SAP Contract Entry Form
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Complete this form for ALL CONSULTANCIES and INDIGENOUS CONTRACTS regardless of value and ALL OTHER CONTRACTS $10,000 & over. Contracts valued at $10,000 and over are reported on AusTender based on the information in this form. New Variation Contract If a variation (please complete the complete HEADER all of this DETAILS and [1] form) (ITEM OVERVIEW if applicable) only. SAP Contract Number : Initial Data Vendor Name: Vendor ABN (if [2] known) : Agreement Type Material Group [4] [3] CNLC – If from panel enter number Legal here (refer to Consultancy notes for link) CNCG – General | Consultancies NCCE – If non-panel Capital select an option Expenditure below. NCPH – 01 Services Contractor Non-Panel Personnel Hire NCGC – General 02 Goods Contract - Non-Panel Goods & Services
Header Details - CONTRACT INFORMATIO N Contract Signed Contract Start Contract/Revised [5] Date Date End Date Contract Value and/or executed contract variation values (inc GST) as applicable. Note: Do not include extension options not executed. Previous Total [6] (if applicable) This Variation [7] (if applicable) Total Contract Value (New Contract) Indigenous 1. Is the vendor [8] participation at least 50% indigenous owned?
No Yes 2. Are there any indigenous enterprises as subcontractors ?
No Yes 3. Is this a joint venture with an indigenous partner that has at least 25% equity?
No Yes Item Overview SAP Coding Details – seek assistance from Group Finance Advice Team to complete details SAP GL Cost Tax Internal Order Asset/WBS Targ. Qty Line Short Text (limit 40 characters) Internal use ONLY. [10] Code Centre Code (if applicable) [9] (ex GST)
Gazettal/AusTender Criteria - CONTRACT INFORMATION Contract Title . NOTE: This description is published on [11] AusTender and is publicly available.
UNSPSC Code [12] Procurement From Standing Method Offer or Panel Arrangement [13] LT – No Limited Tender PT - Prequalified Tender (provide ATM / PRN number) OT - Open Yes - Tender provide (provide ATM / AusTender PRN number) Standing Offer Notice ID number below ATM/PRN number FIN [14] SON [15] [10] Approach To Market (ATM) | SAP CONTRACT ENTRY FORM
Procurement Reference Number (PRN) | Standing Offer Notice Identification Number (SON) Consultancy [16] Contracts Only Need for Need for Skills independent specialized or currently research or professional unavailable assessment skills within the agency Confidentiality –the contract contains clauses that meet the confidentiality test? Yes (complete section below) [17] No Attach Item L of Finance Long Form Service Contract or similar instrument if using.
Contract Output Confidentiality Confidentiality where contract where contract contains contains clauses that are clauses confidential regarding output that is confidential AL – Artistic, SS – IC – Internal SS – literary or Statutory Cost/Profit Info Statutory Secrecy cultural Secrecy secrets TS – TS – PA – Privacy PA – Privacy Intellectual Intellectual Act 1988 Act 1988 Property Property OT – Other PI – Public OT – Other PI – Public (text Interest (text required) Interest required) Text: Text: Provide form to SAP Entry Officer with a signed Contract & PGPA approval/grant minute – ALL MUST BE LOADED ELECTRONICALLY INTO SAP For assistance please contact BuyRight Advice
[1] New Contract / Variation This is the type of contract relevant to the procurement. All If this form is for a new contract the entire form will need consultancy contracts (CNCG & CNLC) regardless of value must completing. be entered into SAP. If this form is for a variation, only the HEADER DETAILS and All other contracts (NCCE, NCGC & NCPH) with a value of (ITEM OVERVIEW if applicable) will need completion. $10,000 or more must be entered into SAP. [2] Vendor ABN [4] Material Group Use this if known to ensure selecting the correct provider. Material Group denotes the Panel /Standing Offer Names. [3] Agreement Type Please select Material Group Number to obtain correct Panel Name. SAP CONTRACT ENTRY FORM
[5] Contract Dates people or suppliers or any personal information as this Signed Date information will be publicly available on AusTender and could The date the contract was signed. The contract SHOULD be breach privacy legislation. entered into SAP within ONE WEEK of ‘contract signed’ date to Suggested style is – ‘x services or advice for Y project’ assist Finance in meeting AusTender reporting requirements. [12] UNSPSC Code Start Date This is the United Nations Products & Services Code. To get This is the start date of the contract. If there is no start date, code please go to UNSPSC Code . report the date the contract was signed, or if there is no written [13] Procurement Method contract, report the date of the first provision of products or services. Open Tender – a Procurement procedure in which a Request for End Date Tender is published on AusTender inviting all Suppliers that satisfy the Conditions for Participation to submit tenders. This is the end date in the contract. If no end date is identified report the date that performance of the contract, in accordance This includes most procurements through panels. Contracts or with the terms and conditions of the arrangement, is expected official orders under standing offer arrangements are reported to be completed. as having the same procurement method that was used when [6] Previous Contract Value the standing offer was originally set up. Prequalified Tender – involves issuing Request Documents This is not relevant for a new contract. This is the value that has (such as a Request for Tender) to a restricted pool of potential been committed to date. It includes options, extensions, suppliers who have been shortlisted from: renewal values already agreed to before the current one. [7] Variation (value) a Multi-Use List For contract variations this is the value committed at the time a list of potential Suppliers who have responded to an of execution of the variation. When a contract is varied or Expression of Interest process extended the forward commitment must also be adjusted Suppliers who have a specific licence or comply with a legal accordingly. requirement that is essential to the Procurement. Options or extensions are only recognised in SAP and for Limited Tender – a Procurement process, where Finance invites reporting purposes at the time that they are taken up (upon a potential Supplier/ or Suppliers of its choice to make a execution). Submission. Direct Sourcing may include a competitive process, [8] Indigenous Participation for example a request for quotation process. For Covered Procurements Direct Sourcing is permitted only under certain The Commonwealth has introduced targets for awarding of conditions outlined in Division 2 of the Commonwealth domestic contracts to Indigenous enterprises each financial year Procurement Rules. through the Indigenous Procurement Policy. Finance is required to report against its targets on a six monthly basis. From SAP [14] ATM/PRN number select either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to Indigenous participation if any of The Approach to Market (ATM) and Procurement Reference the ‘Yes’ checkboxes against [8] is selected. Number (PRN) are the same. A PRN issued for this department [9] Internal Order / Asset / WBS (if applicable) will always start with FIN. Enter appropriate number in SAP Coding Section of Form – if [15] Standing Offer / Panel Arrangement (SON) applicable. (Please contact Group Financial Advice if you need This is the Standing Offer ID Number (SONxxx) issued by assistance). AusTender when the Panel Arrangement / Deed of Standing Offer was initially reported in the standing offer section of Asset: Contract is Capital Expenditure (Asset number AusTender. required) [16] Consultancy Reason / Gazettal Purpose Internal Order : Contract is specific to a project There are specific criteria to use to determine the consultancy WBSE: Contract is specific to a project (mainly used by status. Refer to this link for information. Property) [17] Confidentiality [10] Short Text There are specific conditions that must be met to be considered Only 40 characters available NOTE: for internal use only and not confidential for reporting purposes. Generally if Item L of the reported on AusTender. Enter short description of Long Form Service Contract or similar instrument has a ‘nil’ or property/services required. similar condition, the response is NO on this form. There are also different categories of confidentiality. A contract [11] Contract Title / Description may contact a section called Confidentiality but this is may not Provide a short, clear and relevant description of the goods or be enough to meet the criteria for reporting purposes. services provided under the contract. Do not use the names of