SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared By: Jennifer Mcfarlane Culminating Activity Suzette
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SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Overall Curriculum Expectations:
C1. analyze the role of metabolic processes in the functioning of biotic and abiotic systems, and evaluate the importance of an understanding of these processes and related technologies to personal choices made in everyday life;
C2. investigate the products of metabolic processes such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis;
C3. demonstrate an understanding of the chemical changes and energy conversions that occur in metabolic processes.
Teacher Instructions:
Introduce the culminating task towards the beginning of the unit, explaining the 2-5-8 Plan, so that the students can begin to collect ideas and choose their questions as they work through the unit.
Write the culminating activity questions/tasks on a large, conspicuous chart and post it in the classroom where it is visible to all students.
The students are to be given a number of in-class periods to complete the culminating tasks. The activities are to be completed individually. Assignments must be closely scrutinized for any plagiarism of other students work and marks deducted.
Students are allowed to create their own notes throughout the unit and use those notes for the culminating task periods. However, the internet and textbooks are not allowed to be used during culminating task hours. Teacher will walk around the class ensuring students’ work independently.
Inform the students that they must choose tasks so that they address each of the following concepts once: Aerobic cellular respiration, anaerobic respiration, & photosynthesis as well as choose questions from at least 2 levels/codes totaling 20 marks. They are allowed to choose any combination of questions as long as they total a minimum of 20 marks. For example: Two 8's and two 2's = 20 One 8, two 5's and one 2 = 20 Two 8’s and one 5 = 21 One 8, one 5 and four 2’s = 21 SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Students will collate all assignments relating to the culminating activity in a folder and submit it at the end of the unit on the due date.
Provide the students with blank paper.
Rubrics are provided and can be used to do final assessment all of the questions (see end of document).
Code 2 Questions: address Knowledge & Understanding and Communication Code 5 Questions: address primarily Thinking, and Communication along with K&U Code 8 Questions: address primarily Application along with K&U, Thinking, & Communication
Each question will be marked and given a percentage grade which will then be converted/equated to the rubric grading. All marks from the rubric will be added to give a final mark out of 20.
For example: Student A does one 8, two 5's and one 2
Grading is as follows:
Code 2: If the student gets 78% for this question this is equated to a level 3 on the rubric category which would correspond to 1½ out of a possible 2 marks for this question……..1½
Code 5 If the student gets 82% for one of these questions this is equated to a level 4 on rubric which would correspond to 4 out of a possible 5 marks for this question………..4
If the student gets 69% for the other question this is equated to a level 2 on rubric which would correspond to 2 out of a possible 5 marks for this question………..2
Code 8 If the student gets 93% for this question this is equated to a level 4 on rubric which would correspond to 8 out of a possible 8 marks for this question………..8
Therefore for Student A his/her grade for the culminating activity would total 15½ out of 20.
Suggestion: Photocopy rubrics and cut out individual copies. Use the rubrics to assess questions and then staple rubrics to each completed question. SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Student Instructions:
This culminating activity consists of questions of varying difficulty levels which are designed to test your grasp of the concepts. Code 2 questions are at level1, code 5- level 2 and code 8- level 3, the most difficult.
Choose tasks so that they address each of the following concepts once: Aerobic cellular respiration, anaerobic respiration, & photosynthesis.
You are also required to do questions totaling a minimum of 20 marks. You must do questions from at least two codes/levels. You cannot choose all code 2 questions, or all code 5 questions and you must choose at least one code 8 question. You may choose any combination of questions as long as they total 20 marks minimum. You may choose to do questions totaling more than 20 marks for extra credit. Examples: Two 8's and two 2's = 20 One 8, two 5's and one 2 = 20 Two 8’s and one 5 = 21 One 8, one 5 and four 2’s = 21
You will be given a number of in-class periods to complete the culminating tasks which must be completed individually. Assignments will be closely scrutinized for any plagiarism of other students work and marks deducted.
Each question is to be completed on a separate piece of blank paper. Copy out the question from the chart and then answer it. Collate all assignments relating to the culminating activity in a folder and submit it at the end of the unit on the due date. SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
2-5-8 Metabolic Processes Assessment
Code 2 Questions:
(2a) (i) Draw and label a mitochondrion and its parts. (ii) Draw and label a chloroplast and its parts. (iii) Show where specific products of metabolism are formed. (iv) Draw arrows to link the products of one organelle to the reactants of the other organelle.
