Enzyme Excitement in Garlic Experiment – Group Recording Sheet

Names ______Date ______Per. _____


Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to see how crushing and cooking affect the flavor and aroma of garlic.

Clove 1 Clove 2 Clove 3 Garlic Subject 1: Odor Before Subject 2: Treatmen t and odor Subject 3: strength rating Subject 4: (line 1 on Individual form) Average Rating:

Clove 1 Clove 2 Clove 3 Crushed Subject 1: garlic odor Subject 2: after treatment Subject 3: and odor strength Subject 4: rating (line 2 on Individual Average form) Rating:

Clove 1 Clove 2 Clove 3 Odor of Subject 1: garlic in butter Subject 2: with odor strength Subject 3: rating (line 3 of Subject 4: Individual form) Average Rating: Clove 1 Clove 2 Clove 3 Flavor of Subject 1: garlic in butter Subject 2: with flavor Subject 3: strength rating Subject 4: (Line 4 of Individual Form) Average Rating:

Bar Graph #1: Make 3 bars to show the average garlic butter ratings for each of the three garlic treatments. Bar Graph #2: Use bars to compare the average odor ratings before and after treating each clove of garlic. This will give you 6 bars.

Experiment Sources of Error:

Conclusions: (about the effect of no cooking vs. cooking before crushing vs. cooking after crushing?) Hypothesis on Why: (Why did the results come out as they did?)

Solution to the Garlic Chicken Mystery: