Message from the President s1
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![Message from the President s1](
Message from the President
Charlotte Gray [email protected]
It is hard to believe that this year has already come and almost gone. It has been a pleasure serving you, the members of the National Association Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences.
My goals for the organization were to provide opportunities for improving communication between the members, continue my strong commitment to NATFACS, and present tools for each of you to educate, communicate, and prepare students to be strong advocates for the profession.
As I began my term July 1, there were many tasks to accomplish. One of those tasks included a polished marketing campaign for the organization to include a logo (above), brochure (available on the web page to download), banner for conference, and updates to the web page. I hope you feel the improvements will help you build membership in NATFACS as you use these items in your states.
With the Policy & Planning meeting held in Charlotte, NC the convention city, I had the opportunity to tour the city and get a feel for the surroundings. I think you will truly enjoy the city and what it has to offer. Hopefully, I will get a chance to meet you in Charlotte, at the 2008 ACTE Conference, December 4-6. If you will not have the opportunity to attend conference you can still support the NATFACS organization.
We continue to raise money for the NATFACS Scholarship Fund through the state baskets and various items available in the “Nook” at conference. Your dollars are always welcome by mailing a check to Bettye Brown, 2604 Kiwanis Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42104-4299 made out to NATFACS and in the memo line designate “scholarship”. Remember this is our future!
In the past years the Officers and Committee Chairs have exchanged small gifts as a token of appreciation to each other for their help in making the conference a success. This year we as a board decided to each donate $20.08 to the FCCLA national service project, “FEED the CHILDREN”. We, as a board, challenge you to also “FEED the CHILDREN”.
It has been an honor for me to serve as your NATFACS President this year. I will always continue my commitment and dedication to the organization as it has helped me grow not only as a professional but also as an individual. As I was writing a letter to the past officers inviting them to the Awards Luncheon it brought back the many memories from my first year of teaching and my beginnings in NAVHET/NATFACS. If it wasn’t for many of them I am not sure where I would be. Ask yourself, “Did I invite a new teacher to conference?” “When was the last time I volunteered to help at conference?”
Hope to see you in Charlotte! CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS
Registration/ACTE FACS Division Conference Information Center/Hospitality The FACS Division Registration/Hospitality/ Information Center will be located at the Charlotte Convention Center, VIP Room 101-102. Once you have picked up your ACTE registration materials, be sure to register with the FACS Division as well. Important materials and resources will be available to you here that will not be in your ACTE registration materials. The History Committee along with Leslie Watkins, History Chair, has been gathering artifacts from the past years to share. Kris Yarborough, Local Arrangements Chair, and the Local Arrangements Committee are ready to meet and greet everyone in their home state of North Carolina.
Business Meeting –Election and Installation of Officers This year the NATFACS Business Meeting will be combined with the FACS Division Meeting, Friday, December 5, from 2:15-3:34pm, 207A, Convention Center. We will hear from our officer candidates and vote at this time. Committee Chairs and members will be recognized. The NATFACS Installation of Officers will take place immediately following the Business Meeting.
Showcase of Best Practices The Showcase of Best Practices will be held in Ballroom B in the Convention Center, Friday, December 5 from 10:30 -11:30am. Suzi Beck, Chair for this event, has worked very hard for the past year encouraging members to share their best practices. STATE CONTACT MEETING Susanna Franklin, President-Elect
I am looking forward to meeting with all the NATFACS state contacts at the ACTE convention in Charlotte. The state contact meeting will be held on Thursday, Dec 4 from 4:30-5:30, in room 206A of the Convention Center. Please check convention program for last minute room changes.
As your President-Elect, it has been my responsibility to work with the strategic plan committee to revise our strategic plan that will be presented at this meeting. NATFACS handbooks with the strategic plan and NATFACS information will be covered as well. Please make sure that your state has someone represented to take this information back to share with your state. The following are those that have been identified as state contacts. If there are any changes that need to be made, please contact me by email [email protected] or [email protected], or by phone, 918-256-8444.
I look forward to seeing you all at the 2007 ACTE Convention in Charlotte!
Alabama Kristy Wheeler Nebraska Alicia Beck Alaska Una Kernodle Nevada Linda Stroup Arizona Diane Epperson New Hampshire Arkansas Wanda McMahan New Jersey Carolyn Reynolds California New Mexico Colorado Betty Stephens New York Kelly Lang Connecticut Lori Matyjas North Carolina Shannon Braxton Deleware North Dakota Sarah Kordovsky District of Columbia Ohio Gloria Harms Florida Leanne Lester Oklahoma Lori Goodbary Georgia Samantha Henderson Pennsylvania Cathy Thomas Guam Puerto Rico Hawaii Rhode Island Marie Birch Idaho Theresa Golis South Carolina Eleanor Glover Illinois Alerta LaFollette South Dakota Joline Dunbar Indiana Janet Batt Tennessee Karen Pitts Iowa Texas Terry Green Kansas Pamela Babb Utah Rachel Gonzalez Kentucky Kimberlea Embry Vermont Michelle Krehbiel Louisiana Virgin Islands Anton Doos Maine Rhonda LeCompte Virginia Gloria Harmon Maryland Paula Freeman Washington Sarah McCoy Massachusetts West Virginia Debbie Chapman Michigan Carol Lile Wisconsin Dr. Sandra Gill Minnesota Kathy Gunderson Wyoming Paula Hoopes Mississippi Annette Foreman Canada Missouri Louis Lunkenheimer Montana
FACS/NATFACS Opening Session
The FACS Division will be hosting the Opening Session on Thursday, December 4, from 1:00-3:00pm in 203A of the Convention Center.
