Find the inverse of a matrix Ch 9 & 10 Exam, Final Find terms of a sequence and the sum of a series Final Evaluate series Final Use the principle of Mathematical Induction in proofs Final Use the Binomial Theorem Final

2 Mastery of topics will vary from student to student, but for most students, doing the homework, watching the lectures, and reading the textbook are all critical for mastery. Do not expect to gain mastery through telepathy or osmosis. If you do nothing, expect nothing. If you do the work, expect some gain in mastery.

INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Instructor: Lynne Owens Address: Great Basin College Office: MCML 136 1500 College Parkway Phone: 775-753-2152 Elko, NV 89801 Fax: 775-738-8771 E-mail: [email protected] (preferred method of contact either WebCampus email or college email) Office Hours: M 5:30 pm – 7 pm, T: 2 pm – 4 pm, W 7am – 9am, or by appointment I will respond to emails/calls M – F, 8am – 5pm. I am unavailable evenings, weekends, and holidays.

REQUIRED MATERIALS Reliable and dependable internet access Scanner access MyMathLab Homework Management System (comes with a free eText of Precalculus A Right Triangle Approach, 5th ed., by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels): ISBN 032119991X Scientific calculator (Graphing calculators cannot be used on your exams.)

OPTIONAL MATERIALS Some students prefer having a physical text rather than the online version. This is a more expensive option, but it will be cheaper if you bundle the text with access code to MyMathLab. Hardback text + access to MyMathLab ISBN 0321828089 Three-hole punch book (not returnable) + access code to MyMathLab ISBN 0321828070 Hardback text alone ISBN 0321783808 Three-hole punch alone (not returnable) ISBN 032179530X

COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS This course is online. This course requires that you have reliable and dependable access to a computer that can access the internet as well as the following software packages. (For technology tips on using MyMathLab go to the last two pages of this syllabus.)  A web browser (An up-to-date version of Google Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox) Adobe Acrobat Reader (free) Adobe Flash Player (free) Microsoft Word

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION Each week, you will have homework problems and lectures. I have recorded the lectures for this course and have embedded them in your homework. It is assumed that every week you are also reading the textbook sections that correspond to your homework assignments. The book, homework, and lectures are all located in My MathLab, not WebCampus.

3 GRADING Your grade is based on 56 homework assignments (there are 59 assignments, but your lowest 3 scores get dropped), 3 exams (there are 4 exams, but your lowest score is dropped, not the final exam score), one LiveNet session (that will count as a quiz), and one syllabus quiz. The quizzes are weighted 2%, the homework 28% and the exams 70%. To find your grade at any given time, you will take 2% of the average of the quizzes score, 28% of the average of the homework score, and 80% of the average of your exam scores and sum those values together. Here is the formula.

Grade = 0.02(average of quiz scores) + 0.28 (average of homework scores) + 0.70(average of exam scores). Recall that the average is found by adding the scores and dividing by the number of scores. Please note: your grades will appear in MyMathLab not WebCampus.

Grade Distribution 90% - 100% A 80% - 89% B 70% - 79% C 60% - 69% D Below 60% F Please consult the Great Basin College catalogue for information regarding incomplete or “I” grades.

HOMEWORK All homework is done in the website MyMathLab. You will need to purchase access to this site. Go to and under “Student” click on “Get Registered”. You will need three pieces of information: an email address, the course ID, and either the access code or a credit card to purchase the access code. Click on “OK! Register now.” At this point you will need to input the course ID which is owens96767. If you have used MyMathLab before, you already have an account so enter your username and password. If you have not used MyMathlab before, click on “Create” under “Create a Pearson Account”. If you have already purchased an access code, click on “access code” and enter your code. If you need to purchase the access code click on the dollar amount and finish paying for the course. For those of you awaiting financial aid, MyMathLab grants a 14-day temporary pass. Use this so you can still do your homework while awaiting funds.

Homework is due every Friday by 11:59 pm. I have chosen Fridays as your due date in hopes that you will look at your work during the regular work week and be able to contact me or the ASC if you need assistance. Late homework is not accepted. If you find yourself missing homework due to illness, work, life, etc. These will be the assignments that you drop, so please do not request to turn in late work.

