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KATHLEEN E. KAISER, Ph.D. Vitae 2010

MAILING ADDRESS: California State University, Chico Department of Sociology, Butte Hall 633 Chico, CA 95929-0445 (530) 898-6397 (530) 228-0150 ©

HOME ADDRESS: 1338 Marian Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 343-3319 (H)

EDUCATION: 1979 Ph.D. in Sociology, Duke University 1970 MA in Sociology, Duke University 1968 BA in Social Science, Florida State University


2009 Post Promotion Increase Award 2007 Contracted for Spring as CSU Facilitating Graduation Peer Team Leader-$2.5K 2006 Contracted for Spring-Fall as CSU Facilitating Graduation Peer Team Leader-$5K 2006 Contracted for 2006 CSU Campus Actions to Facilitate Graduation-Team Leader- $5,000 2005 Contracted Study of Sustainability and LEED Certification: CSUC-$5,000 2004 Sabbatical Leave, Fall 2005-Sustainability as a Social Movement 2002 California Youth Authority , Riverside County Office of Education: Evaluation of RCOE Young Men as Fathers-$22,500 2002 California Youth Authority , Placer County Office of Education: Evaluation of PCOE Young Men as Fathers-$22,500 2002 Sabbatical Leave, Fall 2003-Declined due to Faculty Trustee Appointment 2001 CSU Lower Division Core Alignment Project: 2nd Sociology-$7, 000 2001 Faculty Merit Increase 2000 CSU Lower Division Core Alignment Project: Sociology-$18, 500 2000 Faculty Merit Increase 2000 University Study Abroad Consortium, Faculty International Development Award, Costa Rica 1998 Performance Salary Step Increase 1990 OSHA Grant for Chico Community Foundation, renewal, $85,000 1989 OSHA Grant for Chico Community Foundation, assisted B. Verlinde as Lead PI, $78, 971 1980 CSU Education Grant: The Student as Consumer in the Advising Marketplace Series of Professional Development Grants, Affirmative Action Faculty Development Program grants, have been awarded over the years. For the last decade an annual series of small grants have been awarded for professional travel and development. A number of major grants were submitted and not funded at the Federal, State, CSU and CSU, Chico level most dealing with improvements to teaching, instruction, internships, and equity education for women.

Academic Honors and Awards: 2009 Nominated for Pacific Sociological Association’s Distinguished Practice Award 2006 Nominated for Pacific Sociological Association’s Distinguished Practice Award 2005 CSU Chico Outstanding Faculty Service Award Recipient 2005-06 2005 Board Of Trustees (BOT) Recognition as Faculty Trustee Emerita 2005 CSUC Academic Senate Recognition for Service as Faculty Trustee 2005 California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC): Recognition for Service 2005 CPEC Commissioner for BOT-first Faculty Trustee selected 2005 Selected as one of two finalist for CSU Faculty Trustee by Academic Senate, CSU 2004 CPEC Alternate Commissioner for BOT-served majority of meetings 2004 Nominated by 8 other CSU Campus Senates for Faculty Trustee 2004 Nominated for Faculty Trustee by Academic Senate, CSUC 2004 California State Student Association’s Trustee of the Year, 2003-04 2003 Selected as CSU Faculty Trustee-First Woman selected 2003 CSUC Academic Senate Recognition for Service to Academic Senate 2003 CSUC Academic Senate Recognition as Campus Nominee for Faculty Trustee 2003 CSUC Executive Officer Search and Review Committee 1997-2003 2003 Elected Statewide Senator for CSUC, 1999-2003 & 1991-1997 2002 Invited Participant Oxford Round Table "Employment and human resource issues: women's rights & gender discrimination", Lincoln College, University of Oxford, England, March 30-April 4, 2003 2002 Recognized for Service by the California Articulation Number system (CAN) Board of Directors 2002 Chair of General Education Advisory Committee, CSU also 1995-1997 2001 At Large Member of Academic Senate, CSU’s Executive Committee 1999 Vice Chair of Academic Affairs, ASCSU 1998 Nominated by Pacific Sociological Association for election to Committee on Committees 1997 Recognized by Academic Senate CSU for Service to Students, Faculty, and the People of California 1991-1997 1997 Selected as CSU Ambassador for Higher Education 1996 Nominated for Pacific Sociological Association Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award 1996 Nominated for CSU, Chico Outstanding Service Award 1995 Nominated for CSU, Chico Outstanding Service Award 1992 Elected to Pacific Sociological Association’s Nomination Committee (1992-94) 1992 Vice Chair of Academic Senate, CSUC 1992 Phi Kappa Phi, Honorary Faculty 1991 Elected Senator for CSUC’s Academic Senate 1988-1991 1989 Nominated for CSU, Chico Outstanding Teacher Award 1987 Merit Award for Academic Advising from NACADA 1987 Outstanding Academic Advisor for CSU, Chico 1987 Meritorious Professional Performance Award for CSU, Chico