Awards and Recognition Luncheon This year’s luncheon will include all sections of the FACS Division. Awards will be presented by the FACS Division, NATFACS and FCESEA. The Luncheon will take place Friday, December 5, 12:00-2:00pm in the Westin Hotel, Providence Ballroom I. We will also recognize past officers, guests, scholarship recipients, and sponsors. Luncheon tickets will be $25 and can be purchased in the ACTE FACS Division Conference Information Center.
GET INVOLVED! A professional is a person who is not only a member of their professional organization, but is an active part. You can help keep your state connected by getting involved in NATFACS. There are always jobs needing to be filled during the convention. Please make sure that you fill out the Leadership Survey located in your registration packet and turn it in before you leave the convention. We also need your feedback on the evaluations to continue to better serve our members at convention. Your NATFACS Officers, Committee Chairs and their committees have worked countless hours to provide our best for this year’s convention. We are excited to share our success, network with you and recognize FACS members with Awards and Scholarships! CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS
9:30 AM-Noon Executive Board Meeting, VIP 101-102 1:00-4:00 PM FACS Division Policy & Planning, 201A 3:00-5:00 PM ACTE FACS Division Conference Information Center, VIP 101-102 6:00-9:30 PMNATEFACS Executive Board Meeting & JFCSE, Stonewall Boardroom, Westin Hotel
7:30-8:30 AM ACTE FACS Division Conference Information Center, VIP 101-102 8:30-10:30 AM ACTE Opening Session, Speaker, Daniel Pink Hall A 10:30-1:00 PM ACTE FACS Division Conference Information Center, VIP 101-102 10:30 –4:00 PM Career Tech Expo, Exhibit Halls BC 10:45-11:45AM NASAFACS Business Meeting, 218A NATEFACS Business Meeting, 215 1:00-3:00 PM ACTE FACS Division Opening Session, 203A 3:00-3:30 PM NATFACS First Time Attendee Reception, VIP 101-102 3:15-4:15 PM NATFACS State Contacts Meeting, 206A The Importance of Standards of Teacher Appearance, 210B Moving Beyond Icebreakers to Teambuilding, 203A 4:30-5:30PM Working Together: Your Millennial Students and Other Generations, 210B CSEA Executive Board Meeting, 219A Online and On-Demand: Models for a Mentoring Blog, Innovative Course Resource Blog, and Web-Based Professional Development, 203A
7:30-9:00 AM ACTE Awards & General Session, Neil Howe, Hall A, 9:00-4:00 PM Career Tech Expo, Exhibit Halls BC 9:00 AM-12:00 PM ACTE FACS Division Conference Information Center, VIP 101-102 10:30 –11:30 AM NATFACS Showcase of Best Practices, Ballroom B 10:15-11:15 AM Preparing your Students for Culinary Competitive Events, 211A Building Legislative Support, 203A LifeSmarts: Delivering Meaningful Consumer & Technology Content in the Classroom, 217D 11:30 AM–12:30 PM I Read, But I Don’t Get It!, 219B Post Election Debriefing: Getting CTSOs Geared for the New Administration, 217D Coalition for FCS Education, 203A 12:00-2:00 PM FACS Division Awards Luncheon NATFACS Awards & FCSEA Awards, Providence Ballroom I, Westin Hotel 1:00—2:00 PM Media Literacy in the Classroom: Promoting Critical Thinking, Creativity and Positive Relationships, 217D 2:15-3:45 PM FACS/NATFACS Business Meeting and NATFACS Officer Installation, 207A 2:15-3:15 PM FCSEA Professional Development Session, 203A Platinum Chef Team Challenge: Encouraging Excellence in Culinary Arts, 217D 3:30-5:00 PM Town Hall Meeting, 203A 3:30-4:00 PM Looking for New Student-Led Project-Based Learning Ideas?, 217BC Teen Pregnancy: A Positive Approach, 209AB
8:00 –9:00 AM ACTE FACS Division State Sharing Session, 211A Implementing the 2008 National Standards for FACS,212B Financial Education Can be Fun to Teach!, 203A 9:15 -10:15 AM NATFACS Board Meeting, VIP Room 101-102 Five Essential Disciplines Leading to Family And Career Success, 203A Snapshot of FCCLA STAR Events, 202AB 10:30AM-12:00PM Closing General Session, Willard Daggett, Hall A 1:00-2:00 PM Technology Tools for Today’s Teachers: Help or Hype?,202AB 3:30-5:00 PM ACTE Assembly of Delegates Meeting, B405
ACTE Family & Consumer Sciences Education Division Conference Information Center
VIP Room 101-102, Charlotte Convention Center
Join us for. . . . Registration, Refreshments, First Time Attendees’ Reception, NATFACS History, State Baskets, items for sale at “THE NOOK” for our Scholarship fund and meeting and networking with other FACS Professionals!