HOMEWORK AND EXAM DUE DATES Week Material Due Date 1 1.1, 1.3, 1.7, 1.8 Friday, January 23, 2015 1 Syllabus Quiz (WebCampus) Tuesday, Jan. 27 2 2.2-2.4, 2.6 (omit 2.5) Fri. Jan. 30 3 2.7, 2.8, 3.2, 3.3 (omit 3.1) Fri. February 6 4 Chapters 1 & 2 Exam Tues. Feb. 10 4 3.4 - 3.5, 4.1 - 4.2 (omit 3.6) Fri. Feb. 13

4 5 4.3 – 4.6 Fri. Feb. 20 6 Chapters 3 & 4 Exam Tues. Feb. 24 6 5.1 – 5.4 Fri. Feb. 27 7 6.1 – 6.4 Fri. Mar. 6 8 6.5 – 6.6, 7.1 – 7.2 (omit 6.7) Fri. Mar. 13 9 Chapters 5 & 6 Exam Tues. Mar. 17 9 7.3 – 7.6 Fri. Mar. 20 10 8.1 – 8.4 (omit 7.7) Fri. April 3 11 8.5, 8.7 -9.1 (omit 8.6) Fri. Apr. 10 12 Chapters 7 & 8 Exam Tues. Apr. 14 12 9.2 - 9.5 (omit 9.6) Fri. Apr. 17 13 9.7 – 10.2 Fri. Apr. 24 14 10.3 – 11.2 Fri. May 1 15 11.3 – 11.5 Fri. May 9 16 FINAL EXAM Tues. May 12 All exams are due by 11:59pm of the given due date; however, please check with your testing center/proctor for hours of operation. While all effort will be maintained to adhere to the syllabus, dates may be subject to change due to unforeseeable events (acts of nature, for example). You will be notified of any changes, so please stay in touch. Check WebCampus regularly for announcements or emails.

QUIZZES There is only one quiz in this course, the syllabus quiz. It is the only assignment that you will do in WebCampus. It is located in the Week 1 Module in WebCampus. After the due date, I will import the grade from the syllabus quiz to MyMathLab so that all your grades will be in a single place.

EXAMS Like your homework, your exams are done online in MyMathLab. Your exams must be supervised by a proctor, and only the proctors have the passwords that will enable you to access your exams. If you will be taking your exams at a Great Basin College campus or at Nevada State High School, we already have proctors in place. If, however, you are not near a GBC campus or are not a student at NSHS, please provide me with the name and email address of someone (not a relative or friend—a boss or a teacher is a good choice) willing to serve as a proctor. Do this soon—do not wait until your first exam is due to provide me with this information. Please be aware that other institutions may charge for proctoring your exams.

You have an exam every two chapters. Exams are due on the Tuesdays after the work for the two chapters has been completed. All exams, except the final have a time limit of 4 hours; for the final the time limit is 8 hours. It is highly unlikely that you will need 4 or 8 hours for your exam; the regular semester exams have 12 -20 questions, and the final 35. Unlike the homework, you are allowed only 1 attempt on the exams. Exams are due on the Tuesday after the completion of two chapters. Late exams are not accepted. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of missing an exam, this will be the exam that you drop, so please do not request to turn in late work. There are reviews for each of the exams. You can use these as practice exams. These reviews do not count towards your grade.

Use of your book, notes, websites (other than the test site), cellphones, or any other device (outside of your testing computer) that can access the internet is not allowed while taking exams. One

5 exception: For the Chapter 7 & 8 Exam and the final, you will get a formula sheet for some of the trigonometric identities. The proctors will provide you with this sheet. For your own use, you can download it—it’s in the Week 8 Module.

Because computers cannot assess partial credit, it is important that I see your work on exams. In that sense, please treat your exams like regular pencil and paper exams and write down your work. You will turn in your work using the drop boxes in WebCampus. To turn in your work: 1. Make sure your work is legible and the problems are numbered. 2. Immediately upon completing your test, scan your work and save it as JPG file. I will not accept PDF files. Do not change your work after you have completed the test; if you missed problems on your test do not go back through your test and write down the correct answers on your paper. I want to see the work you did that supports the answer you put into the computer. If your scanner only uses PDF format, you will need to convert your work to JPG format by using the following websites to convert to JPG format. or 3. Upload your scanned work into the drop box in WebCampus.

