Maple River West Elementary PTO Minutes
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Maple River West Elementary PTO Minutes January 17, 2013
The meeting was called to order by Leah Walters at 6:30 pm
In attendance Leah Walters, President, Sharlie Hanson, Secretary, Wendy Palmer, Treasurer, Kacy Queen, Deanne Rengstorf, and Teacher Rep: Jessica Braaten
Approval of Minutes The minutes were read from the November 29, 2012, meeting and changes made to Blue84 total, was 154.00 change to 192.00 profit and Square1 art, school received 33% not 38%.
Treasurers Report by Wendy Palmer Checkbook balance 6088.72. Reviewed upcoming expenses expected re: teacher requests, approximately 1500.00 these requests were tenitively approved with final approval when the exact amount is known. Reviewed art budget, numbers from business office, art teacher has not submitted hours to PTO per contract. Will obtain copy of hours submitted to business office as hours are not matching what we were given per contract.
Review Tax Exempt Status Form was mailed to IRS in December. Our check has been cashed, just waiting on word from IRS. Could potentially take 6-8 weeks or more.
Square1 Art Fundraiser: Deanne Rengstorf Profit of $1210.82 deposited into art account in business office.
Update on Art Grants: Deanne Rengstorf Application has been submitted. Deadline is not until February, so it will be end of February early March before we hear if this has been approved. As long as grant money is approved PTO will not have to pay anything for art program this year.
Spring Events There is an Art Fair being planned for May 14th, PTO will also plan a family event for that night as to draw more people. Ideas were thrown out there for possible Karaoke night, Bake Sale… Tabled until next meeting for final plans to be set.
At this time we have decided not to do a spring book fair. Will continue to look at this for next fall. This is mostly due to the amount of people and time needed to do the book fair.
Pizza Pete Launch January 28th, Sales end February 11th. March 13th delivery. PTO does not have much to do with this; money is put into school fund not PTO. However will look at PTO possibly getting some of the profit if needed to cover art program continuation.
Movie Night Movie night was a hit. Profit of $222.39. Next movie night will be February 22nd at 6:30. Will again sell the same snacks. We will need 2 volunteers to pop popcorn from 3-5 and 2 more volunteers from 5-end of movie.
Teacher Requests Approval was given to tenitively accept all teacher requests as long as final cost does not exceed estimation. Request from Deanne Rengstorf to assist in paying for Critters and Company presentation on Jan 23rd. Motion made by Wendy to pay $300.00 towards the total, seconded by Sharlie and approved unanimously.
Appreciation Weeks PTO has unanimously decided to hold Staff Appreciation Day on May 7th. More discussion will take place to finalize plans for this at upcoming meetings.
Meeting was adjourned. Next PTO meeting will be February 21st at 6:30 pm. Childcare will again be provided by Sertoma.