(2b) Draw a diagram that shows the three possible reaction pathways for pyruvate following glycolysis. Identify the main products of each reaction.
(2c) How many carbon atoms remain from the original glucose at the end of the Krebs cycle? Where did the carbon atoms go? Where did the oxygen atoms go? Where did the hydrogen atoms go? Using diagrams and words, answer all of the preceding questions as if you were teaching the concepts to a group of students who are learning the material for the first time.
(2d) (i) What does ATP stand for? (ii) Draw and label the general structure of ATP (iii) Make a series of diagrams showing how ATP stores and releases energy in biological reactions.
(2e) (i) Define oxidative phosphorylation (ii)Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks.
The electron transport system, also termed the ______is located in the ______of the mitochondria. As electrons are passed from carrier to carrier, ______is released and used to form ______.The final acceptor of electrons in the electron transport chain is______.
(iii)Match the following terms to the correct statements below for chemiosmotic ATP synthesis.
Terms: ATP synthase, NADP reductase, PS1, PS11, cytochromes, thylakoid space
Transports electrons between PS11 and PS1 ______ Enzyme that reduces NADP+ to NADPH ______ Enzyme that produces ATP from ADP + P ______ Light-gathering pigment complex associated with NADPH ______
Light-gathering pigment complex that splits H2O ______ Reservoir for H+ ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Code 5 Questions:
(5a) What are the similarities and differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic glycolysis? Use diagrams, flowcharts, and words in your explanation.
(5b) Explain why human beings need to breathe all the time, but we can survive up to 3 weeks without eating.
(5c) Explain the importance of the light dependent stage of photosynthesis.
(5d) Explain how photosynthesis is in many ways a mirror image of cell respiration,
(5e) Create a mind map of Metabolic Processes.
Code 8 Questions:
(8a) You are a doctor and you have a patient who is deficient in the enzyme that converts Fructose -1, 6-disphosphate into PGAL. Explain:
i. What might happen to him/her as a result? ii. What might some of his/her symptoms be? iii. Any particular activities that this patient may have a difficulty doing.
(8b) You are a consultant hired to advise strawberry producers on ways to increase their harvest. Assume the plants are grown under fully controlled conditions, so you can alter the temperature, lighting, atmosphere, water supply, and nutrients.
i. What conditions would you recommend to maximize the plants’ productivity? ii. Can you think of any mutation that would help increase the rate or efficiency of photosynthesis? Discuss your reasoning.
(8c) Cells require energy in the form of ATP molecules. As you have learned, cellular respiration describes a metabolic pathway for the carbohydrate glucose.
i. How does decreasing carbohydrate (glucose) intake affect cellular energy? ii. You are a nutritionist, what advice would you give to a professional hockey player regarding his diet?
(8d) The “four-minute mile” is often cited as an example of the limit of physical performance. That is, no matter how much athletes train, there will always be a limit to their endurance. Why does this limit exist? Design an experiment that you could conduct to test your hypothesis. SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(8e) Your neighbor went on a camping trip recently to a remote region of Canada. He came back full of excitement as he claimed to have found a nitrogen-breathing alien insect that he used to read about in comic books when he was a boy. You think otherwise. Design an experiment that you would use to convince him that his insect is really just a rare, endangered species of oxygen-breathing insect- an earthling.
Assessment Tools: Assess each question individually on the corresponding rubric. Add up all of the marks to give the student a mark /20. SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(2a) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%; ½ 60-69%; 1 70-79%; 1½ 80-100%; 2
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates Organelles limited some knowledge considerable thorough Processes knowledge of of organelles and knowledge of knowledge of Products organelles and the processes that organelles and the organelles and the the processes take place within processes that processes that that take place them take place within take place within within them them them
Communication uses some uses diagrams, uses all diagrams, clearly uses all Clear and detailed diagrams, labels and written labels and written diagrams, labels diagrams labels and explanations with explanations with and written written some considerable explanations with explanations effectiveness effectiveness a high degree of with limited effectiveness effectiveness Total Marks: /2 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(2b) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%; ½ 60-69%; 1 70-79%; 1½ 80-100%; 2
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates Glycolysis limited some knowledge considerable thorough pathways knowledge of of the three knowledge of the knowledge of the products the three pathways three pathways three pathways pathways following following following following glycolysis and glycolysis and glycolysis and glycolysis and their products their products their products their products
Communication uses some uses diagrams, uses all diagrams, clearly uses all Clear and detailed diagrams, flowcharts, labels flowcharts, labels diagrams, diagrams flowcharts, and written and written flowcharts, labels labels and explanations with explanations with and written written some considerable explanations with explanations effectiveness effectiveness a high degree of with limited effectiveness effectiveness Total Marks: /2 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(2c) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%; ½ 60-69%; 1 70-79%; 1½ 80-100%; 2
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates Krebs cycle limited some knowledge considerable thorough use of carbon, knowledge of of Krebs cycle and knowledge of knowledge of oxygen and Krebs cycle and the reactions that Krebs cycle and Krebs cycle and the reactions take place. the reactions that the reactions that hydrogen. that take place. take place. take place.
