EEE 6431 Carbon Nanotubes Spring 2016

Instructor Prof. Ant Ural 555 Engineering Building Phone: 392-9753 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: TBA

Time/Place T 4-5, R 5 (Benton 328)

Course webpage:

Textbooks Required: Saito, Dresselhaus, and Dresselhaus, Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes

Optional (on reserve at the Science library): 1)Ashcroft and Mermin, Solid State Physics 2)McKelvey, Solid State and Semiconductor Physics 3)Harrison, Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids 4)Bransden and Joachain, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Prerequisites None. All the required background material will be introduced during the course.

Goals The main goals of this course are:

1) Cover the basic physics and chemistry necessary to understand the unique geometrical and electronic structure of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and other related nanoelectronic materials.

2) Familiarize the student with the current research in the nanotube and graphene fields, including growth and synthesis techniques, experimental characterization, and device applications.

Grading Midterm exam 25% Term paper 25% Oral presentation 25% Attendance 25%

1 Outline

1) Introduction to carbon nanotubes 2) Outline of quantum mechanics (McKelvey, Chp. 4) 3) Physics of the chemical bond (Harrison, Chp. 1 and Saito, Chp. 1) 4) Crystal lattices and reciprocal lattice (Ashcroft, Chp. 4-6) 5) Electronic structure of solids: Electronic levels in a periodic potential and tight- binding calculation of the electronic structure of graphene (Ashcroft, Chp. 8- 10 and Saito, Chp. 2) 6) Geometrical structure of single-walled carbon nanotubes (Saito, Chp. 3) 7) Electronic structure of single-walled carbon nanotubes (Saito, Chp. 4) 8) Synthesis and assembly of carbon nanotubes (Saito, Chp. 5, and handouts) 9) Characterization of carbon nanotubes (handouts) 10) Device applications of carbon nanotubes (handouts)