Frau Bruni S Classroom Guidelines and Procedures
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Frau Bruni’s Classroom Guidelines and Procedures
Please review the following guidelines and then place them at the front of your binder.
1. Be ready on time. Students will be in their seats with all appropriate materials ready by the sounding of the tardy bell in order to avoid being counted tardy. 2. Remain seated. Students will remain in their assigned seat and will only be allowed to get up within the classroom with the permission of the teacher or an administrator. 3. Show respect to all people at all times. Students will be respectful to all individuals and of all property belonging to said individuals, including intellectual property. Students will refrain from profane or inflammatory statements, conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner, and are expected to keep their hands, feet, and other objects to themselves at all times. This rule applies to people who are not present in this classroom and especially involves being respectful of the various German speaking cultures. 4. Avoid distractions and pay attention. Students will remain awake, attentive and sitting upright. Active participation will be expected from all students. All comments and questions however will be conducted in an orderly manner. Any behavior that disturbs the teaching and/or learning process will not be tolerated. Students may collaborate on assignments with the teacher’s permission ONLY. Unauthorized collaboration will be considered a violation of the school’s honor code and the appropriate disciplinary action will result. 5. Follow all directions the first time they are given. 6. Follow all rules and guidelines as they exist presently for Bob Jones High School and for Madison City Schools.
What do I do when….
1. I enter the classroom? Upon entering the classroom, proceed immediately to your assigned seat and sit down. Look to the projector screen, computer monitor, and/or the dry erase board for a bellwork exercise (Zuerst:). Consult the board as well for the day’s learning target(s) and prepare all necessary materials for the day’s agenda. 2. I need to go to the restroom? Passing periods, as well as a morning break and lunch are built into your school day. You must act responsibly and take care of all personal matters during these times. In the case of an EMERGENCY, wait until the class is working on an assignment and inform me of the circumstances. NEVER interrupt instruction. It is Bob Jones’ policy that each student is permitted ONLY 3 hall passes per semester. Use these WISELY. 3. I need to sharpen my pencil? Again, if this must be done during class, do not interrupt instruction. If your pencil must be sharpened, please raise your pencil in the air to indicate that you need to sharpen it and wait for my permission to leave your seat. 4. I need to throw something away? Throw away any garbage you may have on the way into class. If you accumulate trash throughout class keep it until I have dismissed the class and throw it away on the way out the door. Your area MUST be clean before you are allowed to leave each day. 5. I need a tissue? If you are sick, please take some tissue with you to your desk when you enter the classroom. If you need more during the class, please raise your hand and signal that you need some tissue. Wait for my permission to leave your seat. 6. When I am absent? When you are absent, you must see me before or after school for any make-up work that you may have missed. You may also consult your group’s Edmodo page. You may also send me an email requesting any make-up work. Make-up work is due the day after you return. Remember that work can only be made up with an excused absence. 7. When I am tardy? Immediately sign the detention form located on the blue cabinet, quietly take your seat, and begin working. 8. When Frau Bruni is absent? I expect you to follow all rules, policies, and procedures in my absence. I expect you to work diligently and to treat your substitute teacher respectfully and courteously. If you do not do this, I will find out and the consequences will be severe. 9. When I am hungry/thirsty? Food, gum, and drink are simply not allowed in this classroom. 10. When the bell rings? You may not pack your belongings until given permission to do so. You will remain in your seat until you are officially dismissed. The bell does not dismiss you from my class, I do.