Proposed Position in the Project: Expert On

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Proposed Position in the Project: Expert On





3. DATE OF BIRTH: 2 January 1962



6. EDUCATION: INSTITUTION [DATE FORM – DATE TO] DEGREE (S) OR DIPLOMA (S) OBTAINED: Universidad de Murcia, Facultad de Derecho/ Universidad de Licenciado en Derecho (Law degree: 5 years degree) Valencia, Facultad de Derecho (1979-1985) European Institute for Public Administration Maastricht Diploma on EU Relations, Enlargement & Policy Making (NL) (2000-2001) State Labour and Social Security Inspectorate (1986 to Labour and Social Security Inspector (equivalent to High Level 1988) Master Degree) 7. LANGUAGE SKILLS: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 - excellent, 5 - basic) LANGUAGE READING SPEAKING WRITING English 1 1 1 Spanish 1 1 1 Italian 1 2 4 French 1 1 3 Romanian 2 4 5 Russian 5 8. MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES: . Labour and Social Security Inspection; . Promoter of import-export service “M. L. Textile”, Riga, Latvia; . Chairman of the Spanish-Latvian Association “Iberobaltika”. 9. OTHER SKILLS: . Computer skills: complete command on Microsoft Word, Windows, Excel, Internet, etc. 10. PRESENT POSITION: Free-lance consultant on labour and social issues. International expert adviser to the Murcia Regional Development Agency (INFO, since March 2007). President of international consultancy Frame Solutions S. L. 11. YEARS WITHIN THE FIRM: 4 year as international free lance ( 15 years in Public Spanish Labour and Social Security Ministry, with both national and international experience)

12. KEY QUALIFICATIONS: (Relevant to the project)  Expert on active labour market policies and regional development, labour law, employment restructuring in enterprises, Vocational Education and Training, working conditions including gender issues, occupational health and safety, Social Security, work injury care and insurance and unemployment benefits. ILO experience. . Design and implementation of active labour market measures (ALMM) and coordinate with regional development initiatives (ERDF); active labour market policies definition, evaluation, implementation and follow up including ESF and Equal; Experience to develop tools for analysis and forecast of labour market trends; experience with Labour Market Observatories in cooperation with social partners. . Long-standing experience with EU ALMM/VET/ERDF funds and grant procedures (ESF) and implementation addressed to groups under risk of social exclusion and areas of industrial decline including assessment of impact; . . Promotion of employment, occupational training (TOT approach) and assistance to job seekers and social services; . Training Needs Analysis, Formulation of Training Plans, Training for trainers (TOT) on capacity and institutional building on several matters and fields; . Expert on Regional Development Agencies, organization, structures, resources allocation, program implementation and monitoring, etc. . Institutional Development: Strategy, Policy & Training Resources (and TOT); . Performance Appraisal, Work Planning and Review Systems; . Experience in planning, project monitoring and evaluation, mediation with municipalities, regional agencies, social partners, teaching, public relations experience, media campaigns; social dialogue including gender issues. . Knowledge of EU socio-economic cohesion policies in regions in decline; . Business and competitiveness promotion . Elaboration of business plans, import-export oriented policies, supporting tools and grants. Feasibility studies and organization of business exploratory missions. . Health and Safety expert; . Social Security expert; . Project Management; Management Development, Teamwork & Empowerment; . Production of Project Fiche, Terms of Reference, Strategic Plans & Work Programs; Procedures manuals for regional development and ALMM . Elaboration of technical proposals for tenders (FIIAPP,; Arcadis BMB Management Consultants BV,; Agriconsulting Europe . Human Resources Management; . EC Phare, Tacis, Meda, Cards Procedures, Tendering, Evaluation and Procurement, PCM on social issues; . Organisation & Management of Study Tours, Conferences, Seminars & Training Courses. . Experience in project management and Team Leader in CEE countries. 13. SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE IN THE REGION: COUNTRY DATE FROM – DATE TO: Latvia 2001 - 2002 Turkey 2004 (7 months), 2006 (5 months), 2007 (1 week) Moldova 2005 (2 months) Ukraine 2004 (October-November). May 2007 Bulgaria 2007 (July-October 2007) Bangladesh 2006-2008 (several missions) Romania 2007-2008 (key expert several missions) China 2007-2010 (Key expert 200 work days) 14. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: DATES LOCATION COMPANY POSITION DESCRIPTION Decemb China EPOS Health Senior er 2007 Consultants and international For the EU project: ”Technical Assistance for EU-China Social Security Reform to GOPA (Germany) Key expert on Co-operation Project - Component 2: Social Security Systems/Administration Decemb for a EU financed work injuries Development” as key expert on work injuries rehabilitation to advise on the er 2010 project for the rehabilitation following fields: OSH Prevention: support the review and adjustment of Ministry of workplace safety standards, organise public information campaigns to increase Labour and Social awareness, implement training programmes for employers to implement Security of China workplace safety measures (TOT), and undertake an analysis of the causes of work injuries; Rehabilitation: advise on the improvement of medical rehabilitation technologies and patient management, and the upgrading of rehabilitation facilities; Work