If you fail to meet any of these conditions, I will not look at your work, which in turn means you will not be eligible to receive partial credit where deserved.

A Word about Late Homework/Exams Whenever you request an extension for homework or exams, you are asking to be treated differently from all the other students in the course. Since this is inherently unfair, I do not accept late homework. However, you do get to drop 3 of your homework assignments and one exam score. If you are in a situation where you cannot get your work in on time, those assignments/exam will be the one(s) dropped. Also, all of your work for this course is available on the first day of class. This means you could take your final exam on the first day of class if you so desired. If you know in advance of a conflict, say your fifth cousin is getting married on the day an exam is due, you should exercise the option of turning your work in early rather than attempting to turn in work late.

LIVENET LiveNet is a technology that allows my writing to appear on your computer together with my voice. It is a great way to explain math. Unfortunately in the past, not many students took advantage of LiveNet. My fear is that the technology is intimidating. To combat that, I would like each of you to join me for one LiveNet session some time during the first two weeks of class. I will be available on LiveNet Monday January 26 at 5:30 for anybody who can join me then. If you cannot make this time, then simply send me an email and we can find a time to meet individually. After the initial LiveNet session, you will have to email me to set up an appointment. I am happy to be join you on LiveNet whenever you feel the need. To access LiveNet, go to the modules in our WebCampus course. On the left, click on the button entitled “Conferences”. A video for students will pop up—watch that and follow the instructions.

Attendance Policy/Withdrawing from Class Since this is an online class, there is no physical class that meets. Attendance in this context is participating fully in the homework management system—viewing the lectures and completing your homework and exams on time.

6 The last date you can withdraw from this class is Monday, March 23, 2015. I will not withdraw you from this course; that is your responsibility. If you fail to turn in your withdrawal paperwork by that time, you will receive whatever grade you have earned by the end of the semester.

MYMATHLAB vs. WEBCAMPUS We use two management systems in this course, MyMathLab and WebCampus. This is not meant to cause confusion; WebCampus is just not yet user-friendly for doing math. Here’s the difference between the two systems. Your book, homework, lectures, and grades all live in MyMathLab. Use WebCampus to communicate with me and/or other students via the GBC Coffeehouse or through email or to submit written work to me. I will primarily communicate with you in WebCampus.

EXPECTATIONS Remember, this is a 5-credit course. It is two courses jammed into one. Depending on your level of comfort with the material, you can expect to spend 15 hours or more per week in this class. This class by itself is the equivalent of having a part-time job.

Every week, my expectation is that you are reading the appropriate sections in your textbook, viewing the lectures, and completing your homework.

I will communicate with you through WebCampus, so please check your email and announcements regularly.

ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. This course is designed to be compatible with most universal screen readers. If you are a student needing video and/or audio captioning, GBC's Disabilities Office will provide captioning for you in this course. The Disability Service Office, located in the Leonard Student Life Center, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775-753-2271.

CAMPUS SECURITY GBC is committed to the safety of our students and has a duty to promote awareness and prevention programs for violence on campus under the Jeanne Clery Act as well as the Campus SaVE (Sexual Violence Elimination Act) and VAWA (Violence Against Women Act), which are amendments to Clery. Acts of violence include, but are not limited to, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Acts of violence can occur on the physical campus or centers of GBC in addition to field placement sites, clinical practice settings, and other places where college or class activities occur. As well, the online environment at GBC is considered a GBC site. If you experience any incidence where your safety has been threatened or violated, or if you feel threatened or harassed, immediately report this to me, any center director, faculty, or staff member, or directly to the Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Security(775.753.2115) or the Vice President for Student Services(775.753.2282).

