How to Use These Templates s1

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How to Use These Templates s1

3 Engineering and Construction

Short Contract

A contract The Forestry Commissioners, acting in exercise of the powers between contained in the Forestry Act 1967 and having a place of business at 231 Corstorphine Road, Edinburgh, EH12 7AT ("the Commission")

and ......


Contents Page

Contract Forms Contract Data 2 The Contractor’s Offer 4 The Employer’s Acceptance 4 Price List 5- 9 Works Information 9 - 13 Site Information 13 - 14 Conditions of Contract CC1 with amendments September 2011 Additional Conditions Appendix 1

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Contract Data

The Employer is

Forestry Commission Name Address Dumfries & Borders Forest District, Ae Village, Parkgate, Dumfries, DG1 1QB Telephone 0300 067 6900 Fax 01387 860312 E-mail address [email protected]

Construction of 820m of forest road at Mabie S314, The works are 2360m of intermittent re-surfacing/patching in 4 main locations, 3 No. bends to widen and 700m of roadside ditching works including culvert installation all within the Mabie forest block. The site is Mabie, Dumfries & Borders Forest District ( see location maps) The starting date is 19th January 2015 The completion date is 7 weeks The period for reply is 1 week. The defects date is 26 weeks weeks after Completion. The defect correction period is 4 weeks.

Not used per day. The delay damages are The assessment day is the End of contract The retention is 5...... %. Does the United Kingdom Housing Grants, Construction Yes and Regeneration Act (1996) apply? The Adjudicator is as appointed by; As nominated by the Institution for Civil Engineers Name Address One Great George Street, Westminster, London SW1P 3AA Telephone 020 7222 7722

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E-mail address [email protected]

Contract Data

The interest rate on late payment is 0% per complete week of delay.

The Contractor is not liable to the Employer for loss of or damage to the Employer’s property in excess of £5 million (as per the third insurance cover required) for any one event. The Employer provides this insurance N/A The minimum amount of cover for £5 million the third insurance stated in the Insurance Table is

In accordance with any legal requirements for the The minimum amount of cover for time being in force. the fourth insurance stated in the Insurance Table is The Adjudicator nominating body is Institution for Civil Engineers

The tribunal is Arbitration

If the tribunal is arbitration, the arbitration procedure is ICE Arbitration Procedure updated 25th May 2012

The conditions of contract are the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract (June 2005) with amendments September 2011 and the following additional conditions Only enter details here if additional conditions are required.

The additional conditions instructed in “Appendix 1 - Additional Conditions” will apply.

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Contract Data The Contractor’s Offer The Contractor is

Name ...... Address ...... Telephone ………………………………. Fax …………………………………… E-mail address ...... The percentage for overheads and profit added to the Defined Cost for people is %.

The percentage for overheads and profit added to other Defined Cost is %. The Contractor offers to Provide the Works in accordance with the conditions of contract for an amount to be determined in accordance with the conditions of contract.

The offered total of the prices is ...... Enter the total of the Prices from the Price List.

Signed on behalf of the Contractor

Name ...... Position ...... Signature Date ...... The Employer’s Acceptance

The Employer accepts the Contractor’s Offer to Provide the Works Signed on behalf of the Employer Name ...... Position ......

Signature ...... Date ......

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Contract Data Price List Entries in the first four columns in this Price List are made either by the Employer or the tenderer.

If the Contractor is to be paid an amount for the item which is not adjusted if the quantity of work in the item changes, the tenderer enters the amount in the Price column only; the Unit, Quantity and Rate columns being left blank.

If the Contractor is to be paid an amount for the item of work which is the rate for the work multiplied by the quantity completed, the tenderer enters the rate which is then multiplied by the expected quantity to produce the Price, which is also entered. Item Description Unit QTY Rate Price number 1 Mabie S314 Item 1 ...... Supply, maintain and remove site welfare unit/toilet facilities for Contractor 2 Form formation by scraping Linear 80 vegetation from existing road and Metres cleaning out existing side drain. Arisings to be placed on low side of road. 3 Form formation by scraping Linear 259 vegetation from existing road and Metres form new side drain. Arisings to be placed on low side of road. 4 Form formation by scraping Linear 49 vegetation from existing track and Metres widening by 1.5m into the hillside, side slope 35%, and form new side drain. Arisings to be spread and sealed on low side of the road. 5 Construct formation on side slope up Linear 140 to 10% removing tree stumps, Metres strippings, spoil, including construction of side drain/side drains and spreading tree stumps, strippings and spoil to the lower side. Rate to include levelling off, sealing