 Full Professor CSU, Chico: appointment began in 1972 to 2010. FERP  Chair of Department of Sociology: August 2000-02  Interim Associate Dean for Behavioral & Social Sciences July 1998-Jan. 1999  Applied Sociology Internship Program, director—Develop internship placements internationally, nationally and in California. Place between 10-27 interns each semester. Supervised the Applied Sociology Internship Seminar, 1980-2006.  Assistant Coach Women's Cross-Country & Track & Field Teams, 1980-84-served as volunteer

TEACHING EXPERTISE:  Principles of Sociology (100)  Sociology of Sexuality (133)  Sociology of Sport (346)

2  Deviant Behavior (380)  Applied Sociology (489)


 Participant in writing article for Change on Facilitating Graduation Project 2007  Solicited Reviewer for Sexuality & Culture Journal, 2006  Solicited Reviewer for Sociology Program Proposal, CSU, 2005  Participant in Don Gerth's research on History of the CSU  California Articulation Number system (CAN) Faculty Discipline Pre-Planning, June 30, 2001  Solicited reviewer for Teaching Sociology, 1997  Solicited Reviewer for Deviant Behavior: An Interdisciplinary Journal (1995)  CSU, Monterey Bay – Dean for Residential Learning & Student Services Search Committee (1994)  Steven Quackenbush’s MA Thesis, “The Effect of Intervention on the Internal Locus of Control Beliefs and Self-Esteem of Battered Women,” Troy State University, Alabama, Methodology & research consultant, 1991  Chico Chamber of Commerce Employee’s Assistance Program, evaluated OSHA Chico Community Foundation Grant $85,000, 1991-90  Employee Assistance Program Task Force, Chico Chamber of Commerce, 1988  Reviewer for Random House, Inc. on The Social Control of Deviance, N. Davis & C. Stasz, 1988  Running Your Best 10 K: Training and Strategies, National Teleconference, Chico Facilitator, 1985  Fleet Feet, Inc. "Running, Conditioning, and Coaching Techniques for Middle and Distance Runners", trainer 1981-85  Fitness Fax Consultant on research questionnaires for competitive runners, 1984  Dushkin Publishing Group - Annual Editions Advisory Board on Human Sexuality.

Presentations at Professional Meetings:

Kaiser, K. Organizer and Presenter: “Odd” Gender Experiences in Identity and Sport. PSA. San Diego. 2009

Kaiser, K. Discussant: An Academic Con Game: Banning Student Professor Sexual Relationships by Dr. Barry Dank. Also Representative to CSU Chairs Meeting. PSA. Portland. 2007

Kaiser, K. Tempest in a Tea Pot or How We Got “LEED” Sustainability Project for Student Services Building at CSU, Chico. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association (PSA). Los Angeles, CA. April 20-23, 2006

Kaiser, K. Want to Take It Outside? Applying Sociology in Non-Traditional Settings. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the PSA. Los Angeles, CA. April 20-23, 2006

Gordon, L. & Kaiser, K. Organizers: Sociological Perspectives on Homosexualities and Gay Marriage at PSA Annual Meetings, Portland, OR, April 7-10, 2005.

Dick, A.J., Kaiser, K. & Waters, T. Want to take it outside? Applying Sociology in non-traditional environments through grants-Africa, CYA, Peer Courts. Presented at the CSU, Chico's Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Annual Conference. October 2004.

Dick, A.J., Kaiser, K. & Waters, T. An Evaluation of the California Youth Authority's Young Men as Fathers Parenting Curriculum. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the PSA. San Francisco, CA. April 2004.

Kaiser, K. & M. Carlson. Organizations Under Environmental Stress. Presented at California Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Berkeley, CA. October 2003.

3 Invited Presentation: The New CAN Articulation Model, CAN Conference, Irvine, Nov. 13, 2002.

Shared Governance: Seeking Excellence in Shared Governance at CSU Institutions, 7th Annual Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching, CSU, Chico, Sept. 20, 2001 The CSU Core Alignment Projects, 26th CSU Academic Conference, San Diego, Feb. 28-March 2, 2001. Modeling a Systemwide Lower Division Core for Sociology: Can Faculty Remain in Control of Curriculum? Service Learning in Sociology, in Honors GE and Others in the CSU. CSU Chairs session at Pacific Sociological Association (PSA), March 29-April 1, 2001. Panel organizer & presenter: Mentoring the Career Jumps: Getting the Job You Want! PSA, San Diego 2000. Invited Presentation: Joint Committee of the California Legislature to Develop a Master Plan for Education K-University, San Diego, Oct. 10, 2000. The Conceptual Framework of the Lower Division Core in the CSU for Sociology, California Sociological Association, CSU Chairs, Riverside, Oct. 21, 2000. Leading from Behind, 8th Annual CSU LEAD Weekend Retreat, CA. Oct. 24-25, 1999. Welfare Reform: Where Have the Women and Children Gone? Co-organizer at PSA. Portland, April 15-18, 1999. The Effects of Gendered Sports on the Expectations of Spectators, CSA, Berkeley, 1999. "Issues of Curriculum: Innovations in the Teaching of Race, Gender, and Class-A Panel," 69th Annual Meetings, PSA, San Francisco, 1998. "General Education and Forming Partnerships: Universities and Community Colleges," Information Competence Conference, LAX, 1998. Invited Presentation, “ General Education in a Public System of Higher Education, the California Experience,” Conference on General Education, State University of New York, Albany, N.Y., Oct. 4, 1996 "Advising as Deeper Teaching: Advisor of the Year Award Recipients' Reflection on the Advising Process," 2nd Annual Center for Excellence in Learning & Teaching, CSU, Chico, Sept. 20, 1996 Educational Policy & Technology Access: Cradle or Coffin? Presider, Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, 1995 “High Risk Sports: Formation of Community," Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, California, 1994. Invited Presentation, “Into the 21st Century: Teaching Human Sexuality in Higher Education,” University Committee on Sexual Awareness, West Virginia University. Declined due to schedule conflict. 1993 “Ethnicity, Gender, and Power,” Presider, California Sociology Association (CSA), Berkeley, CA, 1993. “Women at the Crossroads: Sociology Careers and Midlife,” Roundtable Moderator, CSW/SWS, Pacific Sociological Association, Portland, Oregon, 1993 Moderator for Valerna Votchal - Conflict Resolution Specialist in Russia, CSU, Chico, 1993. “Preventing Ageism in Hiring: Policy Development and Recommendations”, Roundtable Moderator, Irvine, California, Committee on the Status of Women (CSW) 1991. "Age and Gender: Foundation for Discrimination," Committee on the Status of Women, Irvine, 1991. "Older Women in School and Job Market:' Women Sociologists in Different Work Settings" single presentation: "Are You Getting Enough: Physical Well-Being, Work, Leisure and Intellectual Growth in a University Setting" Park, Wilson, Kaiser. PSA, Spokane, 1990. "Honoring Our Own: Merit Award Winners," Invited Speaker, CCAA/NACADA Conference, Asilomar, 1987. "Bringing the Applied into the Fold: Contracting and Mentoring," PSA, Denver, 1986. "Dynamics of an Undergraduate Applied Sociology Program," Invited Presenter to Applied Sociology, PSA, Albuquerque, 1985.

4 "Child Abuse: Definitions, Reporting, Stereotypes; A Survey of Butte County Residents, 1984" Kaiser & S. Berry, National Women Studies Conference, Seattle, 1985 and at the PSA, Albuquerque, 1985. Butte Community College Pre-College Institute Lecturer: "Androgyny, the Changing Sex Role," 1984. P.E.D. Oroville Community Lecturer: "Surviving Traditional Sex Roles," 1983. Sierra United States Army Depot's Woman of the Year Presentation, "Sex Roles, Androgyny, and the Future," Susanville, 1983. Sexism: What is It? Workshop for Northern California Higher Education Council (NEHEC) 1983 "Changing Sex Role Identification Towards Androgyny: A Study in Socialization Patterns within a Human Sexuality Course," PSA, 1977. "Gender and Sex Role: The Impact on Visual Erotic Material," Kaiser & K. Knight, American Psychological Association, 1977.

L E CT URE S : C AM P US , CSU, S T AT E WI D E AND C OM M UNI T Y GRO UP S : 2007-09 Graduation speaker for CUSD and CSU Chico 2008 Invited Speaker: CCC/CSU/UC Sustainability Conference 2008 Running to Win Local Races: Low Budget Campaigns-Mendocino CO. National Women’s Political Caucus Training 2007 Perspectives on School Reform for Egyptian Educators & Administrators 2006 Marsh Jr. High: Making Safe and Healthy Choices as Teens 2005 CSU, East Bay Graduation Speaker: Time Capsule for Education 2005 Homeless Youth, Nationally & in Butte County: Social Justice Forum #1, First Christian Church, Oct. 26 2005 Sexuality Identity and Gender: Glenn County Foster Youth 2002 CAN Conference-Invited Speaker on New CAN Articulation Model 1996 Safe Sex-Is It Possible? Intimacy without Risk! HIV Conference for Teenagers, H.E.R.E. Butte County Mental Health 1995 Serving in Silence: An analysis - Channel 24 TV Interview 1994 Serving Our Community - CAVE Community Recognition Reception 1994 Summer Orientation Workshop Presenter-From Here to There 1994 The Impact of Sexism and the First Advancement on Higher Education 1992 - 91 Professor’s panel for Freshman Orientation 1991 The Value of Sociology to Social Sciences Careers - BSS classes 1991 Connecting Program (teachers and new students to CSU, Chico) 1990 Sexuality in the '90's, Channel 24 TV Interview 1990 Alcohol, Violence, and Riots, Campus Alcohol & Drugs Education Center 1990 Women's Choice, Mandate of the 90's, League of Women Voters 1990 Finding One's Sexuality Amongst the Stereotypes-Educational and Support Programs for Women (ESPW) 1989 Women in Leadership, California AM, Channel 7, Redding TV Program 1989 Men: Are There Enough? Channel 24, TV Interview frequent CAVE workshop: Child Abuse; Career Options for Women; Women in Sports; Women as Athletes; Breaking the Cycle of Dependency; Women and the Law; Leadership Vs Management; Motivation; Innovative Teaching; Access to the Professions.

Interviews: I am frequently interviewed by all three newspapers in Chico, the local TV and Radio stations, and occasionally media from other areas of Northern Ca. Topics have varied from sociological issues regarding sports, lifestyles, and women's issues to political incidents in Chico, in the CSU and for the State.


2006-09 California Teachers Association Liaison to CPEC 2006 New Trustee Training for California School Boards Association 2005 CPEC, CD of Ed, United Kingdom Delegation: Workforce & Economic Development, a discussion of the role of Postsecondary Education 2002 CSU Task Force on Facilitating Graduation, member

5 2001 Co-organizer of the CSU Academic Conference: Quality Education Through Diversity, Nov. 28-30. San Diego 2001 The CSU at the Beginning of the 21st Century, drafting committee 1998 Issues of Articulation and Transfer, A Workshop presented by the Intersegmental Council of Academic Senates, Independent Colleges & Universities, California Virtual University, Corporate Partners, Final Report by the Workshop Planning Committee. Representative for CSU. 1998 Information Competency Work Group awarded 11 grants for 1998-99 for $57, 873; developed 5 summer fellowships; 2 four day workshops 1997 Information Competence Conference, organizer and presenter. 1997 Productivity and Higher Education: A Faculty Voice, Group Recorder, CSU Conference. San Diego 1996 ICAS Planning Work Group: IGETC Review 1996 General Education in Review of the BA, CSU Academic Conference, Session Chair, Monterey. 1995 Organizer and Facilitator, CSU Information Competency, November 16-17, Long Beach 1994 ITFS Workshop for Community College Transfer & Academic Advisors 1994 Copyright and Fair Use Through the CSU - three workshop series 1993 New Challenges to Increasing Diversity & Equity-Facilitator, CSU Academic Conference 1993 Undergraduate Advisor Sociology, advising video segment majors & minors, career paths, honors, Instructional Television for Students (ITFS) 1992 CSU Academic Retreat “New Challenges to Increasing Diversity and Equity”, Resource person and Mini workshop facilitator 1987 Active Kicking, Effective Advising and Mentoring, Women's Council of CSU & CSU, Chico Women's Leadership Retreat 1978 NCHEC Workshops, organizer and presenter


1992-91 Non-Mainstream Body Modification in Contemporary USA: Piercing, Tattooing, Burning, Branding, J. Myers, Ph.D. 1990-91 Childbirth in the 1990’s; Sex and Safety: Intimacy in the 1990’s; Sexual Dysfunctions and Treatment; What Students Want to Know: Gynecology, Infertility and Obstetrics 1990 Sexual Behavior-Fantasy, Reality, and the Dynamics of Change; AIDS, A Community at Risk: The Frontline


2003 Young Men as Fathers Curriculum Evaluation-A. Dick, K. Kaiser, T. Waters, J. Perry 2002 Facilitating Student Success in Achieving the Baccalaureate Degree, Task Force White paper 1995 Technology Task Force CSU: “Copyright and Fair Use”, Task Force White paper 1994 Invited Review for “The Eye of the Storm: Which Storm,” by Teaching Sociology editor. 1994 Reviewer/Editor for Anne Osborn on “Autobiographical: Experiencing Surgically Induced Menopause Encounters 1989 Directed Survey Research on Health & Wellness for EAP, CSU, Chico 1988 "Child Abuse: Definitions, Reporting, Stereotypes, A Survey of Butte County Residents 1984" in Early Child Development and Care, K. Kaiser & S. Berry 1985 Directed Survey Research on "A Survey of Attitudes Toward Recycling Among Chico Area Residents 1984-85" 1984 Book Review, "The Spirit and the Flesh: Sex in Utopian Communities" for Social Forces


6 Department: 2008-09, Personnel Committee 2010 2005-09 Scholarship Committee 2000-02 Department Chair: I have served on literally every committee in the department: development, grants, awards, FTES all increased; budget recovered from deficit 2002 Sociological Lens: first Newsletter Yearly Academic Advisor-ended with Trustee appointment Yearly Director of Applied Sociology Internships Curriculum Committee-served several elected 3 year terms 1994-97 Assessment, Chair yearly Scholarship Committee yearly Applied Sociology Committee yearly Summer Orientation Program Advising-ended in 2002 1991-94 Personnel (Chair-served several 3 year terms) 1991-94 Hiring (Chair) all tenure faculty are members, multiple years 1991-93 Ad hoc Committee on Faculty-Student Relations 1991-92 Parent’s Day

College: 2005-08 Personnel 1998-99 Interim Associate Dean: was a member of most college committees Personnel-served two terms as department representative, current member Curriculum Leaves-served as department representative Academic Status Committee-served annually while advisor for sociology Scholarship-serve several terms as department representative Home Coming and Freshmen Admission Day 1995-96 Assessment 1995-96 GE Area D Review have done two terms on this committee 1991-96 Faculty Marshall, Commencement

University: 2007-09 Academic Senate Chair: this position covers many campus committees 2007-10 Statewide Senator 2006-7 Faculty Recognition and Support Committee 2006-07 Vice Chair, Academic Senate 2005-07 General Education Advisory Committee, member 2009-10 Senator at Large, member of EPPC 2003-2005 CSU Trustee at Graduation 1999-2003 Statewide Senator, term ended with Faculty Trustee appointment 1991-97 Statewide Senator, term ended with CSUC’s reduction in representation 1991-2005 Senate Executive Committee, ended with conclusion Trustee appointment Current Enrollment Management Committee 2000-05 University Budget Committee, ended with conclusion Trustee appointment 2000-03 Executive Officer Selection and Review Committee 2000-03 Educational Policies and Programs Committee, appointed again 2005-06 1997-98 WEST exam reader 1996-97 Faculty and Student Policies Committee 1995 Participant in WASC 5th Year Accreditation Advising Review 1995 Art judge for “images from the heart: love in America” CSUC Museum of Anthropology 1992-93 Faculty Policies Committee, subcommittee RTP and Program Reduction 1996-97 Evaluation 1991-92 Educational Policies Committee-Affirmative Action subcommittee, Intellectual

7 1993-96 Property & Fair Use subcommittee 1991-92 University Commencement Committee

California State Universities: 2007-11 Admission Advisory Council 2008-11 CA Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) Advisory 2008-10 CCC-CSU Transfer Advisory Committee 2008-09 CPEC –Alternative Observer 2007-09 GE Course Review Subcommittee-Sociology 2008-11 C-ID Faculty Discipline Review Group-Sociology for CCC 2007-11 Academic Preparation & Education Programs (formerly Teacher Ed & K-12 Relations) 2008-10 ICC Student Friendly Services Oversight Committee 2003-05 BOT Committee on Institutional Advancement 2003-05 BOT Committee on Campus Planning, Buildings & Grounds 2003-05 BOT Committee of the Whole 2003-05 BOT Committee on Educational Policy 2009-11 General Education Breadth Advisory Committee, Vice Chair; Chair for 9 years 2003 Academic Affairs: Vice Chair in 2000-01 2002 Academic Senate: Executive Committee in 2001-02 2002-03 Joint Provosts-Senate Taskforce on Facilitating Graduation 2002 Reviewer for Pre-doctoral Program in the Social Sciences CSU Enrollment Management GE Breadth Review IGETC Course Review Subcommittee 2002-03 Intersegmental Coordinating Committee (ICC) Student Academic Preparation, Access & Transfer (SAPAT), ended in 2002 Transfer Committee is substitute 2002-03 Forgivable Loan/Doctoral Incentive Program Selection Committee 2001-02 Joint Responsibility with Trustees Committee 2001-03 COLD Information Competence Committee 2001-02 CSSA representative from ASCSU 2000 CSU Transfer Degree Committee CAN-California Articulation Number, System Board Coordinating Committee, ended in Aug. 2002 1997 CSU Alumni Council Representative 1997 CSU Virtual University Design Team-Articulation & Reciprocity 1997 Ambassadors for Higher Education 1997 Advisory Committee to the Chancellor, selection of Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 1996-97 Educational Equity Advisory Council 1996-97 IGETC Review Planning Task Force-Systemwide 1995-7 Informational Competency Task Force of CLRIT 1994-95 Technology Task Force - Co-chair of Intellectual Property and Fair Use 1993-94 Student Access and Fees Advisory Committee 1992 Statewide & International Programs 1991-93 Student Research Committee Competition and Conference

Regional: 2004-05 California Postsecondary Education Commission 2001-02 American Sociological Association 2006-09 Sociologists for Women in Society Caucus member 1996 ICAS (Intersegmental Committee for Academic Senates of the CCC, CSU, UC) IGETC Review 1992-94 Nominations Committee for Pacific Sociological Association 1991-96 Committee on the Status of Women in Society Caucus Member

8 Other Organizations: 2006-10 California School Boards Association 2010-2014 Elected Trustee to Chico Unified School Board 2006-2010 Elected Trustee to Chico Unified School Board-Elected Clerk of the Board 06-07 2004-05 Association of Governing Boards of Universities & Colleges Current Pacific Sociological Association Past California Sociological Association 1991-96 National Organization for Women Current CFA, Academic Unit, CSU Chico, 1991-97 Sociologists for Women in Society

R UNNI NG , C O ACHI NG AND EDUC AT I O N AL S UP P O RT S E RV I CE S I N T HE C OM M UNI T Y : Hooker Oak K-8 Family Volunteer, 2008-11 Pleasant Valley Varsity Cheer Team, parent volunteer 2009-11 Chico Cheer All-Stars, parent volunteer-2006-08: National Champions Marsh Jr. High Cheerleaders, parent volunteer--2005 Parent-Teacher-Student Organization Marsh Jr. High, member--2005 Children Choir of Chico, parent volunteer & board member--2003-05 Hooker Oak School Science Fair Judge, Chico 1999 Wyandotte School Principal for A Day, Oroville 1999 Chico Jaguars, Cheerleading squad-parent volunteer—Four years Chico VELO, volunteer annual Wildflower Ride Chico Running Club, member and frequent volunteer for Almond Bowl Run, Bidwell Classic California Youth Soccer Association, E & F License, coach (boy’s and girl’s teams) 15 years Boy Scouts of America, Cub Scout Master 2 years Career counseling to students and professionals in diverse areas.


2002 Shirley Neff Rush, BSS Outstanding Alumni. NASW Social Worker of the Year

2001 Wayne Wooden, Visiting Scholar. BSS Outstanding Alumni 2000 Michael Messner, Visiting Scholar. BSS Outstanding Alumni-2003 1999 Karen Seccombe, Presidential Visiting Scholar, BSS Outstanding Alumni-2006

Nominated, recommended or supported numerous students for scholarships, merit awards, research competitions, or professional conference presentations; most are from the Applied Sociology Program and/or advisees. Sociology students have been very successful in most competitive awards in the College and the University. The following are samples of awards achieved by students that I sponsored.


Minority Leadership Internship Program, Washington, DC: Anita Razo, 1996 USA Today All American Academic 3rd Team: Darold Gonzales, 1992 American Sociological Association: Honors in the Major. Cheryl Harrison, 1989

REGIONAL: Pacific Sociological Association’s Student Paper Competition: many interns have been nominated CSU Pre-Doctoral Scholarships-Melanie Carlson 2004 CSU Student Trustee nomination-Adam Dondro 2004: 2005 Selected as a CA Legislative Fellow

9 CSU Forgivable Doctoral Loan Program 2005 Melanie Carlson Jean Schuldberg 1994 Bonnie Vieth 1993 Darold Gonzales

William Randolph Hearst-CSU Trustee Award-Anna Sorensen 2006 Aimee Webb 1998, Dorrett English 1994, Christine Szuggar-Martinelli 1991

UNIVERSITY: over a 33 year career I have successfully nominated many students for each of these awards Graduate Equity Fellowship: Gail Coensgen & Melanie Carlson Glenn Kendall Outstanding Senior Community Service Award: Jay Harris, Shirley Neff-Rush, Cheryl Harrison, Cory Sbarbaro, and Deborah J. Davis R. Stone - Rotary Scholarship: Shirley Neff-Rush & Bonnie Vieth CAVE Outstanding Volunteer-several Outstanding Student Leader in CAVE-several Lt. Rawlins Merit Award- 23 award winners Outstanding Student Leader in BSS-several CSU, Chico Creativity and Research Awards-Aimee Webb


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