Arizona Total Rewards Association Board Meeting
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In Attendance: Bob Meehan, Sheila Krueger, Korin Giordano, Ed Desjardins, Judy Clinton, Mike Cody
Absent: Dave DeLattre ______
Treasurer’s Report The current balance of $2,620.44 was reported. (See attached updated Treasurer’s Report).
Website – StarChapter Update All agreed on the great work done by Paul, Korin and Sheila regarding the new website. We will recognize Paul at our next meeting (November 6th) and provide him with a free membership for 2015 in recognition of his contributions.
Membership Information regarding the Early Bird Membership Pricing is on the website. 2015 dues is $40 per member if they join or renew between November 15 and December 15. After that, the price is $50 per member.
Strategic Plan
1) We discussed the draft Mission, Vision, and Value Proposition statements. We agreed that they will be updated as follows:
The Mission will remain the same: ATRA serves the needs of Compensation and Benefits professionals by providing resources in support of their profession. The Association is committed to advancing the capabilities of the profession and to ensure the members’ value in the development and execution of organizational total rewards strategies.
The Vision will read: To be Arizona’s premiere association for Compensation and Benefits professionals seeking networking opportunities, professional development and total rewards programs/resources.
The Member Value Proposition will read: ATRA provides members networking and educational opportunities and access to best practices and resources in support of their professional development and effectiveness. Strategic Plan (cont’d)
2) The by-laws are being reviewed by Lomax, based on input from Bob and Sheila.
3) We discussed the need for greater flexibility in officer positions. For example, Dave is still on the Board; however, he has not participated in over a year. Mike made the motion to end his board post (seconded by Korin). Bob will draft a letter to Dave informing him that his membership on the Board has been terminated.
4) We have an open position on the Board. Possible nominees are Paul Toman and Connie Rank-Smith (Tucson).
5) Other issues to be reviewed:
a. Because we’re a membership organization, do we have to vote?
b. How do we want to be organized next year? Do we want to introduce a commitment letter to the Board?
c. Slate of Officers – does it have to go to the membership? Is there a minimum number of responses required?
d. Emergency Back-up Plan – for example, what if Ed (Chair of Programs) is not around? Programs is a difficult area because it takes a lot of time and work; sometimes the speaker is not as good as they say they are, etc.
Programs 2014 The remaining two meetings are scheduled:
1) November 6th (Healthcare ACA Update)
2) December 11 – Holiday Event – still need a plan finalized for the event. It will be a Monti’s; plan to have more of a social event; do we need an ice- breaker for networking? Scavenger hunt? Prize drawing?
2015 Association Meetings The meeting months for 2015 are February, April, June, September, November and the holiday event in December.
The first 2 meetings have been finalized – February 5th (Engaging and Retaining Key Talent: The role of Rewards – Hay Associates) and April 2nd (Legal Update – John Lomax). Judy will provide a list of past speakers and send to Ed before the end of the month; there may be speakers who had positive feedback whom we would like to invite back.
We continued our previous discussion about having a ½-day educational program; a suggested topic was Incentives/bonuses. The location might be a University-Club kind of place with a charge of $50 for members and $100 for non-members. Bob and Ed will discuss ideas for such an event.
Bob also provided a proposed outline for a one-day event with key note speakers, break-out sessions. (Please see attached).
The next Board Meeting has not been scheduled.