Water Directors Meeting s1
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Water directors meeting 20-21 June 2005, Luxemburg Agenda item: 6 Subject : Pillar a)“Research and information” Activity of the European exchange circle on flood forecasting (EXCIFF) Proposal for a European exchange circle on flood mapping Version n°: 1 Date: 10 June 2005 Presented by : France and on behalf of the co-organizing DG Joint Research Centre
Summary: This document presents two activities related to the pillar a) of the EU flood action programme: the European exchange circle on flood forecasting (EXCIFF) and a proposal for a new exchange circle on flood mapping. EXCIFF (see Annex1) Annex1 presents the activity EXCIFF has carried out since its launch in December 2004. The proposals for following actions are also presented. EXCIFF now consists of 31 operational centres on flood forecasting, designated by 22 different Member states. During the first months of its activity, EXCIFF has been drawing a review of the current practices on flood forecasting in Europe, from 17 national contributions. Starting from that deliverable, EXCIFF hold a workshop in April in Toulouse with the aim to decide on actions to undertake collectively in the future in order to improve flood forecasting in Europe. This workshop entailed six concrete follow-up actions proposals, listed below. The three first actions are planned for the second part of 2005: 1 – action 6C “Organise a thematic EXCIFF activity to implement a EXCIFF Internet site/portal related to flood forecasting” 2 - action 5C “Organise a thematic EXCIFF activity to work on “flood forecasting information for the general public” 3 - action 3C “Organise training through exchange of methods between EXCIFF experts on flood forecasting including EFAS (modelling / experience / organisation).”
The three other actions could be planned for 2006: 4 – action 4C “Organise collective trainings for flood forecasters about the catchments behaviour, the modelling and the forecasting process” 5 – action 1C “Organise a thematic EXCIFF activity dedicated to “hydrological data quality standard and hydrological data exchange standard” 6 – action 2C “Express a need to the meteorological community for agreement between hydrological and meteorological communities”
Possible co-operations have been identified for each action proposal. All actions need quite low financial investments (but which have nevertheless to be found) and some solid involvement in terms of manpower.
Annex2 presents a proposal for a new exchange circle Taking into account the current context, it seems interesting and useful to benefit from mutual experiences and know-how existing among the European countries on flood risk mapping. To this aim, France proposes to set up a new European exchange circle, like EXCIFF, dedicated to flood mapping.
Such an exchange circle on flood mapping would enable:
1 - to review the current practices in flood mapping in Europe,
- to identify the knowledge that can be shared
- to write a guide of best practices on flood mapping.
Many MS have got achieved experiences in flood mapping. Many others will have to develop their own practice. All of them could be interested in joining an exchange circle on flood mapping.
France is willing to organise this new activity with the co-operation of a willing co-pilote.
Water directors are invited to :
- to give advice and guidance on follow up activity for EXCIFF
- to agree on the actions 6C, 5C and 3C planned for 2005 and to give mandate to EXCIFF to carry out these actions, and to offer financial and/or manpower involvements - to agree on the proposal of new exchange circle on flood mapping - to offer involvement and/or co-leading with France in this new activity
Title : Activity of the European exchange circle on flood forecasting (EXCIFF)
Following the publication of “Best practices in flood prevention, protection and mitigation” in June 2003 the Water Directors expressed a need for exchange of information, approaches and technical knowledge between European countries on flood risk management. Also arose a requirement to share common culture on mitigating flood risk.
At the Water directors meeting – 2-3 December 2004 in Amsterdam, DG Joint Research Centre and France suggested to make a first step for addressing this question by setting up a European Union level specific interest group for enabling exchange of experience on the topic of “flood forecasting and early warning”. The Water Directors backed this proposal and the European exchange circle on flood forecasting (EXCIFF) was created.
This paper is to report back on the EXCIFF activity since it was created in December 2004 and to ask the Water Directors guidance on how to continue the activity.
EXCIFF objectives
EXCIFF aims to pool practical experience and knowledge and to help improve collectively competencies in flood forecasting in each European countries. EXCIFF is also able to function as a dynamic feedback forum for the European Flood Alert System (EFAS) initiative.
Furthermore, EXCIFF is part of the European Union Action programme on flood risk management under its Action1 “Research/Improving the exchange of information”.
To reach the main objective of improving flood forecasting in Europe, EXCIFF has to achieve the following tasks:
1 – to make an inventory of current flood forecasting practices in Europe including EFAS,
2 – to identify the needs to fulfil and the gaps to fill for European countries in view of improving flood forecasting,
3 – to identify the most important fields to work on in order to improve know-how in flood forecasting in Europe,
4 – to propose common concrete actions to carry out according to the defined needs and gaps.
EXCIFF composition
EXCIFF links leading national or international centres or agencies, competent and operating in flood forecasting. Launched in December 2004, EXCIFF now gathers 21 Member States or Agencies. EXCIFF consists of 31 operational centres or organisations (coming from both hydrological or meteorological fields). 43 persons have been appointed as focal points for the EXCIFF activities by their national authorities. EXCIFF is co-piloted by DG JRC and France.