Communication uses some uses diagrams, uses all diagrams, clearly uses all Clear and detailed diagrams, flowcharts, labels flowcharts, labels diagrams, diagrams flowcharts, and written and written flowcharts, labels labels and explanations with explanations with and written written some considerable explanations with explanations effectiveness effectiveness a high degree of with limited effectiveness effectiveness Total Marks: /2 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(2d) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%; ½ 60-69%; 1 70-79%; 1½ 80-100%; 2
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates ATP limited some knowledge considerable thorough structure and knowledge of of the structure knowledge of the knowledge of the function the structure and function of structure and structure and and function of ATP function of ATP function of ATP ATP
Communication uses some uses diagrams, uses all diagrams, clearly uses all Clear and detailed diagrams, labels and written labels and written diagrams, labels diagrams labels and explanations with explanations with and written written some considerable explanations with explanations effectiveness effectiveness a high degree of with limited effectiveness effectiveness Total Marks: /2 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(2e) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%; ½ 60-69%; 1 70-79%; 1½ 80-100%; 2
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates Electron transport limited some considerabl thorough chain and knowledg knowledge e knowledge chemiosmoti e of of electron knowledge of electron electron transport of electron transport c ATP transport chain and transport chain and synthesis chain and chemiosmo chain and chemiosmot chemios tic ATP chemiosmo ic ATP motic synthesis tic ATP synthesis ATP synthesis synthesis
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary uses vocabulary uses vocabulary Uses vocabulary and clear and clear and clear and clear and clear expressio expression expression expression expression n with some with considerable with a high degree with limited effectiveness effectiveness of effectiveness effectiveness
Total Marks: /2 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(5a) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1 60-69%; 2 70-79%; 3 80-89%; 4 90-100%; 5
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Aerobic glycolysis limited knowledge knowledge of considerable thorough knowledge of aerobic and aerobic and knowledge of of aerobic and Anaerobic glycolysis anaerobic anaerobic glycolysis aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis glycolysis anaerobic glycolysis
Communication uses flowcharts uses flowcharts and uses flowcharts and clearly flowcharts Clear and detailed with limited written explanations written explanations and written effectiveness with some with considerable explanations with a flowcharts effectiveness effectiveness high degree of Vocabulary effectiveness
Thinking analyses and analyses and analyses and clearly analyses and Analysis and interprets interprets interprets interprets processes processes to processes to processes to interpretation with support justify justify of processes limited similarities similarities similarities to justify effectivene and and and conclusions ss differences differences differences with some with with a high effectiveness considerable degree of effectiveness effectiveness Total Marks: /5 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(5b) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1 60-69%; 2 70-79%; 3 80-89%; 4 90-100%; 5
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Aerobic glycolysis limited knowledge knowledge of considerable thorough knowledge of aerobic aerobic glycolysis knowledge of of aerobic glycolysis Use of glycolysis and the and the use and aerobic glycolysis and the use and macromolecul use and storage storage of ATP and the use and storage of ATP es of ATP storage of ATP Storage of ATP
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary to uses correct uses correct Clear expression of and organizes express ideas and vocabulary to vocabulary to clearly ideas with limited organizes ideas with express ideas and express ideas and ideas effectiveness some effectiveness logically organizes logically organizes Logical organization ideas ideas
Thinking gathers evidence gathers evidence gathers evidence gathers evidence Gather evidence and and justifies and justifies and justifies justifies conclusions conclusions conclusions Justify conclusions conclusion with some with with a high s with effectiveness considerable degree of limited effectiveness effectiveness effectivene ss Total Marks: /5 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(5c) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1 60-69%; 2 70-79%; 3 80-89%; 4 90-100%; 5
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Light dependent limited knowledge of considerable thorough knowledge of knowledge of reaction in knowledg light light light photosynthesi e of light dependent dependent dependent s depende reaction in nt photosynth reaction in reaction in reaction esis photosynth photosynthe in esis sis photosynt hesis
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary to uses correct uses correct Clear expression of and organizes express ideas and vocabulary to vocabulary to clearly ideas with limited organizes ideas with express ideas and express ideas and ideas effectiveness some effectiveness logically organizes logically organizes Logical organization ideas ideas
Thinking uses knowledge uses knowledge uses knowledge uses knowledge to Uses knowledge to to justify to justify to justify justify justify importan importance importance importance importance ce with with some with with a high limited effectiveness considerable degree of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss Total Marks: /5 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(5d) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1 60-69%; 2 70-79%; 3 80-89%; 4 90-100%; 5
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Cellular respiration limited understanding of considerable thorough understanding of cellular respiration understanding of understanding of Photosynthesis cellular and photosynthesis cellular respiration cellular respiration respiration and and photosynthesis and photosynthesis photosynthesis
Communication uses flowcharts uses flowcharts and uses flowcharts and clearly uses Clear and detailed with limited written explanations written explanations flowcharts and effectiveness with some with considerable written explanations flowcharts effectiveness effectiveness with a high degree Vocabulary of effectiveness
Thinking analyses and analyses and analyses and clearly analyses and Analysis and interprets interprets interprets interprets processes processes to processes to processes to interpretation with explain explain processes to of processes limited relationship relationship explain to justify effectivene with some with relationship conclusions ss effectiveness considerable with a high effectiveness degree of effectiveness Total Marks: /5 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(5e) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1 60-69%; 2 70-79%; 3 80-89%; 4 90-100%; 5
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Cellular respiration limited understanding of considerable thorough understanding of cellular respiration, understanding of understanding of Photosynthesis cellular photosynthesis, and cellular respiration, cellular respiration, respiration, how they are related photosynthesis, and photosynthesis, and photosynthesis, how they are related how they are related and how they are related
Communication organizes mind organizes mind map clearly organizes clearly and logically Clear and logical map with limited with some mind map with organizes mind map effectiveness effectiveness considerable with a high degree organization effectiveness of effectiveness
Thinking manipulates manipulates manipulates manipulates Manipulating informatio information information information n with and identifies and identifies and identifies information limited connections connections connections Identify connections effectivene with some with with a high ss effectiveness considerable degree of effectiveness effectiveness
Total Marks: /5 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(8a) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1-4 60-69%; 5 70-79%; 6 80-89%; 7 90-100%; 8
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Glycolysis I limited knowledge knowledge of the considerable thorough knowledge of the reactions reactions and knowledge of the of the reactions and Reactions and products of products of reactions and products of Pathways Glycolysis I Glycolysis I products of Glycolysis I Glycolysis I
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary to uses correct uses correct Clear expression of and organizes express ideas and vocabulary to vocabulary to clearly ideas with limited organizes ideas with express ideas and express ideas and ideas effectiveness some effectiveness logically organizes logically organizes Logical organization ideas ideas
Thinking gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, Gather evidence analyzes analyzes analyzes analyzes data, and data, and data, and data, and Analyze data justifies justifies justifies justifies Justify conclusions conclusion conclusions conclusions conclusions s with with some with with a high limited effectiveness considerable degree of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss
Application makes makes connections makes connections makes connections Makes connections connections to to real life with some to real life with to real life with a real life with effectiveness considerable high degree of Proposes courses of limited effectiveness effectiveness action effectiveness Total Marks: /8 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(8b) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1-4 60-69%; 5 70-79%; 6 80-89%; 7 90-100%; 8
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Photosynthesis limited knowledge knowledge of the considerable thorough knowledge of the reactions of reactions of knowledge of the of t the reactions of Reactions Photosynthesis Photosynthesis reactions of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary to uses correct uses correct Clear expression of and organizes express ideas and vocabulary to vocabulary to clearly ideas with limited organizes ideas with express ideas and express ideas and ideas effectiveness some effectiveness logically organizes logically organizes Logical organization ideas ideas
Thinking gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, Gather evidence analyzes analyzes analyzes analyzes data, and data, and data, and data, and Analyze data justifies justifies justifies justifies Justify conclusions conclusion conclusions conclusions conclusions s with with some with with a high limited effectiveness considerable degree of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss
Application proposes courses proposes courses of proposes practical proposes practical Makes connections of action with action with some courses of action courses of action limited effectiveness with considerable with a high degree Proposes practical effectiveness effectiveness of effectiveness courses of action Total Marks: /8 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
(8c) Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1-4 60-69%; 5 70-79%; 6 80-89%; 7 90-100%; 8
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Glycolysis limited knowledge knowledge of considerable thorough knowledge of aerobic aerobic glycolysis knowledge of of aerobic glycolysis Storage of ATP glycolysis and the and the use and aerobic glycolysis and the use and use and storage storage of ATP and the use and storage of ATP of ATP storage of ATP
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary to uses correct uses correct Clear expression of and organizes express ideas and vocabulary to vocabulary to clearly ideas with limited organizes ideas with express ideas and express ideas and ideas effectiveness some effectiveness logically organizes logically organizes Logical organization ideas ideas
Thinking gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, Gather evidence analyzes analyzes analyzes analyzes data, and data, and data, and data, and Analyze data justifies justifies justifies justifies Justify conclusions conclusion conclusions conclusions conclusions s with with some with with a high limited effectiveness considerable degree of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss
Application makes makes connections makes connections makes connections Makes connections connections to to real life and to real life and to real life and real life and proposes courses of proposes practical proposes practical Proposes practical proposes courses action with some courses of action courses of action courses of of action with effectiveness with considerable with a high degree action limited effectiveness of effectiveness effectiveness Total Marks: /8 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1-4 60-69%; 5 70-79%; 6 80-89%; 7 90-100%; 8
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Anaerobic glycolysis limited knowledge knowledge of considerable thorough knowledge of anaerobic anaerobic glycolysis knowledge of of anaerobic Lactic acid glycolysis and and lactic acid anaerobic glycolysis glycolysis and lactic Fermentation lactic acid fermentation and lactic acid acid fermentation fermentation fermentation
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary to uses correct uses correct Clear expression of and organizes express ideas and vocabulary to vocabulary to clearly ideas with limited organizes ideas with express ideas and express ideas and ideas effectiveness some effectiveness logically organizes logically organizes Logical organization ideas ideas
Thinking gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, Gather evidence analyzes analyzes analyzes analyzes data, and data, and data, and data, and Analyze data justifies justifies justifies justifies Justify conclusions conclusion conclusions conclusions conclusions s with with some with with a high limited effectiveness considerable degree of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss Application makes makes connections makes connections makes connections connection to real life to real life to real life Makes connections s to real and and and proposes Proposes practical life and proposes proposes practical courses of proposes courses of practical courses of action courses of action with courses of action with a action with some action with high degree limited effectiveness considerable of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss Total Marks: /8 Comments: ______SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 0-59%;1-4 60-69%; 5 70-79%; 6 80-89%; 7 90-100%; 8
K& U demonstrates a demonstrates some demonstrates demonstrates Respirometers and limited knowledge of considerable thorough knowledge knowledge of knowledge of evidence/test respiromete of respiromete respiromete for oxygen rs and respirom evidence/te rs and rs and eters and st for evidence/te evidence/te evidence/ oxygen st for st for test for oxygen oxygen oxygen
Communication uses vocabulary uses vocabulary to uses correct uses correct Clear expression of and organizes express ideas and vocabulary to vocabulary to clearly ideas with limited organizes ideas with express ideas and express ideas and ideas effectiveness some effectiveness logically organizes logically organizes Logical organization ideas ideas
Thinking gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, gathers evidence, Gather evidence analyzes analyzes analyzes analyzes data, and data, and data, and data, and Analyze data justifies justifies justifies justifies Justify conclusions conclusion conclusions conclusions conclusions s with with some with with a high limited effectiveness considerable degree of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss Application makes makes connections makes connections makes connections connection to real life to real life to real life Makes connections s to real and and and proposes Proposes practical life and proposes proposes practical courses of proposes courses of practical courses of action courses of action with courses of action with a action with some action with high degree limited effectiveness considerable of effectivene effectiveness effectiveness ss Total Marks: /8 SBI4U Metabolic Processes Unit Prepared by: Jennifer McFarlane Culminating Activity Suzette McLean-Fletcher
Comments: ______