7 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY The University and Community College System of Nevada expressly forbids all forms of academic dishonesty, including (but not limited to) all forms of cheating, copying, and plagiarism. Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the students will acknowledge the source whenever:  Another person’s actual words are quoted  Another person’s idea, opinion or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words  Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge. Students who are discovered cheating will be subject to discipline as outlined in the Great Basin College catalog. In an online setting, academic dishonesty also includes the use of websites to find or check solutions to your exam questions while you are taking the exam or changing your work after the exam has been submitted. STUDENT CONDUCT STATEMENT Students are required to adhere to the behavior standards listed in GBC Student Conduct and Netiquette Policies. Students are entitled to receive instruction free from interference by other members of the class. If a student is disruptive, an instructor may ask the student to stop the disruptive behavior and warn the student that such disruptive behavior can result in withdrawal from the course. An instructor may withdraw a student from a course when the student's behavior disrupts the educational process under NSHE Code, Title 2, Chapter 6. Section 6.2.2. Appropriate classroom behavior is defined by the instructor. This includes the number and length of individual messages online. Course discussion messages should remain focused on the assigned discussion topics. Students must maintain a cordial atmosphere and use tact in expressing differences of opinion. Inappropriate discussion board messages may be deleted if an instructor feels it is necessary. Students will be notified privately that their posting was inappropriate. Student access to the course In-box and Discussion tools may be limited or removed if an instructor feels that students are sending inappropriate or disparaging remarks about the course in electronic messages to other students in the course. RESOURCES I have recorded videos to support the material in the textbook. These lectures are embedded in your homework and count as part of your homework grade. Your textbook is an excellent resource and is filled with great examples. My expectation is that you are reading your textbook as well as viewing the lectures. When you are studying, feel free to access other websites such as or if you feel you need an alternate explanation. Besides these two, there are many other free websites for math. Just Google the particular topic you are working on to find more sites.

8 Academic Success Center (ASC) EIT Building Room 114, 753-2149 For those of you in Elko, the ASC provides free onsite tutoring. They also have computers that you can use for your homework. ASC hours: 9am- 8pm Monday-Thursday and 9-4 on Friday. The ASC also offers free online tutoring or those of you not near a GBC campus. Send an email to [email protected] for assistance.

Smarthinking In MyMathLab, you have 24/7 access to tutors. Simply click on the “Connect to a tutor” button visible when you are doing homework.

GBC’s Library on the Elko Campus provides electronic and digital resources to help students in their research and learning. Contact the library at 775-753-2222. TROUBLESHOOTING In this course you will spend the majority of your time in MyMathLab, but you will use WebCampus to upload your exam work and communicate with me. Here are the tech support sites for both products. Product Support WebCampus [email protected] or 775-753- 2167 MyMathLab m/app Also the last two pages of this syllabus for technology tips for MyMathLab.

TIPS FOR SUCCESS While precalculus can be a difficult subject to master, the burden of learning is on you; therefore, you must be your own advocate. Here are some steps you can take that may increase the probability of your success.  If you don’t understand a concept, get some help and get it fast. Do not sit like a bump on a log suffering in silence. Go to the Academic Success Center for free tutoring or contact an online tutor. Make an appointment with me. Form a study group.  Be cognizant of class policies and due dates. For example, what are the policies regarding late work?  Do your homework. Math is not a subject that can be skimmed. You learn by doing.  Do some math every day and try not to cram. Cramming is effective for the short term, but not for long-term retention, try to spread the work out, and make time to review old material.  Memory is enhanced by retrieval, so taking the time to review past work can be great tool for building longer term retention.  Do not procrastinate with the computer homework. Technology is our friend and enemy. Allow yourself enough time to complete the homework in case you run into technological difficulties.

9  Finally a quote: “The one who does the work does the learning.” Terry Doyle, author of Helping Students Learn in a Learner Center Environment: A Guide to Teaching in Higher Education. In other words, if you plan on being successful in this course, you need to commit the time and effort to make it happen.

10 MyMathLab and MyStatLab Top 10 Technology Tips for Students

Tip #1: Recommended browsers • Be sure to run the Browser Check the first time you log in to your course! • Log in to your course. • On the Course Home page, click the Browser Check link in the Announcements section. • Alternatively, click on Help & Support at the top right of the window. • Go to the 24/7 Support site. • Follow the directions to Set Up Your Computer. • For more information, check out the Knowledge Base article: Computer Set-Up.