injury compensation: advise on the definition of disability levels and on the management of work injury contributions and payments. Coordinator for 3 sub-component projects on capacity building on rehabilitation and work injuries in 3 provinces in China July to Sofia, Bulgaria Project Short term Project: “EC PHARE Service Contract – Preparing good quality strategic October Management Ltd. international documents, promotion of partnership and cooperation and assistance for project 2007 (Ireland) and the expert on development capacity, Bulgaria, as senior short term expert to provide advise on: Murcia Regional Active - Provided to the Managing Authority of the Human resources OP and its Development Employment designated Intermediate Bodies assistance for the development of procedures, Agency (INFO) in issues and manuals, communication strategy, identification of projects and training a EU funded Regional (TOT programmes) to ensure effective and speedy implementation of SF. project for the Development - Elaborated a guideline for ESF project promoters and implementation on Bulgarian State active employment measures Planning - Prepare long term relations among INFO Murcia (Regional Development Organization Agency) and counterparts in Bulgaria on business and competitiveness promotion June Turkey GTZ International Senior short Capacity Improvement in the Field of Economic and Social Cohesion. Support 2007 Services. term training the capacity building within central, regional and local administrations in EU funded project Expert Turkey, to prepare them for the implementation of economic and social cohesion for the State measures in line with the Coherence Strategic Framework and Operational Planning Programmes. Implementing training (TOT) in capacity development, HRD Organization training for civil servants for the Implementation of Operational Programmes within State Planning Organisation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ministry of Transport, and Ministry of Industry and Trade in Turkey. MAY Bucharest, Key expert on For the EU financed project to support Romanian Ministry of Labour and other 2007 TO Romania. EPRD Office for Active MAY Ministry of Economic Policy employment stakeholders in the implementation of grant schemes for active employment 2008 Labour Social and Regional measures Solidarity and Development Ltd. measures (AEM) mainly for youth, long-term unemployed and job seekers in Family (Poland) & rural areas and the implementation of the lifelong learning grant schemes, European Consultants responsible as Key expert on Active Employment Measures, provide technical Organisation assistance on AEM, grants, procedures, dissemination, training beneficiary parties (ECO. Belgium) (TOT), promotion of the involvement of stakeholders AEM, coordinate with VET grants, etc. - Elaborated a guideline for ESF project promoters and implementation, monitoring tools, etc. March Murcia, Spain INFO (Murcia Senior As INFO’s international expert adviser supports and promote the 2007 to Regional international  date Development and consultant involvement of the Regional Development and Business promotion Bussiness promotion Agency in the implementation of international projects and programs agency). with EU financing and other international donors. www.ifrm-  Familiar with INFO structures, organization, programs and activities in order to transfer to international projects the experience and know-how of the RD Agency in the implementation of EU policies on Regional Development Operational Plans and Business promotion. Local development Agents and Chambers of Commerce promotion  Familiar with Murcia Procedures Manual on Regional Development, including programme background, project management and implementation procedures, project stages, monitoring and financial control. Application Documents, Project Selection and Award Documents, Contracting Documents, Templates for Reports and Registers of Beneficiaries, Monitoring Documents, etc.  Senior short term expert on HH. RR. for EU PHARE 2004 project “Support for preparing good quality strategic documents, promotion of partnerships and cooperation and assistance for project development capacity in Bulgaria 2007; ALMM and VET Grant Expert  Organizer of INFO commercial and business promotion mission of in Ucrainia. May 2007 October Dhaka, German Technical Senior short German Technical Cooperation project ‘Social and Environmental Standards in 2006 to Bangladesh Cooperation term expert the Clothing Industry’, one of the components of the GTZ programme ‘Promotion date GTZ – GFA of Private Sector SMEs in the post MFA Era (PROGRESS)’. www.gtz-  Responsible for the assessment of the current labour inspection and incentive system of both governmental and non-governmental supervisory bodies (including the textile producers associations) carrying out a needs assessment, taking into account the capacity building initiatives earlier been provided by ILO and other donors  Screening of existing training manuals and other relevant documents  Reviewing monitoring techniques currently applied by labour inspectors/ private monitors regarding standards, effectiveness, relevance of collected data, promoting social dialogue at enterprise level, etc.  Meetings held with all concerned stakeholders related to RMG sector (textiles) to identify needs and trends on social compliance issues including the provision of training (TOT) and the elaboration of strategic documents for action to improve working conditions.  