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and tidying spoil on low side using remainder of felled corridor width. 6 Construct new formation along line of Linear 75 existing track by excavating up to Metres 1.0m depth (average depth 0.75m) from Ch 390 – 465 and hauling suitable excavated material to construct fill section of formation at Ch 258 – 320. Any surplus excavated material to be spread, levelled and sealed on low side of the road. Rate to include construction of side drains. 7 Construct new formation along line of Linear 62 existing track by infilling up to 1.3m Metres depth (average depth 0.65m) from Ch 258 – 320 using suitable material excavated from nearby cut section Ch 390 – 465. Rate to include construction of side drains. 8 Construct formation on side slope up Linear 105 to 35% removing tree stumps, Metres strippings, spoil, including construction of side drain/side drains, hauling all arisings to tip location on roadline at Ch400 and spreading all arisings at the tip location. Rate to include levelling off, sealing and tidying tipped material at tip location. 9 Construct formation on side slope up Linear 50 to 35% removing tree stumps, Metres strippings, spoil, including construction of side drain/side drains, hauling all arisings to tip location on roadline at Ch400 and spreading all arisings at the tip location. Rate to include extra excavation average 0.25m depth to achieve desired gradient. Rate also to include levelling off, sealing and tidying tipped material at tip location. 10 Intermittant rock breaking on Cubic 22 roadline. Metres 11 Supply, install and backfill 300mm No. 1 diameter pipe min. length 9 metres for clean water sources. 12 Supply, install and backfill 300mm No. 2 diameter pipe min. length 9 metres | 6 | Version 1 03/11 NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract

for clean water sources. Rate to include removal of existing concrete pipe. 13 Supply, install and backfill 300mm No. 1 diameter pipe min. length 12 metres on skew for clean water source. 14 Supply, install and backfill 300mm No. 5 ...... diameter pipe min. length 9 metres for ditch relief culverts. Rate to include inlet/outlet sumps. 15 Supply, install and backfill 300mm No. 1 diameter pipe min. length 9 metres for ditch relief culvert. Rate to include inlet/outlet sumps. Rate also to include excavation of outlet channel on skew for further 15m beyond pipe end to allow water to run away. 16 Metal constructed formation with Linear 80 ...... 0.25m min. compacted depth of metres 100mm down crushed stone from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. Rate to include uplift and haulage from FCS Mabie quarry (see location map). 17 Metal constructed formation with Linear 740 0.35m min. compacted depth of Metres 100mm down crushed stone from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. Rate to include uplift and haulage from FCS Mabie quarry (see location map). 18 Surface metalled road with 0.1m Linear 820 ...... min. compacted depth crushed metres 40mm down stone from FCS Mabie quarry. Rate to include uplift and haulage from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. 19 Construct ‘T’turning point. Rate to Item 1 include formation, 0.35m depth base stone and 0.1m depth crushed 40mm down surfacing stone. Rate also to include infill of up to 0.75m depth as blasted stone at end of ‘T’ to maintain gradient. Rate to include uplift and haulage from FCS Mabie quarry (see location map). | 7 | Version 1 03/11 NEC3 Engineering and Construction Short Contract

20 Construct passing place. Rate to No. 4 include formation, 0.35m depth base stone and 0.1m depth crushed 40mm down surfacing stone. Rate to include uplift and haulage from FCS Mabie quarry (see location map). 21 Supply, install and backfill 100mm Item 1 diameter split duct to protect 25mm alkathene water supply pipe at min. 0.9m below finished ground level. Rate to include exposing the water supply pipe (visible at existing road edge) and installing within the duct. 22 Remove clear of the roadworks and Item 1 place on low side approx 20 intermittant large trees which have been felled to accommodate the roadline and been cut in half from Ch 400 - 670. Also remove to tip location intermittent felled re-gen and young trees from Ch 670 – 820, which have also been felled to accommodate the roadworks. Rate to include removal to tip location at Ch 400. 23 Miscellaneous re-surfacing & Linear 250 drainage works Metres

Re-metal existing road S314 with 0.2m min. compacted depth crushed 75mm down stone from FCS Mabie quarry. Rate to include uplift and haulage from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. (see location map) 24 Re-metal existing roads S310, S304, Linear 1810 ...... S306 with 0.15m min. compacted metres depth of 40mm down crushed stone uplifted from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. (see location map) 25 Intermittant patching of existing road Linear 300 ...... network with 0.15m min. compacted metres depth of 40mm down crushed stone uplifted from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. (see location map) 26 Widen corner on main drag by 1m No. 3 finished running surface width over

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20m length of corner. Rate to include formation, 0.45m min. compacted depth base layer and 0.15m min. compacted depth surface layer. Rate to include uplift of stone from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. (see location map) 27 Clean out existing main drag side Linear 600 drain. Arisings to be spread on low Metres side. (see location map) 28 Clean out existing main drag side Linear 100 drain/form side drain with mini Metres digger underneath overhead powerlines. Arisings to be spread on low side. (see location map) 29 Supply, install and backfill 300mm No. 2 diameter pipe min. length 9 metres for ditch relief culverts. Rate to include inlet/outlet sumps. (see location map) 30 Supply, install and backfill 450mm No. 1 diameter pipe min. length 9 metres for ditch relief culverts. Rate to include inlet/outlet sumps. The total of the Prices

Contract Data Works Information

The Works Information should be a complete and precise statement of the Employer’s requirements. If it is incomplete or imprecise there is a risk that the Contractor will interpret it differently from the Employer’s intention. Information provided by the Contractor should be listed in the Works Information only if the Employer is satisfied that it is required, is part of a complete statement of the Employer’s requirements and is consistent with the other parts of the Works Information.

1 Description of the works

Give a detailed description of what the Contractor is required to do and of any work the Contractor is to design.

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Mabie S314

This 820m long road is mainly a re-build of the existing track to improve the gradients, geometry and strength of the route. It generally follows the line of the existing track and the first 80m only requires to be scraped of vegetation, the side drain cleaned out and the track metalled. The next 396m is to be scraped of vegetation, a new side drain formed and the track metalled. Within this section there is a 62m length of road which requires up to 1.3m depth of infill to achieve the desired gradient, and this is expected to be sourced from a 75m length of excavation of up to 1.0m depth which is also required within this section to achieve the desired gradient, and is located 70m beyond the end of the infill section. \the next 84m is to be widened by 1.5m into the hillside. Thereafter the ground shallows out and the remainder of the route is on fairly shallow crossfall up to 10%, and excavated spoil can be placed on the low side of the road. A ‘T’ turning point is to be constructed which will require infill of up to 0.75m as blasted stone to achieve the desired gradient at the end of the ‘T’. 4 passing places are also required. The route is to be metalled with 0.35m min compacted depth of 100mm down crushed base stone and 0.1m min compacted depth of 40mm down crushed surfacing stone, all uplifted from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. The first 80m of the route only requires a 0.25m depth of base stone. There are no major watercourses to cross but several 300mm diameter culverts are required, and some intermittent rock breaking is likely to be required to fully form the side drain/formation in some locations. There is an existing 25mm alkathene water supply to a private property at Ch 476. The supply currently crosses the existing track and is required to be exposed by hand excavation at this location and installed in a new 100mm diameter split duct to a minimum depth of 0.9m below finished ground level. The supply must be maintained live at all times. There are also several trees lying across the route which were felled to accommodate the extra width required for the route. The large trees have been cut in half and are to be lifted and placed/pushed onto the low side clear of the proposed works so they can be uplifted once the new road has been built. The smaller younger trees and re-gen are to be lifted and placed at the tip location @ Ch 400. The contractor must allow for careful control of water and sediment run-off and that the Forest Water Guidelines are strictly adhered to, with no direct connections to forest drains/watercourses. Care must be taken that all plant is in good working order with no oil drips/leaks etc and fuelling must take place at least 25m away from any watercourse. The contractor must carefully assess his requirements for water controls at the outset of the works and have ready access to all equipment/materials necessary to undertake the planned works. All personnel on site will be required to have the following :- CPCS(or suitable equivalent), full driving licence, at least 2 on site and 2 in the quarry must have emergency first aid at work and if they are working in the quarry, a quarry passport. Plant working in the quarry must also be to Quarries Regs specification ie all round vision, flashing amber beacons reversing bleepers and flashing lights, fire extinguishers and roll over protection. Miscellaneous works

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There are also 4 sections of re-surfacing and some intermittent patching required on various roads within the Mabie block, totalling 2360m (see location map). They will generally require 0.15m min compacted depth of 40mm down crushed stone from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry, with the exception of the 250m section on rd S314, which will require 0.2m min compacted depth of 65mm down crushed stone from stockpile at FCS Mabie quarry. 3 bends are to be widened by 1m running surface width over a length of 20m in each case. The bends are to be excavated to formation and laid with 0.45m depth of as-blasted stone and 0.1m depth of 40mm down crushed stone. (see location map) 600m of existing roadside drain is also to be cleaned out and a further 100m is required to be cleaned out or formed within the vicinity of overhead powerlines, which will require a mini-digger to safely work beneath. (see location map) There are also 2 No. 300mm diameter culverts to be supplied and installed, and 1 No. 450mm diameter culvert at various locations within the block (see location map).

2 Drawings

List the drawings that apply to this contract.

Drawing number Revision Title

...... General location ...... plan...... Standard detail ...... Cross section on shallow side slope..... Standard detail ...... Cross section on moderate side slope Standard detail...... Turning point Standard detail ...... Passing place Contract Data Works Information

3 Specifications

List the specifications which apply to this contract.

Title Date or Tick if publicly revision available

Appendix 1 – Additional …………………… ……………………………

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Conditions ….. … Appendix 2 – Pricing Version 1 – …………………………… Instructions March 2012 … Appendix 3 - Standard Forest …………………… …………………………… Road Specification ….. … Appendix 4 - Procedure for …………………… …………………………… Fuel Spillages ….. … Appendix 5 – Site Safety Rules …………………… …………………………… ….. … Appendix 6 – FC Scotland H&S …………………… …………………………… Document Mineral Extraction ….. … Sites SEPA CAR Regulations and …………………… Yes General Binding Rules ….. Forest Water Guidelines …………………… Yes ….. Appendix 7 – Standard details …………………… …………………………… ….. … Appendix 8 – Chainage schedule

4 Constraints on how the Contractor Provides the Works

State any constraints on the sequence and timing of work and on the methods and conduct of work including the requirements for any work by the Employer.

 The S314 roadworks must be carried out first and must be completed by 15th February 2015 to allow access for planned harvesting site.  SEPA CAR regulations and General Binding Rules must be adhered to. . There must be no speeding on the haul route from the quarry as the route passes by the Marthrown of Mabie outdoor centre and the mountain bike skills park. There are also several walking and cycling trails which both cross the haul route and travel along parts of the haul route. All drivers must drive with caution and maintain vigilance for other road users at all times.

Before work commences on site the Contractor must provide the Employer with a Health & Safety Plan (For CDM notifiable projects this is to be the Construction Phase Plan) to include the following (as necessary): . Risk Assessments and for all tasks . Lone working policy . Method Statements . Details of statutory stakeholder consultations . A Waste Management Plan

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. Site Plan showing suggested position of stores, welfare units, parking and signs . The names and qualifications of the nominated quarry duty holders (Quarries Regulations 1999) . Employee Competence Certificates The Contractor will at least hold a basic pollution control kit on site. In the event of a major incident, the Employer and EA/SEPA must be informed immediately. Site offices and welfare facilities shall be erected in a position agreed with the Employer. This shall be combined with the siting of the storage area for materials. Toxic chemicals and oils shall be held in minimum volumes and will be kept in secure/locked double skinned containers or bunded storage so they cannot spill into a watercourse. All stores and lagoons for washing out are to be a minimum distance of 25 metres from any watercourse.

Contract Data Works Information 5 Requirements for the programme

. A programme is not required

6 Services and other things provided by the Employer

Describe what the Employer will provide, such as services (including water and electricity) and “free issue” Plant and Materials and equipment. Item Date by which it will be provided

Roadstone is available for uplift from FCS Mabie quarry Start of contract....


Contract Data

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Site Information

Give information about the site such as the ground conditions and any other information which is likely to affect the Contractor's work such as limitations on access and the position of adjacent structures. . There must be no speeding on the haul route from the quarry as the route passes by the Marthrown of Mabie outdoor centre and the mountain bike skills park. There are also several walking and cycling trails which both cross the haul route and travel along parts of the haul route. All drivers must drive with caution and maintain vigilance for other road users at all times. . Access for HGV’s including fuel and material deliveries must be via the Loch Arthur main drag entrance. . There is an overhead powerline across the main drag just beyond the Loch Arthur entrance and also above rd S306 to the North of the block ( see location map) . There is an overhead BT line across the main drag haul route at Marthrown of Mabie Cottage. (see location map)

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