GeeDee Realty Systems Pty Ltd ABN 94 090 521 716 P.O. Box 480 Applecross WA 6953 Phone: (08) 9364 6677 Fax: (08) 9364 7433 Email: [email protected] Web:

FAST FINISH – PLEASE PRINT & SIGN THIS DOCUMENT If this is your first GeeDee Installation, welcome to Western Australia’s leading Microsoft® based Real Estate Trust Accounting and Property Management Software – feature packed, stable, powerful and easy to use. This Fast Finish document complements the Installation and Technical notes that come with your GeeDee CDROM and installation program (notes also available @ For simplicity, this document will help provide the GeeDee user with a very stable, reliable and correctly functioning install of the GeeDee software.

Fast Finish forms part of our EULA and is a mandatory item to be completed by the “installer”. Fast Finish summarises the necessary configurations and correct install locations for the GeeDee software on each required PC personal computer. The goal of Fast Finish is to provide the GeeDee user with a successful installation and the business owner with confirmation of a correct install. The GeeDee Software Support Team thank you for installing our program and we look forward to your signed and faxed confirmation. (After faxing please hand the signed original to the relevant business owner/manager).

CHECKLIST : Please enter and select which options apply to your install:

Operating System MS Windows 2011 Server Linux Server ..…………………………..…..…

MS Windows 2008 Server MS Windows 7 MS Windows 8

MS Windows 2012 Server MS Windows 10 Apple/Novell Server ………………….………

See link for File Server best practices guide - Acting File Server Operating System? ……………………………………….…………………..……………..……………………… No. of users connecting to acting GeeDee File Server? ……………………………….……..………………..……………………… How many GeeDee Workstation installations are there? ……………………..….…………………………………………………… What is the Full Computer Name / Identification of this PC? …………………………………….…………………….……………… Antivirus System? ……………………………………………………………….…………….………………..………………..….……

NOTE: Below hyperlinks will direct you to relevant documentation.

Have ALL the Regional / Locale / Language options been set to English (AU)? (See item 3 link) YES NO

Have the short date formats been correctly set to “dd/MM/yyyy”? (See item 3 link) YES NO

Has the Write-behind Caching been turned off in the Device Manager? (See item 4 link). YES NO

If data backups made, confirm only one PDOXUSRS.NET, \BDE\ folder in your network? YES NO

Have you excluded the GeeDee folders from Realtime / Resident AntiVirus Scans? YES NO

Have printers been configured for printing in GeeDee? YES NO

Is the pcAnywhere software installed on this computer? YES NO

Thank you again for your assistance and we look forward to this fax-back, on (08) 9364 7433. If you have any questions about this Fast Finish fax-back form please refer to the GeeDee Technical documentation or contact the GeeDee Software Support Team on (08) 9364 6677. The GeeDee team greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

Confirmation: Real Estate Company Name: .……………………..………………………….…….……………….. Installer Name: ……………………………………… Bus. Name: ……………………………..……..…….……………

Page 1/2 GeeDee Realty Systems Pty Ltd ABN 94 090 521 716 P.O. Box 480 Applecross WA 6953 Phone: (08) 9364 6677 Fax: (08) 9364 7433 Email: [email protected] Web: Signed: …………..…………………………………… Date: …….….…………………………….………………...... Business Owner / Licence / Manager Signed: ………………………….…………………………….…..…….……………

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