Act as an senior leading international trainer in the training for labour inspectors and managers from Redy Made Garment (RMG) industries January- Turkey, IBF-GFA leaders Team Leader May National of 12 Coordinate a national and international team for the provision Technical 2006 Employment consultancies Assistance to Turkish Employment Organisation for 2006 Programming Exercise Agency ISKUR Consortium for European Union in order to evaluate efficiency and impact of ALMM/RD of EU program Project following ESF policies and: - design capacity building measures for İŞKUR offices - formulate, implement and monitor local employment policies together with relevant stakeholders addressed to groups under social exclusion risk ( social dialogue oriented including gender issues) - provide better matching and placement services for job seekers and employers - improve active labour market measures financed by the unemployment insurance fund; - improve relations with private employment agencies, as well as with academic institutions and private sector at national and local level - coordinate policies and measures among several international program’s on employment, vocational training and regional development (NUTS II) in coordination with the State Planing Organization and regional development structures in provinces, including capacity building measures and Grant Scheme, avoiding overlapping and evaluating impact, proceedings and results. - Formulate recommendations for improvement of impact of ALMM Grant Scheme program. Definition of tools for analysis and forecast of labour market trends; promoted the launching of Labour Market Observatories in cooperation with social partners Novem. C.L. General FRAME President. Director of international consultancy services on: 2005 to Ruiz n. 4, 1. SOLUTIONS SL Senior Expert EU-International Advising Technical Assistance date Valladolid. on Social EU-International Project Promotion Spain Issues Coordination Implementation & Evaluation, including PCM on social issues Business Feasibility studies- Lobby. Business support and competitiveness advise Legal Assistance and Enterprise Registration Investment Auditing Financial Opportunities Import-Export Analysis – Advise – Follow Up Regional Development and Employment issues January/ C. Paris 207, 3, PREMAQUA Team Leader Septem. 2 Barcelona Director of National Spanish Survey on “working conditions, social security 2005 scheme and early retirement for workers on the cement production (quarries and factories)” done for the trade union CC.OO.”. October 92/2 Prospekt Senior consultant Senior Short EU-Project: ‘Support to the development of the /Novem Peremohy for GVG/BCEOM term expert Accident insurance system in Ukraine’ (TACIS) ber Kiev 03062 (Germany/France) 2004 Ukraine  Provide technical advise on the organization and coordination of social insurance and work injury care measures with other relevant key players for the Accident Insurance Fund of Ukraine.  Provide technical advise on launching and implementing Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) work accident prevention campaigns aimed to achieve the active involvement of Social Partners.  Analysis of cost/benefit of OSH preventive measures and finance the Fund’s activities.  Elaboration of training and disseminating material for OSH promotion. Implementation of training (including TOT) and disseminating activities, seminars, workshops, etc. Models provided for job reinsertion addressed to occupational injured persons January- Ankara, Turkey Consortium led by Team Leader EU Project: ‘Support to Labour Ministry on EU directives on occupational safety July GVG and health (OSH )’. The project aimed to align the OHS standards in Turkey with 2004 those of the EU by implementing 3 components: Institutional capacity building and training; OHS promotion; Improved capacity of laboratories for OHS delivery. As Team Leader, assists the Directorate General for Occupational Health and Safety to follow up changes in the EU acquis and to transfer new EU regulations and recommendations in relation to OHS management and labour market policies promoting social dialogue. 2001- 02 Riga, Latvia Ministry of Pre-Accession EU funded Twinning Spain-Latvia: Project Co-ordinator. Responsible for the Labour and Social Adviser organisation, promotion and co-ordination of activities addressed to Latvian Affairs. authorities with competence for the implementation of Occupational Safety and FIIAPP Health (OSH) regulations aiming to achieve the following Objectives: (www.fiiapp improvement of the Latvian level of safety and health protection of employees through understanding of the EU legislation requirements and drafting the .org) necessary documents for transposing EU directives into national legal acts, developing the capacity of the Latvian Labour Department and the State Labour Inspectorate to implement OSH requirements applying PCM methodologies on social issues. Proposals designed for a new dimension (strategy, training and TOT of Labour Department and State Labour Inspectorate (SLI); proposals formulated for New Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers; training courses and seminars held on risk assessment, internal control, organisational structure of OSH management; developed and issued Guidelines-manuals having detailed description on implementation of requirements of EU, included participation in Committee for evaluation of tenders and preparation of technical specifications for call for tenders; monitoring evaluation systems on OSH were set up in the Labour Ministry and the SLI and appropriate links established between the institutions involved (employers organisations, trade unions etc.) including proposals for employment services to promote job creation policies and proposals for financing the insurance of occupational accidents and work related illness 1997 Sweden Occupational Karolus Exchange Programme activities: Briefings at Headquarters by each Department on the Health and Safety Exchange structure, proceedings, goals and planning; Holding three lectures on the structure Board programme and proceedings of the Spanish Labour Ministry and Labour Inspectorate; Active participation in the daily work of Swedish labour inspectors in various Districts, including visits to work-sites and interviews with employers and with worker representatives. 