Review of EXCIFF activity
3 Written contributions
Since December 2004, EXCIFF has been drawing an overview of the current practices of flood forecasting in Europe and the needs to fulfil to improve these practices. In that view, 17 national contributions submitted by the EXCIFF members have been gathered.
These reports were covering three main themes consisting flood forecasting: flood monitoring and detection practices; flood forecasting procedures and organisation; information for triggering flood warnings. These components of flood forecasting were described in terms of current practices, needs to fulfil and ideas about how to go forward.
This material was analysed and synthesized the co-pilots from by DG JRC and France. It was the first output of EXCIFF and also a starting point which allowed to go further in investigating the subject.
First workshop
Actually the synthesis of these written contributions gave an input to a second main step in the EXCIFF activity which was a first workshop held the 14th and 15th of April 2005, in Toulouse, France. 32 of the EXCIFF focal points attended this event.
The objectives of the workshop were:
- From the written synthesis, to prioritize the needs to fulfil in Europe in order to improve flood forecasting
- To offer achieved experiences, know-how or tools to exchange within EXCIFF
- To make some proposals of actions to carry out together
Proposals and recommendations from this workshop are submitted to the Water Directors group below.
Proposals and recommendations
EXCIFF has drawn a list of the main needs in flood forecasting today in Europe, shown below. And EXCIFF is submitting to Water Directors several proposals for follow up actions : 3 actions have priority to be planned in 2005. Three other actions may be planned for 2006.
Main needs identified by EXCIFF
“ Flood monitoring and detection practices”
1 – Use a hydrological data quality standard and a hydrological data exchange standard
2 – Get better exchange of and access to meteorological data (observation and forecast) and better use of them for the purpose of flood forecasting
2 – Improve exchange of national flood forecasts between neighbouring countries “Flood forecasting procedures & organisation”
3 – Improve modelling accuracy and quality
4 – Ensure training of the forecasters about the catchments behaviour, the models used (sensitivity analysis, algorithms used, processes included and not included), the forecasting process
4 – Improve the flood forecasting organisation (in terms of co-operation and communication between the different actors) and the process in case of crisis (in terms of responsibilities and roles of the different actors) “Information for triggering flood warnings”
5 – Ensure better comprehensibility for the information provided to the end-users (terminology, readability of the presentation, consistency of the various information)
6 – Ensure better provision of information to the end-users (non-ambiguity, consistency, 4 completeness, user-friendliness)
Follow up action proposals from EXCIFF
Actions are sorted out in priority order ; actions number are referring to numbered needs above (C=collective action, I=individual action)
Three priority actions, planned in 2005:
Action Expected/foreseen co- Draft action plan operation 6C – organise a thematic EXCIFF activity to implement a JRC Identify the place EXCIFF Internet site/portal related to flood forecasting1 aiming : where to implement France the EXCIFF web site - to give access to various existing national web sites DG Env related to flood forecasting (giving operational Nominate the information) manpower needed to develop the site - to gather various experiences with flood forecasting (outsourcing? France dissemination (starting from the various existing and other MS?) services and knowledge about technologies among EXCIFF members, and the neighbourhood information Nominate the project of EEA) manpower needed to update and maintain - to give overview of existing projects or co-operations the web site. related to flood forecasts Develop and - to allow exchange of existing flood action plans from implement the EXCIFF international river commissions (Oder, Rhine, Moselle, web site Elbe, Danube, Meuse, others)
- to allow exchange of other relevant documents (national current practices reports, best practice documents, etc )
- to inform on EXCIFF activity Needs for action 6C:
To develop the site:
- outsourcing: 35 000€
- 3 person*months in full time equivalent (FTE) (1/2 person working during 6 months)
To maintain and update the site, per year:
- outsourcing: 20 000€/year
- updating: 2 person*months FTE (1 person working 1day/week) Action Expected/foreseen co- Draft action plan operation 5C – organise a thematic EXCIFF activity to work on “flood Sub-group “flood Carry out a review of forecasting information for the general public” regarding: forecasting and current practices with warning” of RAVI written contributions (2 - terminology and presentation of the information for the WGH (WMO) months) end-users
1 check consistency with DG ENV flood website (http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/environment/water/flood_risk/index.htm) 5 - technologies to use for providing information Organise two workshops/writing - concept of pre-warning for the general public (content, sessions to synthesize frequency, support of broadcast, way of dissemination, the inputs, design a …) new concept and write 5I – conduct post-event studies and education campaigns in a guide of good each country practices Needs for action 5C :
1 focal point per country willing to participate
To carry out the review:
- 1/4 person*months in full time equivalent (FTE)
Writing group:
- at home: at least 8 persons involved during 2 months 1h/week
- 2 writing sessions Action Expected/foreseen co- Draft action plan operation 3Ca – organise training via exchange of experts between a and b: Sub-group a and b: Organise EXCIFF countries on flood forecasting modelling with the aim to “flood forecasting and thematic workshops exchange methods warning” of the RAVI enabling experts to WGH (WMO) meet and share 3Cb – organise training via exchange of experts between experiences on EXCIFF countries on the forecasting process with the aim to specific subjects: exchange forecasting experiences on the way of thinking and modelling, forecasting interpreting the models outputs and formulating the forecast process: 3Cc – let the EXCIFF act as a feedback forum of the European - Review to Flood Alert System initiative of the JRC, and include the EXCIFF c: JRC select the priority members in the EFAS mailing list topics
- Identify the relevant experts and the expertise available within EXCIFF members
- Organise training-workshops
c: include EXCIFF members in the EFAS mailing list Needs for action 3C:
1 focal point per subject and per country willing to participate
For the 1-day workshops:
- To organise: 1/4 person*months in full time equivalent (FTE)
- To prepare at home: 1 person involved during 1 month, 1h/week
- To participate : 1 person for each 1 day-meeting
Three other actions that may be planned for 2006:
6 Action Expected/foreseen co- Draft action plan operation 4Ca – organise collective trainings for flood forecasters about 4Ca and b WMO 4Ca and b: Link with the catchments behaviour, the modelling and the forecasting WMO training program process with the involvement of the different national training 4I: under each country services2 responsibility 4I – perform regular training for the forecasters and virtual flood crisis simulations / flood rehearsals to train flood forecasters
4Cb – organise exchange of experts between EXCIFF countries on the flood forecasting organisation (in terms of co-operation and communication between the different actors) and the process in case of crisis (in terms of responsibilities and roles of the different actors) 1C – organise a thematic EXCIFF activity3 dedicated to RAVI WGH (WMO) Ask for formal and “hydrological data quality standard and hydrological data concrete co-operation exchange standard” with the task to : with RAVI-WGH
- write a technical guide on recommended hydrological Set up a reviewing and measurement methods writing group
- define data exchange formats for international (European) exchange of hydrological data4 2C – express a need to the meteorological community for Sub-group “flood Ask RAVI WGH to agreement between hydrological and meteorological forecasting and relay the need (official communities concerning : warning” of the RAVI and formal request WGH (WMO). from EU-WD to - use of meteorological data (radar and rain gauges WMO?) data) free of charge for the purpose of flood forecasting INSPIRE Directive as far as the flood forecast is provided free of charge implementation Close contact with itself5 process (if EXCIFF is RAVI WGH and a SDIC) involvement in the - consistency and co-ordination in the issuance of activities carried out by various flood forecasts WGH and/or in its sub- - international exchange of meteorological observations group “flood and forecasts for the benefit of the national water forecasting and authorities and/or the flood forecast agencies6 warning”
- exchange, cooperation and communication between Apply for EXCIFF 7 meteorologists and hydrologists being a SDIC of INSPIRE?
Ms Frédérique Martini Mr Ad de Roo MEDD – Direction de l’eau European Commission 20 avenue de Ségur 75302 DG Joint Research Centre Paris SP07 Via E. Fermi, 1, 21020 Ispra
2 see possible relation with WMO training activities 3 connected to WMO RAVI working group on hydrology 4 referring to WMO global transmission service 5 Study the WMO resolution on hydrological data exchange 6 Study the possibility to get contact with EUMETNET organisation; follow the development of the INSPIRE directive on data exchange 7 community with interests in spatial data for particular uses 7 FRANCE ITALY Tel : + 33 1 42 19 13 04 Tel: +39 0 332 78 6240 Fax : + 33 1 42 19 13 34 Fax: +39 0332 78 5230 [email protected] [email protected]
8 Annex2 Title : Proposal for a European exchange circle on flood mapping
Context The Commission is developing a Directive on flood risk management plans and flood risk maps. Then, flood mapping may have to be carried out under some conditions in European Union.
In the process of flood risk management, the flood mapping is an important step. The decision to carry out some actions on specific areas is partly entailed by this mapping. In particular, flood forecasting benefits from a good flood mapping.
Many MS already have got some know-how in flood mapping; many experiences may be shared and exchanged in this domain in Europe.
As agreed by the European water directors, France and the JRC have organised a European exchange circle on flood forecasting (EXCIFF). This first experience is successful.
Such a forum should also be set up for the other fields of flood risk management. Several MS expressed this wish at the occasion of the Stakeholder meetings for the EU Action programme on flood risk management.
In this context, it seems interesting to benefit from mutual experiences and know-how existing among the European countries on flood risk mapping. Exchange know-how may help not only improve individual techniques but also harmonise views on the implementation of the possible Directive on flood.
For that purpose, a new European exchange circle, like EXCIFF, dedicated to flood mapping may be set up.
The circle could work first by correspondence. Afterwards, workshops and writing groups could be organised as necessary.
Expected outputs
The exchange circle on flood mapping would enable:
- to review the current practices in flood mapping in Europe,
- to identify the knowledge that can be shared
- to write a guide of best practices on flood mapping.
Expected co-operation
Many MS have got achieved experiences in flood mapping. Many others will have to develop their own practice. All of them could be interested in joining an exchange circle on flood mapping.
The EEA is running the Neighbourhood information project which aims to improve information provision to the public. The EEA has chosen the subject of flood mapping for prototyping a new information tool. In this context, EEA may be interested in participating to this exchange circle.
France is willing to organise a new European exchange circle on flood mapping with the co-operation of a willing co-leader.