Wednesday, December 3 3:00-5:00 PM Thursday, December 4 7:30-8:30 AM 10:30-1:00 PM 3:00-5:00 PM First Time Attendee Reception 3:00-3:30 PM Friday, December 5 9:00AM-12:00 PM 4:00-5:00 PM Saturday, December 2, 2006 CLOSED NATFACS Board 9:15-10:15 AM Door prize/Basket pickup moved to 211A Summer in Missouri
Louis Lunkenheimer, FCS Educator Nevada Regional Tech Center MoEFACS President 2009
The Missouri Educators of Family and Consumer Sciences (MoEFACS) met in Springfield, Missouri July 21-24, 2008 for the 39th Annual MoACTE Conference. Over 300 Family and Consumer Sciences Educators attended. “Increasing Rigor and Relevance by Building Relationships” served as the theme for the MoEFACS Conference. Ray McNulty, Executive Vice President of the International Center for Educational Leadership, spoke about the importance of building relationships with students at the opening general session.
Kimberely Easter, FCS Teacher from Carl Junction, was honored as the MoEFACS Teacher of the Year during the Awards and Recognition Reception, Tuesday, July 22, 2008. Alice Bell, FCS Teacher at Normandy High School, received the MoEFACS Pride Award (Public Relations in Developing Excellence) for her work with the Viking Tykes Program for preschoolers. This year’s recipient of the Champion of Family and Consumer Sciences Award was Jerry Vincent for his contributions to Missouri’s ProStart Program.
MoEFACS provided two scholarships this year. The High School Scholarship recipient went to Allison Miller from Maysville High School. Miller will pursue a degree in FCS from Missouri State University. Shannon Helm is the recipient of the College Scholarship. Helm completes her student teaching this fall.
Retiring FCS Teachers, Carol O’Riley, Nodaway Holt R-VIII, Sharon Robbins, Fredericktown High School, Mary Ann Gregory, Aurora High School, Rebecca Daume, Jackson Jr/Sr High and Jacki Linn, Bronaugh were honored for their years of service and contributions to Family and Consumer Sciences.
MoEFACS is proud to have two of its members honored by Missouri ACTE for their contributions to career and Technical Education. Charlotte Steins, Teacher Educator at Northwest Missouri State University was recognized as the Region III ACTE 2008 Outstanding Career and Technical Educator. Renee Meents, FCS Teacher, Greenfield was recognized as Outstanding Teacher in Community Service.
The Conference concluded with “Unleash the Fire Within-Making a Difference in You for Your Students” an upbeat, positive presentation by Aric Bostick. The MoEFACS Board will meet in Columbia, Missouri on November 1, 2008 to begin planning the 2009 conference. The board will be working to provide professional development which matches the goals and strategies set for Family and Consumer Sciences Education by NATFACS. Want to see your state mentioned in the NATFACS News…
Send your article to Susanna Franklin, President-Elect at [email protected] or [email protected] or contact us through the web page at [email protected]
The following are the proposed amendment changes to the NATFACS Bylaws. The changes will be voted on at the Annual Business Meeting, Friday, Dec 5, 2008 at the ACTE Conference. Please be there to make your vote count. Proposed Amendment Changes to NATFACS Bylaws
(The following constitution changes will be voted on during the NATFACS Business Meeting, December 5, 2008 in Charlotte, NC)
To Amend Articles VII- committees with the following change:
Proposed Change:
Delete the following from Article VII – Committees, Section 1: Standing Committees: d. The PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE shall promote Family & Consumer Sciences Education among its members in the total school program and in the business and industry community.
e. The MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE shall work to encourage membership in the Association.
g. The STRATEGIC PLAN COMMITTEE shall develop areas of action for the Association and encourage implementation by the state associations. The President-Elect shall serve as chair of this committee. (This committee will function as part of the Executive Board)
k. The NEWSLETTER COMMITTEE shall inform members of current issues and information through the Spring and Fall Newsletters. The Secretary shall serve as chair of this committee. (This committee will function as a part of each committee responsibility and found on the webpage.)
Add the following to Article VII – Committees, Section 1. Standing Committees:
d. The PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE shall work to encourage membership in the Association and promote Family and Consumer Sciences Education among its members. (This committee combines the duties of the Public Information and Membership Committee)