1994 Geneva, International Assistant to Assisted the Director of the International Course on Active Labour Policy and the Switzerland Institute for director of design and implementation of Active Labour Market Measures and the related Labour Studies course on management of EU ALMM funds; gave a lecture on Labour Administration practices ALMM and problems; ran simulation exercises on labour disputes and collective agreements, implementation prepared participant panels and debates; advised participants on individual research projects. 1991 –92 Geneva, International Associate Follow-up on country reports from the Latin American region on the implementation Switzerland Labour Office expert, of ILO standards on labour administration and labour inspection; promotion of social (ILO) Department of dialogue, research and study on labour issues (e.g., role of social partners and labour www.ilo.or labour inspection in Spain, labour inspection in the forestry industry in Spain and areas in administration decline); assistance in preparing Technical Memorandum on the joint ILO-Spain g and labour programme on the modernisation of the Chilean Labour Inspection System; inspection organising meetings and seminars on labour administration issues and social dialogue (e.g. seminar on Labour Inspection in the Agricultural sectors of the PALOP countries, Angola, May 1992; seminar on labour inspection in Eastern Europe and the EEC; participation in a on-week training course on programme and project evaluation., fundamental human rights related to trade unions 1989 - Tenerife/Albac Ministry of Labour and Monitoring implementation of regulations on Labour issues, Social Security and 2004 ete/Murcia/Bar Labour Social Security Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). Participate in the promotion and imple- celona/ Sevilla, ( Inspector mentation of the international cooperation policies of the Spanish Labour Min- Spain istry. Monitoring of ALMM implementation based on ESF and related Regional Development funds (ERDF) on matters as access to aids, tax benefit and Grants for employment and bussiness promotion policies, promotion for the conversion of temporary contracts to long term ones, measures for promoting self- employment, support for the creation of workers’ co-operatives or limited companies, etc. Implementation of measures covered by the European Social Fund in line with the European Employment Strategy (EES) and Project Cycle Management on social issues. Monitoring and assessment of appropriate use of ALMM grants by workers and enterprises following programs and action plans defined by the Employment Promotion Institute. Follow-up of the use of grants in order to avoid fraud and misuse. Undertake labour market analyses, work interviews, professional testing, personal employment plans, active job-seeking policies, information and assistance for self-employment and other business initiatives to encourage employment and reinforcement of social services. Monitoring the implementation of labour laws on working conditions, health and safety at work (power of injunction, stop work and issue fines), employment / unemployment benefits, and social security (including subsidies and promotion of employment of handicapped persons and job reintegration of occupational injured persons , promotion of employment of socially excluded groups. etc.) . Monitor the payment of the employers/workers contributions to Social Security Public and Private (Mutual) taxes, the use of social security benefits and the provision of work injury care and benefits. Analysis of cases of job reallocations due to work related injures or illness. Participation in evaluating committees to determine levels of work capacity due to accident or sickness. Participate as trainer and organizer of TOT and training programmes for civil servants and social partners on relevant labour , development, business and social matters. Responsibility for initiating the administrative sanctions procedure in case of labour law violations; provide legal advice to employers, workers and trade unions on labour law; register and follow-up complaints from workers or employers on labour law violations; prepare technical reports on employment restructuring in enterprises for economic and technical reasons; co-ordinate four-member teams of Labour Controllers; participate in national and international meetings and seminars on labour inspection. Cooperation with regional Labour Market Observatory with participation of social partners

15. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION (e.g. publications) . Awarded several Diplomas from the Ministry of Labour, Spain.  Author of articles, strategic and methodology papers in the field of social policy and social security, social dialogue (ILO- Geneva; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions & Danish Ministry of Employment conference, ‘Tripartism in an enlarged European Union’, Elsinore 2002.).  Attended a 2 weeks in-house training on Active Labour Market/VET policies (European Social Fund) in Employment Services of Regional Government of Murcia, Spain, September 2004 (; ).  Attended dissemination campaign on export promotion methodologies and support organized by Spanish Export Promotion Agency, Ministry of Economy (ICEX), April 2007. Contact: [email protected]

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