Tip #2: Clearing Cookies • If you click on your course and nothing shows up, or you are having problems loading certain pages in the course, it could be because you have not cleared your browser cookies. • Open your browser and navigate to or • Go to the Support page. • Click the link to the Customer Technical Support website. • Search for the Knowledge Base article: Deleting Cached Files and Cookies. • Follow the directions for clearing cookies for your browser.

Tip #3: Course not listed • You log in to your account but your course is not showing up on your course list. • If you just registered for the course and received a confirmation email that your registration was successful, your enrollment may not have been activated. • Follow the directions in this Knowledge Base article, Student Registration Confirmed but Course Not Showing to refresh your session and activate your enrollment. • Check out the Knowledge Base article Missing Course or Incorrect Resources for more information. • If you have done work in the course previously but cannot see your course when you logged in today, you may be logging in with a different username. • Log out of your current account, and then try to sign in with an alternate account to look for your course. • For more information, check out the Knowledge Base article: Missing Course or Incorrect Resources.

Tip #4: Changing from Temporary Access to Full Access • DO NOT create a new account. • Log in to your course using your current account. • Click the link to upgrade your access. • Alternatively, locate the email that has information about your temporary access • Follow the directions in the email to upgrade your access. • For more information, check out the Knowledge Base article: Change Temporary Access to Full Access.

Tip #5: Forgot username or password • Go to or • Click the Sign In button. • Click the “Forgot your username or password?” link. • Follow the directions to have your login name and password emailed to you. • If you do not receive an email with your account information, you may have used a different email address when you created the account. • Go back to the “Forgot your username or password?” page and enter the other email address. • If you still do not receive an email with your account information, contact Customer Technical Support for assistance in retrieving your username and password. • For more information, check out the Knowledge Base article: Sign-In (Username and Password) Help.

11 MyMathLab and MyStatLab Top 10 Technology Tips for Students Tip #6: Enroll in a new course • If you are enrolling in a course that uses the same textbook as your previous course, you DO NOT need to create a new account. • Log in to your course using your existing username and password. • Click the “Enroll in Another Course” link. • Enter the Course ID for your new course. • Follow the directions to complete your enrollment. • Your new course shows up on your course list. • For more information, check out the Knowledge Base article: Enroll in a Multi-Semester Course or Retake a Course.

Tip #7: Changing from Temporary Access to Full Access in an integrated course • This only applies if you are accessing your MyMathLab or MyStatLab course from inside a Blackboard course. • DO NOT create a new account. • Follow the directions in the Knowledge Base article: MyLab & Mastering for Blackboard Learn: Change from Temporary Access to Full Mylab Access.

Tip #8: Access Code • Access codes can only be redeemed ONCE, and are specific to the program you are using. • If you entered your access code and received an error message that your code is not valid, contact the vendor you purchased the code to find out their return policy and to purchase the correct (unredeemed) access code for your course. • For more information, check out the Knowledge Base article: Registration and Access Code Help. • If you purchased the access code directly from Pearson Education, contact Customer Technical Support for assistance.

Tip #9: Alternate program access • If you tried to log in to your course at or and the site is down, you can use the alternate login page to access your course. • Follow the directions in the Knowledge Base article, Alternate Login Pages, to use the alternate login page. • Note that you will only have access to the homework assignments, quizzes, tests, and Gradebook when you access the course on the alternate login site.

Tip #10: Course ID • You must have a COURSE ID in order to register for your course. Contact your instructor to obtain the Course ID. • If you entered the Course ID and received an error message that the Course ID is not valid, you may have typed the Course ID incorrectly. • Double-check the spelling and numbers in the Course ID and re-enter it. • If you receive an error message that the course enrollment date has passed, inform you instructor and ask your instructor to verify that the course enrollment period is current. • After the enrollment dates have been verified, return to the website and resume the enrollment process. • For more information, check out the Knowledge Base article: Enrollment Errors.


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